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Mr.Green Jeans

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Everything posted by Mr.Green Jeans

  1. Would like to welcome coach Smith and his family to SETX. It should not take long for him to put his stamp on this program. Again if he can win the kids over it will pay big dividends for the school and community.
  2. Not a surprise they went outside so welcome to Southeast Texas, and good luck with the Tigers. If the community will support him and he can attract all of the athletes to participate look out for the Tigers it will be a very exciting season next year.
  3. If this is where they are in the process I would have expected the media to have filed a PIR for the list of applicants. Does anyone have any thoughts on why this was not done?
  4. Congrats Bucs, and a great season for the Lions. Arnold will be greatly missed for the whole athletic program.
  5. BISD is not the only district with serious problems, but the only one the local media will expose due to influence.
  6. No matter what direction the board and superintendent go there will be a new mindset in Silsbee.
  7. I am going to make a statement about Ted Cruz that may offend some people so here it is. Mr. Cruz made a big effort to support the Kountze Cheerleader Case, but never spoke of. or asked for justice about the Kountze Church Burning. Can someone help make sense of this?
  8. I hope setx is represented well at the state tournament this year, however I think it will be a tough task to get more than one team there.
  9. EC will have a tough go the next two years in this new district with the loss of a lot of talent.
  10. If Trump wins South Carolina he may well run the table.
  11. Stay focused Tigers and keep working hard.
  12. It does not help to have porn stars in your political ads.
  13. Santa what do you know about this happening?
  14. Again this will hurt Cruz in the end.
  15. Coach Dale would do a great job at HF.
  16. Trump wins.
  17. I think even with the change in Silsbee now they will still be a strong contender for the district championship.
  18. I can see a hometown man getting the job which would be a big positive for the programs.
  19. I agree with MOSSHILL until their are some serious changes in the mindset of the community the kids will continue to suffer, and just not on the football field.
  20. From over 30 years of supporting the program. Lack of support for the coaching staff, kids, and program in general.
  21. The next couple of years may not bold well for the Lions after a few years of some success. Seems like the program is heading in the wrong direction again. Sad situation for the kids.
  22. This district should belong to the Silsbee Tigers.
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