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Everything posted by Jackthehammer

  1. I dont see how it compares when PN-G and Plano played a single game site and these games today are a collasel of games.
  2. Great Job Aledo congrats on a State Championship. This game is exactly what I expected it to be. Sorry to see highschool football over but the best teams won in 4A this season no arguments to that. They seemed to be a class above this year.
  3. My coworker said that PNG's freshman QB had 25 TD's to 2 picks. If this is true he should get a shot a competing for the varsity job. The running back that was on the freshman is the younger brother to the backup to Bertrand from this season Arvie.
  4. LT 52    Dawson  21
  5. I think that this is good parenting in my book.
  6. Sounds like a highschool kid
  7. I think that each coach should hold these kids accountable. During a basketball game (playoff game) were I went to school our school player got into a fight with a guy on the losing team. Coach Gaston benched the palyer and we lost out of the playoffs by 4 points. Small school politics could not budge him on his punishments. These kids now days are not allowed to be punished for there bad actions. I adopted a child and as part of the adoption I had to sign a waiver saying I would never use corpal punisment of any kind or have the child removed from my home. If my child were one of the players he would have a parent suspension and alot worse period. So as we set here and lay blame on these kids lets also blame these people at school, at home, and in our goverment who allow this crap to go on. Prime example is the people from Lamarque calling for no suspension of there football players for the playoffs. Thats saying its ok when your in the playoffs to act out. Parents from both schools need to step up and hold these kids accountable. Lamarque and Ozen stand up and hold your kids accountable dont wait on the UIL and skate by.
  8. Im hearing its Haynes he didnt get the Lamar Job so he is going to finally move on up to a bigger school. He will be good at a school with the caliber of atheletes that Crosby has got the next 2 years.
  9. Idiot alert!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. While I respect Brenhamfan as a football fan and he unlike others (Friendswood) who disappear after there team loses comes back here and talks about his losses still has on Green colored glasses. Brenham looses out 2 years in a row early and there whole district is gone. They were ranked higher than there playoff performance warrants. So (with apologies to Brenham fan because I have respect for your love of the game) yes this season Brenham was overrated. Our hearts say no but how many seasons in a row do you have to get knocked out early until you say OK now we are just and average team who looked good in an average district. Noone wants to admit it when its there team but sometime it just is that way.
  11. Missyville is overrated !!!!!
  12. After seeing there schedule and who they got beat buy and 1 team in particular that they beat I believe Nederland can and will win this game if they just take care of the dang football.
  13. Happy Turkey Day
  14. Sorry for the off topic but SURVIVORMAN IS BACK with all new episodes and not 7 days without food or water its now 10 days without food or water!!!!!!!
  15. I can here them Mavericks cryin "the other horses cheated." I can here them Mavericks cryin  "but we were undefeated." I can here them Mavericks crying "our uranium's been depleted". I can here them mavericks cryin "PLEASE UIL we've been mistreated there is no way Dayton can BEAT US" HOKA HEY Broncos.
  16. na na na na na na hey hey hey goodby  see you later Manvel  :'(
  17. Congrats to on a fine win knocking of a very solid in the first round. Also congrats on your first playoff win since 1964. Vidor and fans please help our district and those who supported you the other night in a great showing of the Vidor fans at the last 20-4A battle left to go. Lets cheer on the PNG INDIANS to VICTORY.
  18. Ozen we all congrat you and your knocking off of the 19-4A district champion. Now OZEN as you were supported by a few from our area please show up tomorrow night and support our final 20-4A contender tomorrow night at the BUTCH. Be there they were there for you. Please were your school colors so we can visit with our 20-4a brethern.
  19. Lean year for the WB coaching is that what you me??????
  20. nederland and its fans you just got an awsome win and advance to the second round. Now Nederland fans need to all show up in beaumont tomorrow night and support our brethern in PNG they were out in numbers supporting you.
  21. First off congrats to BH on a fine season. I knew last week that if Ozen used what Crosby exposed in the secondery and with there speed then it was the end of the line. BH fought to the end but it just wasnt quiet enough. Now to the good stuff WE LOVE 20-4A all the way. Ozen there were thounsands of people all over the golden triangle cheering you on. CONGRATS OZEN on an outstanding win knocking off 19-4A's district champions.    3  and  0  what else is there to say.
  22. re there any radio stations carrying this game
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