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Everything posted by Jackthehammer

  1. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA now thats an Oxymoran if I ever heard 1.  Frienywood and unreal.
  2. Very smart assumption there stagnantman
  3. Thanx  Evadale now up 35 to 0 in the 2nd looks like the quarterfinals for the rebels
  4. WOS down 14 to 0 b ut driving right before the half
  5. Lets go Stangs and score before the half
  6. Evadale is now up 21-0    Evadale's Nichols 113 yards 2 td's 1st quater
  7. Its crazy how a bad play can turn momentum. Best way to change that come back and score again
  8. Statman I think you are on the wrong thread this is the Central thread the Wildcat thread is a couple of threads down
  9. Great play Jagss  I bet Soulja is flyin high right now!!!!!!
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