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Everything posted by WeedBegone

  1. Ima gonna miss him.  I found him challenging and interesting---yet he just could not keep the lid on.  He could have been our next PATITAN cause he has Da skills.
  2. [quote name="WeedBegone" post="894979" timestamp="1288731661"] Easy LULUJUJU ----your question has been answered regarding the topic.  Dont want to loose knowledgable guys before the playoffs.  Need to keep the posting power where it is.  Hang on . Now, let me respond to the item #2 regarding geting dumped by a PNG girl.  That IMO would not be a life changing event. Especially for a dude that had his loyalty to the Red Hussers.   ;) If PAM could run the field like they did, they would be undefeated.   :) [/quote]
  3. [quote name="FootballFan96" post="894978" timestamp="1288731504"] [quote author=WeedBegone link=topic=75432.msg894813#msg894813 date=1288721287] I say UIL  comes up with  a 15 yard penalty to start the game ----Unpatriotic-like conduct.   [/quote] thats just like saying that there should be a 15 yard penalty for any team that doesn't pray. although we all think it is the way to go, doesn't mean it's legal. you cant FORCE anyone to pray or to be patriotic... that's there choice... (and no, im not defending them as i am sworn in already, just stating the reality of the situation) now back on topic. i agree with both sides of this topic... 1) it is extreamly disrespectful to not be on the field when the national anthem is being played. and 2) it is very disrespectful to atleast not send a ref to the other teams locker room to make sure everything is ok and to let them know that the anthem is going to be played in 5 minutes. as someone stated.... there could be an unexpected accident happen or maybe the clocks were wrong or something else that prevented them from being on the field. [/quote] However sir, it is disrespectful as a coach  not to allow a group of individuals who want to pray to do as such as it is disrespectful as a coach to not allow a group of individuals to run on the field and display their patriotism.  He can at least give them that choice while he has the right to hide his head up his backside until they are finished. 
  4. Easy LULUJUJU ----your question has been answered regarding the topic.  Dont want to loose knowledgable guys before the playoffs.  Need to keep the posting power where it is.  Hang on . Now, let me respond to the item #2 regarding geting dumped by a PNG girl.  That IMO would not be a life changing event. Especially for a dude that had his loyalty to the Red Hussers.  ;) If PAM could run the field like they did, the would be undefeated.  :)
  5. I say UIL  comes up with  a 15 yard penalty to start the game ----Unpatriotic-like conduct.  
  6. You have to insult LULUJUJU and stay in a locked cage for 3  5 minute rounds.  ;)
  7. [quote name="bh89-2" post="894776" timestamp="1288719952"] Regardless of why they were not on the field, you should wait for them.  It's not like your going to complicate a commercial break or something.  What's an extra few minutes.  Maybe some jack-leg locked a door or the clock is wrong in the delapidated locker room.  Regardless if it's the official or the coah, someone needs to be more patient.  Greatness takes time to prepare!   ;D ;D [/quote] Greatness shows up already prepared.  ;)
  8. [quote name="LULUJUJU" post="894768" timestamp="1288719660"] Chris Farley playing the part of Hulk Hogan!!!!!!  Not even close weedbegone......More like Tony Montana playing the part of Tony Montana!!!!!!! If Ju wanna play rough, ju wanna play games.......OK WE PLAY GAMES!!!!!!!!!!  LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!!!!!!!  [/quote] Now I am really ROFLMAO.  Did you see what happened right after he said that.  :o But I did like his style.  ;D
  9. Sometimes the kids have to find a way to take an opportunity to become a mentor to the coach.  Not saying that they should be disobedient but there are ways to deal with this.  The father of the late Rachal Scott who died in the Columbine incident, told Congress that there was absolutely no way to stop those scared kids from praying in their school on that horrible day. They took it upon themselves.  Think about this. 
  10. [quote name="adminbaberuth" post="894732" timestamp="1288718254"] Weed, sorry you had a bad experience in Mid County, I was under the impression that Guido's used cars was out of business. [/quote] Now that was funny.  Not stereotyping mid county folks---just observing the stereotype of our community.  Great people in both areas, but I did take the opportunity to share one of the advantages of living in a multi diverse and mult ethnic community.  I loves my neighbors.  ;D
  11. When reading LULULUJUJU post I get a mental picture of a personality crossed with Chris Farley playing the part of Hulk Hogan. 
  12. Looking forward to seeing lil Kennidi flourish on the Girls fast pitch softball threads.  After all that is the number 1 American sport for lil ladies.  ;D
  13. [b][size=16pt]Mike Smith Automotive Playoff Sale.  $$$$ of sticker price with Proof of Playoff Bound school ID. [/size] [/b]
  14. [quote name="kcat-fan" post="894604" timestamp="1288710320"] Did you buy the car? ;D [/quote] LOL--Nah, gotta better deal here in Beaumont from a young salesman who played and graduated from LCM.  I did ask him what he thought about Da Brook.  Based upon his answer, he was trained well and closed Da Deal.   ;D
  15. LOL--Last Saturday, my wife and I dressed in WB game attire, went to mid county to look for a car thinking that a good deal was in our favor.  The sales man seeing us in our WB attire asked if we had grand children playing.  STRIKE 1 The GM came to greet us and again seeing our attire he asked why we were going to the game -- and my wife said she was a teacher and he said --Do they make ya'll go------STRIKE 2 She said she loves going to the games and watching  her students play and he said---you must be tough to teach there.  STRIKE 3 I can only guess what he was implying by saying you have to be tough to teach at Da Brook, but he could not have been more wrong. This inspires me to say once again how fortunate WB students are by attending a school with such multi cultural and ethnic diversity. The makeup of WB students is probably the most diverse mix of students loaded with talent in the academic area in addition to athletics and fine arts.  These young adults have an opportunity to grow up together and blend into a very productive society.   My youngest daughters senior year, my wife and I was asked to host her friends and their dates for a homecoming dinner.  At the table sat a Jewish girl with her Muslim date, a black couple, a girl from Puerto Rico and her date and several others.  These kids represented WB from athletic programs, the band, theatre and drama and etc.  The only thing they all had in common was that they were all in the National Honor Society.  They studied together, participated together, and played together.  What a great school WB is for young adults to get a jump start on life.   Now that"s not so tough is it.   ;)
  16. [quote name="LULUJUJU" post="893989" timestamp="1288648901"] When Central beats PNG (that is unless Central decides to rest starters) and Ned beats LCM we could end up with four teams with a 4-3 record.......Would that not eliminate PNG from the playoffs due to their losses to Ned and Livingston??  [/quote] Uh oh---isn't this the district that settled things with a coin toss a few years back. 
  17. [quote name="bh89-2" post="893862" timestamp="1288640735"] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=75308.msg893774#msg893774 date=1288634070] [quote author=Scooter! link=topic=75308.msg893534#msg893534 date=1288620841] [quote author=bigd92 link=topic=75308.msg893381#msg893381 date=1288582534] Scooter it is amazing that you know so bmuch about the titans though you are so far away. [/quote]I get the info from back home. That's how i knew Wesley got hurt on that head to head shot by LP. [/quote]Scooter has reliable contacts is what it oundss like to me!   8) 8) [/quote] A good ole fashion lie is far more appealing than the truth, any day.   ;D ;D  Unless the Beaumont bus breaks down try to cross the Trinity River, the band will have stopped playing by the time I get home from the BH beating of Crosby.  Sterling plays baseball, not football. [/quote] Is it me or does this post just plainly not make any sense?  :-\
  18. [quote name="LULUJUJU" post="888842" timestamp="1288198603"] Its funny that everyone calls him lil Reyes.......Have any of you ever seen how strong this lil Reyes is...I believe he won the powerlifting title for his division and it was by leaps and bounds....Very strong kid.......Stronger than many twice his size!!! [/quote] LOL---Lil Reyes it has to be.  Daddy is the one who always gets the last piece of chicken.  ;)
  19. Lil Reyes has to be up there in Completion percentage/TD per interception ratio/ and yards after catch.
  20. [quote name="pirate68" post="885542" timestamp="1287870798"] [quote author=sfa87 link=topic=74911.msg885524#msg885524 date=1287870216] @piratesfan68 man vidor wouldnt win a game in 21-5a not even against sterling so go worry bout ur own team [/quote]Common sfa87...After the Brook lost to N.S .Titan fans were lighting up the board calling Rey to the table. You and Scooter are the only ones that have showed up. [/quote] I tend to have to agree with this comment
  21. [quote name="raideroldtimer" post="885409" timestamp="1287863499"] Frankly, I didn't notice it because I was concentrating on watching the Nederland Band like you Nederland fans should have been. My guess the reason they were out there warming up was because the band was past their end time for their performance. Half time as well as the game is run by the clock believe it or not. Now was that the Nederland bands fault? No, it was a mistake either by our band not bringing enough of the Jr. High band members who normally pick up after the performance OR our little guys were more intent on getting the percussion equipment moved out of the way and didn't realize that our band used sheet music to play the selection for the Raiderettes who performed their derrick routine FOR the Nederland fans. Therefore, since you weren't paying much attention to your band until our players came out to warm up, you obviously didn't see all the music still laying in the field, which your band patiently waited until our kids got it gathered up, pushing their performance into proverbial overtime. THAT was why your band was actually still performing when our team came out to warm up. Now what did the dogs do? I have no clue as I was watching the outstanding performance your band was doing, some of us actually pay attention to that part of a game as well as the football being played. Was our team in the way? I haven't a clue because I was watching the band, should they have stayed out of the way? Probably, but at the same time, a certain amount of time is set aside for the teams to warm up, so they too had a right to be there. [/quote] Good post and your point was well made. Atta boy--u gotta take up for your boys on this one.
  22. [quote name="ndnnike16" post="885465" timestamp="1287866895"] no we won because were good  it just needed to be pointed out  we dont need these kind of tthings going on  [/quote] Good point LOL
  23. Mrs Landry drove Da team bus.  She was the WB SGT of the 80's ;D and she could butch slap you also. ;)
  24. [quote name="RaiderGirl92" post="885120" timestamp="1287849099"] [quote author=megative link=topic=74914.msg884923#msg884923 date=1287814417] sore losers as well as lousy sports. absolutely pathetic. [/quote] Pretty sure Lumberton people are not sore losers. You cant beat the team AND the referees. If they would have called the things on Nederland like all the holding and getting up and pushing Lumberton players down all the time Lumberton would have won. [/quote]Quite a contradictory statement  ::)
  25. Best of Luck to Pam the rest of the season. I am back on their support wagon. 
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