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Everything posted by WeedBegone

  1. Nice to see a good credible article coming out of the PA news.  Like hearing good things about great atheletes. Titans--you guys keep doing your part in making our district stronger.  The Bruins and Titans have a chance to do some damage.  We cant let Laporte and Northshore take the spots we so deserve.  BTW--a good seating in the play-offs in 21AAAAA is not as easy as it used to be. 
  2. This is another Craig and Adams James issue at the High School level.  The only business a father should be able to discuss with the head coach is his sons grades.  Any opinion about how he runs the team should be null and void.  If the HC even did say what was quoted in the PA news, it IMO was provoked by the lack of respect by the player.  If the player keeps his mouth shut and does his job at his position, then he would still be playing and the PA news would be looking for another story. 
  3. Oh my will these worms ever get back in their can.  And to think that somebody felt the strong urge to take the lid off  only for all of us to see.  All at the expense of emotional leakage.   :o Shame on somebody.  And in IMO its not the players that are on the practice field today, and it is not the coaches.  The newspaper did their job  which is to tell a story based on reliable source or sources.  If a committee decides to accept letting the dissenting player play, then a precedent is set for other schools to follow. 
  4. [quote name="w" post="852414" timestamp="1285022291"] If you like what someone posts, you click on applaud.  If you dislike what someone has to say, you click on smite.  If you can't click on either, you haven't posted enough messages.  Everybody gets an applaud from me with the way they have responded to the WOS community during this tragic event. [/quote] Because of your sportsmanship gesture then I will give you one. :D SMITES are like NBA  fouls--sometimes they are necessary to keep another jerk from scoring.  ;D
  5. [quote name="bh89-2" post="852174" timestamp="1285005622"] [quote author=WeedBegone link=topic=73154.msg850880#msg850880 date=1284864744] Well, as promised, I will continue posting for our BRUINS.  We wanted to show you our stuff tonight , an at times we did.  The problem I am trying to deal with is that you guys had no problem showing us your stuff.  You definietly have a great team and program.  I always accept defeat for the teams I support in this fashion---- I wish you guys the best of luck and am aware that each week somebody out there is gunning for you guys. Your success will ease that agony of defeat for us.  As far as looking at you guys across the field-----dang your loud in other peoples house. ;D Till we meet again and then the smack is back--- PS-- by any chance did you guys take some of our footballs home with you?  We seemed to have misplaced some  :P [/quote] Watching this game on the internet, it was a little fuzzy, but it did appear each time Katy scored they gave the ball to one of their 5000 fans.  Unconfirmed reports are everyone wearing a red shirt in the parking lot was carrying 2 or 3 footballs.  Just trying to help you locate West Brook's "misplaced" balls.   ;D ;D      [/quote] Nah They were kind of slippery---ya'll  can keep em. 8)
  6. Backing up a few pages on this thread, I am appalled as to what has taken place.  We have gone from fun and smacking to actually calling out players particularly 2 of them by revealing names and or numbers.  This was actually fueled by a moderator who is supposed to catch such crud and remove it because player bashing is forbidden. Additionally, it is quite easy to take things out of text such as the usage of capitalizing specific words to gain a certain effect.  What I understand is missing from the reality of the pre-game build up, is how a few players were responding to a couple of local events involving their peers and team mates. There are quite a few very mature comments that really exist out there but just dont seem to be newsworthy to many of us.  This folks, is sad and irresponsible of us.   Finally IMO i am not interested in another teams policy regarding private  and public comments because it can be considered an infringement upon ones constitutional rights to not allow them  speak their mind.  I carefully say this because i do believe a person should be held responsible for what they say.  In this instance, i do not see any wrongdoing here other than some of us adults getting there noses out of joint.   Lets remember to leave the kids alone and let them enjoy the game they play to entertain us.  ROOT for your team, and congratulate the teams that beat you and try not to get involved in embarressing  either of these two. Katy won this game because they outscored the entire West Brook Team.  But i still love this group of talented young men who seem to grow a little more each week.  
  7. Man you guys really do have a good team.  Lots of options and depth to work with.  Man not only are you guys a machine but you have your own parts warehouse.  But you guys rather than hear you played a good game---you want to attack one single word from a poster---the L-word.  Geeze you should have that confidence not to defend such an outstanding program.  where did that tiny bit of insecurity come from. My question is "whats wrong with a little bit of luck very now and then?  " :-\
  8. I almost failed to tell the BRUIN team that regardless of the outcome---I think they showed lots of heart tonight.  They never gave up (with exception of the football itself a few times  :o), they made lots of big hits and big plays.  The defense was impressive and the score will not do them justice.  You guys are definetly my team of choice and I am proud to be a fan.  Get your heads up and be who you already are.  The Best !!!  8)
  9. Bump---waiting on one of the KATY posters to acknowledge our acknowledging.  ;) Its a gettin late and you have had plenty of time to get home, and think---hmmm I wonder what those folks back in Beaumont are saying now.  Now Oldtimer---he will find out about the game in the morning---his screen name tells me he's been asleep.  :-[
  10. [quote name="scooter!" post="850892" timestamp="1284865078"] will Katy be D1 or D2?  i forgets. [/quote] They have enough for D-BOTH   ;D
  11. [quote name="Kelly Basketball" post="850895" timestamp="1284865203"] Katy got lucky? Give me a break they came out took care of the ball and controlled the game. Did Reyes get hurt change the game? absolutely. But Katy executed and took care of the ball. They were not lucky. Give stump a break. The kid got thrown in there against the number 2 team in the STATE. I'm sure he wasnt even expecting to play that much. [/quote] Your right---we got it handed to us.  I think we should take KATY of our schedule and play another local team----Can you help us schedule such a game Kelly Basketball?? ROFLMAO
  12. Congrats PAM---we need to put our teams together so we can match up with those big boys in Houston----- Not---you did it without us---but then again on the other hand we could .......................................Oh well, I regress,
  13. Does anybody desire to have a new pool put in?   We seem to have discovered ways to dig a hole rather quick. ::)
  14. Well, as promised, I will continue posting for our BRUINS.  We wanted to show you our stuff tonight , an at times we did.  The problem I am trying to deal with is that you guys had no problem showing us your stuff.  You definietly have a great team and program.  I always accept defeat for the teams I support in this fashion---- I wish you guys the best of luck and am aware that each week somebody out there is gunning for you guys. Your success will ease that agony of defeat for us.  As far as looking at you guys across the field-----dang your loud in other peoples house. ;D Till we meet again and then the smack is back--- PS-- by any chance did you guys take some of our footballs home with you?  We seemed to have misplaced some  :P
  15. No smacking nor trash talking today.  :( It is my hopes that the KATY fans and WB fans will have the opportunity to honor  the WOS lost player in  todays game through  prayers and perhaps a moment of silence. It is terribly painful when an event is darkened by such a tragedy. It often brings back memories to many who have been through these times.  May God be with all of those with broken hearts today.  Respectfully WeedBegone 
  16. [quote name="scooter!" post="849549" timestamp="1284773684"] Kville in a battle i see [/quote] U back online with a phone yet? And are you standing on I-20 waving at the UT convoy heading to TT?
  17. [quote name="texasbob" post="848739" timestamp="1284677932"] I'll be there.  It should be a great game.  I'll also be getting a new picture for the stadium listing.  I'm looking forward to seeing the new stadium. (with the funny name)  I'm sure it will be great.  [/quote] 8)
  18. [quote name="OldTimer" post="848727" timestamp="1284676228"] How many of the WB fans expecting a "Butch Slapping" will be on after the game Saturday if WB loses?  I am stating that I think that Katy will win by 14 or more points - and if WB wins I will be here to take all the gruff that the WB fans will be sure to deliver to me and all other Katy fans; and I will also say that if WB wins they will deserve a big "great game" becasue this would have to be their biggest game in years and they will deserve all the kudos they would get. Will the WB fans do the same?  Frankly I have not been on the WB pages before as I live in Liberty and not Beaumont - I hope WB fans are bigger people than some of the teams that I have rooted agianst and had many SETXSPORTS conversations with. As a fan of this site I have noticed that most of the "trash" talkers have a bad habit of disappearing from the posts when their team instead of delivering the "Butch Slapping" gets a "Butch Slapping".  Just wondering? Should be a great game with 2 to 50 High School teams going head to head.  Katy is No. 9 and WB is No. 45 - if you don't have plans will be a great game to watch. [/quote] Man you seem so interested yet so bothered as to how Da Brook fans will react after the game.  I do not claim to be a spokesperson for the Bruins, but IMO the people i know from this fan base are mostly first class people who have lots of fun going to games.  As far as picking things up after a loss, unfortunately, we have some experience with a few losses but our good natured character survived these.  Let me try this.  Why dont you put on a red shirt and a Katy hat and visit a blue tailgate party prior to the game and see for yourself what type of folks we are.  I have faith that you would be treated quite well as a guest.  Then we will do some BUTCH SLAPPIN LATER> ;D PS find me at the game and I promise to treat you to a "LUPE Turkey LEG.  ;)
  19. True story---my phone slid off my dash board straight into my Jack and Coke at a TCU tailgate. Took it to Verizon --told her it could not hold its Liquor and she gave me a new dry one without asking any questions.
  20. [quote name="SgtRey" post="848591" timestamp="1284661759"] [quote author=SgtRey link=topic=72886.msg848590#msg848590 date=1284661669] [quote author=Popa Blu link=topic=72886.msg848585#msg848585 date=1284661527] [quote author=SgtRey link=topic=72886.msg848578#msg848578 date=1284661218] [quote author=Popa Blu link=topic=72886.msg848418#msg848418 date=1284643416] [quote author=Popa Blu link=topic=72886.msg845553#msg845553 date=1284319852] I guess after reading for some time on these forums, it is time to "chime in". The defense will be ready. Make no mistake about it. IMO there are several things that this blog missed about the IKE game> [i]#1 There were more defensive higlights in that one game than all year combined. Hard hits, break-ups, good coverages, etc.. #2 IKE after being down by 27 points, they came out and scored ok. It happens. IF THEN, you take away the [b]"30 sec rest issue"[/b] caused by the fumble which put the defense immediately back on the field, and instead the defense is resting (like it should) THEN no immediate subsequent score happens. #3 Our defense, and our offense are our special teams! The kids will get tired, and a good / decent team will take advantage of that. [/i] So, Amen to all, BUT need not doubt this defense, nor worry. IF we have any problem, at all, compared to the Katy's of the world it is depth. Not the depth to replace an injured player, BUT the depth that during a course of the game allows our Horses to rest. With that said, I can say this, even though they stayed on the field the whole 3rd qtr, played a rough playing team, faced the fastest QB they might see all year, they still looked better after 4 qtrs than they did after 1qtr against Lufkin. [b]They WILL be ready![/b] [/quote] [color=red][color=blue][size=10pt][b]Please refer to the last paragraph above. I posted it on like page 2 or 3. Funny how it has taken 13 or 14 pages to focus adults. "Depth"! Four cats cat run a long way! If we rest the horses some, we are "in like Flin". Sgt: I like to eat Tiger "Frosted Flakes" Their GREAT! and when I finish, there is always a little sugar in the bottom of the bowl. Makes the experience "SO SWEET"! Evening Breakfast at 6pm Saturday. [color=blue]BLU42 / BLU42 / HUT HUT[/b][/size][/color][/color][/color] [/quote] I think WB is going to eat some Tiger "Frosted Flakes" Saturday morning....and maybe some "Tiger Steaks" for the tailgate!!....I like mine bloody... 8) [/quote] BET THAT! Consider it done.. 1pm at Da Butch [/quote]GRRRRRREAT!!! [/quote] I'll be picking up the Rib(R)eyes tomorrow... [/quote] Question for the SGT----- How do you prepare a Tiger for grilling? ???
  21. Message to those sitting in the stands.  While the absolute pressure is put on the kicker---- we must also remember it takes a good snap and a good hold to give the kicker the opportunity to do his thing.  HS teams really need to work and practice on this aspect of the game.  Practicing kicking is often done on the side and really needs to practiced in a real time environment.  My nephew was a deep snapper at Baytown Lee when they were playing pretty well.  He said in the middle of practice scrimmage when nobody would expect it the coaches would blow the whistle and holler ----field goal team --and they had 30 seconds to assemble and get it through the uprights.  I thought this was a great idea.  It can make the difference in the outcome of a game.
  22. [quote name="ABSENT!" post="848476" timestamp="1284650431"] In the house! [/quote] I love it.  ABSENT SAYS HE's IN.  ;D
  23. [quote name="biaplayer" post="848219" timestamp="1284594167"] is the brook katy game friday or saturday night. I was gonna go watch memorial but it brook is playing friday then i guess i will go watch [b][color=red]katy spank that butt![/color][/b] After that i am gonna head up to the deer lease. Hey anyone got a sure fire way to lure a hog to your feeder. I  have been playing cat and mouse with this boheameth of a pig and it is time to put some lead in him, i have tried sitting there with a q beam but he doesnt want to cooperate, only other thing i know to do is put the dogs on him? any suggestions? My deer would apprecieate it. [/quote] May a Big A$$ Hungry Black Bear be waiting for you as you wonder to your Deer stand.  ;D
  24. [quote name="SgtRey" post="848413" timestamp="1284641863"] [quote author=KTREDD link=topic=72886.msg848412#msg848412 date=1284641502] RACK HIM!!! ;D[table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table] [quote author=Westside link=topic=72886.msg848386#msg848386 date=1284614078] We have so many great backups that Katys sophomore/J.V. team is stacked as well. WB will get the "FIRST" taste of our sophomore/J.V. Tigers butt kicking on Thursday. When they see how good the Katy sophomore/J.V. team beats "baby bear" and "momma bear" they'll wonder what the Varsity team is going to do to "poppa bear"!                             Bears Open Hunting Season Starts 9/18/10.  HAPPY HUNTING TIGERS! [/quote] [/quote] Nothing wrong with a lil smack in the morning...I like honey smacks myself... ;D [/quote] Hmm  a little trash talking from the Katy folks.  I am sensing that they have deviated from their normal routine game plan.  Perhaps this is no longer business as usual.  I am looking forward to hosting you folks in Beaumont Texas.  Drive safely and please spend $$ generiously----we have bills to pay.  ;D
  25. I'll be there --gassed up, iced up, fired up, pumped up, and plan never to shut up.  :D I'll be the one in a  in a blue XX-large Beat Katy blue out shirt.    8)
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