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Everything posted by WeedBegone

  1. [quote name="The GOAT" post="836356" timestamp="1283357898"] [quote author=westend1 link=topic=72254.msg836318#msg836318 date=1283352201] Question.  Do you Titan fans really hope Brook gets blown out by Katy and/or Lee? [/quote]No, of coarse not I think brook should beat lee after watching them the other night, and katy will be tough but ya'll gotta make them work on defense, and keep them from running downhill (what NS didn't do) more than anything else, then game will be close. But you guys have gotta open their eyes with a statement game. To me a statement makes them say wow, makes them wonder if they're good enough, makes them prepare harder. don't get me wrong a win is a win, but a 38pt ;D win or even a shut out is what 90% of the people look at, not stats like us guru's ;D  What did you say when you saw the KATY/ NS score? :o [/quote] LOL----I said  OH CRAP and then OH BOY!!  ;D
  2. [quote name="bigd92" post="835887" timestamp="1283289643"] Poofbegone; that sounds like you know alot about peeking homegirl. [/quote] >:(
  3. [size=12pt]W[/size] eek 1 Scores are in [size=12pt]B [/size] obcats go 2-0 [size=14pt]W [/size] OS finds 20th returning starter and still counting [size=14pt]I [/size] ndians pick up feathers and start another streak [size=14pt]N [/size] ederland throws wounded ducks at  Geese [size=14pt]S[/size] ilsbee Tigers roar over Cleveland [size=14pt]DISTRICT 215A TITLE [/size]
  4. [quote name="HI_#20_Mom" post="835779" timestamp="1283278880"] [quote author=bronco1 link=topic=72268.msg835772#msg835772 date=1283278235] I have less than 30% melanin concentration in my skin. Human skin color can range from almost black (in skin with very high concentrations of the dark brown pigment melanin) to nearly colorless (appearing pinkish white due to the blood vessels under the skin). Skin color is determined primarily by the amount and type of melanin. Variations in skin color are mainly genetic in origin. We are all different shades of the same color. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. [/quote] Like this, but somehow my arms ended up 30%, but my legs are at about -3% ??? [/quote] Maybe your part ZEBRA
  5. Want to throw a challenge out to all of the posters.  1st things first----lets clean everybody's slate and start fresh. Thomas Jefferson --a white slave owner, yet great leader of this country believed and saw the need to express equality in his writing of the constitution.  Martin Luther King a great black leader saw the need to mention the need for equality in his famous movement across this country.  And our great Creator also saw the need to create mankind as equal.  Yet we as posters seem to find ways to be offensive and defensive towards race in our smack attacks.  While smacking each other is fun ---- some of the remarks we make just might not be a good contribution to our area. My challenge to everybody that post on this board is to make September a month of posting without attacking each others racial heritage.  To do such, we should never attack a poster ---but perhaps attack the post.  This could be done by putting a :( in front and in back of the post without making another derogoratory post.  Calling someone a hater or a racist just keeps the flames burning. I would hope the moderators would join in this challenge.  This too could be fun and also make a positive impact for the many readers who read and not post as much as some of us. So I challenge everybody to man up and say whether or not they are in or out.  BTW--I am white, proud and blessed.  Who are you?  :)
  6. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="835554" timestamp="1283257535"] [quote author=hardcore link=topic=72160.msg835457#msg835457 date=1283225140] If you want the real prediction "Hardcore" will tell you: W.B.- 27 Central- 14 That is the bottom line because "Hardcore" said so. 8) [/quote] And remember this man attended TCU..( [b]trout creek university[/b]) majored in campusology with a minor in grounds keeper & sanitation... ;D [/quote] Have you seen the grounds at TCU----awesome--and matches the school really well.  1st class University.  GO FROGS!!
  7. Well  I see that Pam and her TITanS are hanging around the BRUIN locker room again.  I guess they want to get a stud peak. Anyway, I agree with the PAM fans that WB was not a #9 team and quite frankly, I am glad the polls needed to make an adjustment.  8)
  8. [move][b][size=18pt]UHH HELLO  GROUP HUG TIME [/size] [/b] [/move]
  9. Remember all you outsiders---- your gonna eventually have to play here.  Take interstate 10 to Beaumont and look for the sign [move][b][size=18pt]EXIT HERE FOR YOUR BUTT WHOOPIN[/size][/b][/move]
  10. Win a game in PA ---oh how the sweetness brings those cocky roaches out.  ::)
  11. [quote name="WBbear" post="833253" timestamp="1283016617"] [quote author=scooter! link=topic=71980.msg833250#msg833250 date=1283016553] [quote author=D3zii link=topic=71980.msg833245#msg833245 date=1283016291] Good Job Memorial, you guys are really good. We really looked like a deer stuck in head lights last night. Seem like your Hurry up offense was really to hard for our D to handle, Hopefully our coaches get something going for the Brook game..I think we're better than what we played But Titans good win you guys will contend for the District championship [/quote]im rooting for CHS next week [/quote]Thanks [/quote] Alls fair enough---you'll have plenty of spare time rooting for the BRUINS during the play-offfs  ;D
  12. [quote name="scooter!" post="833133" timestamp="1283008339"] [quote author=WeedBegone link=topic=72147.msg833099#msg833099 date=1283006565] You guys have been talking to yourselves on a thread labeled WB fans.  Are ya'll WB wanna be's  if so go to my roll call thread and sign in for your free Karma+  ROFLMBAOTIWMP [/quote]see Brooke at the Butch  >:( [/quote] Gave you the + as promised----where is that GOAT?  Welcome to the Beaumont thread. Hope Abeline is home to you now.
  13. Hey guys---expect a visit from Scooter and his GOAT.  they have been spending so much time posting on WB threads, they just might wanna be us. LOL
  14. Let me analyze this ---- 82 probably feels the need to delete some of the PAM post because when PAM wins,[b] they come out of the wood-work like little cock roaches.[/b]  This is neccessary to save band-width.  ;D BTW--thats an old quote from PATITAN----i wish he were back.  I liked his smack. 
  15. All the yellow flags laying on the field reminded me of the oil booms used out into the gulf.  Same purpose---trying to keep the crap under control. Panthers fought hard and i believe that fatique was a factor due to depth on the roster.  WB did show that it has talent but mistakes and poor communication impacted the game.  3rd and fourth quarters --tended to wear down the Panther defense and you could tell they had been on the field too long to get rest between exchanges. 
  16. You guys have been talking to yourselves on a thread labeled WB fans.  Are ya'll WB wanna be's  if so go to my roll call thread and sign in for your free Karma+  ROFLMBAOTIWMP
  17. [quote name="Yeoj" post="831980" timestamp="1282942321"] [quote author=SFA85 link=topic=72118.msg831956#msg831956 date=1282940337] How about all outsiders and general CBT haters just SHUT UP...... [/quote] I second that!!!! Its funny how people who have nothing to do with it, talks the most crap about it! And by the way my group of friends and I have been calling it "Da Butch" since it was announced what the name was going to be. 8) 8) 8) [/quote] I kind of like "Da Butch"  has a rugged ring to it.  I think I'll have to use this if its ok with you.  8)
  18. [quote name="WeedBegone" post="831910" timestamp="1282933560"] And so we continue As the sun rises on a new season All awaits  for some cool fresh air A legend in the making continues With a Panther A Jaguar and the  Bear With  years of biting, clawing, and fighting one  might begin to suspect that even enemies within nature  would gain and obtain their much  deserved respect. As they have battled, each have won a few and lost a few And they have made clear this is there earth The time has arrived now To give them their own turf.  Let there be no distinction to the Greatness of the Panther, the Jaguar, the Bear For this is their house I SAY THIS IS THEIR HOUSE and those who live in this great city their lives are the only they spare. [/quote] Good Luck Beaumont Teams.  Sorry Panthers, you got a rough draw tonight.  8)
  19. [quote name="The GOAT" post="831954" timestamp="1282940046"] Just left the stadium, they where putting water down to cool off the turf. So the Titans can set it on fire again. [/quote] Go ahead and play with those matches----your gonna get burned.
  20. Just drove by CHS and saw a flock of stinkin buzzards on top of the Jaguar busses.  These birds have been known to follow Jaguars and clean up the mess they leave behind them.  :o ;D
  21. Bus stop --back to the top again---need more to climb on board. 
  22. And so we continue As the sun rises on a new season All awaits  for some cool fresh air A legend in the making continues With a Panther A Jaguar and the  Bear With  years of biting, clawing, and fighting one  might begin to suspect that even enemies within nature  would gain and obtain their much  deserved respect. As they have battled, each have won a few and lost a few And they have made clear this is there earth The time has arrived now To give them their own turf.  Let there be no distinction to the Greatness of the Panther, the Jaguar, the Bear For this is their house I SAY THIS IS THEIR HOUSE and those who live in this great city their lives are the only they spare.
  23. Ok here we go.  All WB fans that plan on attending games and posting on this forum----it is time to step up and report in.  New posters for WB (freshman posters) get your free Karma + from us old guys.  Your gonna need it to get you through the PAM week of smacking.  WEEDbeGONE is pumped up, fired up, gassed up, smacked up, and ready to go.  [move][color=blue][b][size=18pt]BRUINS BRUINS YES YES YES [/size] [/b] [/color] [/move]
  24. [quote name="liltex" post="830691" timestamp="1282763770"] Out today looking over the new BISD stadium and it appears the field and other things are ready but alot of loose ends,const.equip,fencing,landscaping scattered here and there.Came in from Bmt.down I-10 and I see alot of future traffic problems exiting the ramp to enter from I-10 coming in from the north.My bet would be to come in the back road(Fannet road I think).All it will take is a accident on I-10 and a major traffic jam is underway as friday evening is a huge travel day.Hope all are safe traveling but afraid it's gonna be a nightmare going and coming. [/quote] Dont panic if you see a huge bull-dozer on the field at game time---its the new and improved WB O-line.  ;)
  25. [quote name="Keyser Soze" post="830648" timestamp="1282759589"] They suck 1000 times!!!! [/quote] And the 1000th suck poster gets a + Karma and free tickets to an OU home game of his choice.  Tell us....what does that do for you?
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