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Everything posted by WeedBegone

  1. [quote name="Mc" post="821158" timestamp="1280266814"] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=71234.msg821152#msg821152 date=1280266425] Why was the other thread deleted? [/quote]He felt it had that "not so fresh feeling." [/quote] Sometimes we tend to self moderate which was done in this case.  Its kind of like Otis on Mayberry----when he had his filll---he locked himself up and slept it off.  In this case our friend from young guns just chose to go to another bar.  But then again---so did we all.
  2. Any smart HS coach understands that atheletes that participate in summer sports has tremendous benefits for his HS program.  I often see HS coaches at the area tournaments and they support their players in addition to gaining an abundance of information just by observing.   What you dont see very often is HS coaches coaching from the stands and getting involved directly with the players which while being a common courtesy, it also is frowned upon by UIL.  On the other hand, it should also be the same common courtesy for Select coaches to refrain from coaching outside the dug out at a HS game.   Also, the same should apply in situations when it is not the same sport.  As long as atheletes are staying in shape, multi seasons and or multi sports should be acceptable.
  3. Shucks---Butch Thomas has a living room TV bigger than that.  ;D
  4. [quote name="H-D BOBCAT 55" post="821037" timestamp="1280252755"] Looks like a cool offense. Forces a defense to play their gaps and be disciplined. [/quote] Yep it is--but you still have to have the talent to run it.  Speed and power are tough to defend in an offense like this. 
  5. [quote name="scooter!" post="820418" timestamp="1280089806"] Another thing, folks out here know about memorial and the mid-county schools. [/quote] Now how can you expect us to believe this----folks around here dont even know much about memorial except that when Da Brook whips up on em    j/k LOL [move][size=16pt] "WB the Team that will make BUTCH FIELD a national landmark "[/size][/move]
  6. [quote name="HillGuy" post="819976" timestamp="1279897319"] Well I sure hope our "Educational Support Center" gets turf someday  ;) [/quote] Turf might not be ready---but we did get that sign up ahead of schedule.  ::)
  7. I've been told his surgery included bionic parts.  ;)
  8. [quote name="panamamyers" post="819423" timestamp="1279717121"] Baytown is not Port Arthur. Port Arthur still only has less than 3,000 students even with all high schools combined. Baytown would have over 5,000. PA is a product of poor coaching and no discipline. You can set your watch by it.  As soon as they run into a little turbulence, they throw in the towel and quit. Baytown is not now, nor ever will be, anything like Port Arthur. [/quote] Yet again--Baytown will never be a Beaumont also---- Never forget the reputation that  Beaumont - Pt Arthur and Orange --is the Golden Triangle and is the pro-football capital of the world.  When you come here---bring your hip-pads----your gonna need em. ;D
  9. [quote name="SFA85" post="819239" timestamp="1279644672"] [quote author=westend1 link=topic=71109.msg819237#msg819237 date=1279644424] [quote author=SFA85 link=topic=71109.msg819234#msg819234 date=1279644112] [quote author=westend1 link=topic=71109.msg819233#msg819233 date=1279643758] [quote author=SFA85 link=topic=71109.msg819231#msg819231 date=1279643052] [quote author=westend1 link=topic=71109.msg819227#msg819227 date=1279642635] Maybe Berry was well loved by all, where clearly, Butch isn't.   As i said earlier, it will blow over, but it was still a bad idea, especially with all the South Park mess going on now. [/quote] Well he was loved enough by the majority of the board.  I believe the vote was 5-1.  Btw, are you going to whine about his name being on all the new construction along with the school board?  CBT will be all over Beaumont including your precious West End..... [/quote] Yeah, whatever.   You, my boy, are a fool if you think I care one way or another.  i just said it was a bad idea to stir up controversy at this time, and naming it Beaumont Stadium would have caused none of those hard feelings.    [/quote] Far from a boy Westender.  At the end of the day, CBT is the name of the stadium.  You don't like it, move.... [/quote] Learn to read, southender.  I DONT CARE.  Some do, so it was a bad decision.   Bad for the board, bad for the community.  Your posts are just proof of that. [/quote] Stone's throw from WB aka Forest Park but I'm a solutions oriented person.  If this little coup de tat goes through, I propose everybody that looks like me remove their kids from Forest Park so everybody that looks like you can be happy.  And then, y'all @Forest Park can continue the storied winning tradition y'all had up until '82.... Oh yeah, that's right, y'all didn't have a winning tradition..... [/quote] LOL---I went to FP (Egors class of 76). Dont look like you, but we still need you. Please stay and I'll let you run, pass, and catch.  I'll kick or punt only  when absolutely neccessary ;D.    Lets lighten up guys and work towards getting along.  Lots of room in Beautiful Beaumont for all of us.
  10. [quote name="panamamyers" post="819167" timestamp="1279629736"] Katy has multiple junior highs, but they all learn the Katy system and all feed into Katy. It's not the multiple junior highs as much as it is that any one junior high can go to multiple high schools. If Baytown had 6 junior highs, 2 going to Lee, 2 going to Sterling and 2 going to GCM...it would make for a much better athletic program at each. Katy can start teaching their system all the way down in pop warner league. I'm not sure how West Brook does their zoning.  I do know that Lee used to beat the fire out of the Bruins when they had an equal number of students, so what West Brook does is neither here nor there. Yes, you can compete and win without having junior high feeder systems for the high schools, but it's just easier to compete and win if you do have the system in place. [/quote] The years Lee beat the fire out of West Brook was when WB was split into OZEN and lost most of its Atheletes to OZEN. With OZEN being declared as a magnet school--- the magnet attracted the kids that could pump iron  Then came Stump and things began to fall back into place.   ;)
  11. I say that all our local players withdraw their lletters of intent to play for Penn State and re-sign with LAMAR. ;)
  12. Just heard BP fixed the leak out in the GULF.  They put a wedding band around the pipe and she immediately stopped putting out. So now we need some Oklahoma fans to go out  and suck up the remaining mess.
  13. [quote name="Keyser Soze" post="816532" timestamp="1278502747"] [quote author=WeedBegone link=topic=41421.msg816418#msg816418 date=1278432605] 969 sucking post.  Who wants to be the 1000 ndth suck post.  I pledge 10 free karma + (9 if your an admitted UT fan) to the thousand poster. [/quote] UT Fan here!! I'll give you a -1 smite to get me back to +10. [/quote] >:( But OU sucks anyway
  14. 969 sucking post.  Who wants to be the 1000 ndth suck post.  I pledge 10 free karma + (9 if your an admitted UT fan) to the thousand poster.
  15. 960 suck post.  Will 1000 sucks be attainable? Maybe SETX sports can get into the Guiness Book of records for recognizing OU as the suckiest college in History. 
  16. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="814943" timestamp="1277694963"] OU sucks so bad I just went on vacation to Colorado and one of the best parts of the trip was when I found out we never had to drive through Oklahoma! [/quote] I always try to go through the  OK border---the Welcome sign at the tourist bureau is a great place to relieve the bladder.  :P
  18. Speaking of marriage--- Did ya'll hear about the two OU Grads getting married in a bath-tub.  It was a double ring ceremony.  ;D
  19. [quote name="Mc" post="800467" timestamp="1273604913"] Golf Channel reporter Win McMurry committed a gaffe when describing Tiger Woods' reason for dropping out of the last round of the Players Championship: She called his "bulging disk" a "bulging d--k." "[Woods] says he's been playing with a bad neck for about a month and thinks it could be a bulging d--k," the broadcaster said Sunday in a voice-over before immediately correcting her faux pas. [/quote] I voted for both.  His putting on unfamiliar turf because of the latter condition caused him to take a 9 iron in the neck causing the most recent condition.  The two conditions are what we call an indirect relationship.  Both are cured by keeping the head in a relaxed state. 
  20. LOL--I thought the SGT was posting JR's accomplishments.
  21. [quote name="SgtRey" post="795378" timestamp="1272394803"] and one more thing.... You got Sgt Rey on a boat....this year's Hurricane destroyed SETX....Sgt Rey is on the prowl for survivors....Sgt Rey comes up on a black, a white, a mexican, a jew, a oriental, a Midle eastern....who does Sgt Rey pick up first?................ I tell them all to grab one another by the hand, we're all comming out TOGETHER, no one left behind....this is AMERICA.... Don't wait for catastrophe to unite us(911, All huricanes, tornados, etc...).....we have to learn to do it "year around"... Semper Fi [/quote] YOU GOTTA BOAT!! Take us all fishing.  We can catch a jew fish, white bass, black drum, his-spanish mackeral, red, and a ..... um and a ...hmm. and a SUSHI !!!  ;D
  22. According to Coop  WOS was young last year. 
  23. [quote name="bleed orange" post="795169" timestamp="1272334382"] I am sorry, I know you did not bash Orangefield but others did and that is who I should have directed my post at. Just do not believe in the ethnic issue plain and simple. Would not care if my son went to the mall at night. He can take care of himself. Women are more vunerable to an overpowering attacker. Good for you, your kids have traveled. Mine have too but I will still not let my wife or daughter go to parkdale alone at night. Your right, if I know about it. ;D Also I am a father and husband who is concerned about the society we live in. It was much simpler in my day. Do I think it is just Beaumont? Come on, it is every city, town and small community. I mean a 76 year old man is beaten to death at an insurance agency in Orange. Why would someone try to rob an insurance agency. There is no money there. A man died for nothing. Just don't understand the society we live in. I will worry about my daughter every day of her life. I know I cannot control it but I will still worry.  I worry every time she gets behind the wheel. Texting is all I have to say about that. [/quote] Your good post has inspired me to share my thoughts. A couple of years ago, my daughter asked us to host a meal for several homecoming couples from West Brook.  At the same table in our living room sat a Jewish girl with her Arab date, A Puerto Rican girl with her date, A black couple, and my daughter who brought the bottomless pit.  All of these kids remain friends today and all graduated very high in their class. Amoung these friends, we had an athelete, some band kids, a drama student, class president, an other very involved students.  I agree, football was not well represented, but I worked on it with them ;D.  (Our floor actually was damaged by hurricane Rita  and we ripped it up and painted and striped a football field for the occasion and called it the end  zone. ) One can always argue that ethnic diversity has its problems, but when you put the cream of the crops together, you have a very special thing taking place.  The best way I can put this is that when these kids work, study and play together, the prejudices instilled within them is weakoned.  I have witnessed this greatly, by watching three of my own go through Da Brook.  It has given me a feeling of hope that I would not have received at a school that has a huge majority of one race or culture.  I refuse to attack any community just because of the bad news that comes out of it.  There are always those that remain there to help it mend its ways. 
  24. [quote name="bleed orange" post="794942" timestamp="1272305318"] [quote author=SgtRey link=topic=68741.msg794904#msg794904 date=1272299809] [quote author=bleed orange link=topic=68741.msg794884#msg794884 date=1272297904] [quote author=SgtRey link=topic=68741.msg794883#msg794883 date=1272297634] [quote author=bleed orange link=topic=68741.msg794872#msg794872 date=1272296367] [quote author=Tejas link=topic=68741.msg794829#msg794829 date=1272287936] [quote author=SgtRey link=topic=68741.msg794748#msg794748 date=1272247288] [quote author=bleed orange link=topic=68741.msg794738#msg794738 date=1272244848] Hey SGTJERK, we love our small school. Were parents support their kids in great numbers and they get a better education based on numbers than Westbrook does or any school from Beaumont except Kelly.  :P [/quote] [b]Hey PMS Orange, We support our kids in great numbers too...use what ever numbers you want tampax, if my boys are in the top 15% of their class....They're probably number one or two in Orangefield...[/b][/quote] Dont sell yourself short.  Top 15% at Westbrook is likely at least salutatorian at Orangefield. I don't dislike Orangefield, but two things I've realized over the years is 1.  they don't pay, and aren't willing to hire a big time coach.  As long as your a yes man and buddies with the sup, you get the job.  2.  They are fantasy minded.  They start off 3-0 with wins over Buna, Tarkington and any other annual scub they think they are great.  Any time they play a decent team they lose.   Its been a long time since OF has had a legitmite team that could compete with anyone decent.  But you'll have a hard time convincing them of the truth though. [/quote] You have no clue what you are talking about. How did we go from education to football? I will agree that Orangefield does not pay big money for coaches But we do have a good AD now and he will turn things around. I am not just talking about "Wins". Our tax base is largely on the cummunity. Our boys may not compete well in football but they compete well in some of the other sports. Our girls program can compete with anyone and does. I am sure some parents in Orangefield are delusional about their expectation for the program. Those same delusional parents are at every school. [b]It's not like westbrook is setting the world on fire with their athletic sucess either[/b]. No fantasy here just reality.  One more thing, your great, wonderful superintendent who had a stadium named after him has a salary that is more than everyone that works in our administration building put together. [/quote] Sure you want to go there....? [/quote] Yep, if we compare the girls program also. ;D [/quote] We can do girls .....IDK...let me see.....We have girls at Regional track...that's not over....Powerlifting girls were NATIONAL champs(happens after you win STATE)....softball girls are DISTRICT champs, girls soccer(according to the enterpise) was undefeated in district play....I'm researching the rest of our girls athletics...but I believe our we did pretty well in : swimming, tennis, golf(pretty well means, the girls reached the regional level)...volleyball or basketball(probably our week sports this year)....please anyone can correct me if I'm wrong...I do not have daughters at WB. [/quote] Last post on this. Boys side first, regional qualifiers in Track, Golf, Tennis, Powerlifting (one went to state) and baseball will either be district champs or co. Basketball had a winning record barley missed playoffs. Girls side, Playoffs the last 8 years in basketball, regoinal quaterfinals twice and regional semifinals twice. Volleyball playoffs the last two years, Regional qualifiers in, tennis, golf and track. Softball tied for 3rd but lost play in game. I will admit that basketball is our best sport on the girls side. [/quote] So I take it your are not going to challenge us on our good looks.  ;D
  25. [quote name="SgtRey" post="794904" timestamp="1272299809"] [quote author=bleed orange link=topic=68741.msg794884#msg794884 date=1272297904] [quote author=SgtRey link=topic=68741.msg794883#msg794883 date=1272297634] [quote author=bleed orange link=topic=68741.msg794872#msg794872 date=1272296367] [quote author=Tejas link=topic=68741.msg794829#msg794829 date=1272287936] [quote author=SgtRey link=topic=68741.msg794748#msg794748 date=1272247288] [quote author=bleed orange link=topic=68741.msg794738#msg794738 date=1272244848] Hey SGTJERK, we love our small school. Were parents support their kids in great numbers and they get a better education based on numbers than Westbrook does or any school from Beaumont except Kelly.  :P [/quote] [b]Hey PMS Orange, We support our kids in great numbers too...use what ever numbers you want tampax, if my boys are in the top 15% of their class....They're probably number one or two in Orangefield...[/b][/quote] Dont sell yourself short.  Top 15% at Westbrook is likely at least salutatorian at Orangefield. [/quote] [b]It's not like westbrook is setting the world on fire with their athletic sucess either[/b]. No fantasy here just reality.  One more thing, your great, wonderful superintendent who had a stadium named after him has a salary that is more than everyone that works in our administration building put together. [/quote] Sure you want to go there....? [/quote] Yep, if we compare the girls program also. ;D [/quote] We can do girls .....IDK...let me see.....We have girls at Regional track...that's not over....Powerlifting girls were NATIONAL champs(happens after you win STATE)....softball girls are DISTRICT champs, girls soccer(according to the enterpise) was undefeated in district play....I'm researching the rest of our girls athletics...but I believe our we did pretty well in : swimming, tennis, golf(pretty well means, the girls reached the regional level)...volleyball or basketball(probably our week sports this year)....please anyone can correct me if I'm wrong...I do not have daughters at WB. [/quote] I'll be your wing man on this one SGT [s]JERK[/s] (sorry--i used cut and paste ) I can vouch for the Softball 21AAAAA champ and the USA National weightlifting champs.   Also, the way these out of town boys seem to be hanging around  Beaumont on the week ends, tells me that our girls are prettier also.   ;D
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