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Everything posted by WeedBegone

  1. Yes we will just have to do that.
  2. Well --this is a very informative thread. We have two sets of fans that said their team won. An article that may be a tad bit biased. A little bit of UFC mixed with the world wrestling federation. Some TO impersonating along with the would of could of and should of touchdown called back from the opposing coacherees. All of this valuable information on a scriommage that means nothing in the record books. This sounds like the post debate reports spun off from our Democratic and Republican parties.
  3. Weed, be gone. How U been doing? Just got back from NM doing what my wife made me promise her I would do. Nice country. Enjoyed the two days. Been doing fine. Glad your a man that keeps his word. I hope your doing fine also. I miss working with the girls but have found that fishing is quite the same. Like softball fishing is hot and sweaty, you get wet and chapped, sometimes you score and sometimes you dont. Like the umpires, the game warden gets the last word. Yes, you can get rained out. There is still a need for the ole ice chest, and when you get home--like softball, you still stink. Cant ask for more. ;D
  4. Agenda really? I was not the original post of this thread. Point is maybe just entertainment, but like you it seems to poke you in the wrong spot. I do know softball and know the teams in the golden triangle viewing area. As far as a bug, no bug, no anything. I promise this in a few years when your not following softball none of this will matter, enjoy it now but dont read more in to it than there is. oh and some possible names to combine Orange Crush and GT Shockers are: 1. GTO's 2. Or -ockers (gold) 3. Shockers Crush GOLD 4. Beaumont Best Gold Somebody tell BC i've found his old paddle
  5. It used to hold 800 until fast food got so popular.
  6. Sounds like a good option for me also.
  7. Perhaps the same consideation for the players also. But as far as characters such as that tar'd n feathered mascot in a purple leotard running around in circles wearing that oversized headdress---well that ought to be fair game----- ;D
  8. I recognize the name ---but where is he from---
  9. ROFLMBO---- I agree with you on this----
  10. And you my friend are evidently that person ! Ooops--I thought he was the dude on the high horse.
  11. And now he has been correctly notified. Probably a used car he just bought from a player trying to make a dishonest living. ;D
  12. You could not do it! Noone would do the same and have the same results. IT IS BECAUSE THEY CANT! Better known as EGO. Mommy says I am better than you, Dad says you have no movement on your pitches like me YOU CAN;T DO IT. MY Daughters select team has a better chance because I can influence that coach or I am the assistant coach and would do things sooooo much different than the high school coach. You can come together brag about your kid and her team during high school ball and then hope to avoid them all summer or play them 20 times and beat them everytime because of the "varying skill level" as you put it Hillguy Will someone please PM me the translatation for the above response? Thanks I think what he is trying to say that if you..um, well if...hmm, ok maybe that once a player is ....ummm. PM me too! ??? Let me try to translate for those that are not so gifted. Bag is feeling seriously funny about the lack of media attention for the Intensity winning it all in our area National tournament. I tend to agree that there were some tongue in cheek postings through out the summer. East Tex makes an appropriate congratulatory comment and adds that he knows the girls had a BLAST. Then the West side of South East Texas confirms Bags feelings by saying Congrats and get over winning the tournament that had a handfull of good teams. It then appears that a duel between the East and West was being offered and refused. Finally, we get to the liscense plate screen name and see where years and years of frustration has finally come to the surface and popped like a pimple. And thats about all I have to say about that. :
  13. The title of this thread is false advertisement.
  14. TTT Drive east until you get passed the Sabine River bridge and then you will know what a bump is. ;D But I think, on the sports forum it is a method used quite often to get your thread back on top so readers can see it easily. Most of us are two lazy to scroll down.
  15. i thought they were a bit over-hyped a few weeks ago until i found out who they had coming back on offense. Lufkin can win state. No they cant, and they wont! There's too many other good teams out there that will beat them when it counts. They got lucky in this game. IMO, WB didn't play to their potential and Lufkin caught them on a bad day. They will look like another team against Ozen next week. Stump will have them motivated and in playing form. Granted, we are going to have some growing pains, and will have a few bumps in the road along the way, but Ozen is definitely no Lufkin. It should be a good game. 85... I know you are a fan but, "A BAD DAy!?' That was too funny... I died laughing when I read it... 21-10 bad day maybe, 14-0 bad day maybe, 30 - 14 bad day maybe, 46-0 is an a$$ kickin!!!! Their potential will not rectify a 46 point beatdown!!! 46-0 is indeed an a$$ kickin and as for potential---well it is really going to suck to be the teams that get beat by WB this season. Yeppers --you got beat by that team that got its A kicked. ;D Seriously, 1 point or 46 points all tally as a one in the loss column. The good news is that my team came in second in the scrimmage last week and the other team came in second from last.
  16. Breaking news--OU goes a whole day without sucking!!!! [move]****** NOT ******[/move]
  17. Saw a couple of OU players in Beaumont yesterday --hoping to pick up the damaged cars. Said they could sell them at a premium to OU alumni. ;D
  18. Wasn't the "Soul" bowl between Charlton Pollard and Hebert a big game also. And what was CP's mascot? This game hosted some big name players in its day.
  19. For those who know Texas football outside of SETX--this is definitely the truth. I would go out on a limb and say that this was the biggest rivalry in the nation. The oil industry in this area has been accused of moving personnel into the area to fill positions on both of these teams. LOL---it was Labor verses corporate.
  20. Back to the first question... The perfect program would be a program under a leadership that would never recognize itself as perfect. Because as soon as it does, another program will show up just to beat it.
  21. OK breaks over--- Now Where Were WE ? Nope. Baddog really is bad--he broke the silence faster than i could type----ROFLMBO
  22. OK breaks over--- Now Where Were WE ?
  23. That college sportsmanship thread kind of made me feel like we have all been bad sports. To honor that and show the area how much good character we all have--- I say we should give this horrific unsportsmanship act a little break. So please join me in this act of redemption for being so harsh on our OU friends.
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