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Everything posted by WeedBegone

  1. [quote name="Trinitard" post="1189128" timestamp="1330556448"] [quote author=WeedBegone link=topic=95320.msg1188242#msg1188242 date=1330482547] Ok your a newbie so we can give you some benefit of the doubt.  But why should we believe you folks--ya'll probably dont even have a Wallmart.  So your economy relies totally on imports and then you run them off. [/quote] We do not have a Walmart, and never will. We would not let them come into the town and run our local businesses out of business, though they have tried many times to move into Trinity. So we therefore do [b]not [/b]rely on imports like someone who shops at Walmart does - after all Walmart goods come from China. We have our own local businesses to support, and in the end that supports local community and the USA quite a bit more than those idiots who shop at Walmart and ship all their $$ to China like good little sheeple. Of course that [b]isn't[/b] the topic at hand is it? Newbie? I've probably got kids older than you, with better manners to boot. Why believe us? Let's see...I dunno...we have firsthand experience of this guy working for our school system...unlike [b]you[/b] [/quote] I am so sorry that I struck a nerve.  But you question my manners for posting in your response trying to trash the future of a man who is trying to get back on track for his career.  So you call that better manners to boot.  I cant buy that and in the business world hiring and firing is something best done in a confidential setting.  BTW (which is by the way--for those who do not want to google)....anyway, Where do your locals shop?  Do many take a day and drive to another community and purchase Chinese merchandise? 
  2. [quote name="Trinitard" post="1187808" timestamp="1330470613"] That is beyond amusing. You can't stand to hear a single word against this loser, so you tell everyone to look up remarks made by residents of the tiny town the guy was coaching at after getting kicked out of college ball. Did you think our local population too ignorant to know about this website? Did you think we wouldn't notice? You asked for Trinity residents, and here we are. Don't like it? Too bad. The only BS is your over the top hype for this guy (would you be his assistant by any chance?) who has been caught repeatedly violating rules, both at College level and High School. Don't like the fact that some people will actually state the facts instead of just blindly believe the hype? Tough sh*t. Frankly the man's abysmal numbers speak for themselves: In the past 3 years he not won 5 games in a single season, at any school. Can you dispute that? I didn't think so. It is a B&W fact. He was fired from College ball for violating the rules, banned for a couple of years from college ball, and got the college itself put on a 3 year probation. Deny it? I know you can't. All you can do is talk AROUND the facts. [/quote] Ok your a newbie so we can give you some benefit of the doubt.  But why should we believe you folks--ya'll probably dont even have a Wallmart.  So your economy relies totally on imports and then you run them off.
  3. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="1186947" timestamp="1330380992"] [quote author=bronco1 link=topic=96594.msg1186821#msg1186821 date=1330370130] [quote author=badndn link=topic=96594.msg1186722#msg1186722 date=1330362193] I would point to the fact that Crosby made some decent playoff runs under Flanigan with teams that were not loaded with talent. They also seamed to get better as the season progressed each year and played there best ball at playoff time. These are both signs of a well coached team.  I agree he will need a good DC hire though. I like the WB hire. [/quote] One of the unfortunate things for Flanigan/Crosby's playoff records was, that they had to play Dayton in the first round. I know what this sounds like but hear me out, if they had drawn another opponent those years they may have made deeper runs. The record books may look a lot different if that wasn't the case. [/quote] ::) A cheap opportunity to plug in Dayton  ::) [/quote] May I correct that----ANOTHER cheap--------- ;D
  4. I agree--think his video plainly gets the message out to what he's looking for.
  5. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1184828" timestamp="1330119842"] [quote author=WeedBegone link=topic=96551.msg1184823#msg1184823 date=1330119752] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=96551.msg1184799#msg1184799 date=1330119105] Yall beat an obviously bad Central team last year by 1 score.  And that was by a FG.  What does that say about Weak Brook Bo-bo's? [/quote] It says we got Da Trophy without wasting any extra effort. [/quote]You gave up 2 60+ yard TD scores to a bad team, man!  :o :o  ;D ;D [/quote] But they needed three to get the tro--phee  :-[
  6. [quote name="shovel" post="1184807" timestamp="1330119297"] I dont disagree with what he said, but I'm not sure he should have said it like he did. How is throwing your players under the bus a recruiting tool? If you were a star recruit considering Lamar and saw that press conference, what would you think? I am a Lamar fan and pulling for the Cards and coach Knight. I just question how trashing your current squad is going to help your current and future situations. Good discussion y'all. [/quote] He's throwing them off the bus -- Obviously he has inherited players that dont fit the style or caliber of the type of team he feels that the university deserves.  IMO this video is an excellent recruiting tool to attract the type of character he expects.  If you dont fit in this style --then both parties can save lots of unnecessary time and in this case potential embarressment. 
  7. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1184799" timestamp="1330119105"] Yall beat an obviously bad Central team last year by 1 score.  And that was by a FG.  What does that say about Weak Brook Bo-bo's? [/quote] It says we got Da Trophy without wasting any extra effort. 
  8. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1184775" timestamp="1330117629"] [quote author=WeedBegone link=topic=96551.msg1184766#msg1184766 date=1330116868] Congrats coach Flanigan.  Hope its not to early to pressure you.  But that Beaumont Bowl trophy is Da Brooks and needs to be guarded.  Their are two kitty  cat species trying to nab it and one would fight you for it. ;D ;D [/quote]Any Normal year, I'd say that we'll get it. Infortunatly, there should have been another coaching vacancy in Beaumont.  If 'that' team would have hired a new coach, I would have been confident that we'd beat the brakes off of the Weak Brook. [/quote] LOL--Just how many coaching changes is it gonna take for the Laguars to beat Weak Brook. 
  9. IMO this is a great recruiting video for LAMAR.  Good exposure nationally with the message  we are looking for good leadership to win championships.  LAMAR no longer willing to settle for less---period. The few games I have been two for the last several seasons was not the kind of team LAMAR deserves.  Lets let this guy turn it around.
  10. I support this message.  Seriously  8)
  11. Congrats coach Flanigan.  Hope its not to early to pressure you.  But that Beaumont Bowl trophy is Da Brooks and needs to be guarded.  Their are two kitty  cat species trying to nab it and one would fight you for it. ;D ;D
  12. Congratulations to BISD board for working this out and also to the new head coach at WB. On another note, in the business world it is very dangerous to represent a former employer in an attempt to block a former employee from getting a new position.  This is why we hear the term human resources and risk management.  If a board member of Crosby ISD tried to negatively influence BISD without any ground to stand on, if they were successful, this could be an attorneys dream come true.  Always best to say something good or keep ones mouth shut.  Fortunately, this was not the case.  Sounds like Crosby let a good one get away.
  13. [quote name="Smoking Baby" post="1177532" timestamp="1329220644"] Man, nothing against the coaches, but that's a weak final 5 for a 5A school.  Is it really that bad of a place to coach? So Flannigan is the only head coach to have head coaching experience at 4A or above?  He just left a bad campus with obvious racial tensions on the board. Not to mention people in the area had to have seen his Cougars play Vidor using a pass defense.  Haynes has won a lot of games, but 2A to 5A?????  Really! [/quote] Yo Baby--Stump came from Beaumont Kelly---Not sure how many A's that counts for... but size does not matter ---its how you move the ball  on the playing field.    ;)
  14. Need somebody with framing and roofing experience--that is---if he wants an office.
  15. Big Man Bowser is a good man.  I wish him well.  During the transition, he is the right person to stay with the kids and keep their heads straight. 
  16. Kirby is probably the most visited coach from ex student players--both offense and defense.  He obviously has a positive impact on these guys.  He also appears to be a no non-sense style of coach.  You best not try and get into his face. He demands respect and from what i have observed--he gets it. Good luck in his  desire to enhance his career. 
  17. Is it me or is this thread encrypted.??  :-\
  18. [quote name="vp32" post="1153348" timestamp="1325530688"] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=93384.msg1153346#msg1153346 date=1325528646] [quote author=vp32 link=topic=93384.msg1153339#msg date=1325527402] [quote author=Yeoj link=topic=93384.msg1153295#msg date=1325483560] [quote author=vp32 link=topic=93384.msg1150084#msg date=1324594794] [quote author=D3zii link=topic=93384.msg1150077#msg date=1324591879] wow, this thread is a joke, do you really think Carrol Thomas is the reason Of coach stump leaveing you obviously havent seen what he has been doin in BISD..for example the new multi-million stadium or [b]nice schools we have..[/b] [/quote] Nice schools? Seriously? Evadale has a field house and they are a 1A school and BISD can afford to build themselves a 25 million dollar stadium but can't build there biggest school a freaking field house. Yeah he's really been doing a lot of stuff for his "friends". [/quote] Vidor knows everything that's wrong with BISD, but TEA had to come in and rearrange, organize, and balance their budget just so they could operate financially! These guys are ridiculous. Oh and the stadium was little over $40 million!  :D [/quote] Says the person who couldn't keep a job a Vidor. Go back home Yeoj. [/quote]I think you're thinking of the wrong person.  Yeoj is a West Brook guy and a Beaumont guy.  The guy you're thinking about that worked at Vidor is a Port Neches guy I believe. [/quote] No i know who i'm talking about. Yeoj may be a WB and beaumont guy now but he used to work for Vidor before he got fired. [/quote] Low blow-personal foul 15 yards against the poster.  Now thats how you moderate guys.  ;D
  19. [Hidden Content] Today at the Meineke bowl, a group of gridiron legends were honored.  Out of 5, three have shared their talents right here in SETX.  Most everybody will recognize Bum and Joe Washington who were on the field this morning.  Mike Johnston was honored for his great coaching record at Katy.  Mike (coach Lurch)  coached at Forest Park in the latter 70's and was an outstanding influence on many atheletes from this area. 
  20. [quote name="HUM398" post="1152146" timestamp="1325196457"] [quote author=AggiesWeAreNot link=topic=93469.msg1151467#msg1151467 date=1325099626] [quote author=westend1 link=topic=93469.msg1150878#msg1150878 date=1324952995] [quote author=vp32 link=topic=93469.msg1150874#msg1150874 date=1324951674] He will definitely be at better use there.  8) [/quote]  Why?  He is going to have much less talent to work with. [/quote] How can you possibly believe that?  Doesn't Atascocita have 700+ more students than West Brook? [/quote] Atascocita is exactly as stocked up on talent as the Humble teams of the 90's and double 00's.  They are stacked with talent.    and Humble has a 9-2 record against Westbrook with that sort of talent.  Stump is on the winning end here. [/quote] I'd agree with the talent part of what you said with exception to who is on the winning end. The 2 in your number is with Stump at West Brook.  Perhaps we should compromise that this deal is a Win Win for the 2 parties involved.  8)
  21. [quote name="Spreadguy 7" post="1151000" timestamp="1325007058"] All i got to say to Aatascocita players is get ready to work hard and WIN. A great hire for them and a good move for coach. [/quote] Well said.  I love the way he starts a program.  And for the players there  who think they have a secure spot, think again.  Everybody has a good chance to show their talents in the off season, and they better get serious about getting busy. 
  22. I can support the Ozen football team and hope they continue in their success if and only if they come forth in their regrets for their poor representation of my community.  I hope coach Jeff and our AD find a way to resolve this thru the appropriate discipline.  Right or wrong, Ozen is now labeled in other areas of the state just like WE have labeled Lamarque.  Eyes will be on them and the smallllest of future incidents will be blown out of proportion until they exhibit nothing but outstanding first class behavior.  Shame on anyone who condones a young adult when confronting our law enforcement.  The officers did not sign on to work the game hoping to use force. Also, shame on the BISD officer for even getting thought of in a manner that would make another fellow officer feel he did not have his back.  You have embarrassed your entire department and our students and  my community deserves better. Again, I will support my local teams, but behavior like this puts a dark cloud on the entire community.  If you lose with class then at least you have won something.
  23. [quote name="dayton" post="1150876" timestamp="1324952219"] Humble ISD = HISD AND Houston ISD = HISD you guys must be bored..... Less than 8 months til next season. Chill and go to the basketball board! 8) [/quote] LMBFAO -- Cant believe others have not applauded this.    Itsa a tie. 
  24. Atascocita has nice facilities and they are all finished with electrical outlets and everything.  Good Luck coach--you served Da Brook well. 
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