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Everything posted by WeedBegone

  1. One more random item BATES was OUT at home plate when Texas (and the umpires) stole the game from LAMAR. >
  2. Based on the poll results--its time to let Pete Rose in.
  3. Saw Bobby Tolan hit a foul ball in the Astrodome---umpire signaled HR and he ran the bases laughing. My Asto Buddy --Pitcher lost two games in the same day. Saw Hank Aaron hit two home runs in the same inning. Saw Alan Ashby smuggle two Budweisers out of the Dome in his socks. Once saw a Drunk at minute maid park which indicates that he was once a wealthy man.
  4. Shirleys is back at Boyt road --i think--did not go there.
  5. Thats what i call a chinese buffett.
  6. I saw a couple of oboats launching at 23rd. i have been fishing at Laguna harbor. Dont tell anybody ;D
  7. A-Roid You heard it here first. ;D
  8. Sorry bag do you want some fish?
  9. Where at? Now that is a secret. ;D Come on now, this is a information sharing board. ;D Here is a hint-- In the town of Boliver where the no fishing signs were washed away by ike.
  10. cant hang in her too long
  11. i HAVE BEEN CATCHING MOST EVERYTHING ON GULP SHRIMP. Fish love it. Fixed next to many using dead shrimp and while they caught nothing , we got tired of catching sand trout. Today we hooked 6 reds, 1 flounder, and got tired of sand trout. Its definitely for real.
  12. [move]SALTWATER [/move]
  13. Good to see some good Reds hanging around Boliver. Not much fishing going on with Post Ike mess to clean up. But i was encouraged to hook into a half of dozen pretty nice size Reds on plastics this morning. Love the new Berkley gulp. All were released healthy.
  14. ???
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