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Everything posted by WeedBegone

  1. Ah c'mon "t". You know it'll take alot more than that. He's gotta allow us to finally have a Booster Club too! LOL :
  2. :-[
  3. No respect for High School coaches is a two way street...in today's world there is a lot more knowledge of the sport fundamentals and a lot more of daddy's money spent on professional lessons than ever before. So where does a high school coach hibernate during the summer? Theres is no question that select or tournament baseball, basketball has evolved and developed better athletes than "most" high school programs. A lot of high school coaches are stuck in the sixties and will not accept the fact that daddy's money provides them with some of their best talent. Some kids will develop bad habits during the high school season and some stay away from high school sports altogether. Did your high school coach have it right way back then? probably not, how many coaches know how to teach pitching and will you turn your high school coach loose on your boy.....? I agree with you. High school athletics is a two-way sport. I believe coaches need to make more of an effort to get to summer games of their athletes. Better yet, go to the younger age leagues and begin creating the "culture" for your program by sharing knowledge or plays, in the case of football and basketball, with the coaches so the kids coming into high school have been introduced to the "system". BUT, we have big problem. As was pointed out above, many coaches are teachers first, coaches second. If they tried to live off their coaching pay, and not their teacher pay, they would starve. These professional lessons that Daddy's money pays for are being instructed by coaches who focus solely on coaching. Some of whom make upwards of $40-50,000 per year as professional coaches. Unfortunately, many schools and districts cannot afford a pure coach for every sport, whose only focus is coaching their team. Therefore, we have to live with the system we currently have (coaches who are teachers first). Until the economics improve in these school systems, we will have to understand that comparisons made between "professional coaches" and school-paid coaches are unfair comparisons. Sometimes I wonder if the frustration some feel about their coaches is because they are used to their money "buying" playing time for kids in youth athletics. When kids get to high school, they realize money can't buy playing time as easily as it used to. Wow. I think the writer of this excellent article had many SETX posters in mind, like the two quoted above. Something you "Daddies dishing out the money" for private lessons need to remember about some of the so called "professional private coaches" out there is that many of these coaches are not coaching in the school systems because they aren't willing to work for the chicken feed teachers are paid. As a parent, I have respect for the high school coach because I know they are in it for the love of the game and the kids that play it. Many private coaches will tell you whatever you want to hear about your golden child, as long as you keep bringing him and paying for those pricey lessons. Many don't hesitate to tell you the high school coach doesn't know what he is talking about, "your boy is the best there is, that'll be $50 please". IMO private lessons and select ball is a double edged sword. It is great to want to improve on your skills beyond what you can get in high school athletics, but I have seen all of this specializing transform players and parents. Total lack of respect for the coaches that have put years of blood sweat and tears into very successful programs in our area are constantly being second guessed and bashed on public forums such as these while many private coaches are deemed "guru" simply because you are writing them a check. I'd love to compare resumes of some of our great local high school coaches with any of the private ones out there...just like the successful teams they create, I think their knowledge of the game and the lessons they can provide our kids would be hard to beat. Very well said
  4. That little Viscious devil. That Sucks for " BEVO " ;D
  5. A belated congrats to you Kelly. Tyler is very lucky to get you. It is an awesome community year around. Tell your Dad that through all of my working experiences that i believe it is a great City to visit---but it can get a bit dry at times. ;D
  6. Congrats Lady Swift--good luck ---I am sure you will represent SETX quite well. QUESTION? Does this mean the Orange Crush Mobilized Field Workers and Cheater have expanded their field services into the LA area. ?
  7. Thanks #13 --I'll have to consider that a loner point. Gonna need to post 96 more times before I can pay you back. Better do it before district because i may not want to. LOL Oh yeah--its good to be back. Time to wake some of these folks around here. A little weed and feed here and there.
  8. Ok, Pappa, Ima back. Thanks for the shout out. Hello everybody, its a new year, clean slate, new beginnings, new coaches (again), but I can assure you --i'll be the same old weed that keeps coming back no matter how much you tug, pull, stomp, or poison-----I'll sprout right back---lol Yep--took a break, got into some Karma issues, both here on the net, and a few at home for tying up the PC. So, i dropped out and now i am a freshman again---but the good news, no - by my karma. Ok--gotta go kill some weeds right now--looking forward to seeing some of you on the diamonds. Hey Gander--lets play some ball. The Brook is working on some new secret weapons----lots of them---lol :
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