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Everything posted by 91bears

  1. Good Luck to The Jaguars!! There are alot of great kids there and they deserve to do well! Go get'em jags
  2. Yes I know that there are plenty of times that a coach has to take the place of the parents. What I am saying is that a coach like Stowers does everything he possibly can to help these players on and off the field. But, those of you who are on the outside looking in will never see the late night rides, the phones calls, the meals that are purchased for these kids, and the simple parenting advice that a coach gives everyday!! Instead, you "so called" fans just manage to pick these coaches apart without ever knowing the whole story!! You just make your comments and have know idea what Stowers and all of his coaches have done for these players over the past 4 years.
  3. I agree obcowboy!! A caoch should not have to step in and do a parents job!! They sure try but they cannot replace a parent!! Same thing goes for teachers. What these kids need is the support of their parents! They need to be held accountable, not just at school and practice, but at home most importantly!!!!!
  4. Hey Shorttexas, Williams and Frog both signed big time division I scholarships. He got them the scholarships and they failed to keep them. you can't make a child pass the SAT. You can't take it for them and you could force them them to show up for the test but you can't keep them from sleeping during it. However, several kids have gone on to play college football. And although it may be at a smaller school, they are still getting their education. And in reference to your comment about losing programs sending kids to big time schools, maybe those coaches aren't doing thir jobs well. Why aren't they winning??
  5. I believe Stowers did have the kids best interest at heart!! But again I will say as a coach there has to be a reason someone would leave a program that they built to such a high level!!! So obviously, Stowers had to put his family and its best interest to the forefront!! I am sure he is having a hard time leaving these boys!! But, as a coach once told me when I had to leave a very successful program for my family, you cannot stay at a job for the players only!! You have to do what is best for you and your family!! And I am sure if the situation in Beaumont would have been what was best for him he WOULD NOT be leaving these kids behind! Something is not right in Beaumont ISD!!!
  6. But yet, everyone is so quick to attack these coaches!! Why is it that people have all the answers during the season? They're not in the fieldhouse breaking down film, dealing with the kids, the administration, the community etc.. but boy from the sidelines they sure can fix it all!!
  7. WOW!! So Stowers didn't show interest in the kids??? You must have a pretty good inside seat if you know all that!
  8. I agree that these kids are getting cheated!! But, it can't be Coach Stowers fault. There has to be a reason that a coach would leave a 4th round playoff deep program and it is not the money!!! Maybe a few red flags should be going up around BISD. This seems to be a pretty common thing with the last few coaches that were successful here. Being an ex-coach myself, I know that you don't just walk away from a program that you poured everything you had into to build it to this level. Something caused him to leave...why am I the only one that sees that?
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