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Everything posted by tiny_torpedo

  1. Is this guy on KOGT an Orangefield homer or what? :-\
  2. Game time! (8:11 p.m.). 3 man ref crew for the game.
  3. All the Mustang players scored a point. 8)
  4. I'm not in SETX so I don't know for sure, but isn't this a recurring problem with the refs? It seems like someone posted about this not too long ago? In any event, you are right that there are any number of things that could've caused the 3rd ref not to be there, but unless it was a last minute emergency, there should be 3 refs at every varsity game.
  5. Just confirmed only 2 refs there tonight. It doesn't make sense that a full crew wouldn't show up to ref a varsity game.
  6. Great 1st half for WO-S!
  7. Reuban (WO-S) with around 6 steals already in the first half!
  8. I assume there are 3, but I'm listening on the radio and haven't heard. From the calls they are missing, it sounds like only 1.
  9. Coach Quinn and Coach Collins had to ref the freshman game. That's pretty unprofessional of the refs not to show up.
  10. 7:35 p.m. Listening to KOGT and it's still music . . .
  11. Thanks! I'll keep hitting the refresh button!
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