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  1. Just like there was no treason or Russia collusion in the Mueller investigation. What the Durham report proved is Obama and Biden were briefed that Hillary was planning the Russian collusion narrative.....and did nothing to stop it. There is a video of Obama stating he was never briefed in any CIA or FBI investigations.....Then goes on to talk about a hard line separating powers.....so, he lied. Lying is not criminal.... but he was certainly involved in trying to sway an election......you know, the thing Democrats accused Republicans of..... If you care to watch the video of Obama making those statements, it is up on Waters World.
  2. Oh. With all the talk of hiding behind screen names, I thought he was a mythical Irish fokelore legend.
  3. I listen to KLVI on iHeart radio. Better sound quality. It's free. Whoever wrote that article is reaching... Plenty of conservative talk radio available without an AM radio in your car. It's called blue tooth that links to your phone, etc. and basically all new vehicles have it.
  4. When one side can't win in the arena of ideas they try at any cost to stop your speech. [Hidden Content]
  5. The game plan changes with every team, especially the ones in the 3rd round that can get up and down the floor as fast or faster than you can. No team can approach every opponent the same. Sounds like you know him personally? You should message him privately and talk like men instead on a public message board under fake usernames.
  6. One of my favorite, when we would talk about a guy that no matter what you did, saw, met, etc., he has done better or his uncle, brother or first cousin twice remove did. I went to school with a guy like that. You could be fishing with him and catch a 6 pound bass and he would toss in, “that ain’t nothing, my brother in law caught an 8 pounder last week on 6 pound test line”. Or talking about something in law enforcement and someone will throw in, “you’re wrong because my next door neighbor has a cousin in Kansas and he goes to church with a cop who said… blah blah”. Ollie called that…. The man that seen the man that seen the man that seen the bear”.
  7. I am just stating the law. 🙃 If you speed and get away with it, then you got away with it. If you commit a felony and get away with it, then you got away with it. Here is what at times comes back to bite people in the butt. Playing my favorite game, what if…… An officer pulls a guy over for speeding and while talking to him at the window noticed that he has a holster handgun. The officer comments that it is a nice gun and he has one just like it. So Mr. Friendly Driver says, “Yeah, my brother just bought it for me yesterday. I was stuck at work and they had a sale so he went down and bought it for me”. You are now on camera admitting that your brother committed a felony. There was actually a case that went all the way up to the US Supreme Court. It wasn’t a traffic stop but like a traffic stop, was an accidental discovery. The police found a gun in a guy’s possession which was legal at the time because he was not a convicted felon. Unfortunately for him, he had the sales receipt and it had the original purchaser’s name on it and it was his nephew. The nephew was a former police officer and could get guns lawfully at a discount. When the nephew heard that his uncle wanted a new gun, offered to get it at his police discount. Both men could legally purchase a firearm at a licensed dealer. The police were able to track the sale to the former police officer and he was convicted of a felony. The nephew appealed to the Supreme Court and said, but we both can lawfully possess firearms. The Supreme Court said…. Oh well. So the Nephew is now a convicted felon. People love to talk, tell all of their friends what is happening, what they did and more times than not, getting on social media and proclaiming what a great day they had, and what they did. On a side note, social media is one of the great tools of modern law-enforcement. Many times the police don’t need a reason to question somebody, they can just get on their social media page. … or a routine traffic stop. For the most part, I could care less what people do. But if they get caught……
  8. I know it’s way too early to paying attention to some polls but if your about to announce that you’re running for president then this poll kinda does matter. He’s been dropping like a rock in the Republican Primary Poll since January. His world tour didn’t go over to well and aligning yourself with Jeb Bush , Paul Ryan and Karl Rove is not a good look. Talk is he may not even run now. We shall see.
  9. Look... High School football-wise, there is little or nothing to talk about currently. Let 'em go at it! Lol.
  10. [Hidden Content] From the article: The data is in and it’s becoming increasingly clear that the impacts of commercial marijuana industry are even worse than we thought, particularly for America’s young people. A new report released by Smart Approaches to Marijuana shows the reality in "pot-legal states" paints a vastly different picture than the common sales pitch of the industry and supporters of legalization. The marijuana industry, which spent billions to lobby elected officials and bankroll legalization referendum campaigns, is following the playbook pioneered by Big Tobacco. They recognize that the road to big profits runs through the heaviest users. As such, they have increased potency of the drug by more than four times since 1998, hoping to hook kids while they are young and vulnerable. The numbers show that it’s working. Usage rates have reached record highs among those who are most vulnerable to marijuana’s long-term health effects. The National Institute on Drug Abuse warned, "Past-year, past-month, and daily marijuana use (use on 20 or more occasions in the past 30 days) reached the highest levels ever recorded" among those aged 19 to 30. The percentage of 8th, 10th and 12th graders who used marijuana daily has more than tripled between 1991 and 2020. Daily marijuana use is indicative of a marijuana use disorder, also known as addiction to marijuana. For all the talk about how pot is not addictive, in 2021, 1.3 million individuals between the ages of 12 and 17 had a marijuana use disorder, accounting for more than 46% of users in that age group. Legalization is also associated with a 25% increase in marijuana use disorder among them as well. As usage rates, potency and addiction have increased, the adverse effects have also increased. Though supporters of legalization like to downplay the risks of marijuana, the drug caused more than 70,000 individuals younger than 18 to have marijuana-related emergency department visits in 2021. The industry told parents and politicians that they would not target kids. That’s turned out to be false. From "Pot Tarts" to "Stoney Patch Kids," the packaging of edibles laced with high-potency THC often looks like traditional snacks. Not surprisingly, between 2017 and 2021, there was a 1,375% increase in at-home exposures to marijuana edibles involving children younger than 6. More minors are driving under the influence of marijuana too. In 2021, 10.67 million people admitted to driving under the influence of marijuana, including 1.36 million who were between the ages of 16 and 20. There were 2.41 times more minors on the road under the influence of marijuana than were under the influence of alcohol.
  11. I see lots of talk but no facts... where the stats? Were they all district? Honorable mention? Nope The only kids that made those lists were there from the get-go.
  12. The thing is orangefield should be a desirable place to go coach. They have talent and have a city that supports them and a school that supports them. The problem is when you get parents that are too involved and want to lead the team or think they no more than the coaches. They turn a desirable job into a vacancy that will be very hard to fill with an experienced good coach. All these coaches talk and know what to expect from the parents going into it. A lot of them will stay clear of that job to avoid the headaches that come with it. If the parents want the best for the team they need to keep their opinions to themselves.
  13. you wanna whats crazy??? over the past 10 months, me and his first cousin has been dating...i was at the draft party feeling uncomfortable lol. i'm glad he got picked up cause on Friday night, i could see the anxiety and frustration on the young mans face. congrats Shug...hopefully we will get talk at the next family gathering.
  14. Correction….. Pelosi seemed to talk with her hands while not reading a script. She was drunk anyway so nobody paid her any attention.
  15. These were a bunch of white kids at the party.... they usually talk.
  16. No new transfers to talk about?
  17. They won't be much to talk about.
  18. Typical small town politics you, would rather hire the coach with one year of being an assistant coach than someone who has multiple years, Weather it was a grad assistant or not. Now all of a sudden people are blaming the school for Girola leaving, but when he was at buna all people did was talk crap about him because he wasn’t living to to y’all’s expectations. And I know for a fact that the SUP doesn’t know his dad but I guess because she’s black they have to know each other. It’s sad that all just because buna has a black SUP she HAD to have something to do with hiring one of the few if not the only black coach that’s not from buna but go ahead continue to show y’all’s true colors if Donny lee was still there would his decision have been questioned?
  19. None of that is the point here.. If a coach had a 6-51 career record and applied for the boys job, does he even get an interview? I'm certain in saying no, he wouldn't. If you're going to talk about a coach with limited experience, KJ has 2 years coaching the girls at Chilton, where his stepfather is the Sup. That's limited experience as well with none of that experience being successful. Connell has 1 year under his belt coaching these girls already. He's been around and helping them out while also being on the bench for the boys games. Yes, if things don't work out Buna can simply move on, but Connell will have almost certainly moved on by then. Why would he come back to a place that didn't hire him, but instead hired a coach who Buna knows nothing about with the exception of him being unsuccessful at his last coaching job?
  20. And what if he was a Martian arriving in a spaceship? Its getting ridiculous now. Keep in mind you need to direct this question elsewhere. I did not voice the "straw man" argument out of desperation. Someone else did. Talk to him.
  21. Ah, the straw man argument. UPS would not be packing heat, and then blow me away standing in my own home. You want to talk law? Earlier you said Whose property it is on has no bearing" Really? Better look up "Castle Doctrine" and "Stand Your Ground" laws. Whose property it is absolutely, positively does matter. I would say you need to consult a good lawyer and be enlightened.
  22. Off to a nice start. Don’t want to mess up the Astros thread with rangers talk.
  23. Someone knocked on his door, and instead of just answering it (or not), according to you he was "terrified, and protecting his family." And MY post sounds like "lawyer talk?" But really, there's nothing more terrifying than someone knocking on your door at 11:30. Any reasonable person would throw the door open and jump out with a gun, aiming at whoever is out there with no clue as to who it is.
  24. The homeowner was terrified, and protecting his family. He did NOT shoot the cops. THEY made the mistake, THEY were the agressors, THEY killed him, on his property. It all sounds like laywer talk, shift blame to the dead guy. Put him on trial, after all, he can't speak for himself anymore, can he?
  25. If that is what people want for their neighborhood, okay. Don’t talk, don’t cooperate. But then the complaints come out that it is someone else’s fault. The city, the police, the mayor or whoever, won’t protect the community. The answer, a simple, no, you won’t protect yourselves. The city can offer the manpower and the county can prosecute but only if a witness steps forward or someone drops a dime on an anonymous phone call. When I was in community policing as an assignment, I would tell every one of the more than a dozen community groups in our city, your neighborhood can absolutely be as peaceful as you want it. The problem is you have to actually want it and not just say the words, I wish I could sleep at night. The problem is not the criminals. The problem is the people living there, who are not willing to lift a finger to stop it. Most of the time that lifting of a finger is simply placing a phone call. Community policing started in Port Arthur from an informal group of Black men who started it on their own. A few friends got together and said we are tired of this crap in our small neighborhood. I think all of them were military veterans and most or maybe all had been to Vietnam. They did not ask for permission, they simply started walking as a group and confronting dope dealers hanging out. After a while they approached the police department and asked for help. The chief called for a meeting with them I and other officers volunteered to be involved. That group of men called themselves AAMAN (we pronounced it “uh-manh”)/African American Men Against Narcotics. They alone kicked off what would later have a very successful run of community policing. We applied and got a federal grant to specifically hire 9 officers to run the program of community groups. That program was later ended as I guess political climates changed with money spent elsewhere and new priorities popped up but the 3 year federally paid program lasted about 15 years and was fairly successful. The point being, a neighborhood can have as quiet of a neighborhood as they want. As Officer Malone (Sean Connery) told Eliot Ness (Kevin Costner) a couple of times in the Untouchables…. “What are you prepared to do?”. Many people aren’t prepared to do anything except complain.
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