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  1. It's always funny when I read any of these threads and people talk about paying Surratt. He could have any open job in the state of Texas, but people think he's gonna come coach PNG or Vidor or Bridge City, or whatever. If he were to go anywhere, I'd imagine it would be to a 6A school in Dallas or Houston. He's certainly not coming to SETX just because some school is willing to pay him $25K more a year than he's making now.
  2. I just stopped laughing! I can you are still trying to perfect your silliness. I may need to start calling you the "Silly Perfecter!" First of all, my 7 year program is for teams to win State within their classifications. Therefore I never said anything like what you stated. No one has ever asked, say, Sabine Pass to compete with, say, Katy to win a Title. Not going to happen. So, if Surratt goes to Sabine Pass then yes, I can see him winning a Title in 7 years. Carthage never won a Title until he got there. Look, there are some here who blame the kids and there are some here that blame the coach. You talk about playoff runs, why is it that Carthage can and those in the same district can't. Sounds like coaching to me. It's always interested me why schools can never win a Title. But then a certain type of coach comes in and starts winning Titles. I not a firm believer in "the kids just started showing up when this coach did!" I just don't think the Vidor coach, if he was there, could have done the same thing as Dodge did at Southlake Carroll and Westlake. Then again, I think one poster actually said Dodge wasn't that good. He just had the right kids. But, it's all speculation anyway and my opinion!!
  3. First of all, Jasper did not play a great game Tuesday night. I was there. Hardly great. Had they played great, they would have won by 10 or more. What weak talk are you speaking of in regards to district 19?
  4. To some extent this game will tell us how good District 19 is. Jasper played a great game against 22nd ranked Hamshire with lead changes in the second half. Lumberton was simply overmatched against 15th ranked Hawks who seem to be getting better with each outing. But the Raiders did have a brave first quarter, good enough to make coach Davis fuss at his players. The starting 5 compared pretty well with Hawks. But they simply couldn't maintain the tempo that would have been needed to make a 4 quarter game of it. They just don't have enough help coming off the bench. LCM handled Hargrave with no serious trouble at all. Actually it's Silsbee was the one that didn't meet expectations. The Tigers scored plenty of points but led by only 13 midway through the 3rd against lowly 4th seed Liberty which didn't have a winning record in district. I predicted a 30 point game but I didn't foresee what would happen in the first 3 quarters, the amazing 1st and the lackluster 2nd and 3rd. So far so good. But this game to me is the tale of the tape so to speak. If LCM can make a good showing against 16th ranked Bullard, and I think they will, then we'll have no more talk about how weak 19 is. Sure, we don't compare to the richly endowed urban and suburban 4A districts but we are a good rural district. Remember, it was District losses that knocked LCM out of the top 25.
  5. Only because my mother used to talk about them. Was born and raised in Beaumont (graduating from Beaumont High School) and went to the games.
  6. Teachers in Florida right now are afraid to talk about it because of the crap DeSantis is slinging.
  7. It wasn't me!! Lol. I was just trying to clarify. No more girls basketball talk on this thread!!!
  8. I will be glad to talk about any sport topic you would like, but i am positive the forum peeps do not want to see our discussion anymore. Next time Nederland has a game i can talk with you about this. Matter of fact since you brought up "swing & miss" i will be at the Nederland baseball scrimmage this evening watching my nephew, it would be great meeting new people to talk Nederland, PNG or sports in general with to get new understandings & ideas. This way you do not have to tread lightly you can speak freely about anything you think you might know about including me or my kids. I'm just a non- disgruntled old short guy from North Houston that likes to conversate about all sports. 🧹🧹🧹🌊🌊🌊☔☔☔
  9. But once again you won’t talk about anything but 3 wins. That is my point. 😂. Thank you for proving it again. Just out their swinging and missing. It’s hard to call out a team for a 8 year playoff run with a program that is 2nd tier in their own school. What English has done is remarkable to say the least. My point was png didn’t have a great year they were in a terrible district. And as I said smith did what he had to do to get there. I’m treading lightly because this sounds like a disgruntled parent that wasn’t happy about a kids pt or outcome. But if that’s the case you probably know more than me. I’m just a fat guy that like high school basketball. Nederland is one of the teams I pull for but I have several these days.
  10. Kinda like certain politicians selling us out to China. The Republican Primaries will take care of Trump and Desantis. What’s funny is this imaginary cult you talk about. It’s not about Trump. It’s about what policies are good for this country. Wether it be Trumps policies or Desantis policies. You along with a few others on this forum are the only ones caught up in the cult of personalities being a prerequisite to be Commander in Chief. I heard there are going to be cuddlers at the voting polls for people like you and your other sensitive minions so they can cuddle you while you vote in 2024.
  11. Yeah….Majority of Americans can’t wait to have 4 more years of what we have in office. Talk about Clown World. Smh Yeah I don’t anyone that could beat Biden after the STELLAR JOB HE HAS DONE!😂
  12. He’s a rich liberal. Can back his talk up with bucks. Drives FOX News crazy. A good red herring, he’s even got the anti-Semite crowd to lie on him.
  13. Where did anyone from the left bring up Desantis grooming children? I've never heard about it until Trump brought it up. Even when I Google it, there isn't much out there except all the talk about Trump brining it up.
  14. Not being rude, but you can talk to him all you want. If he tells you any different then what I said he is lying. It was seen and heard by everyone there. As for his daughter missing practice for a week. That was told to me by a very reliable source who is very close to the situation.
  15. I haven't watched the video yet, but what I can tell you is when my daughter's team played at PNG, they were allowed to say some of the nastiest things I've ever heard to her team. No one said a word, not the administrators, home team fans, or officials. Everyone heard it. Most laughed. Then, once the PNG girls realized they were going to lose, the shoves in the back and fouls going for the kid and not the ball began to happen. 3 intentional fouls in the last 4 minutes or so of the game. the coach didn't bother to pull or even talk to any of the girls committing the intentional fouls. That being said, may point is nothing that happens at a PNG basketball game surprises me. Worst basketball fans in southeast Texas bar none.
  16. Imagine having such a miserable life you repost others Tweets daily on here. Not only that, you have to work 2 jobs to keep your business afloat LOL... talk about failure lol
  17. About how the libs/Dems did Trump. I never heard an R member of Congress saying they were going to impeach the mf’er before biden was inaugurated. Talk about against America. Bunch of sore losers in Congress!!
  18. All you do is demonize liberals,vilify LBGTQ people, get apoplectic about any Black Lives Matter supporters, talk about asylum seekers like they’re dogs. You can sure dish it out, but jump behind mommy’s skirt when someone comes after you. Sad.
  19. Glad you posted the second video. It literally gives you the reason why he pleaded the 5th. Thank you. Did you even listen to the whole second video? If you haven’t you need too. Do you even know the back story of Leticia James? All she could talk about was taking Trump down before she was even elected Attorney General of NY without any evidence of any kind. I’ve never said Trump is an Angel but I know when a man is being targeted, an if you can’t see that you’re lying to yourself. Can even tell me in your own words what the case is even about?
  20. [Hidden Content] I don't follow the Felon League anymore but OMG is there alot of talk about the officiating in the Bengals-KC game. I mean locally, not just on social media. A "script" needs to be followed. One of the last games I watched is when a New Orleans WR got TRUCKED by a Ram CB well before a red zone pass arrived, and you know the rest of that story. They are not going to be able to hide the game fixing much longer. The NBA ref finally spoke up years ago, it will happen again.
  21. I was on my way to the lake a few years back and stopped in Newton at Brookshires. There was a clean cut lady in line in front of me at the registers and she was wearing a Newton ISD shirt. Possibly a teacher , probably a para… I don’t know. We made small talk and she seemed sharp. She pulled out her Lonestar Card and paid for her groceries, then paid cash for her non-grocery items. I could make a ton of judgments, but it made me wonder. How many people have NEVER paid for their own groceries? I can’t claim superiority because I have signed up for benefits in the past. There was an emergency 90 days’ worth, if my memory is correct. I found work and never renewer after that initial period. But I do remember that the actual money lasted a lot longer than 90 days, lol. Its like this… I know a young couple with kids and they are always struggling… but I’ve heard Grandpaw say “I don’t care how bad it gets over there… my grandkids aren’t going to sit in the dark over there and they’re not going to go hungry.” It’s a nice gesture, but all Mom and Dad hear is that they don’t have to worry about the light bill or food… gramps has it covered… or at least that’s how they act. They just need somebody else to help them get their car back from the repo yard. And I think that’s where a lot of our “poor” are today. They know that if they start improving their lot in life by getting a job, they won’t be able to afford the groceries that they have on our dime. Those generous benefits are a disincentive to getting off of them. My solution? A set period of benefits like we have now… 24 months or so. Once it’s done, it’s only good for products like WIC provides, the old cheese and butter like they used to pass out, and MREs like we feed our troops. My guess is that you’d have a lot fewer people on the system. Heck, prove the liberals wrong. Only give them healthy alternatives. Fresh fruit and vegetables, no processed foods, no soft drinks. My guess is that our spending in that area would shrink when they couldn’t shop like fourth graders turned loose at the grocery store with unlimited resources.
  22. “We need more community policing… none of these cops look like us.” What happened to that kid was a shame and should not have happened. As somebody who thinks that the world was a better place when the police could tune a guy up when he needed it, this was just too much. Much too much. 1. If those weren’t cops, it wouldn’t have made the local news two days in a row… it would have just been more inner city violence. 2. A part of me wonders if these police were hired as part of a program that relaxed hiring standards in favor of filling racial quotas. 3. As always, I suspect that there is more to the story. What happened was still criminal, but if you, say, kicked a cop in the nuts or something, you were kinda up front in the engine ringing the bell when the train left the station. 4. This isn’t a George Floyd “did the knee cause his death” question. They beat this man to death. I guess they didn’t realize that the ‘hood code of silence wouldn’t apply to them. 5. Ben Crump is implicit. In 2023 people antagonize cops hoping that they’ll get a payday. Has that dude given anything back? He sure earns a lot. He needs these incidents to keep popping off or he’ll have to go back to fighting speeding tickets. 5. It’s funny how we can talk about the culture of violence in police departments causing this while ignoring that this could also be a result of the culture of violence in the black community. This whole thing was messed up. I can see a human snapping and knocking that hell out of somebody. I can’t see five guys holding a guy and taking turns punching, kicking, and hitting him with a baton over and over… then celebrating. It was just savage.
  23. Friend… nah. I meant what I said but I’m sorry you’re lacking in the comprehension department. And I also meant what I said about DM’ing me to talk or keep punching those keys
  24. Is Phil Danaher an elite coach? According to your theory.. he would've been fired at Calallen several times over. Even though he won more Texas high school football games than anyone that's ever coached and reached state finals twice, state semi-finals 11 times, state quarter finals 6 times, and regional finals 9 times. That's more deep runs than many of your "elite coaches" that you constantly talk about. So.. again. Is Phil Danaher an elite coach? Or is he someone that should've been fired?
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