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  1. I know that nobody wants to talk about it, but you may be watching the next Katy HS head coach when his dad retires. His resume will be pretty good.
  2. We are all entitled to our opinions. But you talk about TCU losing to a 3 loss K St team when Bama lost to a 4 loss LSU team. You point out K St lost to Tulane which makes me wonder how much football you’ve watched since Tulane is a top 20 team likely to get in a NY bowl game. Conversely, Bama lost to a 4 loss LSU team that just lost to a really bad A&M game (who will not even make a toilet bowl). So unless you are going for the name and history, Bama shouldn’t even be in this conversation. Hell put in Tennessee - same record and they beat the Tide head to head.
  3. Here is an interesting note since everyone wants to talk about Schedules. Lets throw away the regular season because lets face it that really don't matter now, Lots of people are talking smack on Silsbee has a weak regular season schedule and people are saying the same thing about Cuero so lets talk about the play-offs......... Silsbee has scored 128 points and only given up 31 points. Cuero has scored 93 points and given up 39 points. I mean the playoff is the only thing that matters at this point huh ?
  4. I listened to an episode of the Coaches Lounge from this past summer where Coach Negro, from SJB, and another private school California coach talk about their reach from the greater Los Angeles area. Ridiculous really. They have 12,000,000 people to choose their football team from. No restrictions whatsoever. All the best kids from that huge area go to 3 or 4 schools. They are nothing more than the IMG model. High School football has become a joke.
  5. I know when Coach Graham got hired as the OC there was a lot of talk (mostly negative) about the hire..interesting after an 11-2 season and a pretty good offense if those concerns have faded? I cant remember if the negativity came from Beaumont people or PA people who were worried but I definitely recall some concern
  6. Gilmer has 5 D1 commits. It was a great effort by both squads. If we are going to talk about who did and didn't play, we also need to talk about how young Carthage is, especially on D. The whole squad is full of soph/juniors and lets go ahead and mentioned that Carthage has a RB that's a freshman and will be a superstar when its all said and done.
  7. All BS talk aside now! It’s game day! May the best team win! Raiders play physical, fast, and trap them damn Dawgs! Prayers for an injury free game on both sides! Dawgs have basketball practice to start and Raiders have regional finals to prep for.
  8. It’ll get better partner. You need to go see a counselor. It’ll make things better and help put things in perspective. If you need help finding someone to talk to, PM me. I can get some names and numbers together. Remember, it’s ok to not feel ok and help is available.
  9. Carthage should beat everyone in 4AD2 by 3 or 4 TDs on average. Any talk outside of that is just speculation. Of the teams in 5AD2 now, I'd take South Oak Cliff or FB Marshall. SOC gave Duncanville all they wanted before district and Dville is about 10x better than anyone Carthage has played. They might have actually won that game if they'd switched quarterbacks. 5AD1 I'd take Longview, Aledo, Timberview, College Station, Lancaster and maybe even PA if they can hang with (or beat) LV this week. Is easy to look big and bad against helpless teams. What's the Bulldogs most impressive win? Kilgore? And has it been confirmed Gilmer's starting qb ain't playing? Going to be an ugly game if true.
  10. I feel your pain...seeing Nederland hit pretty much rock bottom this year was tough... how do I handle it? I handle it by supporting other teams in the area...when the state championship week comes take a day and go to AT&T stadium you'll see some really good action even if it's not your team...things will be ok we're here for you if you need to talk
  11. I love it!! Perfect forum etiquette w/ some talk involved. Good luck Mustangs! Get your run game ready as it's gonna be wet! Tiger Weather!
  12. READ ABOVE YOUR POST...90lbs yeah, you was the subject for about 30sec of laughter at the homecoming game when i went to talk to ya boy man to man, so i already know. i sure was in that first year while playing NC. he had NO control of the players that whole year. so many flags every game of personal fouls and worse play calling tan xbox. again read above your post, meaning i posted it before u. and again, you and the other two playing up for these folks on here, which was another comical 1-2 minute convo. i ain't scared to speak my mind here or in public. and before u disrespect my best friend that's no longer here, i didn't need him for nobody and don't need him now. BET.
  13. says the same person that said this region would be tough and i disagreed and stated reg 3 is tougher. yeah cause PAM was really beating manvel and smithson vally...i respect reg 3 way more than 2. real PAM fans, get off the gas man...u talk so much ish about the lineman having skirts on and how morgan suks...you dancing on here for them folks.
  14. You can deny what you want. Everyone on this board watched you talk trash about the PAM organization all year. Now when they are still in the 3rd round, you are their biggest supporter. You argued week after week with the other PAM fans, even when they were winning games.
  15. When WB transfer QB came in there was a lot of noise and talk about playoffs…
  16. LOL...talk to any Lobo player, coach, and normal fan, we know we are 0-0 and only guaranteed to play next week. Hoping for a good game. I will be very interested to see LV against PAM and all that speed on the field.
  17. To hell with Longview, they talk too much s**t, let's go PA, humble these fools
  18. Question: Our pngindians.com Talk Site says the game is a 7pm tonight. The tickets & LBJ Austin site say 7:30pm. Mis-Print, Mis-Communication. I know the game at Legacy, next to Rhodes, is at 7pm. Clarification please!
  19. The fact is this... the average American just wants to live their life and be able to provide for their family. How is that helped by partisan investigations and attacks? I mean, it fires up the political junkies who just want to see the "other" guys get hammered just like they've been hammering "our" guys. Our fiscal house is on fire with regard to inflation, the debt, etc.... and all the leaders want to talk about is Hunter Biden's laptop? Give me a break. It's comical how the same person who was on here whining about the 1/6 commission "witch hunt" and what a big time the investigation into Russian Collusion turned out to be is now crowing about "now it's our time to look into Joebama's business dealings!" That's how you lose interest. Want to do something productive? Figure out how to control healthcare costs instead of worrying about Hillary's missing emails. Figure out how we're going to pay back all of the money that we're borrowing instead of trying to figure how often Trump likes prostitutes to pee on him. Here's another fact... If you can't help but compare President Biden to Obama, you need to grow up. It kinda sounds like you're just trying to tie people's hatred of Obama (which was in fact racial to a lot of people on the right) to the new President who (unfortunately for you) can't be simply dismissed because of his race.
  20. Rio????? talk about living in the past! Prieto stepped into an ideal situation???? 1. Missed playoffs in Rios last year 2. Lost to SANTA FE!!!!!!!! 3. District just fired 100 employees 4. Every Coach he hired he had to convince them their checks would clear. 5. Superintendent Got ran out of town. 6. All kind of rumors circling around the athletic program. 7. Worst Rep for recruiting on East Side of Houston (and thats tough to do) I could list 20 other things but I wont. Coach P stepped into that!
  21. That’s what primaries are for. Let them bludgeoned each other, that is if Desantis decides to run. Talk bout windbag. In Desantis victory speech last he said an I quote “Florida is where Woke comes to die”. Kinda sounds like something Trump would say. Lol. I like it but that may be too harsh for some of those those squishy moderates you were referring too. I think both have done a good job but keep in mind Desantis is a politician. Trump is a Alfa Male, an sucks all the oxygen out of a room when he’s in it. Don’t think Desantis doesn’t acknowledge that fact.
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