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  1. The fact that the defending state champion West Orange-Stark Mustangs and the Liberty Panthers are in the same district and both ranked top 10 in the state of Texas now according to DCTF rankings for 4ADII. From what I have understood Dave Campbell's Texas Football magazine and rankings are a really respectable poll/magazine when it comes to Texas sports across the state, but there wasn't a lot of buzz on here about two SETX teams in the SAME district cracking that poll, and from what I'm seeing from past rankings its actually rare that ANY schools from SETX make it into DCTF's rankings, so I just thought this would be more of a topic of conversation since this is setxsports.com lol ... and ill admit liberty is never this good so I wanna enjoy our time in the spotlight and have you all come on here and congratulate us on how good we are doin lmao nah not really but I do think this deserves some recognition.
  2. [Hidden Content] This is from Rush, so the left won't grasp it lol. But the fact that Michelle has had many Rap Artist performing at the White House, indicates she's lying. But she's a progressive liberal, it's what they do.
  3. Not much talk i see. I know there were scrimmages yesterday as well as today. I'll be checking out Bellville this morning who is supposed to be good this year with three freshmen making varsity. Good scrimmage vs East Benard coming today. I'm sure you Hardin fans know about them.
  4. [Hidden Content] Another voting option removed from my list.
  5. Heard Silsbee put a whoopin on Kountze last night. Won by 25. Was told Tigers looked mid season form.
  6. When we hear about parents having "The Talk" with their children, it usually refers to the "birds and the bees" conversation. Not so in the African-American community, where "The Talk" is instructions on what to do if an African-American teenaged boy is stopped by police officers. Grimes told us about her talk with her sons, "I said if you're even stopped by the police, you just roll down your window, ask what is it that you need to do, don't try to get out of the car, don't try to have the last word."     That is the SAME thing my parents taught me........and I'm white.   [Hidden Content]  
  7. Check out who some of the protesters are.  Talk about cutting one's own throat.  Some people do not have a clue!!  Sad!   [Hidden Content]
  8. Iraq War Vet: 'I Don't Want Men And Women Dying For Dumb Causes Or Pride' Chris Branch HuffPost Live  Www.huffingtonpost.com
  9. Well it took me awhile but I can finally talk. Some of you know that I am Brock Pryors dad and it I got the shock of my life this year. Brock received several offers to play football from full rides to partials. The family was so excited as he had put in alot of work and we had taken him all over to camps,combines and visits. He decided on some schools and aalll was  good. Then [b]bam[/b] he comes to me and says dad I don't want to play football anymore. I think my heart stopped. He continued to explain that he loved playing for Nederland and Coach Neumann but he wanted to be able to walk and think when he was my age. Brock said I just want to go to college get a degree and go to work for one of the refineries. I sat and listened in disbelief. After talking to several people and talking it over and over and over with Brock, I finally accepted it. I am proud that he came to me face to face and was man enough to stand up for what he wants. He has made us proud . So it is good to be back.
  10. Anyone here any good rumors on transfers?
  11. Who is on the bubble in your district and who is already in?
  12. It's Homecoming for SA... So who you got and by how much? SA lost to Garrison in a close one and Hemphill lost to Buna by more than a few so...
  13. Here is the text from an article by the Houston Chronicle when BCG left Texas A&M for Kentucky. It's an opinion piece and it's creepy how right this guy was: [quote] Good riddance, Billy Clyde. Onward and upward, Aggies. He was a great hire. Let's begin with that basic point. No matter how bitter you are, no matter how betrayed you feel, don't ever forget what Billy Gillispie did for Texas A&M. He left a blueprint for the lucky coach who follows him. Never again should Texas A&M take a backseat to Texas in basketball. That will be Gillispie's legacy. Here's the other thing to know about Billy Clyde Gillispie. He was never going to stay at Texas A&M. Never. If he didn't have a legitimate reason to leave, he was going to invent one. His monstrous ego wasn't going to be satisfied in Aggieland. He wanted more. He has been that way his entire coaching career. Ask some of the people who coached with and against him along the way. Billy Clyde never lacked ambition. Ambition isn't a bad thing, but it can be consuming and alter one's sense of reality. Billy Clyde wants to be mentioned in the same breath as Coach K. or Roy Williams, and he's determined to get there no matter how many times he has to break his word. His word means nothing. He's a liar in the worst sense of the word. He will come up with some reason for leaving Texas A&M, but the bottom line is he gave his word that he would stay when he probably never had any intention of staying. Some A&M officials knew this. They expected him to take the Arkansas job. Even if he decided to stay at A&M, they knew they'd be going through this drama again next year and every year after that until he finally did leave. Gillispie began telling friends a year ago he was dissatisfied with A&M. He believed some promises had gone unfulfilled. In the last few weeks, he told some that he wanted the Arkansas job. The Aggies who are unhappy with him now are missing the point. Gillispie used A&M, but A&M used Gillispie, too. Now there's a roadmap for how to succeed in basketball. Don't worry about the players or the recruits. Sure they committed to a liar. That's the wrong way to look at the thing. They committed to attending school and playing basketball for one of the country's great universities. They're Aggies now and forever. They may have wished they'd signed on with Rick Barnes, but they're going to end up all right. Bill Byrne surely knows this was coming. He gave Gillispie virtually everything he asked for last week and still couldn't get an answer from him. He had to know that Gillispie was either having some kind of identity crisis or simply a liar. I was convinced last week that he was going to leave, but once he issued a pretty definitive statement about the new contract, that seemed to be the end of it. Still, doubts lingered. He never said definitively that he was staying. He never signed the deal. I've heard he didn't sign his previous deal, either, but that's beside the point. The bottom line is that this little man with the smirk and the big ego came to see himself as worthy of Kentucky but not Texas A&M. Don't sweat it, Aggie fan. Bill Byrne will go find another first-rate coach. He'll build on what Gillispie has started. He'll have great facilities and a solid recruiting class, and he might make the A&M-Texas basketball rivalry one of the countries best. Gillispie will attempt to find whatever he's looking for in Kentucky. He won't find it. He'll never find it. The Aggies shouldn't sweat his leaving. He's not worth it.[/quote]
  14. For those who can't wait till 7 pm to hear some high school football talk need to tune in to KSET 1300 AM out of Beaumont as SETXsports Administrator Mike Sanchez will be on the Fred Davis Show from 6:15-6:30 p.m. to talk about high school football in Southeast Texas.  Mike will canvas the landscape of football in Southeast Texas and give his views on the upcoming games tonight. So tune into the Fred Davis Show at 6:15 to hear the latest in high school football in Southeast Texas.
  15. I spent some time talking football with Will Tyler this weekend. Now I am ready for some football. It looks like Burman will not be in Kirbyville this year. I think Brooks looked good in the backfield everytime we saw him. Plenty of talent in Jacko and others. I am looking forward to seeing what they can put together.
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