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  1. All the while, have people wondering how/why that on only 1 or 2 days notice he made the decision for himself to up and leave our young men for the land of the Wolverine. Still struggling with his departure I see you are. The inability to let it go has /is taking a toll on you. you are more than welcome to hit me up Via PM if for nothing more than to talk. Recovery can be a long and tedious process
  2. I aint picking against em. Haven't the previous 2 years. LBJ in a win. Would love to see the talk if PNG knocks em off though. 🤷🏾‍♂️
  3. We have the nice head sets for everybody on the sideline to talk to each other but why? The coordinators are all right there together and not in the press box like they should be to read the opponent’s o/d..I don’t get that at all
  4. You’d think that when the HC position became available, there would have been a plethora of coaches applying, but coaches talk to one another and they knew the toxic atmosphere the sup and some in the community created here.
  5. Yep, just like that nice locker room and press box. All talk and no action
  6. You know, it's really hard to be proud of making playoffs int this district with all you guys telling these kids how BAD this district is. You should be proud of your home team making the playoffs in any position and talk them up rather than beating them down.
  7. He heard that talk from the same people he be at lunch with eating McRibs.
  8. Me thinks that talk wasn't from higher-ups. Those same ppl will be talking tomorrow or Sunday. Depending on how their college team or NFL team do. You'll see them on Monday at work I guess, if not earlier.
  9. That’s an interesting take considering some of the things posted in the forum where y’all talk about that stuff. People already knew who I was and who I am. I know it’s hard to believe but there’s things I care about a lot more and research a lot more fervently than high school football statistics. Losing voting rights is a lot more important than losing to Longview in my opinion. I know you have this odd obsession with all things me but we’ve been asked not to discuss non-football related items in this forum and I’ll oblige. I wouldn’t mind discussing it with you in person though.
  10. Well i hate to see you go. But ill have smash-mouth to at-least talk some smack to and relieve the past lol. Im sure LCM will get back track
  11. right. the republicans shouldn't do what it takes to get the votes. just blame the voters and talk about how stupid they are. it's a brilliant concept, and seems to be working phenomenally well.
  12. fitting response from from someone that's about as important ( if that much) as the white crayon. For the sake of things, let us be careful with how far we(you) take the smack talk and/or name calling. Just saying. UNLESS........... you know what nevermind.
  13. All this Trump v. DeSantis talk is juicy, but under the hood, there's a far more pressing issue: Democrats fortified their COVID mass mail-in-voting apparatus. It's a vote-harvesting juggernaut that will continue to produce competitive results no matter the GOP nominee.
  14. Crosby might have to sell out to stop the run and that's going to open things up in the passing game. People from LV always talk about #8 but to me their most impressive player is #2, and it isn't even close. On offense I have no idea how Crosby is going to generate points.
  15. And if Silsbee doesn't turn it over and doesn't blow coverage on a couple of plays (mistakes), Silsbee wins by 10 or more. That kind of talk goes both ways.
  16. And @pakronos , we did talk about this. And I do understand your stance, I just tough you’d have more positive to say THIS week.
  17. When you are the first place team playing the 4th place team, u are favored. You playing at home, u are favored. PERIOD. I live in the area and see and talk to people and foster and Hightower had no business beating pam. However, that triangle mindset have y’all thinking everyone past barbers hill is football gods ( minus hisd)
  18. Loved Art. He was special and a good man. I helped with the WO-S/Silsbee game this year. Had a lot of fun. Was nice just to walk in press box, put on a headset and talk and not have to deal with the producing of the broadcast. Hopefully I can get this arrangement again in the playoffs.
  19. Unless I am needed, no. Silsbee football broadcast are in good hands with James and Charlie. Now there is some talk of me helping with some other schools playoff games. Stay tuned.
  20. Here is Sunny Hostin on The View comparing White suburban women voting for Republicans to roaches running to Raid. The Dems can defend it by saying, she is just a talk show host. She isn’t running for office. Does that same logic apply to Republicans? When people even in this forum come out with “you people” (usually a claimed conservative speaking to other conservatives), does that logic go but the other side? If a person makes a stupid comment, does that mean that all Republicans and especially the RNC, have to “own it”? I will accept that as long as the Democrats will accept every stupid statement made by any on the left being the same as a spokesperson for the DNC. So does Hostin speak for all Democrats? Does she speak for all Black women? If White women vote Republican, are they then roaches running to Raid? If a Black person has the audacity to vote for anyone other than a Democrat, do they lose their race as claimed by Biden with, “you ain't Black”? Personally I think Hostin like, Whoopi Goldberg, is just another idiot with a mouthpiece but in the trending of some discussions, does the ranting of one or more persons, especially who aren’t politicians, speak for an entire group?
  21. Dang …. you went from Silsbee’s game last night which if you look at my post earlier in the week you’d see that I predicted Silsbee would win, to Silsbee beating Vidor in the first game of the season, to a Trump Rally! Lol You sound like the candidate Fetterman running for office in Pennsylvania or better yet Joe Biden. Let me guess….you can bench press 400lbs and you talk to people that make 800k a year. Lol Sorry Spanky, just calling it like I see it. You are now not allowed to criticize any refs that result in a Silsbee lost from this day going forward. Remember the internet is forever. 😘
  22. Great game by both teams. Shame one team had to lose. My coworkers wife is a Jasper grad. She went to the game vs WOS and couldn't talk for 2 days from all the screaming and cheering. Well I just got a text that says the football gods have blessed him once again. Hilarious 😂
  23. I always enjoyed playing Brenham win or lose they are alway a great fan base, very friendly, and the smack talk is always fun. My two favorite playoff opponents have always been Brenham and PNG. 2 of the best fan base ever. I feel like we used to always end up playing Brenham in the playoffs.
  24. my brother young he gone make mistakes im going to talk to him at halftime, it’s been happening all year to him cannot get on here blaming him for 1 simple mistake… he’s just a kid
  25. Only if one of there posters can bench 400lbs and talk to people that make 800k a year. Then an only then will they be considered. 😀
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