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  1. Ask why my team doesn’t get any respect ✅ Talk smack on anyone who tells me why. ✅ Result: People now respect me and my team less. Give yourself a pat on the back. 👍
  2. I think the talk is about common opponents. But that means mostly nothing in this case.
  3. I am surprised that the tigers have not brought up our Newton game. Nah, let stop lying. No talk of Newton doesn't surprise me one bit.
  4. Has there been no talk of Barbers Hill/New Caney Porter moving their game up? We could have this whole thing settled going into tomorrow if they did.
  5. Dont take anything away from Coach Sutherland, but probably one of the best teams or one of the top s is the team from 1996. they only gave up 40 points the entire season. they went 2 deep in the playoiffs without a bye game. that team was explosive and very talented, all local talented. every individual has there right to pick and feel the best team that played here at EC, this is my feel, the team in 1996. The team in 2018 is my 2nd choice, losing to state champion Grandview, who they should have beaten. the 3rd choice ids the team Tramaine Thomas played on. if there are any other team, lets talk about them, SHOW ME
  6. I want to say this I don't care what there record is I still going to see them play cause I'm a real mustangs fan that why they have low confidence because of the fans they already said it so the fans play a big part of them as well I hate when people gets on here and talk about how they is doing and they haven't been to any of the games
  7. Biden won both debates against Trump. Have you heard Walker talk?
  8. What’s going good??? The kids actually playing with heart, but have no one … we’ll have a few people that’s actually coaching them. motivation ?? Don’t have none. I love football. I’m from PA and rep my city… so much it tattooed on me. I live in a area where football is a tick better than the golden triangle. When they talk ish, I’m still gonna put pa first. U see it’s easy for the stick boy key board warrior to get on here and gas y’all up but in secret talk the same stuff I do… I’m just honest and ain’t scared. And again let it be clear cause I said this a few times, I’m not attacking the kids per say, it’s the delusional fan boys and the adults on the side lines. Period.
  9. There is not a lot of talk in the VB Forum. How did each school's JV & Freshman do on the year? Just seeing how local VB will be in the next few years.
  10. 59n Sports, well said. I agree on it all. TrojanMojo agreed, again I was not bashing on Coldspring, I don't have a kid on the football team anymore. I did talk with about 5-6 players after the volleyball game Shepherd had in Coldspring, everyone was very respectful, but I just didn't get that IT factor that Coldspring always had. Not that they didn't want to win and they very specifically told me they were bring the trophy back home. But the true IT factor just wasn't there. If you know what I am trying to say. I have questioned for a long time now, why Shepherd has had two Coldspring hometown guys running our program and on the coaching staff and now a third one, but they have not came back home to coach. I don't have the answer. I can tell you that Shepherd loves all three of those guys and they do a heck of a job turning our young guys in to men. We may not win all the time, but the greater picture is perfectly clear. Don't get me wrong everyone wants to win every game, but when you see the guys turned into fine adults that is truly the biggest win a coach can have. Just an outside perspective.
  11. Hey you wanted to talk about it. Lol all in good fun here. Hope we aren't abusing our privileges....go bears!
  12. I'll gladly talk about regular season L(s) if you want to talk about playoff W(s)
  13. In Junior High?? Wrong again!! I notice that none of yall get on here and speak of the "transfers" at other schools. The more yall talk the dumber you sound! Sorry, no not sorry!!!!
  14. Whos going to the School Board meeting tonight, to talk about the program decline?
  15. I agree. It’s just that the topic is called “WOS School Board Meeting” I thought it was a silly topic due to the nature of the author’s intentions. His first line: “Whos going to the School Board meeting tonight, to talk about the program decline?”
  16. That’s exactly how it’s been,we talk about it all the time…and what’s happening with the football program will benefit the LCM program,hard truth ..WOS will be 3A before you know it
  17. Talk about some good games for the other LCS. Harper up, man on 1st SD 3 Phi 2 Bot 8th
  18. Well since u need to hear this. I only say something that is straight from a coach. Trust me u as an outsider has no idea how bad it is here. I through a hint earlier that it will only get worse for a reason. Something not meant to be shared on here.at the end of the day. Every side loses here. I wanna know since when do kids talk on cellphone at halftime.this thing is outta control.lol, try going to there practice and see !! Just today I had parent tell me that he would pay his kid not to go anymore.bcz, he doesn't like how things are going.i never thought in a million years would be here!!
  19. That looks like a mis-timed slide. I hate the slide. Texas couldn’t even get a flag thrown on Bama slamming our QB to the turf, and people talk about Texas getting the calls/no calls.
  20. Two LBs were out against a running team, one who also punts and was the star in the Crosby game, and the D1 LT were out. Laporte was also at full strength, neither team is the same team that played that night. As for the ding dong comment, you basically said we were going to get blown out which was more wishful thinking on the coogs part so I'll allow it Can you please tell 14.2 its ok to come back to eat some crow, he doesnt have to quit all season on his coogs and the forum LOL. Talk about taking your ball and going home. Seriously hope something isnt really wrong but seems awfully coincidental on the timing of being MIA.
  21. I’m not going to entertain unsubstantiated talk. Thin skin, cheap talk, pick your poison.
  22. Quoting my favorite coach. He wore that shirt to a game couple weeks ago. Talk about making a statement without saying a word.
  23. Silsbee has no room to talk about recruiting anybody lol Need to take your hater shades off. Got mad parking was bad at a stadium under construction and now this.
  24. WOS faithful shouldn’t lose their minds if WOS loses…Jasper has some quality wins over the years and they have beat us before,it’s when you get HF or get blown out by smoketown that makes people talk..
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