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  1. Let me just chime in and give some insight from someone from SS. Last year's record and this year's record are somewhat deceiving. Last year our first seven opponents, through the first seven weeks, had a combined record of 44-5. Two teams from last year are now in 6A, two more are in 5A D1, and two that are still in 5A D2 were top 10 teams. We were so beat down that by the time we got to some winnable games the kids were done and the coaches had one foot out the door. It was just a bad situation. This year we dropped to 4A. A softer schedule has as much to do with the turn around as the new coaching staff. It's a whole lot easier to win when you're one of the big schools in the class instead of the other way around. We were going to be better this year regardless of who the coach was. That being said, Faircloth is awesome. He is exactly what we needed. He's brought a new attitude, new energy, built confidence after being beaten down the last few years. The old coach was a great guy, won a state championship here, but he'd been here 13 years and it had ran it's course. It was time for a change and everyone knew it. Oh yea, one more thing, we play defense now, 15 ppg. So all the talk about Faircloth being strictly about the offense doesn't seem to apply here, at least not yet. We've never played defense here. Even the state championship game we won the score was 69-49, so we're not used to this. Faircloth is a smart guy, and I think he chose to come here for a reason. What most people on the outside may not know is the talent at our lower levels is absolutely loaded. JV is pretty good, but it's the Freshman that has everyone here buzzing. They've never lost a game and have outscored their opponents this year 174-14, and that's with two of the best freshmen starting on varsity. I had a retired coach who coached at the 5a/4a level tell me he has never seen a class this talented at any school he coached at or coached against. They are special. It really seems like the perfect combination of talent and coaching coming together at the right time to do something special. So, if you want to peek into the future, I can see Faircloth winning a state championship here in two or three years, or at least coming close. Then after that I would think he would have his pick of high profile jobs if he were looking to move up. I don't see him leaving any sooner than that with this much talent on the way. As for this year I'll stick with my prediction I made before the season. 9-3, 2nd place in district, two rounds deep in the playoffs.
  2. I agree, Ive been saying all season they miss kirkwood. That dude made all the big plays, against BH last year he caught the hail mary and had a ton of clutch plays during crunch time. And you are right, that kicker was a big weapon too. You cant replace guys like that. With that said, it couldnt happen to a better group. For all preseason talk, then it was just CE King is a 6A, FBM didnt blow that game, beat lee by 20 after being close all night and then the injuries excuse - the bottom line is they arent as good as the big mouths on this board thought. That is why you speak softly and carry a big stick but when you think you are invincible and will just out "athlete" everyone the arrogance doesnt allow you to see these are 15,16,17 and 18 year old kids in which you never know how they will play.
  3. The Democrat’s strategy for the 2022 midterms is obvious … 1) Talk about Trump 24/7 to deflect from their massive failures and economic destruction. 2) Lie about everything and don’t do debates - because debates would prove they lie about everything.
  4. 409, although your response was filled with sarcasm, you made a few great points here nephew. Probably without trying, but you did it. It should be noted that I have the Bachelor's Degree secured and as an added bonus, i also have a Master's Degree. Unfortunately coaching never peeked my interest as a career but you may be on to something. However, I am in a position where I mentor young adults and I can see where you are have arrived when speaking on the environment of the school. I thought this was a football forum; meaning football talk but you have managed to redirect the narrative, congratulations. You are absolutely correct coaching is much more than X's and O's. Regardless, of what's going on in the school, those kids should see their respective sport as a safe haven. In closing, all that you have spoken doesn't excuse the poor coaching performance. Are the coaches 100% to blame, absolutely not, but they could do better.
  5. That’s all you see and want to talk about. Who’s the weird one?
  6. Isn't it weird how this board can't ever seem to talk about the obvious story of the day when it's NOT favorable to Trump? The NY scenario honestly seems like a giant hoax to me, and takes away from investigations that seem to have actual merit in my opinion... like the 1/6 inquiry (not so much), the Georgia Election Interference Investigation and the Mar A Lago Docs investigation...
  7. That's the point. He is talking about a youth league game. Why he chose to talk about it in this high school game thread is the question. He never really clarified his first post about it being a youth league game. That's what has confused everyone.
  8. We’ve had this talk before. Why didn’t you apply for the last two vacancies?
  9. We’re good. We can talk about it as long as they need to. We’ll see who’s still talking in November though
  10. Fair enough and good point. Some can’t follow a simple conversation and it shows. Half the problem with the new generation is they talk before hearing the question or the other person’s statement before trying to get their point across. So just to clarify, all my comments from the very start have been about a “non-elite / non-select” youth football league with very specific rules about running up the score, code of conduct, etc. that Buna competes in. I have always thought Buna was a classier bunch of folks on the field until I watched a few games in this league. And when I saw this score I couldn’t help but think back to those games in that particular league. Maybe it’s a few bad apples… I dunno. lmao, and if you think the problem is “parents getting soft” is the issue I challenge you to go watch some of these youth games. There’s a reason why there’s fights breaking out amongst the crowds weekly. Good luck Buna and stay classy.
  11. That's big talk. May wanna crawl before you walk with that prediction. I hope you're right... but a lot happens in 4 years and a lot of teams around the state can play.
  12. So many things wrong about this I wouldn't even know where to start. Public forum and anybody is welcome to talk about anything they wish. Go boss your wife and kids around.. not me.
  13. [Hidden Content] A Texas Sheriff is opening a criminal investigation into what DeSantis did, flying 50 Illegals out of Texas to Martha’s Vineyard. I do hate it when someone embarrasses our great State. And a Sheriff? Good grief, how did this guy get elected? Good grief. This guy needs to be tarred and feathered. Looking at him now - has an ear ring - a Texas Sheriff. Good grief. Talk about someone wanting on TV so bad he’s embarrassing the whole State. Good grief.
  14. On there all the time......talk football every Saturday........
  15. Who is your team? Tarkington Longhorns How have they done compared to your offseason expectations? Better than expected coming off one of the worst seasons I've ever watched in my life What has been a positive? Offensively they have had some big plays, but more importantly they've had some long sustaining drives. Defensively they have played pretty well overall and the DC has made some good adjustments. Best positive so far is the fire and determination these kids have shown. Reflection of their AD for sure. What has been a negative? Passing game is still not good enough to fight off 8-9 in the box if a team decides to do so. Quarterbacks aren't really seeing kids open, just winging to a predetermined receiver. Defensively, tend to give up big plays and once district starts I feel like we are going to be undersized on our D-line. What are your new expectations for the season? We are still so young that playoff talks seem a bit presumptuous, but I'm really hoping we can pull off enough wins to sneak in. It would be such a huge boost to these kid's confidence who have had to deal with so much turnover and negative talk for the past couple years.
  16. Who said that from Tatum? Didn’t know we talk here too did ya? 😂
  17. I think u have a situation where , you have to hire a new DC and def assistants. They want to coach a Defense they are familiar and comfortable with. Just happens that the current players are struggling with playing it, and if things continue to slide down hill, the kids will start to not buy in to the change. Regardless of this weeks outcome, things will probably get better as they play the weaker teams in the district. But if and a big (if) they loose to Silsbee, and HF, gonna be a tough go? Any other school it would work out in time, but the expectations at WOS are so high, that the stress level on all involved may be too much? But, dont be shocked if all this gloom and doom talk is nought, WOS wins out in district , and goes sev rounds in the playoffs. I would consider that a successful first year for Hickman . JMO
  18. What do you want them to do? Tell the backups to take a knee instead of playing? The backup QB played the entire 2nd half, along with many backups on defense. If you weren't there, don't talk about it. Also, you can't exactly "run it up" in flag football with the 30 point rule.
  19. This is another example of how you don't know sh*t about me, football or NS....First off Denver NEVER attended HS in Alief he was at NS his entire high school career how do I know this? Because I actually COACHED him, unlike yourself I don't have to make statements based off hearsay, message boards and rumors, also if he attended an Alief school please tell me which one he attended since you know so much I'll wait. (BTW unlike you I can factually prove every statement I'm about to make) As far as #99 for one HE'S NOT the best DL that would be #23 who is a two year starter & holds several D1 offers and has been in NS program since he was in middle schooI along with the other two starting defensive lineman. Furthermore #99 was at two different schools before he ever attended NS so how come you're not saying Spring recruited him as well? Cause you know he attended a diff school for two years before he ever stepped foot on campus at Spring HS right? Yeah of course you didn't! You're clueless...His mom decided to move her family into the district (he has a brother that attends NS as well) in which the DEC and his former school signed off on it but in your mind NS recruited him huh? Again you're clueless... And since you've asked where did football take me I'll tell you: It led me to play Division 1 football and get a free education an education in which I used to be become an educator/coach. In my coaching career I won 3x state championships and was able to retire from coaching because in the midst of all the winning I was doing as a coach at the best program in the state, I also started a few multi-six figure companies which allows me the freedom not to need to work a 9-5. So please don't come in here beating your chest about your little plant salary homeboy because that lil money they paying you ONE of my companies does that in a couple months. And if you'd like I can prove that to you as well old head, so don't come on here to talk financials cause you not on my level. You're biggest accomplishment in life is being a process operator 🤣 go clock in and work some more OT. And try not to croak while breathing in all them chemicals. Ok now Joey tell us what you've accomplished in your sports career that qualifies you to know more than me about the game as you've claimed in years past & to get on here and pretend as if you know anything about sports....go head I'm listening!
  20. For those of y’all commenting on NS success & wondering what’s the secret! It’s simple they have a great collection of TALENT, COACHING & STRUCTURE! Structure which starts from the very top of the food chain…admin understands how important athletics are and stand behind it. Every successful program gets hit with the recruiting talk…but truth of the matter is NS players are groomed to win from the time they hit middle school! Go watch Cunningham middle school on a Tuesday evening & you’ll see exactly where all the talent is coming from! Cunningham Middle hasn’t loss a football game in almost 30 years! And those kids are running the same offense, defense, stretches & off season program as the high school. Also both of NS feeder middle schools have 90 min athletic periods EVERYDAY, which allows for adequate practice time & coaching. This also allows for the high school coaches to attend these periods in the spring & go coach the incoming 8th graders! For the idiots that want to bring up NS getting transfers every school gets move ins/transfers…fact of the matter is NS don’t have to recruit the program recruits itself! If a parent wants to send their child to a better program like NS (which is an open enrollment campus just like MANY others in the Houston area) instead of a shitty program that their child may be zoned to are you going to fault the parent for doing what’s best for their kid athletically & academically? And would you fault NS coaches for accepting that kid into the program? What don’t get talked about is there’s more kids that transfer OUT of NS instead of in! For example Channelview’s current starting QB started his career at NS, PA Memorial starting QB started his career at NS, CE King’s QB started 7 games at QB for NS just LAST YEAR, CE King’s starting DE who’s also happens to be a Colorado commit started his career at NS…but because these teams don’t win at the same level of NS this type of stuff never gets talk about. And if you’re wondering how do I know all of this it’s because I coached all of them at NS. Most of y’all on here have never seen or been apart of a successful program like NS so the first thing you do to justify the success is say stupid sh*t like “they recruit” or “open enrollment” when in fact no other program in the state puts the same amount of work in…they don’t see the lifting that’s done 5x a week in-season & off-season or the summer workouts Mon-Friday that start at 6:30 in the morning…I could go on & on! Y’all are on the outside looking in & swear y’all have all the answers smh just appreciate & salute greatness!
  21. Joey Joey Joey…I haven’t been on this site in almost 10 years & you’re still mentioning me? And after all this time you have no clue what the hell you’re talking about when it comes to anything football or sports in general! Stick to what you actually know which is working in the plant! You should talk about that more seeing that you’ve never played none of the sports you speak on! You’re just an old head who was never worth sh*t in sports & is now reliving his glory days through a keyboard! Be a fan & stop speaking on what you have no clue about I.e (football, NS etc)
  22. We’ve won way to many game for me to duck anybody. I man enough to let guys get their shot in, the way I talk on here I fully expect it. This is lied rosy district loss since Nederland in ‘20 and that got things turned around for us. Maybe this one will too🤞🏾
  23. Why don’t you go talk to Matthews about it? Right before district play seems like good timing. Smh
  24. Not sure if it would had made a difference. WOS had a time out and then rushed the play. Why not call the timeout. Talk it over and then run the play. Hmmmm not sure what to think.
  25. Great punt but somebody better talk to that freshman, gotta let that ball continue to roll.
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