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  1. The talk is a swap for an imprisoned war lord arms trader. How warped is that? She will probably return as some sort of victimized hero.
  2. Have you seen the news? Do you believe it now? I’m sure you will still deny, because you are blind to the misgivings of Democrats. He even sent some to China. That was probably repayment for what China had done for hunter and joe in the past. Talk about a corrupt po💩. The absolute worst ever POTUS we have seen.
  3. Here we go with this guy again..... still trying to determine where your hatred lies with the Prairie. I'm convinced you lost a girlfriend or a wife to some guy out there. Don't worry buddy, you're probably both better off!!! Carry on with the football talk.....
  4. You obviously think abortion should stay in play, even though you say you’re against it. Like every subject, you talk out both sides of your mouth, like Cardinalbacker, but not nearly as witty.
  5. From the way I have read this case, this is what it comes down to it. We all know Supreme Court decisions have said that teachers in class or at school functions cannot lead prayer. The Supreme Court has said however that everyone has a right to pray at any time as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. So if you’re in the middle of English class, you can’t walk up in front of class it’s start chanting verses because that disrupts a class and interferes with rights of another person. You can sit in your seat and pray anytime you wish. If I am reading yes case correctly, a football coach has a duty to the school and the law. His team played a football game and it is over. He could have just as well walked up to the district superintendent in the stands and asked, “Am I now off duty and free to go where I wish?” I cannot imagine any other answer other than, yes. You can go to the locker room and talk to your kids, you could drive to a fast food place and get your burger or you can go home. So the coach walked to the football field, kneele and says a brief prayer. Did he violate the constitution? Did he interfere with anyone else’s right to go about their business or have their rights violated? The game is over and some players have headed to the locker room. So are hanging around and mingling with a crowd, talking to parents etc. Some have gone to where the coach is saying a prayer and decided to pray with him. did they violate anyone’s right? Since they are now free to go, can they pray as they wish? Just just not seem like a difficult decision. A coach on his own time and within his own constitutional right, he decided to pray. He interfered with no one else and he’s not compelling anyone to do anything. Fo that he was terminated. It seems it was the coach who had his First Amendment rights violated, not any students or anyone else. Not a constitutional right but written federal law in the EEOC, it appears that he has a job discrimination claim against the district. Federal law bans discrimination at work based on sex, race, national origin, religion, pregnancy and age (which is over 40). So was he off duty and they completely blew his rights out of the water by saying that he cannot pray on his own time or he was on duty and not allowed to pray when it does not interfere with his job? Either way this coach should get a hefty settlement of the school district. The strangest part of this decision was the fact that three liberal judges felt that he had no right to pray and he violated someone else’s constitutional rights when he did.
  6. Politicians are similar to Aliens or Bigfoot. You hear a lot about them, and you see them, but rarely do you see the real person. In a photo-op at the Capital welcoming newly elected Rep. Flores (R) and her family to Congress, Pelosi found herself standing next to Flores daughter who appears to be about 10 years old. Nancy takes her elbow and shoves the child away. Was it because Flores is the first elected Congressperson born in Mexico? Does she think of them as “Hispanic Trash” and doesn’t want contact? Whatever the reason, it’s a picture of the real Pelosi. Talk about a classless stunt, and to a child no less. What a pos. [Hidden Content]
  7. I think abortion should not be legal for just anyone to do it, if the woman is at risk, incest,or rape is involved it should be her choice and no 1 else's.... I don't think the states should be able to tell her what she can and can't do with her body, just like with vaccines it's a choice of the individual 12 year old pregnant she has to carry or travel to get an abortion and I've heard they're wanting to punish ppl who do that... talk about overreach, and will cost R's for it
  8. I have to admit this was a weak comeback man... SMH going to be fun watching yall lose 2024 Remember D's hold oval office 10 of the last 14 years and going to be 12 out of the last 16 in a couple years... try to win an election then we can talk
  9. yes sir. a couple seasons ago over at the other website the talk of course was the dominate run Carthage had been on. I took upon myself to remind them that LaVega was doing dominate things themselves. 2015-2019 Waco LaVega was 71-6. That stretch included 3 title game appearances(winning 2 the 2019 title game they lost to Carthage). 2015 they beat Carthage in playoffs 39-3 on their way to winning state title. that same stretch Carthage was 70-7 winning 3 titles. pretty darn good(both programs)
  10. Feel free to chime in with how much more you expect to pay in taxes as a result of this ruling. You know, expanded welfare payments, housing for criminals, healthcare for indigents, even the expansion of state schools... you know, the places where they used to keep the genetical anomalies that required full time care... people don't talk about it, but a lot of those pregnancies were ended in the last 50 years... we're signing up for a lifetime of care for those individuals. So... a thousand dollars per year per family? Maybe just $500. Who knows... but all of you cheering are actually applauding an explosion of spending that will undoubtedly be used to support these unwanted kids until they're old enough to vote Democrat. But I guess that makes you the winner.
  11. Appears we have a surplus of unwanted babies & adults crossing our border daily. By the thousands. Talk about crime? Those gang members from Mexico have no morale boundaries. Now we all know most aren’t gang members, but these groups are so big now, having a few in each batch adds up to big trouble for our law enforcement community and the general public.
  12. Not sure about Vidor, it was no homecooking when we went out there in 2016 and took a L. Maybe versus the likes of Mid-County and others it happens?? The BH homecooking talk been going on dating back to the 90s and I've witnessed it so........ ......maybe it's not as bad now like it was before, only example I can give on that is our 2020 game there where the refs were horrible both ways, literally felt like no one won that night, neither team got better because of that particular game.
  13. They go hand in hand but it is not technically government money. What gets me is people talk about inflation and equate it to high prices, which inflation does raise prices, but inflation is actually a devaluation of your dollar, meaning it loses value. When your dollar hits zero value, I don’t care how many $millions you possess, it ain’t worth diddly. It will be like the German Reichsmark……good enough to burn. Trump had the economy rolling and you know it.
  14. You talk about D's and KKK then pretty much say it's OK for Conald to defend them... I'm almost surprised
  15. Yeah, Melon Head likes to talk…. Lol.
  16. Lol, this dude don't speak for all blacks.. look at the turnout for the loser... Conald can't win 🤣 What can I say losers pick losers Last 14 years D's been in the oval office 10 of those and about to add 2 more years to that.. talk about snowflake losers R's hold that title... here's a tip for ya loser, try to pick someone who can win LMAO
  17. We're in the sad shape we're in cause both parties try to spend their way out of everything... D's approach it quickly. R's drag it out for the long room but both have the same goal at the end, sad that folks don't see that... Core values? That's laughable, but expect me to vote for a cheating pornstar, with a wife with nudes online (brought to you by the supposedly Christian side) ? Talk about speaking volumes.... laughable (Grab her by the #####)? Story highlights "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Dude wasn't kidding... he has some true sheep
  18. R's need to focus on winning mid terms and 2024.... all this wasted time and money is only going to reflect what the D's did! R's won't pick up enough seats to impeach biden or Harris so that will also be a waste of time and money just like the D's did with Conald I want to see 2 new candidates from both parties and get back to somewhat normality, the left is to far left and the right is to far right... majority of the same folks who voted against DonTheCon will do the same as they did in 2020 unless D's choose biden again or Hillary... A poll I saw this morning showed 6/10 Americans want him charged with a crime for Jan 6th, wouldn't be a smart move to put him on the ballot in 2024 if your trying to win an election IMO if DeSantis announced right now he's running, it's game over for D's.. any other candidate the R's chose its a fair game election D's have held the oval office 10 of the past 14 years, that stolen BS falls deaf on folks ears. And my opinion if Hillary wasn't on the ticket or campaigned better he wouldn't have won '16... JMO take it for waht it's worth All this stolen election talk is getting old, top members of his cabinet and family even privately which is now being publicized acknowledged back then it wasn't stolen and they knew it yet they raised millions of dollars towards it SCAM!!!
  19. Who said I never voted? Not for these candidates but I've voted Conservatards cry alot, talk bout not wanting government involved in their lives, but ready for the gov to step in now and save them 🤣 🤣
  20. Showing ignorance on a one sided clown show with no representation from the other side. That’s classic liberal mentality. Talk about censorship. You just indicted yourself for being stupid not ignorant.
  21. Pretty simple to me... worst candidate ever to hold office got voted out! Nothing bout bidens policies have you screaming he's the man, more of shut the other wanna be authoritarian narcissistic leader up.. and they did I'm confused how ppl talk about not wanting the government to take care of them but their crying bout electing ppl back in office to save them, times get tough and they're hoping ppl in the gov will save them soon Me personally I have a good job me n my wife make close to 400k a year... we work our ##### off so even though gas is high and prices are up we still get it daily and don't complain Happy Friday by the way
  22. Talk about criminal. Her and obama concocted the whole Russia and Trump theory. She even conspired against poor old Bernie. Just like Trump said, Crooked Hillary. I wouldn’t put to much faith in her words!
  23. You are pretty much correct. We don’t have to actually see a person drive but….. We can justify an arrest if for example an accident just happened and we can find evidence that he was driving. In police or DA language (cop talk) we call it putting him behind the wheel. It can be from witnesses, physical evidence, still in seatbelt, video, etc. There was video of the guy but does it prove his level of intoxication? A guy at home a day or even an hour later? No. It is near impossible to prove that he wasn’t just tired and had a beer or two and then went home and was worried about the accident and started drinking. Drinking after an accident can not be used as evidence in DWI.
  24. Both parties are to blame, the last administration started the stimulus money and act like they have no hand in what's going on now... materials and fuel increased in 2019 but they'll tell you otherwise... talk about clowns and sheep
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