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  1. talk about depth(when you have what looked like a 100 kids on the sideline) Bay City backups for the most part would have been starters at most schools. Our DAWGS were just give out, worn out, exhausted by the end of the game.
  2. Did BISD ever redo the school lines and make it a even split? I remember that was a talk on here
  3. And the icing on the cake - DC is a Sanctuary City. C’mon Mayor, if you’re going to talk the talk, walk the walk. You’re sitting up there, almost 1,800 miles away feeling all magnanimous, talking 🐂💩 but when it’s dumped in your front yard, BAM. Now it’s call in the National Guard. Yep, probably should - to round up you & Biden’s Administrations and the 535 Clowns in Congress. Bowser? Sounds like a mixed breed dog.
  4. That's classic coach talk. Little Cypress stopped surprising people after the Kinkaid game. Home definitely has its advantages but fortunately the two games that they could miss are both non-district. And it may get them ready to play Vidor at their stadium. But I don't think the visitor side will be bare this year. In fact it may be very "bear".
  5. If you would've heard what Abseck said to CE King's coach about Crosby at the THSCA convention you would understand why their hype video looks like that. Common responses to the "What do y'all look like this year?" talk around the coffee pot in the morning from local teams' fans/parents. GCM: "Man, it's going to be tough. I'm just glad my boy is out there." Lee: "I mean, we're going to beat the other Baytown schools" Sterling: Their fans don't even like discussing football at work Anahuac: "I'm not sure but I think we were pretty decent last year. Have you seen our new subdivision though?" Dayton: "We really wanted Crosby this year, we think we can play with y'all. I think we'll be good though." Crosby: "We should be pretty decent. We're just hoping to stay healthy and make another run at state" BH: "I don't remember who we open with but we play Crosby the 4th game of the year" I'll see if I can find the video from the Vype photoshoot a couple of years ago when they asked the BH players about the upcoming season. Their response was akin to the hype video.
  6. I think their defense expert testified that she was 6%-39% likely to die had she been wearing a seatbelt. I watched that part of the trial live on YouTube. I do not know how he arrived at those numbers however at the judge pointed out, she was almost 40% chance to die anyway. So I’m thinking about 50-50. I have commented on so many different forums about this topic that can’t remember if I did so somewhere on SETXSports. It is about the definition and Penal Code section on Causation. It basically means that you can’t blame me if it would’ve happened anyway. There was an article on one of the local television stations a few days before the trial and a local attorney gave his opinion on possibly some new evidence might make a difference. I think that’s just lawyer talk (in this case) as they are paid to argue. I have no problem with them arguing, that is their job. I just did not agree in this case and listed the reasons. The judge agreed with me. I Causation says that if your act caused the result, even if combined with another cause, would it have happened anyway? Then, is it also true that the other cause would have been clearly sufficient to cause the result? The defense gave their best shot saying there was a pet cat in the car and maybe that caused her death by distraction or they didn’t swerve fast enough or they were not wearing seatbelts. The way I read Causation is this, did Torres being intoxicated and driving the wrong way on the highway and hitting the car head on cause a death? If yes (obviously), was there another cause? Sure and at the very least, seat belts. In this case, was having a pet cat in the car and not having on a seatbelt caused their death or serious injury? No. They could’ve driven around the entire shift and that would not have killed her had it not been for intoxicated driving. With no head on collision, she does not die. In this case the judge did not allow the expert witness to testify in front of the jury. The hearing I watched live was after they had removed the jury from the court room which is not uncommon during a debate what is legal procedures for evidence. Judge Steven’s statement after that testimony outside of the jury, under Causation (he read the law aloud) was about the part where it says the other circumstance was clearly sufficient to cause the result alone. As the judge noted, the defense’s own legal expert said there was almost a 40% chance she would’ve died anyway. So how can you blame not wearing a seatbelt when your own witness almost makes it a 50-50 chance she would’ve died anyway?
  7. LET'S GOOO!! Top 40 under 40. Thanks for posting this. @Matthew328 I (along with everyone in town I talk to) look so forward to the future of Jasper football. There is most definitely an energy filled excitement in the community. So happy to have Coach Crumedy back home.
  8. I actually spoke to Jimmy Johnson privately one time for a few minutes. It helped being in police uniform. Jimmy was at an event at the Holiday Inn in Port Arthur and I ran into him. He was more than happy to talk and have a conversation.
  9. Of course, natural grass is best for players to play with less injuries. My opinion is that all about is MONEY and doctor such as sports medicine make more money. Talk money and they don't care about injuries and want money. That is fact. Again, it is my opinion. Sadly, we will see more turf and more years later that natural grass will be gone!
  10. don't get me wrong, the atmosphere was great! Considering it was the 7th oldest stadium still in use that last year it had lasted the test of time. the parking was miserable though. lol talk about feel like your in the game, have you ever been to Athens stadium? Wow! you feel like your on the field during the game. it's not as big and fancy as alot of stadiums but it's one of my favorite!
  11. They happen frequently. So what’s so significant about this to deserve a posting? It’s 3 young black women attacking a 57 year old white woman, proclaiming they hate white people and the way they talk. Blacks have had Carte Blanche on attacking whites. I couldn’t believe this story at first. You’d think we’d eventually get passed all this, but the Dem agenda of divide and conquer only perpetuates it. [Hidden Content]
  12. Could this have happened because they have effectively surrendered? Could it be they have finally realized that the banal and vapid old standards ( aka you are racist, sexist, homophobic, ) have lost efficacy and original thought is required to get back in the game? Or do they, perhaps, now understand that not everyone believes that the government is the solution to all problems?
  13. And wowsy! Anyone else wonder what they were logging into? This’ll take some getting use to, lol. Most of us rarely get to know famous people. I know a few infamous ones like @TxHoops, lol. About the only famous person I knew was Johnny Preston (Courville) who sang the 1959 #1 hit for 3 weeks, Running Bear. It was written by the Big Bopper who was from Beaumont. Johnny was from Pt. Arthur. I was working at a local Plant & we had Union construction workers, and at the time (labout 1970) Johnny was with Pipefitters local 195. He was a great guy and had a beautiful voice. While performing at a local club he sang RB & dedicated it to my wife. We had a great time. He passed away in 2011 of heart failure. When folks talk of PA, invariably Janice Joplin, who, in my humble opinion, had no singing ability whatsoever, comes up. Me, I’d rather think of Johnny. RIP old buddy.
  14. Alabama 18’s which is the Alabama Raw Dogs select organization travel team & not a Babe Ruth League All Star team will probably be the toughest team Mid County will face. Plus the Raw Dogs organization leaders will be hosting & running the tournament in their back yard. Usually very arrogant & disrespectful team from top to bottom. Was a lot of fun beating those Jack legs twice & run ruling them back in 2017 winning the regional in Dumas, Tx & then the World Series. Hope you guys beat them this year, so i can talk some smack on their social media pages😎
  15. The talk is a swap for an imprisoned war lord arms trader. How warped is that? She will probably return as some sort of victimized hero.
  16. Have you seen the news? Do you believe it now? I’m sure you will still deny, because you are blind to the misgivings of Democrats. He even sent some to China. That was probably repayment for what China had done for hunter and joe in the past. Talk about a corrupt po💩. The absolute worst ever POTUS we have seen.
  17. Here we go with this guy again..... still trying to determine where your hatred lies with the Prairie. I'm convinced you lost a girlfriend or a wife to some guy out there. Don't worry buddy, you're probably both better off!!! Carry on with the football talk.....
  18. As i expedted, trash talk. One of the posters stated that it is about winning . I agree winning is important. The most important part of football is "what the youth take with them after graduation, Correct, and complete life lessons to help them when they get out on their own. " Another poster wants to know where I am from , Who I support, and stated that I must be new on this site. I am new on this site. Although, the important stuff is not about me. And i did post on another public sports site for 7 years. ITS ABOUT THE YOUTH . AND WHAT LIFE SKILLS THEY TAKE WITH THEM WHEN THEY GRADUATE. THUMP THUMP THUMP.
  19. You obviously think abortion should stay in play, even though you say you’re against it. Like every subject, you talk out both sides of your mouth, like Cardinalbacker, but not nearly as witty.
  20. From the way I have read this case, this is what it comes down to it. We all know Supreme Court decisions have said that teachers in class or at school functions cannot lead prayer. The Supreme Court has said however that everyone has a right to pray at any time as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. So if you’re in the middle of English class, you can’t walk up in front of class it’s start chanting verses because that disrupts a class and interferes with rights of another person. You can sit in your seat and pray anytime you wish. If I am reading yes case correctly, a football coach has a duty to the school and the law. His team played a football game and it is over. He could have just as well walked up to the district superintendent in the stands and asked, “Am I now off duty and free to go where I wish?” I cannot imagine any other answer other than, yes. You can go to the locker room and talk to your kids, you could drive to a fast food place and get your burger or you can go home. So the coach walked to the football field, kneele and says a brief prayer. Did he violate the constitution? Did he interfere with anyone else’s right to go about their business or have their rights violated? The game is over and some players have headed to the locker room. So are hanging around and mingling with a crowd, talking to parents etc. Some have gone to where the coach is saying a prayer and decided to pray with him. did they violate anyone’s right? Since they are now free to go, can they pray as they wish? Just just not seem like a difficult decision. A coach on his own time and within his own constitutional right, he decided to pray. He interfered with no one else and he’s not compelling anyone to do anything. Fo that he was terminated. It seems it was the coach who had his First Amendment rights violated, not any students or anyone else. Not a constitutional right but written federal law in the EEOC, it appears that he has a job discrimination claim against the district. Federal law bans discrimination at work based on sex, race, national origin, religion, pregnancy and age (which is over 40). So was he off duty and they completely blew his rights out of the water by saying that he cannot pray on his own time or he was on duty and not allowed to pray when it does not interfere with his job? Either way this coach should get a hefty settlement of the school district. The strangest part of this decision was the fact that three liberal judges felt that he had no right to pray and he violated someone else’s constitutional rights when he did.
  21. Politicians are similar to Aliens or Bigfoot. You hear a lot about them, and you see them, but rarely do you see the real person. In a photo-op at the Capital welcoming newly elected Rep. Flores (R) and her family to Congress, Pelosi found herself standing next to Flores daughter who appears to be about 10 years old. Nancy takes her elbow and shoves the child away. Was it because Flores is the first elected Congressperson born in Mexico? Does she think of them as “Hispanic Trash” and doesn’t want contact? Whatever the reason, it’s a picture of the real Pelosi. Talk about a classless stunt, and to a child no less. What a pos. [Hidden Content]
  22. I think abortion should not be legal for just anyone to do it, if the woman is at risk, incest,or rape is involved it should be her choice and no 1 else's.... I don't think the states should be able to tell her what she can and can't do with her body, just like with vaccines it's a choice of the individual 12 year old pregnant she has to carry or travel to get an abortion and I've heard they're wanting to punish ppl who do that... talk about overreach, and will cost R's for it
  23. I have to admit this was a weak comeback man... SMH going to be fun watching yall lose 2024 Remember D's hold oval office 10 of the last 14 years and going to be 12 out of the last 16 in a couple years... try to win an election then we can talk
  24. yes sir. a couple seasons ago over at the other website the talk of course was the dominate run Carthage had been on. I took upon myself to remind them that LaVega was doing dominate things themselves. 2015-2019 Waco LaVega was 71-6. That stretch included 3 title game appearances(winning 2 the 2019 title game they lost to Carthage). 2015 they beat Carthage in playoffs 39-3 on their way to winning state title. that same stretch Carthage was 70-7 winning 3 titles. pretty darn good(both programs)
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