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  1. What if Mike Johnson had ripped up the SOTU speech? How would you have felt about that? You and CB probably had no qualms about that witch Pelosi doing it. Let’s not talk about a Republican letting someone in that confronted biden for a disastrous decision. The Demoncrats are far more divisive than any Republican out there. biden deserved every bit of the heckling that he got. For Christ’s sakes, he can’t even get the name of Laken right. Why does he always want to bring up his dead son in these situations? The two don’t even come close to being comparable. He is a joke!
  2. First of all, in regards to the #1 seed game. I know that Orangefield wanted to flip and not play but Kountze said no. They wanted to play the game. So Orangefield had to agree to play or concede the #1 seed. As for the superlatives go, I actually thought that Whitmire and Joubert should have been Co-COY. They both did tremendous jobs with their respective teams. I usually don't like Co's but in this case I think it's deserving and would have been the right thing to do. I think the coaches got the MVP right. IMO, Sells is the best player and performed that way all season. I think Scales getting Offensive MVP is right on the money and Wrinkle getting Defensive was the correct call too. IMO, Wrinkle was more valuable to his team but isn't the scorer that Scales is. This is based on some of the games I have watched live and on video. When I talk to folks at the games it's always brought up how Wrinkle is Orangefield's "glue guy" (does it all) but just doesn't have the offensive game that Scales has. All in all, I think the coaches have it right. Just my opinion. No shade thrown anywhere.
  3. Well you don’t because it was stated that several of those 20 kids were at the feeder middle schools but went to different HS. Also mentioned how several of those 20 played JV the whole year and got moved up for the playoffs. So I think your math a little off bud, yall want to throw the recruiting/transfer talk around on NS so much yall ignore the facts. GPISD just proved to all the dumb asses on here that’s been saying they recruit for years, that they’ve been winning with homegrown talent from the feeder schools. As I’ve stated on here on numerous occasions. Do they get transfers? OF COURSE you do especially when you’re at a school with a high mobility rate surrounded by a bunch of apartments. They also did the numbers on the mobility rate at the freshman campus: The school in total had 177 transfers only 8 of those were football players. Stop the hating people it’s a bad look.
  4. Kill the side talk we want to know about administrator you talked to Cougar & all these players the “talent acquisition” coach recruited to NS
  5. Kid ended up at North Shore after Coach P left, you can talk to his dad like I did about who got him there. He's eligible now and that's all that matters. Didn't speak to a coach at the track meet, I spoke to a GPISD administrator You said the DM wasn't meant to be taken as a recruitment, he admitted it was. You can ask him why YOU think he lied to the UIL, I can send you his contact information. He drove my son and one of NS' o-linemen to a visit. A couple of staffs ago our guy was Coach Mann, partially the reason we ended up with a D1 offensive lineman from North Shore. Lots of kids were "familiar" with Coach Price at NS prior to him taking the UTSA job, you can ask Tre Dixon's mom about it if you want more information. My cousin was an All-American at NS under Aymond and currently coaches at Desoto, the whole I-20 corridor has "talent acquisition" guys on the staff literally all the way west to Arlington ISD where another one of my cousins coaches at Bowie. My co-worker's son was the starting QB at CE King before he transferred to New Caney, I could tell you who the coach is that acquired the QB who led to my co-worker's son transferring but he's still on staff at King.
  6. I went. Seems like a very motivated man. He seems determined to change the attitude and culture. He stayed until everyone got their turn to talk to him and all of their questions were answered, even though it was his daughter 's 13th birthday. Then he went back to Katy for that.
  7. LOL! They want to talk about Trumps SUB 2% inflation, lack of Fentanal deaths and the secure border we had then.
  8. I don't hope that Republicans lose, but what's going on between Republicans needs to stop. And for what it's worth, the economy is in way better shape than it was in on Election Day of 2020.... but Trump fans don't want to talk about that. That was caused by the "plandemic." Nobody wants to remember who was behind Operation Warp Speed anymore.
  9. There was a lot of talk about him last year during the playoffs. He's having himself a year, leading the nation in ppg. what an athlete! High school basketball: Texas scoring sensation Grayson Rigdon averaging 46.9 points per game – where does that stand all-time? (maxpreps.com)
  10. [Hidden Content] A little talk of the schedule in here.
  11. Was Shenk any good? I teach his daughter. We talk from time to time, and I never knew he was a basketball guy.
  12. That Nederland education failed you…I was clearly speaking on my state titles as a coach! But like I said you ain’t even qualified to talk me about sports
  13. Exactly…you ain’t qualified to talk no sports with me peasant
  14. I’m not listening to nobody from Nederland talk about nothing related to sports lmaooo sit this one out fam
  15. In all honesty, Sigler did one of his best coaching jobs that season and IMO should have been COY. A few of the local coaches thought so too. But, enough of this talk. Time to move on from this game thread.
  16. this HJ team is extremely short on studs, but to fair, his “studs” over the last several years have gone on to play D3 and NAIA, mostly due to the fact that he pushes to get them offers. Listening to you one would think he’s had a steady supply of D1 players coming down the pipeline. Still, in his “worst” ever season coaching (two of the best basketball minds on the board say it’s his best coaching job) he’s got a fighting chance to make the playoffs. I made a commitment last year to not talk about Mitchell, as for a time I admittedly criticized him too much for some stuff that happened off the court. I got past that, but the delusions of his fan club led me into a lot of conversations where I still came off as critical of him, and I’ve heard from enough people to know he’s done some good things over there for the kids and in the community that changed my mind about him to a certain extent. A lot of what seemed like criticism of him was just disputing outlandish claims made by his supporters. That said, you like to take shots at "my guy", so I suppose I can at least be objectively truthful about yours. It seems to some degree he's improved the basketball culture in the community, and the team has had some good seasons under him. None of that changes the fact that the fan club is still delusional. You literally came on here crowing when Lumberton got their only 2-game win streak of the season, and their only win against a playoff team. They're 11-20 and need help not to miss the playoffs in an extremely weak district, and you're still on here trying to act like he's the next Coach K. You’re still trying to crap all over Davis, who's never missed the playoffs at 3 different schools over a long career. The truth is, the further they've gotten from that once in a generation Lumberton D1 player, the more Lumberton looks like they did pre-Mitchell. Not sure exactly what that means, but I can make some inferences.
  17. For the record, I think Joubert is an awesome Coach just like I do Whitmire, which I have said in previous posts. I also think the Kountze Players are great (4 of them used to play for me and I will always love those guys) and they are a class act! They are real athletes that compete as hard as they can and leave it all on the floor. So there is nothing but respect there from me. The game last night was the most exciting high school game I have ever seen and its because of the players and coaches. However, like you said folks do get on here and talk smack. I try to take the high road in most cases, but I am always going to defend the kids, regardless of who it upsets. In hindsight, I shouldn't have even brought up the margin of victory mess, but sometimes you get tired of the kids not getting credit when they are due. Neither one of us are going to shoot the ball particularly well against each other, because both teams are dialed in playing their best defense possible due to the magnitude of the game. We were all gifted with watching two great games by two great teams being coached by two of the best in Texas. Im going to just leave it at that, and look forward to both of their playoff runs! Like I said before, SETX shined last night
  18. Humble pie works both ways. You know the players at several schools. Kountze has some very humble players and coaches. The coaches also coach more than basketball. If you know Joubert he is a very self less man, humble and highly regarded. He coaches the game win or lose and move to the next one. The last few years when Kountze was getting bullied on the court no one was crying about people running up the score on them. They took those whoppings and kept playing Kountze isn’t worried about how many points are scored or who is the leading scorer . Orangefield played great last night and much better than the game at Kountze. The first quarter was awesome. But Kountze rallied and fell short by 5. Who knows if the PG hadn’t of fouled out with about 3mins left and Kountze made free throws , what would have happened. Ghost and Wrinkle played amazing. The old heads from Kountze get on here and talk smack. And people do get in their feelings. Don’t put that on the coaches or kids. You can ask Whitmire about Joubert and how he runs the team.
  19. I have a ton of respect for the coaching profession, always have and always will. I have not been unfair to any coach or the coaching profession I have stated under Barrow’s leadership and his assistants, the Bulldogs have been very bad. That is not unfair , it is a true statement I have said that Reyes assistants do like working for him and that he doesn’t know much about football. Simply talk to the assistants and see what they say. Maybe they will tell you something different than they told me As for Silsbee, yes they have been good, however people always overrate them by suggesting they are state champions every year There are a ton of excellent head coaches and assistant coaches in the SE Texas area Examples: BH, PNG, EC, HF, Anahuac, Silsbee, LCM, and many more I suggest that your statement is totally incorrect, when stating I am unfair
  20. Only a certified dumbass would believe Port Arthur Memorial will win less than 6 games in the regular season this upcoming season. It's comical actually real talk And if anyone got a rebuttal bring it to me personally. If it's the Right One it'll get smoked permanently. Now imma leave it at that and that's it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to news about 9-5A D1.
  21. All of this PNG talk on this thread but no mention on how good their basketball team is ??
  22. I understand everyone likes to talk of the difference of the approach of the school districts between NISD and PNGISD. Yes, there are definitely differences between them, but I think the elephant in the room is that there is a significant difference in the revenue brought into each school district. Despite the feeling that NISD is equal on everything with their neighbors across the tracks, the reality is NISD is not a “wealthy” school district. Everyone likes to complain that NISD does a horrible job of doing this and doing that, but in a sense they do amazingly well with what resources they have. Could they do better? Yes. Could they be more creative? Yes. But, it’s not as easy as being about mismanagement of the district or poor decisions. And, apparently the people constantly criticizing NISD have caviar dreams on a McD’s budget. NISD does not have the industries that PNGISD has. Its major revenue is on the home properties, and last I checked they are pretty landlocked. Look at a majority of the large successful programs in the state with state of the art facilities who are “wealthy”, and yes, they usually have good programs. However, the game is still played on a field whether the stadium is $100 million or $100,000. What is lacking in NISD currently is the mentality and attitude of a champion. Nederland was down for many years prior to Coach Neuman. What he brought was an attitude and a belief that they were at a championship level and winners. There were many years that Nederland was lacking in talent and still won, beating much more talented teams from PNG. Currently, the mental game is being lost every game because the attitude isn’t there. Yes there needs to be a focus on getting back to the basics of football. Discipline. Skill development. And attitude. But, good grief Charlie Brown, how about people just embrace where NISD is as a district with limited resources and be supportive of the children in the district. I’m sure all the “experts” on this board will pile on and go off on how they have held tickets for x number of years and they have 10 million bulldog shirts. At the end of the day, it’s 15,16,17, year old young men playing football. The Negative Nellys are quite ridiculous. Let’s just see what happens and be supportive and have a little faith instead of just constantly complaining how NISD can’t be trusted and they will screw this up and yada yada. PNGISD made a great hire based on recommendations by TD. And good for them. It turned out well for them. Why don’t we just see what Monday brings and quit complaining? Apologies for the rant. But, there needs to be some reality on here.
  23. It's basketball season. Plenty of time for that talk later.
  24. This will be our official realignment thread. Post all the realignment talk here. At 9am the UIL will release the classifications, divisions and districts. Post all this info here. Here is the UIL Realignment link: [Hidden Content] After the districts are revealed, we will post what districts we will be covering here on the site for the next two years.
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