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  1. I know some of y'all think I'm a "hater", but there are several accounts on here that suspiciously show up in certain situations and throw Mitchell's name into conversations, and they generally give him too much credit. I'll preface this by saying I think he's done fine over at Lumberton. Their record has improved under him, and I do think he has something to do with that. That said, he also gets a lot of credit for a couple of things that he had nothing to do with. The first key to Lumberton's newfound success is that year after he took over Lumberton they dropped to 4A after previously having to play in one of the best 5A districts in the state with PAM, Nederland, Central, and Ozen. His record his first year in which he coached in that district was no better than the guy that came before him (9-17, 1-11). The second lucky break for him was Brock McClure. He's coached at Lumberton 5 years. The year in 5A he went 1-11 in district. The year in 4A without McClure he had basically a .500 team, and 4-8 in district. The three years in 4A with McClure he made the playoffs 3 times, had one really good season, and won three total playoff games against sub-.500 or .500 teams. How much is mitchell and how much is McClure and the drop to 4A? I'm really curious to see what he does next year. I don't think it's realistic to expect much more than what Lumberton did this year, but if they return to what they should be without a D1 player (.500ish, fighting for fourth most years) then you have to stop crowning Mitchell as rehabilitation mastermind as well, and just say he does a pretty good job out in Lumberton. All of the talk of him being an elite coach and whatnot is premature, especially with only one truly good season under his belt at Lumberton in 5 years (a season where he beat two mediocre teams in the playoffs before getting doubled up by Huffman in the 3rd round).
  2. Just now getting to this topic. I feel like I’ve explained this severs times. The detractors have selective comprehension. But I’ll just make this whole thing simple. There’s this and that talk about wasted money. Where was this same outrage when it was initially changed from the Thomas Center to Memorial Stadium? I mean, that money could have been used to educate our children. But no one is ready to have that conversation. At this point, I can actually see both sides of this argument. One side just wants this whole debate to be over with. The other want the detractors to know that they see through the smoke screen and want to prove a point. Actually, I’m ok with either decision…
  3. This infuriates me. I worked for BISD for 15 years, including when all of this happened. It's absolutely jaw-dropping how many people were stealing from BISD during the time of the bond, and many of them were under the direct supervision of Thomas. There were dozens of examples of fraud, theft, cronyism, etc (Report details misuse of Beaumont ISD bond funds as Thomas avoided scrutiny (beaumontenterprise.com)). Thomas also benefited from a poorly negotiated contract that saw his base salary nearly triple over the course of 10 years, making him the highest paid superintendent in the state, even though he was doing a poor job leading a fairly poor, fairly small district. The problem is that the people of color in charge weren't concerned about students and the community, only about sticking it to the white man that had held them down for so long. Calvin Walker bilked BISD for millions of dollars. The majority African American schoolboard under Butch Thomas actually voted to renew his yearly contract AFTER he'd been charged with stealing millions from the district, and had taken a plea deal where he forfeited millions of dollars that he'd stolen from BISD (BISD Board of Trustees react to Calvin Walker's mistrial | 12newsnow.com). The school board voted NOT TO SEEK TO HAVE THE MONEY HE STOLE REPAID, even though more than $2M he stole was available to them!!! (BISD renews Walker's contract, votes against more restitution information (ctinsider.com)) The district and school board chose to let the feds keep the money Walker had stolen from them rather than admitting that he had stolen from them. Here is a list of thefts and scams that the district knew about Walker committing at the time that they renewed his contract ( Calvin Walker jury selection to start in Beaumont | 12newsnow.com). My personal favorite is the $600,000 he charged BISD to cover the cost of renting bucket trucks to complete work he'd been hired to do. He did this even though he already owned bucket trucks, and did not need to rent any Under Thomas the district spent tens of thousands of dollars on copies of (low quality) books full of misinformation written by communication director Jessie Haynes (Problem with BISD book is source, not contents (beaumontenterprise.com) During Thomas' reign, the BISD Comptroller and Director of Finance were both arrested and convicted for stealing more than $4M (Former Beaumont ISD Employees Sentenced for Stealing over $4 Million | USAO-EDTX | Department of Justice). Patricia Lambert, an assistant superintendent under Thomas was convicted of theft and falsifying test scores. BISD also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for her son to print items for BISD, even though he did not have a printing business. He simply paid a real printing business to print these items and then charged BISD a marked up price (Former Beaumont ISD Assistant Superintendent Guilty of Federal Charges — FBI). As everyone knows, his leadership was so poor that the district was eventually taken over by the state (TEA announces takeover of BISD, New superintendent to be appointed | 12newsnow.com). Thomas took off before anything could stick to him. He still to this day claims that he didn't know anything about the crimes being committed under him. In my opinion if he had no idea all of this was going on, it reflects worse on him than if he was actually involved in the corruption. After all of this, thousands of BISD employees had to go through the stress of seeing if their position ended up on the RIF list, as hundreds of employees were let go in an effort to save money after BISD's finances had been run into the ground. That was one of the most terrifying times of my life, as there was considerable talk about my entire school being shut down in an effort to reduce costs for the district. I literally could go on and on, and on and on and on and on with examples of theft and mismanagement under Thomas. The naming of a stadium after him was entirely racially motivated. the sad part was that it wasn't named after him because he was African American, but instead because naming it after him made white people mad. And now here we go again. There are a dozen plus people of color who could rightfully be honored with BISD's stadium being named after them. There is also the option of finding a sponsor who'll pay for the name. Instead the board is once again putting "sticking it to the man" ahead of responsible spending and putting it's students, staff, and community first.
  4. Lol keyboard warrior! 🤣 I doubt I'd get bullied by anyone, if that makes you feel better and give you something to talk about at the local diner with the GQP club then go boasts bout it... jokes on you tonight, after you read this comment respond like a good 🐑 you are! I'll wait, it ought to be a dandy and well thought out
  5. Again, show me whining... I'll wait What was I called out on? All questions were answered.. that liberal talk is old news find some new material... bet your some old dude updating fox every second to find the new boogeyman... don't disappoint sheep
  6. What are you trying to say? Just state it! What bias am I showing? Talk about classic. Rants of an angry man leading to nothing. Let's string together a few stories of evil then call the reader names and attempt to degrade him for perceiving to not care about random acts. Now that is classic. Your parents are ashamed! I know mine would be if I tried this crap. It's pretty obvious you want to say something but don't have the intelligence or guts to say it. Yes, "sad". Very say, but oh so typical.
  7. there's a whole thread to talk about this. hijacking topics is against forum rules. When it's at least semi-related, no big deal, and we allow a lot of leeway in the political forum for obvious reasons, but this is way out of line. No need for a response.
  8. Not to turn this into a political thread but talk about posting truth and facts. Aren’t you the same guy that was pushing the effectiveness of the vaccine? Over the past year or so I think we’ve learned they’re obviously not that effective an in fact harmful in many cases. Where did you get the truth and facts to post such a bogus narrative?
  9. I understand... kinda nice that WOS could make an appearance in a playoff thread. Especially since our friends over the bridge made an early exit. Just jokes. We can't talk to much smack after this past disappointing season. Lol OF still in it to rep the OC. Go Bobcats!
  10. Talk about a guy who made a fool of himself on the daily. That is a blast from the past!!!!
  11. PLEASE!! Stop with the umpire talk, it’s a bad look. We got shut out twice, tip your hat to Huffman for coming to BC and getting the job done. It’s a proven fact if you can’t score you can’t win and that’s what happened. Congrats to Huffman, BC will regroup and be back at it next season. Rake1
  12. Hagar, with the pattern of quotas that this administration follows, there's a strong possibility that meets a certain quota. Not sure what nationality he is. Maybe they needed one he meets. Maybe also a bald headed quota! One never knows!! BTW -- did you see that the new press secretary meets a couple of quotas? The first black. Plus she's also a sodomite. "Married" to someone that works at CNN. Imagine that! So, they get a two-fer on this one! It's amazing they hardly, if ever, talk about qualifications. This is how it gets so bad within a year and a half of them in control. Come on November!
  13. What’s yalls predictions here? I figured there may be some more talk about this matchup.
  14. We exist just for you Jussie. Golly Jeez Shucks Jussie why you want to talk to us like that. Lol
  15. The communist Biden Regime continues. Talk about transfer of wealth. Good ole Climate Crisis. We’re from the US government….we’re here to help.
  16. There's been a lot talk about what makes a successful football program: Is the athletes or the coach. Let's look at this: Can anyone reasonably doubt that after continuing to combine schools, and now down to 2, that United has the athletes? Since they have moved up to 6A, they have population growth in their favor. In the last 4 years they are 15-25. So, has it been the athletes or the coaching? Thoughts?!
  17. But you have to understand the viewpoints of the others. What if the government tried to tell you how many kids you were legally allowed to have, kinda like they do in China? My guess is that you believe that you, not the government (and your neighbors) should make that decision. If you could momentarily remove the idea that "abortion is murder" from your thought process, it simply becomes a matter of the government (and your neighbors) intruding into your life. That's the difference between "us" and "them." They (for the most part) aren't amoral, sinful people... they just disagree with us on a core issue. And if you could be so kind as to point me to a passage in the bible that specifically forbade abortion, it would make your point much more easy to defend. And before you said "thou shalt not kill," remember that you all agreed that particular commandment doesn't apply to the murder of those who have been convicted by a District Court Judge of Capital Murder. Is it such a stretch to believe that it also doesn't apply to the unborn, not yet capable of sustaining life? Let's don't even talk about the abortion pills. I'd love to hear all of y'all's thoughts on Plan B if you even know what it is.
  18. I am hoping for a positive ruling on “shall not be infringed”. Talk about head exploding….
  19. So what’s up? I haven’t spouted any gems of wisdom lately. Tonight I’ll talk about religion, which for me is Christianity. I became an “official” Christian (baptized) at 30. My wife of 8 years at the time, had joined/baptized into the Catholic Church some 5 years earlier. She was raised in Church of Christ, but was not enamored with it, nor was I as I visited it with her. No reflection on it, just not for us. I believe in Catholicism, but not as the “one and only”. As a Priest once said in his Homily, “the important thing is to be a good Christian. If there’s a stumbling Block for you in Catholicism, try one of the Protestant denominations” (a great Homily that I wish other Priest & Protestant Preachers would embrace). Anyway, back to religion. It’s been a great support for me as I’ve traveled through life. What do atheist fall back on when confronted with life’s great obstacles? There’s nothing that I’m aware of, while I can fall back on my Lord and Savior. He (they’ve) been, and still are, a comfort to me. When put in perspective, God’s sacrifice of his Son is hard to believe. Again, as one Priest said, we’re little more than pissants to God, yet he put his son through suffering for our salvation. Why? Because as unworthy as we are, he loves us. I’m thankful for his love. For Jesus’ sacrifice. When I say the Lord’s Prayer, I impose my forgiveness of others. When we pray, we shouldn’t just say the words but mean what we’re praying. I hope I haven’t offended anyone with my post here. Not my intention. I only wanted to share my thoughts and why I’m happy to be a Christian. I hope some of you share my love, and get the comfort I get from it. God Bless all of you. I consider you friends in Christ.
  20. Two things: First, I heard a Republican Congressman say that if/when they take control of the House, they will not fund the Department Of Homeland Security until this section is eliminated. They'll talk to the Senate about stripping this language. Second, this is a clear violation of the first amendment. There should be a lawsuit shortly, if not already. BTW -- where is the ACLU?!
  21. I’ve a very good friend who was a Democrat. We met about 10 years ago. We had discussions. Wow, you mean arguments? No, real discussions. We rarely agreed about politics but we could talk about our political likes and dislikes and respected each other’s opinions. He was liberal in most of his views, but not this Left Wing Loon Liberal type who’ve Shanghai the Democratic Party. He’s now Republican (literally more of an Independent) but not the staunch conservative I am. Not because he likes the Republican Party/Platform but because the Dems left him no choice. What I wonder, are there more like that who post on this Forum? If so, and you’re willing to admit it, please tell us your story. I’ve got a feeling a large number of people are caught in the same conundrum as my friend was.
  22. This applies to me as well. It was just a word. You weren't supposed to say it to black people, but a lot of white people would use it when black people weren't around, and most of the time there didn't really seem to be any hatred in it. I can vividly remember a story my grandfather told me when I was 7 or 8 years old about a black guy who was working on his car and stood up and hit the back of his head on the side view mirror so hard it cracked the mirror. My grandfather said something like "man that n- had a hard head!" and then went on to talking about something else. He didn't hate that guy, and he wasn't trying to disrespect him either, that was just a word he'd always used to talk about black people. I honestly can't say how old I was when I really figured out the true harm of the word. I know it was a gradual change from not really paying attention to the word, to being a little uncomfortable hearing it, to not wanting to be around people who used the word. What amazes me to this day is how many people are stupid enough to say it. I mean, if it's a white supremacist at a rally, sure, I expect to hear it. But the fact that there are any white people out there that think it's a good idea to say the word, and think that their world isn't going to fall apart if someone finds out about it is baffling to me. You hear things like "no, I used the soft A on the end". How about you use both of your brain cells at the same time and just shut your mouth?
  23. I don’t know if it is pathetic or hilarious or simply brainwashed that people that has some of them going off the deep end with Musk buying Twitter. To put it in simple terms, they are either mad that free-speech is allowed or they have no clue how repressive they have been with anybody that is not a robot. I have seen in this forum and several others, liberals, Democrats, etc. complaining of a conservative echo chamber. Have they looked in the mirror with Twitter? Talk about an echo chamber. It is like 50 million people get in there and repeat mantras like orange man bad, Republicans want dirty water, etc. but if a person says, “No we don’t”. in response we get….. HORRIBLE COMMENT!!! That person should be thrown off Twitter as he is trying to overthrow the country!! Many on the left are going out of their minds saying that this now opens the door for hate speech…. while not caring that much of what they call hate speech is protected under the First Amendment. BLM marches in the street chanting the police must die now and “pigs in a blanket, fry like bacon!!”. That is protected according to them and is not inciting violence or hate speech. If you respond by saying BLM is putting out hate speech, THAT is hate speech according to many on the left. How dare you criticize our sjw cause!? Again, I don’t know whether to think it is comical or pathetic or just downright disgusting.
  24. Asking if the county is going to pay your legal fees makes me wonder…. The county is the one prosecuting, they sure are going to pay your legal fees. As far as the attorney thing, it depends on your opinion. it would always be beneficial to have an attorney present when you talk to the police after you shoot someone. I say if you talk to the police because if you don’t talk, and you absolutely have the right to remain silent, you are likely going to jail and/or prison. The law says if you intentionally shoot someone, it is murder. So the police come to your house and there’s a dead guy in your living room. The law says that is murder. Chapter 9 of the Penal Code however says that they are justification for doing so. In my opinion it is going to be hard to claim a justification of self defense without claiming the justification which means you have to give some kind of statement. The state does not have to negate self-defense unless you bring up evidence at a trial. As far as the claim of thousands of dollars, I doubt that unless it goes to trial. In my career I have been to a few self-defense shootings and the ones I can think of off the top of my head, the shooter did not go to jail. To my knowledge the shooter did not hire an attorney and the district attorney presented a case to a grand jury who returned a No Bill. With no indictment, the case was closed. A lot probably depends on the circumstances and maybe the county.A lot probably depends on the circumstances and maybe the county. If a guy kicks in your door at 2 AM, especially if you don’t know who it is, it is likely the case will go no further. The police will investigate and the DA will look into it but I would have a hard time believing any charges would be brought. If you are arguing with your neighbor in the front yard and for some reason it goes to a deadly for situation, you might be completely justified but it might be a little more complicated without a lot of witnesses and without a clear-cut reasoning for deadly force.
  25. Breaking … Your girlfriend wanting to talk about her feelings during a John Wayne marathon on the Cowboy Channel - now has a higher approval rating than Joe Biden.
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