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  1. We talk about how Rusk is ranked with a losing overall record… what’s a travesty is Carthage not being ranked. Yeah they are 13-8 but they have split with #22 Rusk and #16 Lufkin Hudson. A one run loss to # 8 Pleasant grove. They also have the only win this season over 3A #6 Diboll.
  2. Sounds like some folks from Beaumont were just passing through on their way to Silsbee to buy drugs. I thought it was pretty funny how all of the Beaumont race baiters popped out of the woodworks to sarcastically talk about "get these thugs off the streets", thinking Lumberton's first murder in however long was white people. Then it turns out it was some hispanics from beaumont, and they all disappeared from the comments real quick.
  3. I wasn't at the game so I don't know what went on but I assure you Lumberton is not the only school in the area that does this. Not sure when it became acceptable but it's done very often and I hate it!!! It's even worse with it comes from the stands. At least the players have the balls to go out and compete. The cowards in the stands talk but can run and hide when things don't go their way. I have no problem if a team wants to be loud and support their own, but attacking the opposing team while using every line out of the "little league/select ball crap talking manual" is childish. Grow up, play the game the right way, and respect your opponents!!!
  4. Lumberton takes the game 4-1. Too many walks, hit batters and a couple timely hits by Lumberton and Lumberton's pitcher keeping Vidor hitters off balance for the better part of the night. Vidor had chances but offensively could not deliver. To the Lumberton players, coaches, and parents/fans.... if you think the noise coming from yalls dugout is acceptable then you're the problem and the acts of your kids and team is a direct reflection of you!...Yelling "you suck", "get him a blue pill cause he can't get it up" yelling Vidor players names..."we want so-n-so", yelling players names off other teams..."he's going to do to you what he did against an lcm player (want name his name)"...calling Vidor players in the field by name and other names...unacceptable! Having the ump stop the game to talk to your coach and players should have been enough but the yelling continued. Again this is a direct reflection of the coaches and parents... lumberton do better!
  5. he didn't. he made a point, and i replied with one. it was not a threat in any way. my post that he quoted was a general statement to everyone, that we need to speak to each other as adults.. he took exception to folks who disagreeing with him being referred to as adults. I was merely stating that as long as he can talk to them without insulting them, then he has nothing to worry about.
  6. when people's version of pointing out the truth is calling someone stupid or a moron, then yup. that comment wasn't directed at you necessarily, but i quoted you since you apparently took exception to me asking folks to talk to each other like adults. I don't recall you doing anything that I've ever thought needed a warning or a ban, and we interact a decent amount on here.
  7. I hate talking to myself but cmon guys lol Where are the Orangefield, Silsbee, or BC fans at? How am I supposed to pass time at work if no one wants to talk some 4A lol? I thought Orangefield lost a good bit from last years team but apparently they just reloaded ?
  8. Back in the days of Pagers….. I am talking the “cool” new age Pagers with alpha numeric where you could actually type about a three line message. I was on the swat team back then and we thought technology had come basically to an end. Normally when we got a swat call out for hostage or something like that from our “old” pagers, we would get the police department dispatch number followed by – 911. With the new alpha numeric pagers we could get an actual address and may be a brief description like hostage or barricaded suspect. But that’s not the story… the new style pager is. A person had their car broken into, I believe in Nederland. Stolen out of the auto burglary (felony back then) was one of the alpha numeric pages. The person/victim had the phone number written on the back of the pager however. The victim of the crime worked for one of the local EMS companies. I am assuming that it was standard that when the EMS company needed overtime, they would send out a group text saying something like, anyone wanting to work the night shift please call. Well that group text also went to the pager that was stolen and the person in possession of it saw the message. This person (suspect) thought, what great technology, now they are advertising jobs on pagers. She thought it was an advertisement for some company looking for Night Shift workers. So….. she called the number and said I would like to inquire about a job opening on the Night Shift. A quick thinking EMS dispatcher knew that a Pager had been stolen and ask the suspect, what pager number are you calling for. Of course the suspect complied and said I am calling from Pager number xxx-xxxx whatever. The dispatch put the suspect on hold and went and told the facility manager. The dispatcher then got back on the phone with the suspect and said can you be here at 4 o’clock for an interview. They have set up an impromptu sting. They called the police and we were waiting inside the manager’s office. Being a good prospective employee, the suspect showed up several minutes early and was told to go into the managers office. She did. When she looked at our officers said something like, “Uh oh!”. I was working that day but unfortunately not at the scene but I talk to the officers and read the report. So the suspect was using a stolen Pager and thought she was going to get a job and ended up setting up her own arrest.
  9. G.A. (GARY AUTRY) MOORE, JR. 44 years; 426-92-9; 27-19-81962 Bryson (6-Man)1963 Pilot Point 6-3-01964 Pilot Point 7-3-01965 Pilot Point 8-1-2*1966 Pilot Point 5-5-01967 Pilot Point 5-4-11968 Pilot Point 10-1-0*1969 Pilot Point 8-2-01970 Pilot Point 7-3-01971 —ministry—1972 Celina 8-1-11973 Celina 9-1-01974 Celina 13-1-1*1975 Celina 13-1-0*1976 Celina 9-1-01977 Pilot Point 7-3-01978 Pilot Point 9-1-01979 Pilot Point 11-1-0*1980 Pilot Point 14-0-1* 1981 Pilot Point 15-0-0*1982 Pilot Point 12-1-0*1983 Pilot Point 11-1-1*1984 Pilot Point 10-1-0*1985 Pilot Point 13-1-0*1986 Sherman 6-4-01987 Sherman 6-4-01988 Celina 13-2-0*1989 Celina 8-3-0 R1990 Celina 9-1-1*1991 Celina 8-2-01992 Celina 8-3-0 R1993 Celina 7-3-01994 Celina 11-1-0*1995 Celina 15-1-0 R1996 Celina 11-1-0*1997 Celina 11-3-0*1998 Celina 14-2-0 R 1999 Celina 16-0-0* 2000 Celina 16-0-0* 2001 Celina 16-0-0*2002 Pilot Point 7-4-0 T2003 Pilot Point 7-5-0 T2004 Pilot Point 8-3-0 R I know we like to talk about Westerburg, but how about us talking about what G.A. Moore did? Won a title at Celina, went to Pilot point won 2 in a row, then went back to Celina. There he won one, then two years later won 4 in a row. Did the talent just happen to show up at every school he showed up at? Or was it his coaching ability that made this possible? As I've said before, nothing's in a straight line. There are no guarantees. But, I think what could be somewhere at, or over, 90% of the time, an Elite coach (2 or more Titles) can/will win Titles at different schools. Again, my opinion.
  10. The five year olds were trying hard to become accustomed to school. Their biggest problem, the teacher insisted on no baby talk. You need to use big people words. She ask what they did over the weekend, how about you John? He said, “I went to visit my Nana. No the teacher said, you visited your grandmother. Use Big Peoples words. She then ask Mitchell, he said, “We took a ride on a choo-choo”. No, you rode on a train. Remember Big Peoples words. She then ask Alan and he said,” I read a book”. Teacher say, that’s great, what did you read? Alan thought very hard about it and finally said, “Winnie the s**t”.
  11. I contacted five state championship coaches one year when volleyball season and asked if I could meet with. I told them I would come to them and pay them for their time, but I just wanted to talk about the game and see what they were doing different than our area. One coach had just won her third in a row. The first thing she said to me was, “Coach…you are only as good as your athletes.” During our conversation the name Ryan Mitchell came up and how good of a job he was doing. She told me he was her assistant and would talk about how terrible some coaches her. She would tell him, “Ryan…that coach could be really good but you are only as good as your players.” He took a job a school and left after two or three years because he was getting his butt kicked. Humbled, he went back to being her assistant for a year or two. He then left and started the volleyball program at Lucas Lovejoy…he won five straight state championships, including moving from 4A to 5A during that five year span. Just an example how most coaches think…we are only as good as our athletes, but it is our job to maximize their talents to the best of their abilities. I also think this debate is probably as pointless as trying to change a Democratic to Republican or Republican to Democrat. You aren’t going to change anyone’s mind on how they feel.
  12. And folks, keep it respectable. We can all agree or disagree and still talk like adults.
  13. Can you think of a time where the SC has reversed its own self? I can’t. That’s an honest question. And do we really want to live in a country where the law of the land changed course 180 degrees every time the balance of power on the SC shifts to one side or the other. People talk about activist courts and I wouldn’t blame an administration from stacking the court to achieve their means if precedent means nothing because of partisan/activist justices. Denying a woman the right to an abortion was deemed unconstitutional in 1973. Nothing has changed since, other than the balance of power on the Supreme Court. The right way to handle the matter is to amend the constitution… not continuing to take bites at the same old apple. It’s crazy how righties blood runs cold when they think of the Supreme Court re-hearing cases on gun control, etc…. But they’re all for it on this issue. Here’s another question… what happens if the SC hears arguments and decides not to overturn Roe v Wade? Are y’all all gonna take your fetus posters home and get on with your life or continue to “fight the good fight” while completely avoiding the correct solution because you know that it’ll never fly?
  14. Guest

    Tarkington Open

    hey wall. how are you wall ? wall, why wont you talk back wall ? you sure are a rude wall.
  15. The people on the extreme left AND the extreme right both fail to realize that their views aren't guiding the party, they're driving the moderates away. It's the reason that Trump got stomped in 2020 and will also get stomped again if he wins the nomination in 2024. The public literally elected a buffoon and a black woman (because face it... that's the only reason she even got on the ticket) because they hated Trump.... nothing has changed.... they still hate him. Want to lose in 2024? Keep yelling about abortion, building walls ("send 'em back") and any other platform drives the moderates away. It amazes me how the extremists on both sides believe that they can cram their garbage down everybody's throats because THEIR flavor of crazy is "right" and the other guys' is "wrong." We've literally got rampant inflation, a possible global conflict, supply chain issues, the ongoing pandemic, a crime wave, and all Republicans want to talk about is stripping a young woman's right to an abortion. Makes perfect sense. But the babies!! Face it.... nobody cares about those unborn children. And they danged sure don't care about those children who actually survive childbirth to mothers who didn't want them. What they really want is for THEIR version of morality to be enforced on everybody. How many of y'all make annual donations for poor/needy kids? Anybody here ever adopt a stranger's kid? I didn't think so.
  16. No, sir…. If pro lifers had the support of the states, we’d have already had the amendment ratified. But pro lifers won’t even put up a bill in the house or senate because they are well aware that they can’t even get 2/3 of legislators to agree, much less 3/4 of the states to ratify. Isn’t it crazy that those “I know my rights!” voters on the right are the ones out here trying to eliminate a right that has been legal in the us for 49 years? When you sound off about taking away someone’s right to have an abortion, you sound like those yahoos that talk about repealing the second amendment. “If you don’t like guns (abortions) don’t get one!” Isn’t that what they always say?
  17. Thanks for the reply. So your opinion, as well as others that have no actual expertise, are no more right or wrong when it comes to other people's opinions! But making statements like you did, "That's why reagan is impossible to talk to." is saying your opinion is actually better than others. You: "your average poster on Setxsports has an above average knowledge of how sports work." That's, again, your opinion. May or may not be true. But, nothing qualifies you to make this statement. On this "sports site", unless one has the expertise in a certain sport -- then every statement you or anyone else makes is an opinion! PS -- A lot of times I'll say ,"my opinion" when stating something. A lot of times i'll try to back with what I think are facts and post them. It's funny how I don't recall you ever saying it's "my opinion!"
  18. That's why reagan is impossible to talk to. He has it in his head that winning state is the only acceptable outcome to a football season, and that records and championships are the only thing that matter. He also thinks that having a good coach is the only thing any program needs to become a powerhouse. All this despite dozens of people disagreeing with him over the course of several different threads about several different teams. I'd advise you not to waste your time trying to explain it to him, seeing that this is an issue that you obviously care about. I just do it for fun.
  19. Correct. Some places, more work is needed. But, since there aren’t many Elite coaches then it may not ever happen. But it doesn’t mean you stop trying. Remember, it’s process. Just because Buchanan would show up again at any school and not set the process in motion, then that fail. Do you think that some coaches can take decent athletes and through the process they can make them a whole lot better? Do you think that Dodge had anything to do with developing his QB talent at SLC and Westlake? Or, since coaching doesn’t matter, that “any” coach could have the same thing? Maybe! But my advise to you is not to make a bet on it. You talked about comparable talent. Just a note, I talk about before Buchanan, Surratt, got there. I don’t, unless you, why raw talent Tarkington has had through the years? Well, this will be a matter of opinion. Second, we don’t know what type of talent is walking the halls. It’s amazing how you usually find out if/when you start winning. Because everybody wants to be a part of winning. Why — because winning solves a whole lots of problems. PS — you ever see a less talented team beat a far better talent team? If you have, I would say they were better coached! BTW, didn’t Liberty Hill beat Crosby pretty bad in the playoffs? My opinion is that Crosby had the better overall talent. But that night, Crosby was out coached. Again, my opinion!
  20. It's interesting if it's not about the coaching, then I can presume by those that feel this way, that all coaches are the same?! And it's their fortune or misfortune to have or not to have the talent?! So, through the previous 78 years and through 19 coaches before Briles -- why no State Titles before he got there? Talk about coaches that were unfortunate! BTW -- same goes for Aledo and Carthage. All their previous coaches, I guess, had the same bad luck as the ones at Stephenville. Why you don't see it that often -- is because their aren't that many Elite coaches out their! BTW -- I'm still mulling over statement that Danaher is an Elite but Dodge isn't. But, again, that's your opinion and this is what we do here!
  21. the only arbitrary thing here is your intentionally (at least I hope so, for your sake) obtuse interpretation of both the site rules and my response. you: coaches aren't supposed to be bashed, but this disgraced college coach gets bashed all the time on here. me: the rule applies to local high school coaches and players. you: well, this college coach coached two years of high school 5 hours away, and sometimes people who don't know anything talk about him coaching locally. You guys don't follow your own rules.
  22. How does everyone have this district playing out. Who are some teams and players to watch? Baytown Sterling Rangers Humble Kingwood Mustangs Humble Atascocita Eagles Channelview Falcons Galena Park North Shore Mustangs Summer Creek Bulldogs Houston C.E. King Panthers Goose Creek Memorial Patriots
  23. People don’t have a clue what goes on today. I would estimate that PA and Beaumont in Jefferson County, there are probably 50 of what the FBI classifies as major crimes such as aggravated assault, murder, sexual assault, arson, burglary and robbery. That doesn’t include the 3 Mid County cities, the county jurisdiction outside of those cities and all of Orange and Hardin counties. So let’s say the immediate Golden Triangle area has 75 major crimes “each day”. That is over 500 per week. With the talk of the Internet spreading the word, how many of those 500 major crimes do we hear about? In truth a lot more crime was covered in the 80s and 90s than there is now. Anytime the police make a report, the basic information is public record and anybody can access it almost immediately. Back when the newspapers and the television stations actually had several reporters, they would show up at many of our scenes. It was common practice when I was a Night Shift patrol officer that when we had a major scene such as a bad vehicle accident, a house fire, a shooting, etc., once the scene was secured, we started looking for a place to stage the media. We knew all three television stations and both newspapers were going to show up and maybe some other people. I did many newspaper interviews and several TV interviews at that time. That was including things that happened at 2 AM. If I went to a major scene today and grabbed a couple of patrol officers and said, find a place to stage the media, they would look at me like a three headed monster and wonder what the heck I was talking about. Better yet would be me asking who wants to do the on camera interview. Even new newspaper reporters were given what is called the police beat or maybe blotter reports in large cities. On many nights they would show up at the police station about 9 PM and request all of the police reports from the previous 24 hours. We would give them a stack of maybe 100 reports in PA. They will flip through the reports and find 2-5 things that looked interesting to write stories. They would then go to the newspaper office and write their articles so they could finish them in time for the midnight printing. Good luck if you can find that in today’s Internet media reporting.
  24. Just heard Sen. Kennedy talk about the CEO of Disney. He said, originally, the CEO told the woke crowd that Disney wasn't getting involved that they were going to remain neutral. But, the gay mafia went into high gear and the CEO folded like a wet noodle. Sen. Kennedy said he doesn't see how the CEO can stand without a spine.
  25. you know, I've always kinda thought it was funny when people talk about how bad things are now, and how good they used to be. Looking back in our country's short history, and seeing all of the violence and lawlessness of the wild wild west and displacement of native americans, slavery and violence towards african americans, all the gangster stuff in the first half of the 20th century, the drug/gang wars of the 80s-2000s, I have a hard time figuring how things were that much better at any point in the past apart from certain people being able to openly discriminate/hate groups of people they didn't like. Now don't get me wrong, there's a lot of woke nonsense that I don't like these days, but actual violent acts are no more common or senseless than they always have been, and our behavior as a society doesn't really seem much worse either.
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