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  1. With the Ukraine situation, now is not the right time for any candidate to talk about taking our guns. Might be an election killer. My wife often shares crazy stories with concern going on around the country and I tell her we don’t have worry about that, we live in Texas. If Beto were to get elected, that would change everything.
  2. Guest

    Tarkington Open

    i dont know who you are but your post wins the entire year !!!!!!!!! and i am from warren and totally feel this to my core. as much as I give a hard time to HD, we could not talk crap about them until after the 2000's ( last 20 year ) because as we all know, they did beat the dogpiss out of a lot of good setx programs for a many of years prior.
  3. [Hidden Content] This is from Rush, so the left won't grasp it lol. But the fact that Michelle has had many Rap Artist performing at the White House, indicates she's lying. But she's a progressive liberal, it's what they do.
  4. The typical voter is uninformed. The typical hardliner is misinformed. The fact remains that one has to woo the uninformed or risk being right, but beaten. A candidate can't say "okay, I did all of these things to make myself unlikable to the uninformed, but when those people vote against me, it's because they're stupid." No, they voted against you because you were so freaking unlikable. The fact remains that roughly 77% of voting-age Texans are registered to vote. Then, take into account that right at 17% Registered voters (that's right, 17% OF 77%) bothered to vote in the Texas Primary Election last week. The general population IS uninformed. The fact that any of us even bother to talk politics online puts us in a very, very, VERY small percentage of the population. Face it... the gen pop (or the "Great Unwashed," as my economics professor used to say) ARE uninformed. What you can't have is a candidate that is so polarizing that he awakens the sleeping giant of uninformed voters to come out just to vote against him. None of what you've accomplished matters if you motivate the masses to vote against you.
  5. But he can damn sure talk about his son. Like the post above, biden is a big piece of 💩
  6. Another team to watch out for is Somerset..! I haven't heard anyone talk about them and all year they been winning.
  7. Yes I heard lots of talk about body control….
  8. Lots of talk on FB , complaining about Whitmire. I think he’s a great Coach and very nice every time I’ve spoken to him. Parents complained, yet there are still in it. Keeping working Buna!
  9. It does kinda make you squint your eyes when you hear them talk. It’s almost like watching “The View”
  10. a foreign country is invading another foreign country, and all some folks want to talk about is voters in a THIRD, unrelated country who didn't vote for the guy they like.
  11. Russia is invading a country on Biden's watch and all some folks want to talk about is Trump. 🤦‍♂️
  12. I’m just showing the weak, no common sense mentality. I don’t agree with his antics but with common sense I could easily see he was much better than the alternative If the 81 mil is a real number then that is truly scary cause it shows we have a much bigger problem in this country…..that common sense has been replaced with emotional response. It’s funny how you talk about the black community and how they haven’t helped themselves due to their mentality but yet you give the supposedly 81 mil a pass and because of mean tweets we get to place blame on a single man for all the problems we are dealing with. Many of the issues we are dealing with started way before Trump came along…anyone with common sense knows the blame is placed on those that have to manipulate and indoctrinate the people to just get votes because they can’t win with the truth….
  13. Does this go for the military training. should we get rid of those veterans who train our forces and elite groups because they are too mean? it’s funny how you talk about the black community and how they haven’t helped themselves due to their mentality but yet you give the supposedly 81 mil a pass and because of mean tweets we get to place blame on a single man for all the problems we are dealing with. Many of the issues we are dealing with started way before Trump came along…anyone with common sense knows the blame is placed on those that have to manipulate and indoctrinate the people to just get votes because they can’t win with the truth…. this isn’t a game we are talking about….this is much more important. Just goes to show where we are headed.
  14. Not sports related. But is there any talk about building a new Jr high? From my understanding that’s the old highschool? All the other schools are fairly new I would think that one would be the next one one to go.
  15. Ec s old gym was like that and they would press the whole game talk about home court advantage, but I didn’t mind it. never remember slipping and falling like what’s been mentioned. not to make any excuses, but I think the weather (humidity level) also played a factor in last nights game.
  16. Silsbee a town of 7000 should never make the Houston news. I did you use to get a kick when the Chronicle would do football stats like rushing back in 1993 and Jay McGuire was always in the top 5 in 4A. Houston Washington hasn't been this solid in a while. They deserve the coverage for sure. First time in a long time all the talk isn't about Jack Yates. Im hoping for a Silsbee vs Washington showdown in Lufkin next weekend.
  17. Don’t you think my post is rather insignificant? You sure seem concerned with it. Look, I’m sorry I called out your misspelling when posting about your association with an institution of education and learning. It was too good to pass up. I’m ashamed I even brought it up. Thank you for the back and forth though. We all just need some football to talk about instead of pointing out other’s faults. Yours truly, SmashMouth the Pedant III
  18. One might figure talk about race would reel you back in. The Dims won’t let it happen. And the sad thing is, most African-Americans will still vote Dim because they have been brainwashed into thinking that they have their backs.
  19. All this talk about the boys being so young, the Silsbee girls starting lineup is also really young. They ain't beating HJ though. Not sure it'll even be that close if that game happens.
  20. A better discussion of this year’s Bobcats would be Coach McDonald. We talk a lot about good coaches in that district, but AT BEST he had the 4th most talented team in that district and finished solo second behind Silsbee. All this while missing either his best or second best player for much of the district season. Tremendous job coaching.
  21. Please stop believing and making up rumors. My son never played for PA Memorial and this is SETX forum not FB. He came to HF district because that's where his family has graduated from the past 10 years and currently has him, 4 first cousins, and 3 second cousins that attend the district. You have no idea what you are talking about at all. Yes #2 grandfather, my cousin, and I had a talk about something I said and I gave both him and #2 father an apology because that's what grown men do especially when it's family. We have zero problems with each other and it's still all love there. You taking the words of gossip and misunderstandings and using them as facts. I understand you upset about the season and how it went for #4 but I'm not the coach, assistant coach, AD, or an educator at HF high school. Like I said #4 is a good kid and I have no problems with him at all and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. As far as my son, I can speak for him, he feels the same and has no ill feelings towards anyone. He's focused on Tuesday's game versus Orangefield with his teammates and that's all. All I can do is apologize if anything I've said offended you. You could have just asked to speak to me whoever you are and I would have done so.
  22. #2 people don’t even care for u after u tried to talk about that baby and my son all on Facebook.. How low down of u to be a short syndrome father who talk a lot of trash behind internet.. His grandfather and dad already confronted u , u had all the kids knowing what u said about them on the Facebook even his people knew about it…so u already know they don’t care about u… And So what if they been playing together since then #4 has love, respect, and have a great friendship with number #2.. Ever since this season started this year without Rideaux it’s been hatred towards team players… Just like u talked about the whole HF team over the summer when they played together.. How low of u , u just ignorant.. Oh don’t think us parents didn’t know about that.. An U brought your son over to HF for what , for recognition from my understanding…cause I heard he couldn’t get any Recognition at PA memorial.. And quit with the lies on what u gave speeches to or helped out about.. Cause #2 family already said u was a lie about everything…and u so call say u had a lecture with my child oh he told me that last year.. When u tried to degrade him in your car and go tell him your son going places.. Which u have no place to try to lecture nobody kids.. U lecture your own son.. He’s 19 bout to 20 this year still in HS..he don’t know if he should be a kid or a young grown man cause of the way u treat him.. U ain’t true nor hipped to basketball u know nothing about it u had to watch videos.. I wonder if u ever played ball I played ball back in my days and #4 dad and uncles played and got scholarships and all.. And u wanna come in and try to dictate somebody else’s child.. Worry about your place but I swear keep #4 outta yo mouth..I don’t run around talking about yours ball hogging son nor get on Facebook saying anything.. Save your energy to lil short man cause I’m about FED up with u..
  23. If this is Ardoin then we both know u the lead of everything at the games.. And that’s one damn thing he can’t be going through.. He’s going through a sorry ass coach and then people like u.. #4 don’t go through no problems at all and not at home either…but just know I’ve been watching u talk stuff since the games been going on about #2 and #4.. And know that coach Rideaux did do some good justice with these young mens and left it to somebody who don’t know anything about basketball.. including u…But worry about your 19 year old child and leave #4 out yo mouth 😡 😡
  24. Those were your words, in a thread he was loudly in. He might be your friend but be real, he is the Crosby mouth that rambles and roars. The other Crosby posters at least have some class about themselves. Even his friend coach bear (or whatever) admits he tries to rattle people. His 24/7/365 obsession with me is flat out SAD. Tired of his eternal racial moaning too. The chip on his shoulder is bigger than Texas. It’s laughable he just told Aledo “he don’t talk about race”. Did you notice that? Unbelievable!
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