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  1. This will be our official realignment thread. Post all the realignment talk here. At 9am the UIL will release the classifications, divisions and districts. Post all this info here. Here is the UIL Realignment link: [Hidden Content] After the districts are revealed, we will post what districts we will be covering here on the site for the next two years.
  2. If they choose the one from L-town, it will soon be worse than the previous staff. If you talk to his assistants they will tell you that he knows little about football and is an extremely weak AD
  3. UN appeals for $7.9 billion to help millions of migrants flee climate change, conflict. From the article: "The United Nations has appealed for a whopping $7.9 billion to bolster its efforts to migrate people around the world who it says have been forced to leave their homes for various reasons, including climate change and conflict. The plea was made by the U.N.’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Geneva Monday to support its operations and help "create a system that realizes migration’s promise as a force for good throughout the world."" The UN's Organization For Migration. Hummmm!! The UN, as I understand it, was created so nations could talk instead of going to war. I'm failing to see where the UN's IOM fits into this category! [Hidden Content]
  4. It is pretty funny to listen to people talk about scheme and how important it is. If you have the athletes, any scheme can be successful. The key is not the scheme, but rather the ability to coach it, make adjustments and the ability of play callers. Every scheme has the ability to run the ball and the opportunity to throw it. Really, it is all about the ability and willingness to call the plays and when to call them. Plenty of pass plays in the wing-t and slot-t playbooks. Coaching matters, but if you don't have the DUDES......
  5. you're neglecting the fact that you claimed that this team is the same as the last two teams, which is obviously not the case. That is not a fact. That's not even an opinion, it's just completely wrong. you aren't offending anyone, but many of the posters on this site don't necessarily agree with your "facts", especially since all you do is complain about the teams you "support" and talk as negatively and badly about them as possible in about 90% of your posts.
  6. Everyone wants to talk about getting rid of pollard imo we keep him but he’s not a 3 down back. We gotta go out and sign Derrick Henry. That will help out a lot. Please sign/ draft linebackers!! Overshawn when he gets healthy will be one. But we need 2 true ILB
  7. Dallas needs many things to get back to winning. They talk about the secondary coach being very good and yet that is one of the worst secondary’s in the NFL. I personally do not see 1 player there that is a quality player. You may say Bland, but if you watch closely he gets beat more times than not. Next they must find a LB’er coach and get rid of #14 and #33. They have got to be 2 of the worst LB’ers in the NFL. Dan Quinn is not a good DC. Offensively, the OL is extremely poor. I would fire that coach as well and the majority of us know that Prescott chokes in big games. They are simply going to have to rebuild and do a much better job in the draft. This is going to take a few years and yes as long as Jones is in charge it will not happen The last thing I have to say is that Belichic is not the answer. Jones will not leave him alone to get the job done
  8. Administration, pay attention: The number one thing we need to remember -- No more "Home Cooking." Now, everyone knows how sensitive I am (Grin), If anyone can show me an ex Nederland person that as a head coach has won at least two State Titles in a classification 3A and up, then we'll talk.
  9. Best thing to do is leave Dallas in Dallas, and focus on our 5AD2 State Champions. Let's talk about the PNG Indians, and quit talking about SOC and DISD. All that keeps the wrong thing in the spotlight. PS: We all know SOC isn't the Mecca. That title will always belong to the Crosby Cougars. #codered #therealmecca
  10. Cause they are all talk till it affects them and even then some still stay the course not the brightest group AT ALL
  11. Trump Plans Aggressive Expansion of Electoral Map, Says He’ll Make ‘Heavy Play’ for New York, New Jersey, Virginia, New Mexico, Minnesota. I think this makes sense. Go to these Democratic cities that are being overran by this illegal invasion. Talk to the people assure them that the cities will recover under a second Trump administration. [Hidden Content]
  12. OK, this is my take. And as always, if at any point I am factually wrong let me know. What some may or may not know, is that before EVERY game, coaches bring in all officials and draw the trick plays on the board for them: Which INCLUDES personnel. This happens so there are no surprises for the officials. Now, #70 had been reporting as eligible twice, I think it was, in the game. But NOT this time. This was part of the trick. The REf turned to the Cowboy's defense BEFORE #70 got to the Ref. Anyway, #70 lined up at right tackle and eventually was covered up by a tight end. Before this, the Lions QB, as seen on video, motions #68 to go report to the Ref. #68 gets within a couple of feet of the Ref and reports. On video, you can see the Ref looking squarely at #68. Then after #68 reports, the Ref turns and goes reports to the Cowboy's defense that an eligible player has entered. Now, what did the Ref actually tell the Cowboys? Don't know. But #70 never got anywhere near the Ref because his part for entering was for optics. But -- let's revert back to my first point: Before the game the refs were told exactly what was going tot take place. No official should have been surprised. I did hear that the Ref was being punished and that his crew is banned from any playoff games. Don't know if this is actual because of this next statement. It's being reported Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk that the NFL is covering for Allen (The Ref) and pointing the finger at the Lions. From Pro Football Talk: "The league views the situation as an effort by the Lions to engage in deception and gamesmanship that backfired." Looks like the NFL is covering their backsides. Because -- how can it be deception when the Lions told, and drew up on a board, exactly what they were going to do. BTW, unless I missed it somewhere else, I noticed in the NFL statement that the NFL didn't happened to mention the pregame coach/officials meeting! So, what happened? 2 possibilities: Because it was Jimmy Johnson day, the outcome was rigged. Or -- the Ref just screwed up. I personally think he screwed up. Remember, these are part time officials. And, they are human!
  13. Yeah there's the talk in here in the latter pages. [Hidden Content]
  14. The 2023 season has been over for four days now, so naturally, it's time to talk about the 2024 season. Post-realignment, who do you want your team to play in pre-district during the 2024-25 seasons? I'll start. For PN-G, in order of preference, I want: Port Arthur Memorial; Silsbee; Barbers Hill; Jasper; and/or West Orange-Stark. I suspect PN-G will be in a weaker (though possibly larger) district next year, so I want a more thorough pre-district test to prepare us for the playoffs.
  15. This was a gift to Trump. It will be overturned by Supreme Court, plus it is forcing the other GOP candidates to talk about it being wrong and trump deserves to be on the ballot. This is fun to watch
  16. I find it hilarious that the negative people haven’t pounced on the Patriots when Brady was there. Talk about a pansy division. They were guaranteed a playoff spot every year. Of course Brady was the best, but no one ever questioned who they had beaten. 49ers lost to the Browns and Vikings on the road in consecutive weeks and then to the Bengals at home. The Browns didn’t have a winning record when they beat them. Minnesota was 2-4 when they beat them. The Bengals were 3-3 when they beat them. Remember, these are teams with losing records that beat the 49ers in consecutive weeks…..yet we sing their praises and pounce on the Cowboys. What a joke. Come at me with a little more substance than hatred.
  17. A true champion shows their true colors during a loss. SOC, South Dallas, and SOC supporters have shown their self today. Taking one play out of 4 quarters of football and blaming that on the loss. Trying to take away what PNG accomplished today. Let's not talk about all the no calls on the SOC secondary. The drive prior to when it was blatant PI in the end zone and nothing was called. When Reid Richard is running down the sideline and gets tackled before the ball even gets there, no flag. Blaming the whole game on one call is a loser mentality and lack of accountability. PNG was the better team today.
  18. Regional Finalist 2023, lost to Desoto just like SC. Keep talking. How about Desoto? Can they win in D1? LOL. Be best for you to drop out instead of doubling down on your crazy talk.
  19. Cedar Hill terrible? Name all the teams in the district that have won more state championships than CH: NS and???. Talk all your junk about Desoto not being able to win in D1. Everyone be laughing at you.
  20. Lol what coach you talked to? Can’t be the same ones I talk to…cause I’ve been told the 8th grade class is loaded.
  21. Bruh I ain’t did nothing wrong besides having friendly debate on perspectives…you controlling what we talk about on here now? Lol
  22. It was interesting to hear Aledo's new HC talk about the importance of not changing a single thing when he took over from his OC role. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I understand circumstances were different for WOS but it's obvious nobody is happy. Also, it seems if there's no change at Supt. level, you won't get a well seasoned, successful Coach to sign up anyway. On paper, it would be a great opportunity but the reality of it looms much larger. Hang in there Stangs!
  23. They do have the talent to take 2nd in district but will they have the discipline? They play their best if they keep their mouths shut, head down and just play the game. Last night, I saw what I assume was a parent on the front row literally heckling players for Silsbee. BC doesn't need that garbage and the cop had to go talk to him. BC has some talented kids and the shifty little point guard can handle the ball well but someone needs to go take it from him when he starts playing selfish, ball-hogging and throwing up forced shots and that seems to be the pattern in every game I've been able to catch this season. Outside looking in, that ruined the entire mojo of that BC team last night. Robertson seems like a good coach but he will need to get ahold of his players before they end up losing out on a possible playoff run due to selfishness.
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