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  1. I believe the boys are coming out strong, looking fantastic in the air and on the ground. Should have a fairly easy one this week with Kountze. Good luck kiddos and stay healthy, we will keep praying for you.
  2. La. schools facing budget cuts and I personally don't think they will put competitive teams on field for several years. This will drag the SLC down further, which hurts us. California is dead. San Jose st might drop football. The WAC will die if it doesnt find fresh new members. They won't find any out west. Coachocola and friends had an interesting convo 2 years ago. [Hidden Content] Plenty has changed since then. I actually like this... WAC Central - North Texas, UTSA, Lamar, Texas State, Louisiana Tech, ULL WAC Pacific - Utah State, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico State, Fresno State, Hawaii
  3. Not really complimentary, but part of thread does talk about the Global Sports classic LU is playing in. They are saying that only 1 of the 4 games counts against the number of games you can play. http://ncaabbs.com/showthread.php?tid=376371
  4. Everyone is on DV, deservedly most of the time, but now he is THE MAN with a program. He now has a chance to prove he is a great coach. Give him a chance. We can monitor his won-losses next year and that will tell the tell. Stayed tuned - 1. Will DV win 2. Is he in the same class as Boutte, Gunner, etc. 3. Will he keep his job 4. Will he win championships Nothing like letting the first chair do your talking. Good-luck my friend
  5. these are the kids that make it happen dont you think.i will be the first to say i dont know that much about them SHAME ON ME
  6. Lets get the chatter going. Friday night will be a huge game for both Jasper and Diboll. Jasper wins, they go as 3rd place team, Diboll wins, one game playoff to see who goes. Diboll has all the pressure on them to keep pace in a three horse race with Hudson, Carthage, and Jasper. However it is a home game for the jacks, and with a win or go home atmosphere, it could get real interesting. This is what playoff baseball is about. Lets get some talk and predictions about this game. No other game matters., except maybe the Hudson v. Carthage game in Carthage, if carthage wins, same situation, one game playoff to see who wins the district. Two huge games that could potentially lead to one game playoffs. ***Diboll beats Jasper on Friday, Jasper beats Dibol in one game playoff- Jasper goes in as third place team. Tradition is too strong, Crowd too roudy, Dibol cant hang. ***Carthage v. Hudson at home for the dawgs- Carthage wins close, but Hudson takes District in one game. Carthage pitching is a little weak at times, bad baserunning, spotty offense. Hornets too much for back to back games.
  7. Reading the NW-Sabine thread brought this one to mind. About four years ago Huntington beat Woodville 5-3 in a district game. Both teams were still contention for a possible play off spot. Refs didn't break a sweat......both teams had some key players out. Neither coach wanted to push the issue........I thought there was going to be a riot from both sides....lol
  8. How about the dunk that the Burrell put on the Silsbee player...even silsbee fans have to admit that was just filthy
  9. All of the talk criticizing individual players, and the personal attacks going back and forth need to stop. We're happy to have some of our high school athletes on here, but please keep your comments under control. if it continues, warnings will be sent out, and if that doesn't help, accounts will be deleted. i hate to be like this, but there are rules to follow. if you aren't sure about whether you should post something or not, check the forum rules before you do it.
  10. http://www.beaumontenterprise.com/sports/local/area_prep_players_talk_about_future_plans_12-22-2008.html
  11. GILMER AND WOS SMACK TALKERS I want to know who you think is talking the most smack for each team. Give me 2 votes- 1 talking smack about Gilmer and 1 talking smack about WOS. We are gonna find out the biggest smack talkers for each team and the game will tell us the winners. And guys its all in fun, if you see your name on a post be proud you talking smack the right way lol.
  12. Ford: NBA trade talk already hot and heavy Shawn Marion, Vince Carter and Lamar Odom are among the top 10 NBA players most likely to be dealt, according to Chad Ford. [Hidden Content]
  13. i think that hd has a way to go before they are playoff ready..they lost some key players and may only have 4 to return to the team this season.
  14. [Hidden Content]# He also brought in his soon to be assistant coach.....very nice guy
  15. Just wanted to see what everyone thought what would be the over/under of wins for all three BISD schools this season? Is West Brook the favorite to win district? Does Central and/or Ozen have a shot of getting into the playoffs now that 4A is expanding to four teams making it in now?
  16. When Lamar pulled in +8,000 for the basketball game early this year, there was a parking problem. Every spot was taken at the Montagne so many parked way across campus. The master plans shows an increase in Parking on the North and South side of the Montagne/Stadium. However, even that extra parking will not be enough for 10,000 at the Montagne and 30,000 at the football game.
  17. Clemens to talk to coaches, but not about conditioning The nearly 3,000 high school baseball coaches meeting in Waco, Texas, will still get their chance to listen to seven-time Cy Young winner Roger Clemens Saturday, but the topic of his talk that was listed in promotional material and drew criticism across the nation has changed. Before George Mitchell's investigation reported that trainer Brian McNamee injected Clemens with performance enhancing drugs, the Texas High School Baseball Coaches Association's website listed Clemens as the last speaker at the convention. His 45-minute speech? His legendary workouts and his longevity. Clemens' denials since the release of the Mitchell report didn't end the scrutiny the THSBCA faced about the appropriateness of Clemens discussing these topics with a group of coaches entrusted with guiding and shaping thousands of young players. Now, Clemens will talk about "teaching and coaching," according to THSBCA president-elect David Sitton. "I was the one who came up with the original title for Roger. Now, he's going to do a broader definition than conditioning. If he gets questions and gets into his workouts, that's up to him." Clemens is still on the roster, THSBCA president Jim Long said, because "In Texas, a man's word means something. All the other officers, all six of them, said the same thing." FIND MORE STORIES IN: Roger Clemens | Clemens | Mitchell | High | Jim Long Long watched Monday's news conference, Clemens' first public one since the Mitchell report. "After his press conference, which I wish everyone would watch the entire thing, there's no way we could conceivably say he couldn't come," said Long. "It's he said, he said." Clemens' lawyer, Rusty Hardin, replied in an e-mail Wednesday, "From day one, the coaches have given Roger the benefit of the doubt, which is all Roger has asked of anyone." Long, a high school baseball coach for 25 years, says he would not extend that same courtesy to everyone in the sport, especially not people posing as trainers. "You want to trust them, but today I don't know if I would trust any trainer in the world to give me anything," said Long. "If they ever wanted to inject me with anything, I'd say, 'No, I'm going to a doctor or a nurse,' especially if I'm making as much as these guys are making. I'd have too much to lose." Brenham High, where Long coaches, has athletic trainers on staff who also teach classes. They have college degrees in athletic training and are prohibited from giving any medicine or injecting prescription drugs. "Meds have to come from a doctor," said Long, adding he only encourages players take vitamin C. He hears about temptations to cheat. Long's players have gone onto college baseball and to the minor leagues. "I've got two athletes in the minor leagues right now," he said. "We talk about things. They say they know some guys who are doing something they shouldn't do. They tell me, 'I don't mess with this. I've got too much to lose.' " And so does a high school player from Texas if he's caught doping. Testing at the high school level is relatively new. Wednesday, University Interscholastic League officials in Austin announced they hope to conduct two rounds of testing before the end of the year. The Texas Legislature in May mandated tests. The push for high school testing comes as a December survey, Monitoring the Future, shows a 2.8% increase in the proportion of 12th-grade males who see "great risk in trying anabolic steroids" compared to the past four-year interval. The authors of the study surveyed 48,025 students in 403 secondary schools, including 15,132 12th-graders. The risks and rewards are well established in the BALCO era: Steroid regimens combined with tough workouts help a pitcher throw a faster ball and a slugger hit a longer ball. Clemens is not the only speaker who won't be focusing on the benefits of workouts at the THSBCA convention. No longer on this weekend's agenda is a speech by Dana Cavalea, full-time strength and conditioning coach for the New York Yankees. "He had a conflict," said Long. "We're going to have another high school coach talk about middle-infield play."
  18. Guest

    LC-M Talk

    What is LC-M going to do, I hear that Moody is not leaving. How much worse can it get? No Jr High Program, No Freshman or JV Program, something has to change.
  19. Guest

    WO-S Talk

  20. Post updates here. Game is 7:30. This game will be broadcasted here on setxsports.
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