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  1. I don't think it is overly hyped.. I am seeing less and less multi-sport kids when it can all be prevented.. A coach teaches l loyalty, work ethic, comradery, integrity, perseverance, etc.. to get kids to buy into their program. They talk about brotherhood and doing what is best for their community.... But some mean all of this just for football... Kids see into this double standard and will quit.. either while on the field or off... drives me crazy!! and again... I work with these kids.. they tell me what they think.. so you can agree or disagree.. its their point of view!!
  2. I could talk forever about this.. I have quite a bit of first hand knowledge about the way kids feel about this subject. I don't agree with the kids when they want to quit one sport to "focusing on one sport" but understand reasoning why they quit especially in JR. and SR. year... Keep these two things in mind. It you agree with these two statements then you can understand: Multi-sport kids should be pushed to play what they want to play... Kids should be never be mandated to play any sport.. All repercussions fall back on the AD... It's the AD's program. If they mandated it, the AD has to take responsibility.. even in accidents... Good AD's know how to navigate multi-sport kids. They inspire the want to play. Bad AD's do not and cause tension inside their entire athletic programs.. this is when you see kids that contribute in one sport quit usually after 10th grade year.. Really bad AD's have caused so much damage that the kid quits being a multi-sport athlete (quits football) after his 8th grade year. He never even gets to coach them in high school. Again I could get very specific but not gonna.
  3. They'll get rid of the anti communism talk first thing.
  4. [Hidden Content] dont mind the big RED FLAG liberals
  5. Yeah, I got that but talk about a stretch. It should seem obvious that Trump’s prosecution is purely political. If someone is going to do a whataboutism, at least make it similar. This is so ludicrous that it’s like comparing a ham sandwich to a wallet.
  6. Where did you find that info? You would think you would want to tell people that info. They talk about his degree but nothing about being a OC. Nederland, Tx — – Nederland ISD is proud to announce the new Athletic Director and Football Head Coach. After an interview process including several qualified candidates, Scott Rich was selected as the new Athletic Director and Football Head Coach. Rich has served at Katy High School in Katy ISD for 8 years as the Assistant Football Coach over quarterbacks. He holds a degree from The University of North Texas.
  7. First of all it’s a message board I could care less but I got time today . I really figured you were talking about the coaching staff , no parent ever buys in because their impossible to please and the community only supports you when you’re winning. So all of that doesn’t mean anything. And your lil cheerleader BmtSoulja or whatever he calls himself you have the nerve to talk about knowledgeable maybe you should hit some coaching clinics because obviously your eyes don’t work .
  8. Great post. That’s why I talk sports with someone that is knowledgeable and doesn’t post with their feelings and emotions on their chest.
  9. Having a debate about Trump or Biden is a waste of my time I honestly hope he wins so I can get on here and read the replies of what is to come the next 4 years.. talk about a #### show... it'll be all that and more
  10. A jury found that he did it. Then Trump lost two subsequent lawsuits for defaming the person that he raped. I guess she just wasn’t very found of being grabbed by her fematalia, huh. Words have comsequences… even when the so-called “Christians” chalk it up as locker room talk. The best part is that if Trump declared Easter Sunday to be transgender appreciation day, every single one of y’all would all be rummaging around in your wives’ closet trying to find something to wear. Kinda like being proud of Trump getting us a vaccine at “Warp Speed,” then refusing to take the thing after Biden/Harris hung it to him in a free and fair election.
  11. I heard talk that the GPS on ships are not encrypted. There was recently a ship that had its GPS hacked. I don't recall if there was any damage.
  12. Kids will be kids… form of trash talking is part of the game. Gotta control your anger. If you don’t want them to trash talk do your job and lock him down, complete those passes, catch the ball and get open and etc…. but this could have been way way worse situation…. Thank goodness it wasn’t. Parent attacking a kid. Straight clown behavior…. Wrong kid/ family getting attacked could have resulted in a shooting/stabbing or whatever. People today seem to be more trigger happy imo.
  13. The common attitude from those outside of the field is that teachers should just deal with whatever wages and paltry conditions that are provided to them because "it should be about the kids." Without quality teachers, the kids aren't going to get quality educations. And more and more quality teachers are leaving education. you and CB can make it out to be teachers being selfish or lazy or whatever, but the fact of the matter is fewer and fewer people are willing to work for what teachers make while dealing with what teachers deal with. Districts are getting creative to keep teachers, and for smaller districts who can't afford to pay a decent wage, a 4-day week is just about the best incentive they can offer. I guarantee you Jasper gained some really good teachers when they went to 4-day weeks, and I can also guarantee you that many of those teachers will leave now that Jasper isn't offering them something that they can't get in a better district with better pay. Subsequently, y'all's talk about pay cuts is asinine. As I stated, teachers in 4-day districts are working the same amount of time as before. longer days, extra weeks. you think TVC should make less money as a cop because he worked 4 10s instead of 5 8's? Not to mention all of the overtime he made in career, versus the hundreds of hours of unpaid OT that most teachers work yearly. I knew going in that I wasn't going to get rich teaching, and I don't complain about my wages, but I'm also not going to sit back and listen to people insinuate that teachers aren't worth the meager pay they do get. Especially when I know guys making 3x my salary sitting behind a console doing a job that a chimp could do. And no, I'm not bitter, I've passed up multiple opportunities to go make much more money in various fields because I love what I do.
  14. I listened to part of the oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court. This was from the opening statement (I think) by the NRA. Taking Petitioner's allegations as true, that is what Respondent did here. In the Lloyd's meeting, she explicitly threatened to bring an enforcement action against Lloyd's unless Lloyd's "ceased providing insurance to gun groups, especially the NRA." The claim is that Maria Vullo from the NY Department of Financial Services, with regulatory authority over insurance, companies and others, coerced the insurance companies to cut ties with insuring the NRA and others because Vullo didn’t like the NRA’s political speech. NY’s stance is that telling or suggesting that insurance companies cut their affiliations with those groups for purposes of “political speech”, is not against the First Amendment and free speech. Then to do so at the threat of possible regulatory actions against the insurance companies. Things that make you go hmmmm….. So a guy is standing on the sidewalk stating his political belief about some issue. A cop comes along and tells him, if you don’t stop giving your opinion, I’m going to find a reason to put you in jail. Now the officer has not stated a specific crime that you might have committed but he’s going to do his best effort to try to find a reason to put you in jail because he doesn’t like what you were saying. Is that coercion or just a suggestion which is what I drew from NY’s claim. Violation of free speech? Along comes Brown Jackson who is having a hard time determining if that is coercion or just giving a talk on the importance of reputation. Like a member of the government can say under the First Amendment, people should take more Omega-3 fatty acids (typically in fish) because it’s heart healthy. That would be free speech and the pork industry would not have free speech grounds to deny that statement from the government. Brown Jackson’s suggestion in the oral arguments was that even though you have regulatory authority over an industry, is it okay to just suggest that it’s in their best interest if they stop insuring a company because you don’t like their political speech? So her query was, is it really coercion to tell people that the government “might” take action against you if you don’t stop insuring people due to their political speech or is it really a person making a suggestion such as, we recommend you cut down your body mass index. I guess if she has a hard time defining a woman, she has an equally hard time with a government official threatening a person, but the other person should just take it as a well-being suggestion.
  15. Everything that you said can be disproven. When you’re worried about political witch hunts, you left out the Clinton Impeachment, or that Trump’s campaign slogan was literally “Lock Her Up.” Trump and his minions are at best, no worse than the Dems on political persecutions. So which is it… either Trump couldn’t find any actual dirt on Hillary or he found it and did nothing? Trump destroyed our economy and exploded the debt, period. And if you want to blame the Dems’ plandemic… then you have to admit that trump was powerless to stop their evil plan, lol. Trumpers worship their guy when he admits to sexually assaulting women as “locker room talk,” but then cry when he’s found responsible for sexually assaulting women as the work of “them dirty democrats!” It should physically hurt when someone is that stupid.
  16. What if Mike Johnson had ripped up the SOTU speech? How would you have felt about that? You and CB probably had no qualms about that witch Pelosi doing it. Let’s not talk about a Republican letting someone in that confronted biden for a disastrous decision. The Demoncrats are far more divisive than any Republican out there. biden deserved every bit of the heckling that he got. For Christ’s sakes, he can’t even get the name of Laken right. Why does he always want to bring up his dead son in these situations? The two don’t even come close to being comparable. He is a joke!
  17. First of all, in regards to the #1 seed game. I know that Orangefield wanted to flip and not play but Kountze said no. They wanted to play the game. So Orangefield had to agree to play or concede the #1 seed. As for the superlatives go, I actually thought that Whitmire and Joubert should have been Co-COY. They both did tremendous jobs with their respective teams. I usually don't like Co's but in this case I think it's deserving and would have been the right thing to do. I think the coaches got the MVP right. IMO, Sells is the best player and performed that way all season. I think Scales getting Offensive MVP is right on the money and Wrinkle getting Defensive was the correct call too. IMO, Wrinkle was more valuable to his team but isn't the scorer that Scales is. This is based on some of the games I have watched live and on video. When I talk to folks at the games it's always brought up how Wrinkle is Orangefield's "glue guy" (does it all) but just doesn't have the offensive game that Scales has. All in all, I think the coaches have it right. Just my opinion. No shade thrown anywhere.
  18. Well you don’t because it was stated that several of those 20 kids were at the feeder middle schools but went to different HS. Also mentioned how several of those 20 played JV the whole year and got moved up for the playoffs. So I think your math a little off bud, yall want to throw the recruiting/transfer talk around on NS so much yall ignore the facts. GPISD just proved to all the dumb asses on here that’s been saying they recruit for years, that they’ve been winning with homegrown talent from the feeder schools. As I’ve stated on here on numerous occasions. Do they get transfers? OF COURSE you do especially when you’re at a school with a high mobility rate surrounded by a bunch of apartments. They also did the numbers on the mobility rate at the freshman campus: The school in total had 177 transfers only 8 of those were football players. Stop the hating people it’s a bad look.
  19. Kill the side talk we want to know about administrator you talked to Cougar & all these players the “talent acquisition” coach recruited to NS
  20. Kid ended up at North Shore after Coach P left, you can talk to his dad like I did about who got him there. He's eligible now and that's all that matters. Didn't speak to a coach at the track meet, I spoke to a GPISD administrator You said the DM wasn't meant to be taken as a recruitment, he admitted it was. You can ask him why YOU think he lied to the UIL, I can send you his contact information. He drove my son and one of NS' o-linemen to a visit. A couple of staffs ago our guy was Coach Mann, partially the reason we ended up with a D1 offensive lineman from North Shore. Lots of kids were "familiar" with Coach Price at NS prior to him taking the UTSA job, you can ask Tre Dixon's mom about it if you want more information. My cousin was an All-American at NS under Aymond and currently coaches at Desoto, the whole I-20 corridor has "talent acquisition" guys on the staff literally all the way west to Arlington ISD where another one of my cousins coaches at Bowie. My co-worker's son was the starting QB at CE King before he transferred to New Caney, I could tell you who the coach is that acquired the QB who led to my co-worker's son transferring but he's still on staff at King.
  21. I went. Seems like a very motivated man. He seems determined to change the attitude and culture. He stayed until everyone got their turn to talk to him and all of their questions were answered, even though it was his daughter 's 13th birthday. Then he went back to Katy for that.
  22. LOL! They want to talk about Trumps SUB 2% inflation, lack of Fentanal deaths and the secure border we had then.
  23. I don't hope that Republicans lose, but what's going on between Republicans needs to stop. And for what it's worth, the economy is in way better shape than it was in on Election Day of 2020.... but Trump fans don't want to talk about that. That was caused by the "plandemic." Nobody wants to remember who was behind Operation Warp Speed anymore.
  24. There was a lot of talk about him last year during the playoffs. He's having himself a year, leading the nation in ppg. what an athlete! High school basketball: Texas scoring sensation Grayson Rigdon averaging 46.9 points per game – where does that stand all-time? (maxpreps.com)
  25. [Hidden Content] A little talk of the schedule in here.
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