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  1. Like I said i'm happy for kenny....but lumberton fans always have answers why this kid and that kid didnt play it was the coaches fault.......well it looks like he went to blinn and then had to transfer becasue he didn't play there....oh and wait let me guess the coaches didn't give him a chance there either.....then he went to texas A&M commerce....oh wait let me guess the coaches didn't play him there either becasue maybe you got better athletes at those schools....Lumberton needs to realize they need athletes to winnnnn...........y'all don't have athletes right now like y'all use too to have in the past.......that showed when they played in the district this year they got dominated.....but then again there saying there going to make the playoffs this year....stop talking and saying your going to be this and that.....thats what wrong with lumberton they talk to way to much........ THE BROOK
  2. they are doing pretty good... not sure about their exact record... they came in like 2nd or 3rd i think in the PNG tournament... the lost to LCM recently but they beat Central last night... the girls coach is my english teacher... lol... we talk about soccer in there alot...
  3. I like the old gyms. They have character. As far as for everyone being above HD's court, it allows for better vision and if the bleachers were on the floor, you would lose capacity. I have been to alot of the gyms mentioned. Just because they are new and fancy, does not mean they have the history that the old gyms do. You want to talk about being above the floor, look at Liberty, they did not even pull out the bottom bleachers. That was playing in a pit. My $.02.
  4. Guest

    Bridge City AD

    It's simple....B.C. will find the best man for the job.....it doesn't matter what any of us think. We can applaud who we think is good, and talk about those who we think aren't , but it's all just a matter if opinion---which is wrong because who are we too judge. Good luck to the Cardinals....you will get a great coach!!!
  5. all im saying is it gets old about lumberton if your going to talk about somone talk about clay buccholz thats living the dream...........theres so many schools out there that you can go play at......at the div 2 div 3 or naia level.........but people realize its time to move on with there life and not play at that level..........I mean hes at southeastern oklahoma im happy for him but whos heard of that school lol........if it was UT,baylor, or a div 1 then hell yeah I give him props but come on.........
  6. Guest

    22 3a

    The two favorites for 223A has to be Tarkington and Splendora, Tarkington has a lot coming back, but from what I am told so does Splendora, the Catcher they have now may be better than the one thay had last year......Crony, you might want to not talk so much noise with a user name that has Tarkingtons head baseball coaches name in it. If He is how I think he is he would not want you talking smack on here about how good they are. I pretty sure no one will go 10-0 in this district
  7. I like this guy. The more i talk with him, he knows football and hopefully we'll turn us around.
  8. Lamar women's soccer program closer to fruition BEAUMONT - Matthew Dillon has something to say. It's not a long message, really; just short and to the point. To his wife, Gina, and to his son Zachary, he offers this up: thank you. It's for all those lost weekends that Dillon, the new women's soccer coach at Lamar University, has spent in Houston or Fort Worth or some other outpost, chasing down teenage girls, convincing them to play on the school's first team. It's for all the upcoming weekends this summer and fall, which Dillon will spend ordering shin guards and taking the team on its first set of road trips. "They're the best," Dillon said. "It takes a lot for them, for any family, to support a coach. So I try to tell them all the time how much I appreciate it." In two weeks, the Lamar soccer program will receive letters of intent from its first recruiting class - some from junior-college transfers, others from walk-ons already on campus, but mostly from high school seniors. Together, they'll try to create the kind of magic that happened 280 miles west of Beaumont on Interstate 10 last fall. There, Texas-San Antonio - in its first year of competitive women's soccer - finished second in the Southland Conference standings. It can be done, Dillon said, whether it's next season or shortly thereafter. But with the first game just seven months away, plenty of work remains. A rundown of everything that happens from here to there: å Recruiting. Regardless of sport or school, recruiting is the lifeblood of any college program, since no team wins without talented players. For a start-up program like the one at Lamar, however, recruiting has taken almost all of Dillon's time since the coach arrived here Aug. 1. Lamar will announce its first class of players on what is commonly referred to as national signing day, which is Feb. 7 this year. But this class will be different from any other in the Southland Conference because of sheer volume. In programs that are already up and running, teams might sign a half-dozen athletes each year. But Dillon has to bring them all in at once - and he can't bring in an entire class of freshmen. Dillon, who cannot talk about specific recruits because of NCAA rules, said he has about 15 commitments already, with the expectation of signing 18 to 24. Although he'd like to have a few more experienced players on the roster, Dillon said he expected about six junior-college transfers and about six students who are on campus already. The rest are freshmen. So how do you sell recruits on something that doesn't exist? "You've got to sell the kids, or talk to the kids, about potential," Dillon said. "Obviously at Lamar, the potential is in their education. None of these kids are coming here to become pro soccer players. There's no professional league anymore. The best they can aspire to is the national team, and it'd be great if they can get on the national team. But the bottom line is the kids come to school for education." å Finding an assistant coach. Until now, Dillon has done all the heavy lifting by himself. He'll have some help soon enough. Dillon has gotten the go-ahead to hire an assistant coach this spring, keeping in line with most of his competitors. While some Southland Conference schools have as many as three coaches, most programs have a head coach and an assistant. The model worked at Texas-San Antonio, where the administration hired Steve Ballard in 2005 and gave him more than a year to start up the program. "Ideally you want to have a coach on campus a year in advance of your first season," said Liz Dalton, associate athletics director and senior women's administrator at UTSA. "At first, when we added soccer we tried to play that very next year. But we ran into some problems ... and we just couldn't do it. So I think the way we did it, and the way Lamar looks like they're doing it, is the best way to go." Dillon said Lamar will likely post the position as early as next month, with the intent to hire an assistant coach in May or June. "Hiring an assistant is probably the biggest thing this spring," he said. å Equipment. As with players, established programs only need to update and replenish some equipment from year to year. With seven months before the regular season begins, Lamar has to buy it all. UTSA, anticipating the start of the program a year in advance, added extra money in its 2005-06 budget to buy soccer equipment. Otherwise, the soccer program wouldn't have the money until August - when the season begins. Dillon said Lamar has not yet bought most of the equipment it needs, but that bids and purchases will begin early this summer. He also expects that to be one of the first true logistical headaches of the program's first year. "Equipment, I'm sure that there's going to be some fires with that when we order things in June," Dillon said. "Oh, we couldn't get those shorts we needed, or they only come in guys' sizes - that kind of stuff. But at this point, there hasn't been a big fire to put out yet." å Facilities. Dillon went ahead and said it Monday afternoon: Lamar is discussing the possibility of a soccer-only facility. For the first season, however, the team will practice and play in Cardinal Stadium - whose field is a bit smaller than the standard college soccer field (120 yards long, 75 yards wide) but within NCAA regulations. "Cardinal Stadium will be a little bit tight on that, just because it was built for football and not for soccer," Dillon said. "But there is some talk about building a facility for us, hopefully for the '08 season, whether it be by baseball (Vincent-Beck Stadium) or even where the old football practice facility might be (behind J.B. Higgins Field House). We're not really sure yet, but the talking phase is kind of where we're at."
  9. prob the reason he didn't play football at the college level becasue hes 5ft9 and 175 pounds.........also he didn't build any programs he's not even in the top 20 best athletes to ever come out of lumberton so give me a break....and I am not from lumberton i'm from beaumont just wanted to make this sn becasue all the lumberton fans need to realize what kind of players they have and stop thinking they got all these stud players....i've been hearing for the last 10 years lumbertons going to make the playoffs in football this and that and it doesnt happen..it gets old..........yeah congra to kenny I hope he does well but why post it on here, no reason to the only people that might care are the lumberton fans becasue we don't......80 percent of these people that are on here never have heard of kenny hare......and thats why he's playing div 2 baseball .........and thats why he played div 2 football....but don't say he help buid a program........he was a descent athlete not a great one........by the way if kenny wants to talk to me my sn is brookfan96..........
  10. Kenny has been workin hard through college, first playin football which the coaches did not give him a shot, and now is focusing his mind on a better thing good luck bro in the future and ltownbaseball9 if you wanna talk about your alum like that im sure Kenny would be gald to come down and you can say it to him cause he was one of the people to build this program up with a lot of other great players in the past...
  11. Heck, that's easy !! The Lady Raiders take care of business on the floor and they win ALWAYS ! They don't have to talk about it.
  12. All I am saying is that I was expecting alot more from him. The way you people talk about Waldrup you make him sound like hes going to be the next Ronaldinho. Kirby on the other hand does live up to the expectations set by this message board. I mean, come on, Kirby has a hat trick and is out of the game before the half is even over. He is the best player in SETX hands down.
  13. Thank you--I really wanted to know--all I see on this site from Lumberton fans is a lot of talk--I just wanted to know if that is all it was or were they good at something
  14. Hes talkinbg about 3 people on here talking crap and they dont even play they are putting alot on our shoulders...so if we dont turn out to be as good as they talk us up to be then the season is gonna be a dissapointment.
  15. Rub-a-Dub said u say that nobody will talk mess to his face.... well then if he is so big and bad why is a girl sticking up for him and he isnt?? first off she isnt taking up for me she is just telling everyone how she feels about baseball and wos. Second I'm not saying anything because I don't care what people say about me. I'm not going to let it bother me because I'm not the type of person to get all upset about some immature people talking mess on me. If thats what they wanna do then fine by me. I'm just sitting back and seeing what everyone writes about me so i can build it up and take it in because its going to make me more motivated and when baseball comes i will show them what I can do on the field and off of it. So i dont have to take up for myself because i know what im capable of doing and none of yall people do so just keep talking mess. You all people will see come jan 29.
  16. u say that nobody will talk mess to his face.... well then if he is so big and bad why is a girl sticking up for him and he isnt??
  17. Silsbee was probably glad it got canceled. They knew what was coming, that can of whoop A$$. Whoop there it is. Just kidding all you tiger faithful. You know Its not becoming of me to talk smack. On a serious side, I can't believe they postponed this game. Its is not bad outside. I was so geared up to watch two really good teams get after one another. I guess I will have to have a drink and calm down till tomorrow. I think I can wait one more day.
  18. Mr. Reality, For your info NO I am not a kid, I am a proud oiler fan and parent and I am just giving a prediction I know my boys can do... talk about Reality dont think Daisetta will be so high up with Big Sandy.... H-D can play but if #33 gets the fouls called on him like he should with being over the back then H-D will not have as many points as you say
  19. All this talk about these coaches because they are at public schools . . . Gotta give Fontana the top rating on this one. Ive trained under select, Houston and other coaches. Fontana knows the game. He trains his way and runs his team the way he wants ran. If we make a mistake its because we screwed up and we pay for it know matter who you are. He believes in the team "A team that passes together is a team that will win together" Fontana - He teaches everyone must play def. Thats just his way. Building a program is what he has Done for Kelly and i am proud to play for him. He probably could go coach at any school he wanted. So i give fontana the 1 one spot
  20. Hello all. I hope you don't mind if I offer my two cents. I agree that it really never matters how you "start" if you are able to get to that one consistant launch point that all good hitters get to at the exact moment the ball arrives in the hitting zone. Julio Franco and Craig Counsel with the unorthodox bat position to begin, Bichette and Galarraga would nearly face the pitcher with their open stances, and Arod prefers the high leg kick, as does Jeter, Shef and several others. All these "starting points" are irrelevant if you are ready to launch at the right time. But when we talk about high school kids, things are not that simple. Many kids bring little league baggage with them to the high school ranks. They got away with lots of flaws when they matured quicker than some of their counterparts on the little league diamond, but when the playing surface is more level, their flaws are obvious to the well-trained eye and sometimes to the not-so-well-trained eye. When we discuss high school hitters, many problems exist with the most common problem I've run across being the stride. Average high school kids at smaller schools, where baseball is something they only practice after football and basketball seasons are over and in between track and the weight room during the spring, have to optimize their time. The long, lunging stride collapses their front side, opens them up too early, restricts their ability to keep the hands inside the ball, causes their heads to move, thus putting their eyes on an alternate plane, and on and on and on. Incidently, when I look at Arod, I don't see a long stride. The leg kick back to the body does not necessarily mean "long stride". The stride, from starting point to landing point for most all of your successful big league hitters, is very small if not at all (Edmonds, Alou, etc). Bags had a "reverse" stride, but still managed to hit off a firm front side. But to get the types of kids to which I refer to wait, wait, wait...EXPLODE...is a very difficult proposition. Do any of you guys on here run into the same thing with stride problems? What types of things do you do to combat overstriding?
  21. I Know this is ridiculous Bobcat I really wish you would stop trying to make an issue out of this for one minute, and understand that I completely agree with you that players change from one season to the next. I know how players work harder to get better and how some players also mature over time. I think that these forums are fun to read are hear about all the other teams in the area. You get on these things to talk about your up and comming team and what YOU feel. Not what you want other people to feel. I have not said one thing about not playing the best or who should play or not play. I have never said that the coaches could not coach, and I have full faith that they will be able to do their jobs and have success. All I did was give an opinion, and all you did was blow it up considerably. I don’t care how you feel, instead of attacking me you should follow this forum and give your opinion who you think will be big players for their team is this year. If you do not want to do then start your own forum titled “Lets Argue.†I’m sure you would love that one. I have never attacked you but it seems you always have something to say about my comments. I will be at every game this year just like I have been for the last 15 years, and I will not ever say anything negative about the bobcats only cheer them on no matter who starts. But I can say just by the way you act on this forum, you would say something if things didn’t go as you planned. Let this die and lets get on with this forum.
  22. hahaha...who writes in pink? well, to answer that question...i am a girl, most girls like pink, dont gripe at me gripe at whoever made setx sports and put pink as a color option. my panties are not in a bunch, but i dont appriciate rude comments about people, especially since i never even said anything about Terry Veitch in the first place, all i said was alot of people are anxious to see how the mustangs come out this year with a new coach! Bignasty was classless to call Terry Veitch out like that, so sorry bignasty, no time for power naps over here, we are gettin hyped up for baseball season. and since Terry gets brought up in disrespectful way i will definately defend him, he is my boyfriend after all, and i adore him!!! in my eyes he will always be an ace, no matter what anyone else's opinion. And to everyone who has said good things about him on here, thank you, because your right, no will will talk mess to Terrys face, and he is a very good and respectful kid. he not only has natural talent, but he has heart and he works his butt off to improve himself...hes not one of those arrogant little jerks running around thinkin they are good at everything. he shows very good sportsmanship and he puts everything he has into his game. so everyone can go ahead and talk all the mess they want...Terry will be GREAT this year, theres no doubt in my mind.
  23. I think im gonna be sick... Reading all this talk about HJ "owning all" really the tallents just not there..... As for the rest of the district it should be fun... IMO HJ should come back down to earth with the rest of us.... Ive played them in recient years and them "owning all" not likely.....
  24. What was the biggest upset you were ever involved in? Talk about your miracle upset win, or your unexpected upset loss, that wasn't supposed to happen.
  25. What was the biggest upset you were ever involved in? Talk about your miracle upset win, or your unexpected upset loss, that wasn't supposed to happen.
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