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  1. not to be rude esoc . . . Jsmitty is a friend of mine and we just joke around alittle bit. If your calling a guy a jackass that is big and has a hard shot that you really do not even know. Donnie is a very talented player has great ball skills and has very good placement. Dustin from westbrook is the same type of player. I think they are very talented players with some awesome skill. If you really want to talk skill yea yea and trahan are extremely good with there feet. I know for a fact that yeayea can finish i have seen it first hand when he would come to my training. I wish i had three of those type of players. I have a great idea - you should go tell the KELLY AND WESTBROOK KID that they are just big and have no skill and see what kind of response you would get from them. . I can talk about a couple other players that are big and have hard shots. Did Jonthan Cruz and his brother have any skill? They were big guys too. Both of them played for me as well.
  2. I guess I can just after I talk to Ausmus for my girl. I swear I took so many pictures of that guy for her he must think I'm a stalker.
  3. Thanks for the clarification spinks. I know what you mean. I guess its just that the majority of the talk from everyone takes away from WH. The only reason they don't score 120 to 130 like chireno on teams like High Island (sorry cards) and Burkeville (my bad stangs) is because the coach is very conservative at West Hardin. If he gets up by 20 he sits on it. I've been on West Hardin teams that lost by 50 and 80 points, and it wasn't any fun, but when we won, we always had class. Even in football. If we were up by three scores in the second half, the starters came out. Same way with these boys. They've won all year and haven't degraded anyone. They are much better than the scores against the schools that aren't so good show. Good luck to all in the playoffs. Yes, even the freakin, by-God, Hardin-Jefferson Hawks. ;D
  4. Only Friday night can tell. No one thinks WH is real. They play WO-S in the Montagne. If its a 20 pt. win by the Mustangs, then okay ya'll can talk smack. : WH shouldn't be allowed to clean the toilets in Kountze, EC and the all mighty God-for-saken HJ or whatever. But if its a legitimate game, or WH actually pulls out a victory (no way right, congrats on the year, but they suck anyway) then how about a lil' respect. They are a good team, regardless of classification.
  5. Just returned from a week hiatus...had surgery on my fingers.... anyone wanna talk some baseball? or just predictions? maybe just some more pics of beth?
  6. Lets see if I can explain this. If they were to post a topic like Vidor vs PNG (JV) that would be a totally diff. deal. It gets confusing having two diff. convos in the same topic. I remember back in the day when I was in the shadow of the seniors, I hated it! I think we need to keep the Varsity and JV topics seperate. As long as we somthing like that, im all for having JV or even Sophomore/Freshman teams talk about their seasons.
  7. This is the only thred where the players themselves talk badly about there team mates on the JV level. Never seen it in football, vollyball, basketball, softball, or baseball. Just don't understand it. Must be someting on the ball that does it to them.
  8. All this bull being said I bet if Memorial played any of those teams they would beat them by at least 20 or more...so you tell me about making a team better or not....honestly I dont think most of the people making comments have seen all 3 players, Danahoe is good but not playing competition and no exposure means no-where, the other kid Letsinger he's ok but cant compete with the others on list, NOT taking anything away from attitude but talent wise Brown by far, all of yall really dont know yall see a player over emotional about the game and first thing oh he's done he the best of the best....dont talk cause you know the kids personally or from their community but they couldnt compete on a 5a level plain and simple....
  9. Yeah, I've watched her play basketball a couple of times.I give props, the girl is cold! You've coached a talented player! I talk to her from time to time, she's also a nice person as well. I hope only the best for her, she's a cool girl!
  10. Look, like I said we are not going to have smack talk on this site. That post was a reply to another post. There are intense rivalries in the GT, but that has not spilt over to this site, and I don't want it to start now. I have not seen any post from the GT side putting down any teams from the west. But I have seen several post from the guys from the west post threads that seem to put down teams in the GT. I don't like the way this is headed, and it will stop. One of the reasons, this is going on, is the west teams with the exception of Dayton, or dis-associated from the teams in the GT. In other words they play each other very few times, don't play in the same district, and most people in the GT don't know much about the teams from the west, and vice versa. The difference is there are about 4 teams from the west, and there are twenty something from the GT that we are trying to cover.
  11. Camera bag found, turned into Coach W, and returned complete and intact! Thanks to all the Westbrook folks who I got to talk to! Y'all are a class act!
  12. Hello falcon! It seems that you are a little confused by your own question. I mean you started this topic and it is clear that you want to answer your own question. You don't want anybody to live in the past! However, you do seem to hang out there. It's also clear that you have a passion for this sport, which is good. Trust me there is good ball being played outside of you neck of the woods. You keep referring to your area and your districts as being better than GT districts. I'm somewhat confused by your Kingwood and Humble comment. I mean they're in the same district as WB and PAM. Does that mean your district is beating it's self up? No wait, I know, for some reason you are just anti GT area or districts or something. I know you are excited about the season. Remember it hasn't started yet. Everything you've seen so far are called scrimmages. They mean nothing to outcome of the season but everything to coaches. Don't get me wrong I do think that BH is good and I'm sure your team is good as well. FYI there is another site where they talk a lot of smack during football season. It's a lot fun! Check it out, I think you'll like. I'm not trying to upset anybody here, just telling you what I'm thinking. OK you can start smiting me at anytime now. Not you "tvc" or "kbmpkn" that comment was reserved for "falconsoftball" 8) Everybody Good Luck this year! Girls "stay healthy"
  13. when vidor came over to play kelly last year or the year before. "can't remember" They had some young and older players that made some really nice comments after the game. Even over hearing some of them talk - was all positive. I was really impressed with their manners and sportsmenship. Even though we did not get a chance to play them this season. They seem to have carried some of that over to this year. Hats Off to their coach he has done a great Job. The players seem to have repect and play their legs off for him and the school. Thats says a lot. Congrats on all the success so far Vidor.
  14. it was a game situation...7 innings, 3 outs, you know the usual so dont talk to me like i am 5 ok?...hemphill 10-0 winner over warren...
  15. Who wins this District? LC-M seems to be down some but with Griffith they always have a chance. Ozen scares me with a load of players back. Dayton looks to have plenty of talent.
  16. well go ahead and start some post about them. id love to talk about jv teams and stuff.
  17. Hey man your OK---Your were getting close to midnight on a long kinda disappointing day that had some really good highpoints followed by a crash. In the world a Weeder lives in its called UPS and DOWNS. Besides, reading entries from our friends from Huffman, and words like district (even though we are in neither) and todays Ups and Downs may have put you in a District 12 LL relapse. Remember the UPS that year, BigHam you got the sportsmanship LL quality sportsmanship award. Take it down and read over and over the LL pledge until you think you are ready to rejoin the forum. To recover i want to encourage the positive without putiing others down. You see there is lots of discussion about 4a's 3a's 2a's. Remember how fortunate we are, i believe our girls made 6 or maybe 7 A's on their last report card. i feel guilty for not even counting. Call me today, i want to talk to you about purchasing an entire STATE.
  18. I would have to say Vidor after Lcm and Nederland, mainly becuase they are good sports on the field but on here they used to talk alot of smack so they are on the up and up in sportsmanship.
  19. Why doesnt anyone talk about the JV teams I mean with all due respect we try just as hard as varsity and we do have district games as well! Just asking for the jv teams to get some recognition! Thanks ;D
  20. Guest

    Loudest Gym?

    I know Coach Fuller had to yell in the huddle to hear himself talk that night at WH.
  21. Be careful Mr. Falcon your setting yourself up. As The reverand Jimmy Johnson once said If your going to talk the walk then you need to chew gum... Something like that.....anyway---has anyone seen my glass?
  22. Guest

    Great Coaches

    I am going to talk about coaches in general. Being a great coach does not always mean "winning". Sure that helps keep a job but to me there are other things. Knowing the game helps also. The "other things" I was talking about is, How is that player going to turn out as an adult? Coaches rather they want to be or not, are a role model or adult figure to these kids. I have seen cases were coaches have literially saved a kids life just by being a father figure or mom to a kid that may not have a functional home life. I have seen kids that would have gone in the wrong direction if not for a coach or a teacher. Its all about "Respect". Coaches who not only teach X's and O's but about life in the real world are the one's that are great to me. One more "other thing". Motivation is another key. Most of the great coaches are great motivators. My coach in high school if he said run through a brick wall, we ran through a brick wall because he made us believe in ourselfs. Now of course we never ran through a brick wall, thats was just an example. Back then it was not about the money. I know its not about the money for some coaches today but it is about the money for alot of coaches. But its like that in all professions.
  23. Who have they beat thats good??? don't say WOS please because there very overated.....first of all, all im saying is if he's such the coach they say it is then have game plans, don't try and run and gun with the schools that have speed......I mean you shouldn't score 16 points in a game.......I can say this the football team had a good start and then got out coach in district...Lumberton fans should stay off of this site because all they do is talk....I hope lumberton gets good at some point but you have to make progress during the season and the basketball team got worse....
  24. Way to go, OILERS!!! Way to take care of business... just thinking, we can't score over 75 a game... heh.. heh... heh.... Now, we can talk about Tuesday night. GO OILERRRSSSS!!!
  25. If we talk all-time its: 1a. Lincoln (enough said) 1b. Buna (they have a book written on their program) Modern vs. Old School
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