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  1. So whitewood are you proud of the fact you area physical crap talking team. Ashame, taking soccer and bringing back old vidor soccer or should i say.. making it american football. What I saw ofyou all was you were pretty descent. But from the stands you dont hear the smack talk. Didnt see alot of physical play but maybe my one game wasnt enouph. Be proud to be a soccer player, not a football.
  2. They can't talk about going to state just yet because they have to get past this tough district first.
  3. Don't all the teams play each other twice in district? Isn't a little early to talk about a district championship? But I do agree Lumberton is the team to beat, I see thing this way for the top 3.... 1. Lumberton 2. PN-G 3. Vidor or Nederland
  4. Hey guys, can we grow up a little, please? This forum is for soccer discussion, not juvenile name calling. Take you personal aggendas elsewhere so we don't lose this opportunity to talk about local high school soccer.
  5. If you guys want to talk about football, take it to the football page. Let's not ruin a great district race and the hard work of all these teams.
  6. Wow flopped, where is this Austin place you speak of. It sounds like a sort of Utopia. I must find this place. I will hitch my team of mules to the wagon, gather the family and set out to find this Austin place. If I start today maybe we can be there by Friday. I bet it has 5,000 to 6,000 folks there to here you talk about it. The kids will be so excited to see that many people all in one town.
  7. It wasnt even a kelly person that started to talk about kirby first. but i totally agree. Even if kirby was the best in the world (which im not saying he is), kelly is not a 4-a school, and he should not be mentioned in a 4-a forum
  8. leger is a great player, great foot skill and he has speed. but he's not unstoppable, anyone can be stopped. he is faster than the rest of the forwars so sometimes he can get stranded by himself and get the ball taken away. he can play anywhere you put him, forwards just his strong point....oh and arsenal, since you trash so many other players, lets hear how good you are. i mean just the way you talk bad on other players make you sound like your a golden god of soccer.
  9. You are a tad moody. I'm glad I don't have to associate with you in the "real world." As a former athlete, I do know that drug testing is a good deterrent. It is definitly not the final solution, but a good start. Basicly, your argument seems to be, Drug testing doesn't work, so let's not do anything. Your argument goes from catching the sellers to counseling the kids after caught. Talk about sitting down, or having a better argument. I still haven't heard your solution through the sarcasm. I for one am on the front line here trying to deter kids from doing stupid things, and I feel good about the progress we have made at my school. If drug testing helps coaches like me, who are trying their best to keep kids from doing things that hurt themselves, than I'm all for it. When I tell a kid all the bad things about steroids, a lot of time it goes in one ear and out the other......when I tell them they won't be able to participate in sports if they get caught doing it, it really rings a bell. I have several powerlifters who actually have a great chance at winning State. The State Champion is drug tested. I feel pretty confident my lifters are drug free. I talk to them about staying clean all the time. If the state champion wasn't tested, then kids would be willing to do stupid stuff to get there. I also like knowing that my clean lifters are on a level playing field at competitions. Again, drug testing is a start, it's not the final solution, but definitly a positive start. Some people gripe about the world (standardized testing, drug testing for example) and do nothing but complain with all that is wrong, while others look for solutions.
  10. Seriously, send them to parenting school and maybe they can pass some stupid "test" the government has dreamed up to deem them fit to be parents. It's nice to see you have no suggestions of your own. Must be a "yes" man. Just discredit my opinion and leave it at that. Just because I don't agree with you, then I must be wrong. Do you have kids? If not, then sit down. To stop the drug problem, you have to start at the top. Where are these kids getting the drugs? Ahhh, too much money to be made on both sides of that equation, but it's a start. After the kid is kicked off the team, are we implementing a counseling program at school (another parenting responsibility dumped in someone else's lap)? How isolated that kid must be. Yeah, I know, he shouldn't have done it, but still too negative for a teenager to have to deal with. Kids need positive stimuli. Are you really naive enough to think that catching a few kids will stop the drug problem? Please, come back and talk to me when you are armed with a better solution than random-testing drug-free kids.
  11. keep deleting tvc..I am gone you have ran me off this board..I am out ..to all the guys that were nice to talk to see you later.. to the people who abuse there power ,keep it up and there wont be a board to post on here.. piratefan
  12. haha....agreed. but it is HS soccer talk. and kellys a highschool. im kinda tired of hearing about kelly because most of us have seen them play and know how good they are. but we have to include them. lets be more specific in the new topic next time. instead of saying best player, say best player in 20-4a. that might help a wee bit.
  13. Piratefan and tvc184 - - - - Grow up!!!! - - - - talk about the subject or get each others phone number
  14. Lamar women's soccer program closer to fruition BEAUMONT - Matthew Dillon has something to say. It's not a long message, really; just short and to the point. To his wife, Gina, and to his son Zachary, he offers this up: thank you. It's for all those lost weekends that Dillon, the new women's soccer coach at Lamar University, has spent in Houston or Fort Worth or some other outpost, chasing down teenage girls, convincing them to play on the school's first team. It's for all the upcoming weekends this summer and fall, which Dillon will spend ordering shin guards and taking the team on its first set of road trips. "They're the best," Dillon said. "It takes a lot for them, for any family, to support a coach. So I try to tell them all the time how much I appreciate it." In two weeks, the Lamar soccer program will receive letters of intent from its first recruiting class - some from junior-college transfers, others from walk-ons already on campus, but mostly from high school seniors. Together, they'll try to create the kind of magic that happened 280 miles west of Beaumont on Interstate 10 last fall. There, Texas-San Antonio - in its first year of competitive women's soccer - finished second in the Southland Conference standings. It can be done, Dillon said, whether it's next season or shortly thereafter. But with the first game just seven months away, plenty of work remains. A rundown of everything that happens from here to there: å Recruiting. Regardless of sport or school, recruiting is the lifeblood of any college program, since no team wins without talented players. For a start-up program like the one at Lamar, however, recruiting has taken almost all of Dillon's time since the coach arrived here Aug. 1. Lamar will announce its first class of players on what is commonly referred to as national signing day, which is Feb. 7 this year. But this class will be different from any other in the Southland Conference because of sheer volume. In programs that are already up and running, teams might sign a half-dozen athletes each year. But Dillon has to bring them all in at once - and he can't bring in an entire class of freshmen. Dillon, who cannot talk about specific recruits because of NCAA rules, said he has about 15 commitments already, with the expectation of signing 18 to 24. Although he'd like to have a few more experienced players on the roster, Dillon said he expected about six junior-college transfers and about six students who are on campus already. The rest are freshmen. So how do you sell recruits on something that doesn't exist? "You've got to sell the kids, or talk to the kids, about potential," Dillon said. "Obviously at Lamar, the potential is in their education. None of these kids are coming here to become pro soccer players. There's no professional league anymore. The best they can aspire to is the national team, and it'd be great if they can get on the national team. But the bottom line is the kids come to school for education." å Finding an assistant coach. Until now, Dillon has done all the heavy lifting by himself. He'll have some help soon enough. Dillon has gotten the go-ahead to hire an assistant coach this spring, keeping in line with most of his competitors. While some Southland Conference schools have as many as three coaches, most programs have a head coach and an assistant. The model worked at Texas-San Antonio, where the administration hired Steve Ballard in 2005 and gave him more than a year to start up the program. "Ideally you want to have a coach on campus a year in advance of your first season," said Liz Dalton, associate athletics director and senior women's administrator at UTSA. "At first, when we added soccer we tried to play that very next year. But we ran into some problems ... and we just couldn't do it. So I think the way we did it, and the way Lamar looks like they're doing it, is the best way to go." Dillon said Lamar will likely post the position as early as next month, with the intent to hire an assistant coach in May or June. "Hiring an assistant is probably the biggest thing this spring," he said. å Equipment. As with players, established programs only need to update and replenish some equipment from year to year. With seven months before the regular season begins, Lamar has to buy it all. UTSA, anticipating the start of the program a year in advance, added extra money in its 2005-06 budget to buy soccer equipment. Otherwise, the soccer program wouldn't have the money until August - when the season begins. Dillon said Lamar has not yet bought most of the equipment it needs, but that bids and purchases will begin early this summer. He also expects that to be one of the first true logistical headaches of the program's first year. "Equipment, I'm sure that there's going to be some fires with that when we order things in June," Dillon said. "Oh, we couldn't get those shorts we needed, or they only come in guys' sizes - that kind of stuff. But at this point, there hasn't been a big fire to put out yet." å Facilities. Dillon went ahead and said it Monday afternoon: Lamar is discussing the possibility of a soccer-only facility. For the first season, however, the team will practice and play in Cardinal Stadium - whose field is a bit smaller than the standard college soccer field (120 yards long, 75 yards wide) but within NCAA regulations. "Cardinal Stadium will be a little bit tight on that, just because it was built for football and not for soccer," Dillon said. "But there is some talk about building a facility for us, hopefully for the '08 season, whether it be by baseball (Vincent-Beck Stadium) or even where the old football practice facility might be (behind J.B. Higgins Field House). We're not really sure yet, but the talking phase is kind of where we're at."
  15. Hunter kills dual-sex 'devil deer' Brady Aymond [email protected] When Youngsville's Craig Lewis set out to hunt on an either-sex deer day at Tony's Ranch in Ringgold, he never knew it would literallly be an either-sex day. Lewis set up in his stand at 5:30 a.m. and around 7 a.m. spotted a small deer near his feeder. As he battled through the mist and the rain to spot the deer in his scope, another deer moved into sight. This one was much bigger than its companion. "When I looked up, all I could see was the body," Lewis said. "It was big, like a horse. But its head was down, so I couldn't tell if it was a buck or not. But with it being an either-sex day, I knew I had to take the shot. "I hit it and it ran maybe five feet, then jumped into the woods." Lewis exited his stand in search of the deer. What he found stopped him in his tracks. "I get to the deer and I call out to my friend Perry," Lewis said. "He gets there and the first thing he says is 'What the hell is that?' "I noticed it had a rack, but it was really fat and covered with velvet. The first thing I could think of was 'My only buck has cancer in the head.'" Upon further examination of the deer, Lewis realized his head wasn't the only problem. "Well, he had male organs, but no testicles," Lewis said. "So, I knew he was a boy, but something wasn't adding up." It wasn't until Lewis brought the head to a local taxidermist that his thoughts were confirmed. He had killed a buck...and a doe. "The taxidermist said it looked like the deer was born a buck, but developed doe features somewhere down the road," Lewis said. "It was just the weirdest thing, because from the eyes down, it looks like a doe. But it's got a rack and was built like a buck. "To be honest, I still don't know what I killed." The rack had only three developed points, but Lewis said the deer had approximately 50 tines. "The antler was so big you could barely close your hand around it," Lewis said. All told, the buck/doe weighed a robust 239 pounds. Lewis said the deer produced pretty meat, but he or his friends have yet to taste it. "My friends are tripping out big-time," Lewis said. "They call it the 'Devil Deer.' Some of them don't even want any meat. I'm kind of skeptical about eating it myself. "We're going to have a little cookout one day and I'll get someone to try the meat." Lewis' deer's head will be on display at the February 10 Beast Fest in Coushatta, an annual event held in the small North Louisiana town. The deer will also be featured in the March edition of Louisiana Sportsman's Magazine. "It's been a lot of fun," Lewis said. "Everybody's calling to talk about the deer. It's just a crazy deer, that's all it is. I consider myself fortunate because I've only been hunting for two years and people spend a lifetime without getting a kill like this." for a Picture heres a link [Hidden Content]
  16. First off Bon Mot, Kelly Soccer does not recruit at all, are school gives us no money for scholarships and doesnt give us any respect at all. Every starter with the exception of our goalie grew up in a private school and are going to a private high school because thats where they wanted to go... But lets talk about Stockie the keeper and the only starter not to go to private school there whole life. IF you ask him the reason he came to kelly is because he heard bad things about other area coaches and decided he wanted to win and play for an amazing soccer program not because a coach came and talked to him. So if you saying Kelly recruits soccer players is honestly one of the stupidest things that ive read on these forums. Second off, i agree a rematch with lumberton would be a better game but im still gonna put the Dawgs as the winners of that match, but im not saying that with any disrespect to Lumberton the they are a great team and easily the number 2 team in this area
  17. It is only possible if both teams make it to the regional finals. If it were to happen talk about a battle.
  18. lol the guy posted stuff about his own self........and made up his own screen name so people can talk about him.........I stupid is that......and of course its coming from somebody thats from Lumberton has to make up there own sn and talk about his self on here........
  19. SO DO YOU (talk to much), I really felt like I was though with this, decideing some people just don't get it! BUT YOU JUST WON"T GO AWAY! Why does it matter to you so much? You must not be involved in enough sports of your own to have all this time to belittle someone from a town you're not even from! Go practice whatever it is you do, leave this kid alone AND Lumberton also. Except for being proud of their school and their athletes, what have they really done? Nothing, now we all know what "some" Lumberton people get on here and say over and over......who cares, like you said, it all comes out in the wash. Just because they may not have ENOUGH athletes (or whatever the problem is) to win in this district, doesn't mean they don't have any at all! You are doing the same thing on this board that you accuse Lumberton of doing (except in a negative way)! Why don't you tell us a liitle about what you have accomplished! It must be a laundry list of accolades, for you to be able to stand tall above everyone else and degrade them.......come on let's here it! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY! (besides run your mouth)
  20. Like I said i'm happy for kenny....but lumberton fans always have answers why this kid and that kid didnt play it was the coaches fault.......well it looks like he went to blinn and then had to transfer becasue he didn't play there....oh and wait let me guess the coaches didn't give him a chance there either.....then he went to texas A&M commerce....oh wait let me guess the coaches didn't play him there either becasue maybe you got better athletes at those schools....Lumberton needs to realize they need athletes to winnnnn...........y'all don't have athletes right now like y'all use too to have in the past.......that showed when they played in the district this year they got dominated.....but then again there saying there going to make the playoffs this year....stop talking and saying your going to be this and that.....thats what wrong with lumberton they talk to way to much........ THE BROOK
  21. they are doing pretty good... not sure about their exact record... they came in like 2nd or 3rd i think in the PNG tournament... the lost to LCM recently but they beat Central last night... the girls coach is my english teacher... lol... we talk about soccer in there alot...
  22. I like the old gyms. They have character. As far as for everyone being above HD's court, it allows for better vision and if the bleachers were on the floor, you would lose capacity. I have been to alot of the gyms mentioned. Just because they are new and fancy, does not mean they have the history that the old gyms do. You want to talk about being above the floor, look at Liberty, they did not even pull out the bottom bleachers. That was playing in a pit. My $.02.
  23. Guest

    Bridge City AD

    It's simple....B.C. will find the best man for the job.....it doesn't matter what any of us think. We can applaud who we think is good, and talk about those who we think aren't , but it's all just a matter if opinion---which is wrong because who are we too judge. Good luck to the Cardinals....you will get a great coach!!!
  24. all im saying is it gets old about lumberton if your going to talk about somone talk about clay buccholz thats living the dream...........theres so many schools out there that you can go play at......at the div 2 div 3 or naia level.........but people realize its time to move on with there life and not play at that level..........I mean hes at southeastern oklahoma im happy for him but whos heard of that school lol........if it was UT,baylor, or a div 1 then hell yeah I give him props but come on.........
  25. Guest

    22 3a

    The two favorites for 223A has to be Tarkington and Splendora, Tarkington has a lot coming back, but from what I am told so does Splendora, the Catcher they have now may be better than the one thay had last year......Crony, you might want to not talk so much noise with a user name that has Tarkingtons head baseball coaches name in it. If He is how I think he is he would not want you talking smack on here about how good they are. I pretty sure no one will go 10-0 in this district
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