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  1. Good point Sports Cards....I checked it out too. ONE person was running their mouth, another apologized.... and now all the smack talk is coming from OF on their website.....post after post after post about DQ. congrats to OF...I really hope you roll through the rest of district undefeated....just remember there is something to be said for being a humble winner.
  2. Well, i'm just a fan, so i'll have to go with HJ. You can pull your truck out behind center field, talk a little smack to the outfielders, and tailgate without paying a dime.
  3. Man you talk about a strong leg. C. Martin from Silsbee kicked a 51 yarder and still had room to spare. Now thats a strong leg.
  4. They asked the question and I answered it. JW was on Varsity and possibly would have played most of the year there if not for a breaking a hand during basketball season. I talked about two guys not just my guy. At least when I'm on here I actually have something to say! Pooper-Scooper are you a player or a player-hater :?: :!: You have been hating since football season maybe he had a spot you wish you had at starting WR or at the end of the year when he played QB. Quit hating!! You know who I am give me your name and if you do something good I'll talk good about you too! This forum is for the fans and dads to talk about the players. The only thing we want from you kids is to play the games to the best of your ability, to well in class, stay out of trouble, and stay off the boards! And hopefully make our predictions come to fruition!
  5. On SETXSPORTS.COM's myspace, they have a friend named Big Daddy Dave. The person claiming HJ will do something this year is BIGDADDYDAVEHJ. I'm pretty darn sure they are the same person. It's amazing how a person like you will talk so much, but yet not play the sport.
  6. I have mixed feelings about this trade. The wild card to me is the additional pitcher Houston got from Colorado. Is he as good as Hirsch? If so, I can live with it. Taveras is a mixed bag. So much speed on the bases and in CF, but he hasn't done enough as a top of the order hitter. I am a bit miffed about letting Andy Pettitte go. It sounds like the Astros only had to meet Andy at $14 million instead of the $16 million the Yankees signed him for and he would have stayed here. There has to be more to this story than what we've been told. Talk in Houston was that Bud Selig came down on Drayton McLane about signing Carlos Lee to such a big contract and that may have contributed to Drayton staying put at $12 million for Pettitte. Still, we should have signed him. It's not likely Clemens would have come back for another year even if Andy stayed home, but that has a lot to do with why they chased Garland and eventually locked up Jennings. They were preparing for life without Roger, but losing Pettitte stings.
  7. There were high expectations for the Houston Astros in 2006 coming off their first World Series appearance in franchise history. Disappointment is all the 2006 Astros got even with a late season surge to make the eventual World Series Champion St. Louis Cardinals sweat it out for the division title til the last day of the regular season. It looks like up until Christmas now three major events have occured this offseason. #1. The signing of Carlos Lee and Woody Williams on Black Friday. Black friday is usually known as the "biggest shopping day of the year" as well as the kick off to the holiday season the day after Thanksgiving. The Astros tagged slugger Carlos Lee for 6 years $100 million dollars. Lee will be that big bat needed in the middle of the lineup behind slugger Lance Berkman. His carrer stats for his first 7 years in the leauge consist of 221 Home Runs, 782 RBI's, and a Batting Average of .286. Hopefully the Crawford Boxes will be nice to him. Native Houstonian Woody Williams also was the other big free agent signing on Black Friday. 2 years 12 million dollars is what the Astros will be paying the 40 year old pitcher. Yes I said 40 year old pitcher. Experience will be the Key as Williams puts on the hometown pinstrips in 2007 after being with the rival Cardinals for so many years. #2. The whole Andy Petitte and Roger Clemens soap opera. At first Pettite was undecided if he wanted to pitch again. After taking a page out of his old buddies book Petitte anounced he will be back in 2007 but with who? Well my friends he will be in fimilar pinstrips but not for the hometown team. After offering Andy 12 million dollars the Astros would not go up any farther on the money and Pettite left Houston to go back to the New York Yankees. In my opinion the Astros obviously have other plans then worrying about Andy. The whole rumor mill about trading for Ace Chicago White Sox pitcher John Garland is what I think made Andy's mind up when it was all said and done. All I have to say is "Andy thanks for the few memories you gave us, now go back to New York where you belong." No word on Clemens yet which is no suprise but I wouldnt be suprised if he ends up a Yankee with his good buddy Andy. #3 After the whole John Garland talk was over the Astros pull off a trade to add another arm in the rotation. Willie Tavares, Jason Hirsh, and Taylor Bucholz were all three traded to Colorado for pitcher Jason Jennings and a relief pitcher. Jennings holds the most wins in Rockies history, and won the rookie of the year a few years back. His numbers may not show it but he will be a much needed arm for this 2007 pitching rotation. Just keep in mind he pitched for the Colorado Rockies where he couldnt get any run support and pitched in that thin homer friendly air. I hate to let go of young talent like Jason Hirsh, Taylor Bucholz, and Willie Taveraz but sometimes you have to give up young talent to get what you need. So here is my projected pitching staff for right now: 1. Roy Oswalt 2. Jason Jennings 3.Woody Williams. 4. Wandy Rodriguez. The offseason is far from over so more moves could be coming. My offseason grade for GM Tim Pupura as of December 12th is an B-. Losing Pettite isnt the worse thing that can happen. You cant garuntee Pettite will stay healthy. Carlos Lee is no doubt a big signing with an big bat hopefully that will be the answer to some of the offensive woe's from 2006. On a final note Legand Jeff Bagwell is set to formally anounce his retirement from baseball soon. Stayed tuned for the next Setxsports Astros Blog in a couple weeks as we pay tribute to Astros Legand Jeffery Robert Bagwell.
  8. Dave all you've done is talk crap about how GREAT HJ is going to be this year, but when somebody asks you why, you can't ever give a straight answer. It appears that all you know how to do is run your freakin mouth about a sport you can't even play! The reason Treece isn't AMAZING is because his fasball is low 80's at best, ans his control isn't that great, so it's not like he's gonna hit locations. And his breaking stuff isn't good enough to get people off balance, because its flat. Now you tell me smart @$$. why is he amazing.
  9. 70 Days left.... the most famous 70 belongs to a man that was tounge tied like a cheating husband "I'm not here to talk about the past!"
  10. just trying to get some information and who is who and what is what ect... thanks everyone and i cant wait less than 70 days till baseball and i cant wait
  11. You know whats funny though. HJ does NOT have to worry about OF this year simply becuase they are terrible. Period end of discussion. HJ is 14-0 and has beat many formitable opponents. There is a little room for big robes to talk a little noise. OF on the other hand has no room for any trash talk what-so-ever because the team is not good.
  12. Are you that tall sorry dude on JV. U talk alot of smack. Did u post alot last year about HJ this and HJ that. You better watchout for Silsbee. Or Splendora.
  13. Let the couple of Vidor fans have their say. It helps to keep the boards moving in the off season. You have to have some sympathy for a fan that has only one thing to talk about and that is beating a playoff team even though his teams hasn't been to the playoffs in years. Maybe it is some kind of therapy. When you have a team that is trying to make the playoffs for only the 4th time in 80 years (and failing miserably), you need something to keep you positive. Maybe this forum provides that relief. Think of it as a free counseling session.
  14. McCarter did the right thing. The starters were sloppy and not hustling like they usually do. Then, when they were sitting on the bench...he asked them if they were ready to go back in and play and not all of them were...so, they sat there some more. Just because starters are starters doesn't mean they can't be sat on the bench. Better that it happens now, rather than later. Discipline is a good thing. :wink: Cathedral did play a heck of the game. Hats off to them. They took advantage of our mistakes. EC vs. HJ was an awesome game. Talk about atmosphere. It was contagious...we need some of that at our games. :wink:
  15. FWCOA, These people do not understand what we are talking about. I will talk about education in the classroom. In the district I am in, every classroom has at least 5 computers in it. Each classroom has a projector as well. Each classroom has an elmo. There are a lot more opportunities in education alone. When I taught down there, I didn't have any of these. All I had was a book and desks. I do agree that B.I.S.D. is a lot like D.I.S.D. things aren't just ran as properly as they should. Athletically, WO-S and Ozen should never lose a football game, basketball game and track meet. They have more athletes than any other school by far. I am not bashing any coaching. It does not matter what you coach, a coach can only be as good as his players. However the more opportunities the students have, in my opinion the better athletes they can become. When turf is laid down, sure tuition is going to rise. But as parent, don't you want what is best for your children ? Don't you want them to have the best of the best ? In order to make money, you have to put up money.
  16. WO-S is lucky to be 3a..orange is on life support.....probably suit about 20 something kids, play half of em both ways "no way Ozen should ever lose........" you clearly havent been around in a while.......if kids played where they where supposed to attend school, perhaps..but ozen, central, westbrook kids can come and go as they please..whichever program is showing sucess...why do you think ozen was so bad this year? Cuz Shaft was their coach? nah......Cuz WB had success the previous year. You talk about Tradition? nothing can compare with PN-G.....don't care for the Indians....but........geez, gotta admire the fans........ BISD is gonna run another bond pass the people...included would be a new stadium serving all of BISD 972....Kelly gonna put in turf? ah man.another tuition hike........
  17. heh, I and a few others from our band went to Lumberton High School to compete in the TMEA Regional Contest. It's an individual contest of musicianship over pre-selected and pre-practiced pieces. Some of our people were talking around and they'd talk to some Lumberton people. They got some apparently ugly remarks towards us for beating them. One remark was funny though I heard about. Someone said, "Yah, we would have been undefeated this year if it hadn't been for Dayton"
  18. IT's Shawn! I didn't want to talk bad about myself so I wrote in third person point of view to make it seem like somone else had something good to say about me. Are you coaching basketball this year?
  19. I may talk myself into going to the Allen/Spring Westfield game at Homer Bryce tomorrow afternoon.....
  20. You HJ guys make me laugh. You lost your only threat when roubuck (however you spell it) graduated. Ive seen the other kids pitch and there are just average. Dave I hope you have fun talking trash while you dont even play. Its funny to listen to somebody talk trash when they have no talent at a sport. As for the "Doody" The craps getting deep in here because that is all your talking. To bad you cant back it up. Yall will go 5-5 at best. I'm predicting 2 losses to Jasper, silsbee, and BC, and at least one to OF. so take that back ,,,4-6. To bad Anahuac isnt in our district anymore to get their only district win against yall again. playoffs..........ha, please.
  21. man it must be hard to see those deer , if you nor your son have a face. Talk about bad genetics. ha ha .
  22. to be honest i am kinda of grossed out that we even talk about middle school sports, because i only teach my middle school kids the true value of each game and the fundamentals of each game and how to enjoy them. of course i want to win and i want them to win but i want them to learn about the game and want to play it when they get into high school. (sorry that is just my personal fellings on middle school sports)
  23. good points WTB. I am staying with my prediction that they are two years + away from the playoffs. They better learn to play first and talk later.
  24. I thought he would pitch this year. I figure he will sign soon. The talk had been that they would wait and see what Schmidt sings for (3 yrs 47 million with the Dogers) and go from there.
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