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  1. oh.... thanks, all this talk about co-champs and coin- tossing has confused me
  2. Vidor is alway trying to talk trash about Nederland and Mosley, last time i looked you big time player at vidor did not even make 2nd team all district. Coaches must have not thought too much about him, and I agree with him.......
  3. What does not playing basketball have to do with him telling us about coach Sutherland's 400th win...Think before you talk please...I love coach moses
  4. you cant really tell because you made a 2 hat tricks against WOS. He hasnt played a good time yet. And by the way LC-M coach needs to have talk with him about sportsmenship you dont score 2 hats tricks against team like WOS.
  5. wow goat im devastated.............. NOT!... i dont care if you talk noise on me cuz that dont bother me at all
  6. .... and these are the same women that complain because the men talk about Hooters....
  7. Talk about a government red tape and bloated rules and regulations. The article says that the Texas Parks & Wildlife issues 161 different permits, stamps and licenses. But wait, an assessment work group decided that there were 61 too many license, etc. If everything goes well, Texas will only issue 100 different types of licenses. What a break through that is! One of their responses is a $3 charge for the now free bonus redfish tag. That is to (their words) "cover the agency's administrative costs of issuing the tags". I imagine that. When you go into Academy and trade in your used redfish tag for a new one that is spit out on a computer printout by a minimum wage employee, it is reported to cost the TP&W $3. So it is done on a computer in about 15 seconds and it costs $3? I need to get into that computer business. At a rate of about $700 an hour, I am pretty sure I can cover the admin cost of the stamp. Certainly no red tape or hidden costs there. The article calls it, "an untapped revue source". Well duhh. If you want an untapped revenue source, why not charge for each type of fish that can be kept. Heck, they did away with 61 licenses. They could add a few back without much red tape. Just think, the license costs you $28 in freshwater but they could make it where you can only fish, not keep any. If you with to retain bass, that is a $10 stamp for the year. Catfish, bream and crappie might come in at a $5 stamp. Maybe they could even charge a $15 stamp for anyone that fishes in a bass tournament. The stamp would be good for the whole year of course. No need to buy a stamp for each tourney.. at least not for the first year when they realize another "untapped revenue source". Now that I am off of my rant, why don't they just charge us for a hunting, fishing or combo license. Why all of the silliness with the stamps and permits? If they need $40 per person instead of the current $28 ($38 for salt/freshwater combo), then just do it. Why the nickle and dime stuff where it looks like you are paying more or less by the fish you go after. I think they have all gone nuts.
  8. locker room talk is locker room talk......i have heard coaches say way worst things than that
  9. there is a chance we could talk someone into that here
  10. I would be me Sharkfut . . . . Thanks for your kind words . .. .The team has played very well. I think we are at 17-3-1 We lost thomas and St louis our rivals out of LA . .. You want talk about a talented team thats the one - they are outstanding we beat them twice and it was a battle . .. EVery Kid plays on that team and does it well. .
  11. I still say Rex Humberson..I have heard women talk about him at the supermarket. They say when he wears them game pants it does something for them!! coach Humberson does a great job with the kids, and the moms love him!!! Cant get no better then that..they call him "Hottie Humberson"
  12. well lickety split you are right they have not always hired the best caoches and that goes for all sports..i was mostly talking football and not to get off the subject but here are the coaches starting with wilson and how i rank them...and just for the record i dont or never have had a kid play for any of these coaches her is the list and my few thought on each 1. chief wilson- should not have to explain this one 2. les johnson-not well liked but turned a losing program around and made coaches do there job and did what he thought was best and didnt let the parents control him..only down side was he didnt care about the other sports.. 3. andy griffin- won with the talent he had... good man...and cared about all sports..had the right coaches coaching the right sports....just didnt stick a coach somewhere for the heck of it 4. fred bolton- also cared about all sports respectful record let his coaches coach but stayed on top of everything 5. terry twonzen-i only put him this high up because he was the only coach we have had that liked to throw the ball 20 or thirty times a game...not the same old stuff week after week and i liked that. 6. james conway- not here long enough to form a accurate opinion....thought he was a great athelete director...great guy to talk to..... 7. claude tarver- know i will hear it about him being so low but all this is my opinion....good coach but not a good athlete director....not a good communicater....didnt get everything out of his players..once again just my opinion 8. gary sutton (not sure about his first name)-terrible..terrible..terrible... think this is all the coaches we have had as far back as i can remember anyway..once again my opinion and would like to know what other people thought about this list.....i just hope we get someone who not only is a good fb coach but a good leader because with the size of our school and the talent we have in this town we should be competative in all sports both boys and girls and we need someone that is going to get the right coaches in the right spots regardless of what everyone else thinks...period
  13. No kidding Gulls. Talk about redundant.. redundant.. redundant.. redundant..
  14. Quite true mac. Women can enjoy the outdoors just as much. They don't normally go back to the deer camp or get on bulletin boards and talk about killing and eating the beautiful sights. Women go hunting, enjoy the scenery, kill their game and talk about the event and the ambience. Men go hunting, enjoy the scenery, kill their game and brag about blowing stuff away. Therein lies the male bonding ;D
  15. its not everyday that you see a goalie get megged and we do have a lot of class talk to PN-G and see if they have any
  16. Can orangeman or someone else please explain to me what's the talk with the "coin toss"? Now, I'm not asking for any insider info, I'm just asking why would we want to participate in this, or why does BS want to? Just want to understand what is going on, so any info from anyone would be helpful.
  17. Hes on the Mariners right now i think...i no thats who he got traded to last year at the all star break...what about Cody Strait hes movin up through the Red orginization...I talk to him and he said not this year but next year he'll get a shot at the bigs.
  18. Coach fired for halftime pep talk Coach told players to 'check their manhood' LEEDS, Maine (AP) - A high school basketball coach was fired after telling his players at halftime to reach into their pants to "check their manhood," administrators said. Leavitt Area High School Principal Patrick Hartnett said coach Mike Remillard told the varsity boys Jan. 23 that "tonight's game was about who had the biggest (male genitalia) in town." "He then required his players to all stand up and put their hands down their pants and check their manhood," Hartnett said in the statement, which was read to school board members Thursday by Superintendent Thomas J. Hanson a day after the coach was dismissed. All but one player followed the coach's instructions, Hartnett said. The team won the game. Remillard, who was in his fourth season as varsity coach, called the pep talk "normal locker room banter from Fort Kent, Maine, to San Diego, California," but said he still should not have done it. "Was that tactic appropriate? No. And I'm paying the price for it," Remillard said
  19. hey money...have u been to hoopinsider??? anybody doing there usual smack talk??
  20. Hey why don't you read my post again there buddy!!! I didn't say anything about Kilgore not being a good basketball team or that the junior college level plays bad basketball. I know that's a tough league, hell we have an Orangefield girl that plays at Kilgore. I was simply stating that some young ladies have to take that route. And I was comparing the SLC to the Big 12 and others, not the junior college level. So I will talk because I do know what I'm talking about. Maybe you need to comprehend better what you read before you attack someone on here.
  21. I saw alot of Impressive stuff from some of the sophmores on the field at the Vidor/LCM Game from both teams, #4, Travis Greenway from Vidor is pretty good, good foot skills and a good view of the field... , but my expectations were set high from the talk here and he didn't look as hot as proclaimed, On the LC-M side #4, Bret Heil, Looks pretty good He played hard and didn't give up and has some good speed. Also #15 from LC-M, T.C. Scalfano, not the fastest kid out there but has good ball control and a good shot in the attacking 3rd on Direct kicks, with a great leg. These were the players that stood out to me.
  22. Way to go OILERS!!!! I knew you had it in you. Great Job Coach Fuller. Lets finish strong and then we can talk about the OTHER GAME. HD its your turn to step it up and play hard.
  23. If you have never seen the teams that play in the conference that Kilgore plays in, I wouldnt talk. Its probably more competitive the Lamar's conference. I know its alot faster game. Agreat place to start if need be. Know what you are talking about. I watch these conference games twice a week.
  24. Is this still just "talk" or does Lamar actually have a timetable of bringing back the state's (and America's) top sport?
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