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  1. hey dont talk crap to "THE DIRTY DOODY" or there will be severe consequences...hj is going to go to state and dominate the world!!!
  2. Vj is a great player but growing up and goin threw select and little league hes just a nother person i rember we played the Bc pont allstars agisnt theres for distract the beat us 10 to 2 but i hit a bomb on him. To many people on here are over Rated and the ones that can play are under Rated whats the deal. Quit all the hype talk and let us do our thing no ones the best no ones the greatist. just play. John SIngleton
  3. Exactly... and I see were Bon_Mot is coming from on his take on the job he did with Germany... true he did not have to qualify.. but if you remember all the talk b4 the world cup about how bad Germany was going to do, then you undoubtedly have to give him some credit.. In my oppinion he is a fantastic tactical coach... and I think thats what USA needs.. not technique.. but more TACTICS!!!!!.... Germany played extremely well this World Cup... theres a reason why they played in the consolation game........................................................
  4. I just signed up for this site to talk about this game specifically. I covered the game tonight for the Leader and have never been so excited at a game. Both teams looked great. It was the second time for me to see Silsbee and they look real impressive and I noticed one more thing. They are a very classy team. Several times I thought I would see some kind of celebrating but it never came. Kudos for the whole Lady Tigers team. As for the Lady Cats, I love covering this team and always have. They are fun to watch and report on. This loss just might do more for OF than a 10 point win would have done. When I returned to the Leader one of the first things I thought of was getting back to watching Lady Cats bball. Good luck down the road to the Lady Tigers and Ill see all you lady cats fans at the tourney this weekend. Gabe Pruett
  5. thanks everybody for watching us play....i feel both teams played well..but we both couldnt win....Bleed Orange i wish i could have met you...i guess we will the next time huh....tell KK she did good and shot well i didnt get a chance to talk to her.
  6. Josh Chauvin #14 from LCM should get something he was honorable mention all dist. WR this year and RB his JR. year ive seen this kid run over the biggest and get behind the fastest but unfortunatly LCM used him more as a blocker than catcher, against ozen he simply outran the defensive back, caught the ball and scored and aginst PNG he trucked two of their biggest defensive players but the most of all i seen him lay the wood on micah mosely at safety then get up and have the nerve to talk trash to him lol
  7. I was on the forty near the top. I had on a wind suit. I went and told Miss Green after the game she played well. We talk on here all the time so I had to meet her in person.
  8. You can talk about a players physical skills all you want but there is only 1 player who picked his team up on his back and carried them to the playoffs. Best running back in the area hands down. This is coming from a BIG PN-G fan who grew up in an era who didn't like nederland too much. Micah Moseley
  9. Mosley is the real deal' date=' go back to your fan club forum and talk about him. :roll: :roll: By the way Mosley showed something this year that you probably aren't to familiar with and that is [b']CLASS.
  10. I like the news, Smity, but I'm a little cautiously optimistic about it. I'm not a Klinsi-hater, but what is his entire body of work? Germany didn't have to qualify for the cup, so he do we really what kind of X's and O's ability he has? The German media hated him for various reasons in the lead-up to the World Cup, too. So do we judge him on six or seven games (ALL played on HOME soil!!!) during a month-long tournament? What color will his designer slacks turn when walks out of the tunnel at Azteca Stadium for the first time?! I really think it will eventually work out, but I have to wonder if we are judging him not on his coaching abilities, but rather on his uber-successful international career as a player. BTW - THANK YOU for being someone local willing to talk soccer! The guys on BigSoccer tend to be a little cliqueish and snobby. Were you the netminder for The Brook last year?
  11. WHOA easy with the easy talk. Coldspring and Splendora will be returning a lot of good ball players. Which means Liberty probably won't be winning that district.
  12. Central probably pulled out because there was no competition in that tournament besides OF, so they got in another tournament that they could find competition in. OF may have beaten Central in the last few years but this year we beat them and that's why yall all are talking, but like I said in the last post YOU CAN HATE IF YOU WANT, BUT YOU WASTING YOUR TIME :evil: now find something else to talk about :evil: most of yall are just fans anyway so that means all you did was watch the game, which also means you were not on the court that night Central played them so just get over it and face the fact that it is over and pray that they beat Central next year. Your prayers probably won't help because Central has a team that will hold them for a few years and unlike OF, Central wasn't big headed, they were ready to play and did not take them lightly :evil:
  13. my main point was that you were saying what happened to A&M thought they were going to beat Texas but then they lose to Rice. Well, no one said the woman were going to beat Texas because no one cares enough to talk trash about that. It didn't make any sense that you would post a score from a woman's game in support of this message: when no one was even talking about womans bball. Which, rightly or wrongly, is true of fan bases from both sides. When you posted the Rice score you thought it was from a men's game. By the way, the Aggies play two top ten teams on the road within the next week, so there will certainly be a good chance for them to lose a game.
  14. I have ready Bobby Straface’s ‘reply’ and am reminded of the line from the song that “the handshake hides the snakeâ€. I remind him (and everyone else) that I did not come looking for this ‘debate’. One of his ‘people’ made a post that required my response and, as the saying goes, we’re off to the races. As usual, Bobby is a good salesman …nothing more, nothing less. If just anyone were to comment about my prior post that “none of it was trueâ€, I would be offended. When Bobby says it, I get downright angry…Bobby knows it is true, and damn well knows that I know it is true. First, Bobby Straface has “started†his select organization in SE Texas because it flopped in North Texas. It ended when his ‘Director of Baseball Operations’ quit because he did not like how the program was taking advantage/misleading the players. Then, after ‘enjoying’ the “Big Timers Experienceâ€, all but 1 of their players chose not to return. We have talked to that ‘Director of Baseball Operations’. We have found a wealth of information about this on other public sites. I would not make any such statements about an organization without first doing so. Here are what some of those public comments were, mainly from 'satisfied customers' (a/k/a parents): ‘After the experience [with Bobby Straface], “all but 1 decided not to return.†‘Bobby made a lot of “pretty tall claims that he could get kids recruited and scholarships. That pretty much did not happen…Bobby is a real good salesman however…I would be very skeptical.†‘Bobby was “overhyping what he could do and would do for the playersâ€. He just never delivered on any of it.’ These are not my words. These are not the words of anyone affiliated with me. These are the words of parents who trusted Bobby Straface and the Big Timers organization only to find out he does not deliver on what he promises. When Bobby claimed that it was harshly unfair for me to say that he “promised things we cannot deliverâ€, I respond with what other parents have experienced. Those are not my claims. Those are the facts from people who had the 'benefit' of his organization. Second, I know for a “gospel fact†that Bobby Straface has made significant misrepresentations to players and college coaches about his relationship to those players and coaches (By the way, Bobby…today’s cell phones do allow people to record their conversations with you). At the sake of (some) brevity, here are just two examples: (1) Player (one of our select players) gets a telephone call from Bobby Straface, indicating that he is having lunch with the coaches from [a Big 12 university], and that he can ‘guarantee’ a scholarship. Bobby then hands the phone to a person that he claims is a coach at that university so the two of them can talk. The supposed coach tells the player he will get the scholarship if he listens to Bobby and uses him as his advisor. Player calls us. We advise player that this phone call occurred during a ‘dead period’ for recruiting and would be an NCAA violation. Since we know the school and coaches allegedly involved, we call them to question the conduct. To our surprise (and relief), the conversation never took place as these college coaches were literally hundreds of miles away when the alleged phone call took place. We call the player and question him. The phone call was recorded and we verify the player’s version. Bottom line? Either Bobby Straface (a) engaged in an NCAA violation or ( blatantly lied to a player in an effort to ‘sign him up’. (2) I received a telephone call from the recruiting coordinator at a major D-1 university (‘major’ enough to have recently won the National Championship) that I had met in East Cobb, Georgia. He had received a telephone call from Bobby Straface claiming to represent one of our players that he would ‘deliver’. The player was very interested in the school, and the recruiting coordinator was interested in the player; hence the call to me. I talked to the player’s family. They had no relationship whatsoever (representation, advisor, etc.) with Bobby. Bottom line? School got cold feet on recruiting the player and the player went elsewhere. Third, Bobby Straface has lied about my organization and my coaches in an effort to “recruit†our players (which, interestingly, required him to ‘sign up’ with his management/agency organization). I happened to be with the parent(s) when he called them and the call was put on ‘speaker phone’. During that conversation, he claimed that our head coach (Matt Thompson) had only had 1 coaching job in his entire life (hitting coach at Lamar) and got ‘run off’ from that job. The rest of our coaches were ‘less qualified’ than that. Here are some facts about Matt Thompson. Matt started working with us while he was still a coach at Lamar University. He chose to leave Lamar, quite frankly, because our program offered him (and his family) a better opportunity personally and financially. He did not get ‘run off’ as Bobby claimed. Moreover, Matt Thompson’s background (of which Bobby is obviously ignorant) is a quality background: · Prior to Lamar, Matt was the Head Coach at Broward CC that plays in JUCO Division 8 (toughest division nationally in JUCO ball). His 2003 recruiting class included 8 players that were drafted by MLB. · Previous, he was the Head Coach at South West CC where they were ranked in the Top 25 nationally each year in hitting (including 4th nationally in 2001). · All in all, as a Head Coach Matt has coached 17 players drafted by MLB, 2 All Americans and 18 All Region selections. · As Jim Gilligan said, “Matt has an extensive understanding of hitting and has the communicative skills to relate it to the hitters.†In addition to that, Matt has been (on multiple occasions) helped select our country’s national teams for USA Baseball (the same guys who run our Olympics team) and has been asked to serve as a coach for them. Clearly, Matt Thompson is a quality coach and, just as clearly, Bobby Straface made blatant misstatements about him…all to ‘recruit’ a high school player and attempt to sign him on the proverbial dotted line. Fourth, we do have a solid record of developing players from a young age (13) and obtaining college scholarships for them. Bobby cannot make that claim…because he (and his organization) has never done it (here or in the Dallas area before they ‘left town’). He claims that they work on a ‘daily basis’ with college coaches (hopefully, not like the examples listed above) but I have yet to meet the player that got a Div. 1 scholarship because of Bobby Straface or his organization. I’m not saying he hasn’t…maybe he has (but I haven’t met that player). I am aware that he ‘represents’ several players as their ‘agent’ or ‘advisor’. He signed those players after they were developed, and after they were already good. Do not mistake the claims of SSE Group with those of Big Timers baseball. They are not the same. I am proud of our record (not wins/losses, but success in building players and sending them to a higher level). I am proud of our organization. Bobby ‘wishes’ he had our financial resources but he (again) missed the point. The point (from our perspective) is that we do not have a financial stake in this debate, nor do we have a financial motive. Our ‘stake’ is in the betterment of baseball in this area, and betterment of the baseball players in this area. Bobby complains that we ‘constantly bash’ Big Timers, etc. on this board. That, sadly, is another mistruth. I did reply when his folks opened this ‘can of worms’ but I doubt (like everything else) that he can support that statement. I don’t want this to continue…but if Bobby thinks he can (in essence) call me a ‘liar’ and expect me to sit silently then he is as mistaken about that as he is about nearly everything else. I do note, however, that not once has Bobby Straface ever called me to discuss my concerns (nor even sent me a PM). I’m not that hard to find… Lastly, I am a ‘baseball guy’. Too much energy has been taken up on this issue. Don’t take my word for it…take the word of those who have been through the Big Timers’ program and be wary. These people will tell you about “pretty tall claims†that “pretty much did not happenâ€, about “overhyping†and warning others to be “very skepticalâ€. Again, I didn't create those statements -- I am just reporting them. I just want what is best for the players. I do not want their money, or to take the credit for their success (I agree with “The Voiceâ€â€¦credit to the players who work hard and parents as the “CEO†of their kids). The simple fact is that Bobby Straface and the Big Timers is not a ‘threat’ to our organization. Never has been, never will be…but I will not stand idly by while his organization, volunteers, etc. take shots at mine. We have done too much, too well, for too long to deserve that. And I will not let him mislead any parent or any player about me. I hope this is my last word on the subject. My hatchet’s buried... Chip Ferguson SE Texas Sun Devils Beaumont, Texas “And proud of itâ€
  15. I cant find a team to play with or just practice with i need all the help i can get. I plan to move back to Bc but i guess ill just have to wait until i talk to there coachs. I hope it works out between me and Bc ive hurd Billy Bryant has a lot of good things for his baseballers thats why i hope to be with his team next year. So what would anyone recomend about me finding a team to get with before or after the season. Singleton
  16. [Hidden Content] bad news for 21-3a...this kid is a monster! I had the opportunity to talk with him Saturday. Great kid and I wish him and HJ best of luck this season
  17. can we keep the football talk on the football board.....please??
  18. I have never met a select baseball coach that could or would keep all of his promises. Also, please dont be mislead, whether you or the organization pays the bills - there is a "cost" to play select ball. Seek out the organization that truely covets your son for the right reasons. The coaches and staff that talk about work ethic and character development and a staff that builds confidence in its players. With most of these coaches player development for some players ends when a player from another organization becomes "available". This practice in itself I wouldnt say is bad - except that very few organizations will tell you up front that they will not stop seeking the best avaliable talent and eventually this may diminish some players playing time and opportunities. It takes integrity to declare these things and most simply wont be honest with parents and recruits up front. There is a difference between organizations that fill roster spots versus organizations that actually develop potential and talent. Every select coach I have ever met talks the talk - very few walk the walk. I am a believer in select baseball and its rewards for players that continue to work towards their goals and dreams. Hard honest work never goes unrewarded. Find the organization that will develop work ethic and will build confidence in your son.
  19. yall are idiots...idk if this is just talk to stir the pot or if you actually think you're going to be that good...either way its pretty pathetic
  20. Gee, the Golden Triangle media didn't put a lot of time in on a high school team that is not from the Golden Triangle. Go figure. They also did not spend any time on LaMarque so I guess we slighted them also. I wonder how much time the media around Dayton and Liberty spent on Nederland and WO-S? Dayton won the district so I guess you believe that they should be the talk of the town around Beaumont. Well it isn't going to happen, sorry. If Nederland wins district next year, I am not going to be shocked if the Bulldogs are not the talk of the town in Dayton. If Dayton has a bulletin board, I doubt they will be flapping ;their gums (or keyboards) about the GT next year.
  21. Just from what I've heard lately I think UTEP is a strong contender. I had heard talk of A&M but that was last year and I don't know how strong a possibility that is anymore. None of this is based on fact, just word of mouth.
  22. This thread was posted to see who you would pick on the feild Charles or Mosely... Not for you EC to slander Charles as a student. Mosely is an intellegent kid...good for him, I am an engineer and proud to see someone go for it. But being an engineer is not for everyone. I am intellegent but that gives me no right to call someone esle stupid. Charles may have struggled a bit but he is making his way. He will probaly spend four years in college and may not become a pro but he will have his degree. And if he becomes a pro his pay check will be far greater than the engineer. For a kid that let's say struggled. He used his talents to get himself somewhere... and will have a college degree. For you smart A$$ ECBUCFAN, stay in your place and talk football!!!! That is what this thread was about! And not to slander Mosely but he did well and I am proud to see him do well. He did not come out of one of the best districts in 5A... He came out of a 4A district on a down year... Great Kid, Great Year but no Jamal!!!!!
  23. Guest

    21-3A Predictions

    HJ wont even beat OF both times and OF will be starting 4 freshman this year (which are studs). Orangefield will be young young this year with the only All district pick returning will be the sophmore Peevey who was first team all district as a freshman. But after watching all of these teams play last year and seeing silsbee and Jasper last year in the Jasper Tourny, I will say 1-Silsbee-behind the pitching of the 6'5 letfy (who is only a Soph) Tied for second by spliting distict wins-Jasper-Senior, Seniors, Seniors BC- Kacey Jackson is a beast, and Stringer will pull out one win agianst Jasper. 4. Orangefield-Young but these kids can play and the Peevey kid pitches like a senior 5. Hj-Not enough pitching but good bats especially with the Spanky kid 6. HF- a young team that plays hard 7. Kville- young and up and comming team 8.WOS- wow talk about drop off this year
  24. haha being that your on the team and all huh? HAHA we will see how yall do against silsbee BLEED ORANGE.. then you can talk
  25. Now diva, I'll take your word on the speed, strength and zone reading ability, but your ability to comprehend is clearly lacking. I didn't call peolpe geeks who talked high school football, I was comparing geek and athletes on the post graduate walks down memory lane !!!! I know this a forum for high school football discussion, but expanding the talk into other areas that pertain to hs football seems harmless. last, but not least, playing hs football doesn't mean squat is a statement of perspective. HS football campared to almost anything in life will pale by comparison. If I've offended you or anyone else, I am sorry :roll: I will be more carefull in the future.
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