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  1. They must only wanna see North Shore. Talk about the big brother slapping the little brother in the face.
  2. Why is it ok for nederland to talk about Vidor and not ok the other way around?
  3. My prediction is that this topic that has been started is going to do nothing more than flare up alot of tempers and hurt alot of feelings. Its not even a week removed from having 406 rushing yards ran all over ya'll and your already starting the talk about a playoff push for next year. My suggestion, stop posting comments on this topic, remove this from the forum, and learn how to tackle. I read and defended the comments about L-Town being the laughing stock of the district for ten weeks, so how about taking the winter, spring and summer off from gum bumping about a winning season till say.............maybe the day before your first game. But thats just my opinion, I'm sure your topic will stir up others.
  4. Ok Well I have a Problem with people That keep calling Barbers Hill Weak i have to agree with Swart We got Practice while Beamont doesnt so while we are getting better there sitting on the CANS and Watching TV or Getting Drunk of the A$$ so yah we have the better chance than Central the only this diffrent from practice and a Game is the Jersey and our attitudes BH Playes there hearts out and thats that so if Central has more shit to talk let them we will talk shit on the field with our PADS and SPEED AND POWER SO BE READY BH WINS BH-35 BMC-21 WE CAN WE WILL WE ARE BARBERS HILL GO EAGLES
  5. Ok, I've been reading the posts trying to catch up on the "talk" going on. I'm female, so maybe I don't get it, but what's the deal with 2A - 3A and 4A talk????? I don't believe a school district is classified according to the size of the boys (or girls)......... I believe it's according to the number of students enrolled. So what's the deal with BMC being a "real" 4A team and BH barely (or weakly being) a 4A team???? (I think the original post was on page 10). Well, if that's the case, BH plays with 5A heart and effort!!! GO EAGLES!!!!
  6. Yeah yall right, Deweyville and Warren aint the team that newton is. But that aint what i said either. I said "Buna needs to come out and play like they are playing Deweyville or Warren". What that means is that Buna needs to ignore this talk about newton being the state champs and "almighty barbay". They need to come out and play this game like any other game, with one thing on their mind: EXECUTION. Buna executes+Newton plays over confident+a little luck=BUNA VICTORY Period.
  7. :shock: "Travelingbandsman"...I am taking it that you are in the band, right? Kudo's to you! BUT! I hear you guys are going to Chicago next week, after we win...who the HECK is going to play "THE HORSE" for us at the NEXT playoff GAME????? HEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOO???? NOT GOOD...NOT GOOD.... Yall have to find another band to play for us the second go round.........otherwise.....that would be rude........ :wink: :?: Who you got lined up for us? We give you football to shine your glory and vice versa..now yall are going to leave us hanging???? :shock: talk to your uppers...yall got UT or A&M lined up right??? FORD SMESNY is only a junior??? I could have sworn he was a senior but Lord help me be WRONG in this one!!!!!I want to be WRONG!!!
  8. Easy to do with a keyboard i guess............ Anyway, Enough weak district, we got speed, sendin BH home like in 1985 talk. This isnt the same team that played Kville last year and it isnt the team that lost back in the 80's or whenever it was someone talks about on here. Theres a whole different chemistry with some very key motivated players back from last year. Most of the BH bashers havnt even seen them play or get their info from OTHER BH doubters. Its well documented on here that BH went 10-0 but played a week district schedule (even though CE King and GP both were ranked in the top 5 in total offense in the area until last week) and will be sent home in a blowout. Think what you want to. BH will be there to ready to play.
  9. Believe me guys i would never under estimate a team. I give buna credit for making the playoffs. I believe they are making some progress. But im tellng you right now Buna is not going to beat Newton. All this talk about d-villle and warren last time i checked these teams are not really that great really average teams. Newton has proved to be a winner buna has not showed me nothing. Newto will win I believe by 35 points or more. New. 42 Buna 14 if Buna is lucky
  10. Adding a 4th team to the playoff schedule only adds one week to the DI side. If having this many teams in the playoffs is considered watering it down with weak teams, the weak teams will probably be eliminated in the 1st or 2nd rounds anyway, and these kids (we are playing for the kids right?), even though they lost out, will have something to talk about for a long time. Then there's the argument ....what if a weak team gets lucky and knocks out a strong team? Tough, it happens all the time. It's called an upset. It all comes down to money anyway. The UIL is rolling in it with all these teams. I don't have a problem with 3 or 4 teams. Like I said, if you don't belong, you'll find out soon enough, or maybe you can peak and surprise some people.....that's football.
  11. Players must believe in their coach and what he is trying to accomplish. It's so hard for kids to see the light when your losing. Kids have a hard time looking down the road. And the coach has to believe in what he is doing...........they should talk with other coaches who have been down that road..............trust me, they all have. And if they haven't yet.......their time is coming. We must have FAITH. In God, and whatever else we believe in !
  12. Thats what i like bh89-2 & Jags. Thats what the boards are made for a lil SMACK TALK!!!! Nothing like predicting and then praying!!!!!! Im a Stang fan,but i wont throw my who we would whip two cents in this. Good Luck to u both. My prediction Jags-28 BH-17
  13. Hopefully it will stay active. Alot of folks will move to the Basketball forums as soon as football is over but there will always be some football talk going on.
  14. I only watched some of this game. I was surprised at how much Yao impacted the game. 30 something points, 14 rebounds, and against Shaq. I don't know about all that 'best center in the nba' talk. Do it in the playoffs and I will listen. Still, Yao is looking good, and so are all the rockets.
  15. when you talk about the st louis cardinals..does anyoe talk about all nine players or maybe just ekstein edmonds rolen and pujols? you can talk about those four players all you want but we'll let you ignore all the role players and guys that get the job done w/ out all the stats. and how can you say jackson needs someone behind him in the lineup and not mention dishon? bc has the best talent in the district, and should win it...but i agree with jasper and silsbee also getting in.
  16. Yeh I can't help myself either and I don't have a dog in any fights! I'll make at least a one positive comment to our coaches and one comment to our team before I move on to the basketball forum. Hopefully HF boys basketball will give me something positive to talk about! If not I'll be on the girls basketball forum :wink:
  17. Hopefully it will stay busy like it has been the last several weeks. There will always be Football talk. Both HS basketball forums are starting to pick up now. We hit every sport hard.
  18. L-Town Stunners no one should owe you anything. All he was saying is how sick and tired eveyone got reading all of the Lumberton ramblings prior to the season. No one here is anti-Lumberton. I for one would love to see the underdog do weel, no matter who they are. His point about Orangefield was well spoken. Do not talk the talk unless you can walk the walk. BTW, great post Stans92
  19. DP#1Fan don't waste your time on Mr. Hyde, he's just another kid talking trash. Him and 44Stack have a Deweyville fixation problem. Instead of enjoying or praising your team or school, all they do is trash talk and put down others, others on this board see kids like this and recognize who, and what they are. Sad. Good luck to both Newton and Buna, they both deserve to be here.
  20. Bottom line is that MOST posters get on here and talk a little smack once in a while. Some talk more smack than others. But the rule of thumb is"Do not talk the talk if your squad cannot walk the walk". Point Blank!!!!! Most of those schools who you are "sticking" up for have a few fans that talk a whole lot of noise about what they are going to do year in and year out.And pretty much every year they are doormats. Why doesnt everyone call Orangefields teams out? Because i very seldom have seen one of their posters talkin real unrealistic trash on here. We know they may not have the best team but the play hard,give it 100% and if they are successful they roll with it. If not they go out and try again. On top of that O field isn runnin thangs on the girls B-ball court so their confidence is much more visible on that board.(Im just using O field as an example guys). I dont necessarily care for several teams in the area,but when respect is due I give it. Everyone on here talks noise when their squad is good!! And some fans(u know who u are) talk noise even when they are terrible. Thats the fun of these sites. SCOOP get you a mustang t shirt and we will see ya Friday night. Lets say group hug 30 minutes before kickoff at the front gate!!!!! HOLLA
  21. I agree with BHEX86. A lot of smack talk going on..... and it's to be expected. Typical of any message board. I do think kudos goes to the kids. They played their hearts out to the end and deserve some recognition. They could have just rolled over, took the loss and went home, but they didn't! This was THE best game I've seen in a long time. For those of you Eagle Fans who didn't go or stay for the game -- YOU MISSED IT!!! Regardless of whether or not you like BH, it was like a good come back movie. And for the BH Fans --- I was glad to see when the rest of the fans finally started to get into the game. That's exactly what the boys needed and wanted. When you see the boys standing on the sidelines or on the field and they're waving their arms up & down, they're not doing it to try to "fly like an Eagle", they're doing it to the CROWD - The FANS, wanting YOU (US) to get into the game. So BH Fans, let's be ready to show our boys the support they want, don't wait for them to be on the field and sidelines, waving their arms asking for our support. We expect the boys to bring their "A" game, so as fans, let's bring ours and be ready to raise the roof Friday!!! GO EAGLES!!!!
  22. buna doing all this smack talk now that there in 2a
  23. First off I want to give congrats to the Hill Boys you played one awesome game on friday night. It is quite an accomplishment to be in your first year as a 4a team to go undefeated and District Champs. Almost reminds you of a underdog football movie, with a come from behind victory. Superb!! Its nice to see some of the fans have joined the crazy moms in their crusade for a little Eagle Spirit. It is really a shame to know people can not give a praise or even good luck to the eagles. I can understand about competition and a little smack talk from time to time. In this case from what you have read on here, I suppose that our boys ought to stay at home friday night twiddling their thumbs or doing a little cross stitch. WRONG!!! Those kids have worked very hard, to get where they are now. It was not handed to them. It was earned. This team is full of heart and a whole lot of pride. Keep up the pace and Good Luck to the Barbers Hill 21-4a Undefeated District Champs Inaugural Season !!!!!!
  24. you guys have proven my point on here over and over and over....you guys with winning records or playoff berths always talk down to the rest that are not as sucessful.....you dont have that right just becasue your team is better then most teams....just becasue someone is from a town like Lumberton or Vidor they have just as many rights to state their opinions as you do....but when someone form here wins or speaks their mind you immediately call them names like you have througout this post....why catn you support the losing schools just as well as the winning ones.....maybe our district might improve as a whole ....
  25. Knowing all that is in the original post just makes you wonder how beneficial this forum is for the communities of SETX. I could prove to be more devisive. I'd just as soon talk to someone while filling up the gas tank or at the grocery store than sit by my self and read a computer screen and attempt to ledgeably reply to a post.
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