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  1. You don't get it BHFAN win move on loose move out of the way and let the winner enjoy the victory! The bottom line is when the clock struck 0 which team had the most points. 3,4, or 40 you lost! BC doesn't look down on anyone, every team BC lost to this year was a playoff team BMT Westbrook winning 50-27 Dayton 35-0 Croby moving on even Houston Sterling playoff team BH big 10-0 showed up and played a great game but at the end came up on the short end of it. that what count it doesn't matter how close it was when talk about the game years from today
  2. Ok Ok I'm just doing what they would if they'd won I appologize. But isn't this the way rivaries begin. Something to look foward to in the future. I'm not trying to be hostile. Just Football competitive conv. Didn't mean no harm. If BH would have won I'd still be the same and wouldn't take offense if you smack talked to me about your team. Just competitve sports talk. Again sorry
  3. After all of the "we'd beat the Golden Triangle" talk, it's hard not to enjoy it. This one wasn't a scrimmage. Where is old Eagletown anyway?
  4. Wow this thread is awesome!! BC almost got there butts handed to them and can come on here and act as if you won by 20. I would love nothing more than to cheer for you guys next week, but I'm starting to become a Lamarque fan 8) It was a good game that could just as easly been won by BH. The supet team didn't do any thing to my Eagles that the Eagles didn't do to them. Only difference is a field goal that made it by 2 feet> You can talk all the crap you want but BH gave Central all they wanted and more!!!! You act like BH was on her before game time predicting a 50 point victory when all that we were doing is trying to convince you that BC would not run all over BH. So if anyone is serving crow today it is BH where are all of you football minds that predicted a blow out??????????? NO CLASS BC!!!
  5. I'm done with this thread but bro go the BB section and lets talk.
  6. I loose gracefuly and win just as well. I take nothing away from BH they were great team and their coaches put up a game plan that negated our defensive speed and took advantage of our small defensive front. Great game plan. I am glad the Central coaches made an adjustment at half time and only allowed a 7 point second half instead of 21. But lets be honest about the penalties it was 9 to 1.... the 1 was a false start on BH. Their was a clear ref edge. I don't know what yall paid but u must pay well. The one that took the cake for me was BH reciever catches the ball in the forth quarter runs five yards... gets drilled... fumbles and the refs call it a incomplete pass. The kid ran five yards with the ball tucked. We talk alot of smack here but those are kids on the field... let the kids decide the game. Every time BC stopped BH's offense a phantom call would be made. like third and forever ends up a first down. Same on offense. One BH fan on here said the reciever was "MAULED" on the int in the end zone.... PPPPLLLEEEEAASSSEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Central's db had the inside position, sheilded with his body and made a play on the ball... the kid just had better position. Good job BH I am proud of your kids they played great but refs let the kids decide the game. Go BH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better luck next year!!! Now lets take care of business Jags.
  7. Liberty got their smack talk handed back to them last night. I was at the game last night. Left at the beginning of the 4th when it was 50 something to nothing. Keep it going 21-3a!! The rest of the district is backing you!!!
  8. NOt just being a homer........I did the research! Silsbee has as good a chance to play in the state final as anyone....here we go! The #1 team in 3A (Gilmer) is in the other side of the bracket, wouldn't meet until the State Championship! The other ranked teams in Division I are as follows 10 - Decatur - Region 1 11 - Abilene Wiley - Region 1 14 - Belleville - Region 3 15 - Hutto - Region 3 17 - Silsbee - Region 3 19 - Royse City - Region 2 Hutto should beat Robinson Palestine & Dibol will be a good game - Palestine picked to win Silsbee should beat Splendora Bellville should beat West Colimbia A lot of talk about Palestine playing in the Reg 3 finals I think it will be Hutto. Silsbee will have a good game against Bellville - ball control and control the turnovers! Silsbee holds on for late win! Silsbee -vs- Hutto for Region 3 final! Silsbee flexes their muscles in this one and wins by decent margin! Region 4 is a very weak region, whoever (Silsbee) wins Region 3 should move into the State Final! Why: SHS has played to the ability of their opponent each week until late in the season.......held onto WOS, beating K'ville impressively (until it didn't really matter) (still need to work on this though) Didn't play down to Jasper in a big rivalary game...... Turnovers are much improved They believe in themselves! This is my OPINION on why Silsbee can and should win DIVISION I REGION 3 and play for the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP!
  9. who ever LUMBERTON RAIDERS is needs to stop runnin their mouth!! Lumberton will be good next year but some of the other teams in the district are gonna be just as good "DAYTON" and i dont know how "the scoop" can talk crap on the quaterback when he was the second in passin yards and i think first in completion percentage ya we may not have done as good as we would of liked to but 4-6 is better than what it has been recently with only 5 starters leavin for lumberton i do not see anything less than 7-3 and a playoff spot for the first time in lumberton history and if you dont think the quaterback is good than you better watch out cause he is only going to get better just like he has been doin since his sopohmore year
  10. Im cleaning up the thread now Some smack talk is ok...but we need to keep this primarily about the game.... From now on, posts that are not directly related to the game will be deleted immediately
  11. Give me a break LuvYaBlue.... Dont talk the talk until you walk the walk... Lumberton very well may do good next year, I doubt it, but its possible... But all you do is sound like an idiot on here rambling about next year, when this season isnt over yet!! How did you do in district this year? 1-6? Giving Ozen its only win of the year... If you are going to brag, have something to brag about...
  12. I wouldn't consider GP an inner city school by any stretch. Just started winning a couple of years ago when an assistant from Northshore took the job. What I find strange is how in a ISD as small as GP(area) can you have 1 schoo with 1800 kids and the other with damn near 3600. Talk about a lopsided student assignment plan....
  13. Replay in Baseball Baseball GMs want to look over instant replay By RONALD BLUM, AP Baseball Writer November 15, 2006 NAPLES, Fla. (AP) -- When it comes to instant replay, baseball general managers want to look it over. GMs plan to talk about the topic some more, and perhaps make recommendations in the future, even they know commissioner Bud Selig is against the having replays aid umpires' decisions. "There is sufficient interest in it that it really warrants further discussion," baseball senior vice president Joe Garagiola Jr. said Wednesday at the GMs' annual meetings. "There's no specific action item at the moment. We just want to keep talking about the different ways it could come into play and just keep kind of refining our thinking on the topic." GMs have repeatedly discussed the topic but know replays aren't likely to be used while Selig is in charge. Two years ago, GMs split 15-15 on a vote to further consider the use of instant replay. This time, they asked a committee that deals with umpires to develop recommendations for the full GMs group. Many GMs would favor replays on fair/foul calls and disputed home runs. "The commissioner's views on instant replay are well known but I also know he respects the body here," Garagiola said. "So it's an important topic to continue to discuss." Chicago Cubs manager Lou Piniella, whose been known to speak his mind to umpires, doesn't think there's a need for replays. "Umpires do a really nice job," he said. "I think that's the way baseball has been played since inception. I don't see any reason to change it."
  14. Yeah Jasper had a down year but many knew they were the preseason pick around the 3-4 spot so they knew they were down somewhat. That is not a knock, most folks had WOS and Silsbee as the top 2 with BC and Jasper duking it out for 3rd. Just looking at several district games Jasper was just one or two breaks away from being in the playoffs. I would have to say Ozen without a doubt. With several D1 prospects and the talk of a district title battle with Central they were just plain pitiful. I remember saying in preseason that a certain Dayton squad was going to do extremely well but several including a weatherman didn't have them in the top 3. :wink:
  15. They must only wanna see North Shore. Talk about the big brother slapping the little brother in the face.
  16. Why is it ok for nederland to talk about Vidor and not ok the other way around?
  17. My prediction is that this topic that has been started is going to do nothing more than flare up alot of tempers and hurt alot of feelings. Its not even a week removed from having 406 rushing yards ran all over ya'll and your already starting the talk about a playoff push for next year. My suggestion, stop posting comments on this topic, remove this from the forum, and learn how to tackle. I read and defended the comments about L-Town being the laughing stock of the district for ten weeks, so how about taking the winter, spring and summer off from gum bumping about a winning season till say.............maybe the day before your first game. But thats just my opinion, I'm sure your topic will stir up others.
  18. Ok Well I have a Problem with people That keep calling Barbers Hill Weak i have to agree with Swart We got Practice while Beamont doesnt so while we are getting better there sitting on the CANS and Watching TV or Getting Drunk of the A$$ so yah we have the better chance than Central the only this diffrent from practice and a Game is the Jersey and our attitudes BH Playes there hearts out and thats that so if Central has more shit to talk let them we will talk shit on the field with our PADS and SPEED AND POWER SO BE READY BH WINS BH-35 BMC-21 WE CAN WE WILL WE ARE BARBERS HILL GO EAGLES
  19. Ok, I've been reading the posts trying to catch up on the "talk" going on. I'm female, so maybe I don't get it, but what's the deal with 2A - 3A and 4A talk????? I don't believe a school district is classified according to the size of the boys (or girls)......... I believe it's according to the number of students enrolled. So what's the deal with BMC being a "real" 4A team and BH barely (or weakly being) a 4A team???? (I think the original post was on page 10). Well, if that's the case, BH plays with 5A heart and effort!!! GO EAGLES!!!!
  20. Yeah yall right, Deweyville and Warren aint the team that newton is. But that aint what i said either. I said "Buna needs to come out and play like they are playing Deweyville or Warren". What that means is that Buna needs to ignore this talk about newton being the state champs and "almighty barbay". They need to come out and play this game like any other game, with one thing on their mind: EXECUTION. Buna executes+Newton plays over confident+a little luck=BUNA VICTORY Period.
  21. :shock: "Travelingbandsman"...I am taking it that you are in the band, right? Kudo's to you! BUT! I hear you guys are going to Chicago next week, after we win...who the HECK is going to play "THE HORSE" for us at the NEXT playoff GAME????? HEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOO???? NOT GOOD...NOT GOOD.... Yall have to find another band to play for us the second go round.........otherwise.....that would be rude........ :wink: :?: Who you got lined up for us? We give you football to shine your glory and vice versa..now yall are going to leave us hanging???? :shock: talk to your uppers...yall got UT or A&M lined up right??? FORD SMESNY is only a junior??? I could have sworn he was a senior but Lord help me be WRONG in this one!!!!!I want to be WRONG!!!
  22. Easy to do with a keyboard i guess............ Anyway, Enough weak district, we got speed, sendin BH home like in 1985 talk. This isnt the same team that played Kville last year and it isnt the team that lost back in the 80's or whenever it was someone talks about on here. Theres a whole different chemistry with some very key motivated players back from last year. Most of the BH bashers havnt even seen them play or get their info from OTHER BH doubters. Its well documented on here that BH went 10-0 but played a week district schedule (even though CE King and GP both were ranked in the top 5 in total offense in the area until last week) and will be sent home in a blowout. Think what you want to. BH will be there to ready to play.
  23. Believe me guys i would never under estimate a team. I give buna credit for making the playoffs. I believe they are making some progress. But im tellng you right now Buna is not going to beat Newton. All this talk about d-villle and warren last time i checked these teams are not really that great really average teams. Newton has proved to be a winner buna has not showed me nothing. Newto will win I believe by 35 points or more. New. 42 Buna 14 if Buna is lucky
  24. Adding a 4th team to the playoff schedule only adds one week to the DI side. If having this many teams in the playoffs is considered watering it down with weak teams, the weak teams will probably be eliminated in the 1st or 2nd rounds anyway, and these kids (we are playing for the kids right?), even though they lost out, will have something to talk about for a long time. Then there's the argument ....what if a weak team gets lucky and knocks out a strong team? Tough, it happens all the time. It's called an upset. It all comes down to money anyway. The UIL is rolling in it with all these teams. I don't have a problem with 3 or 4 teams. Like I said, if you don't belong, you'll find out soon enough, or maybe you can peak and surprise some people.....that's football.
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