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  1. :shock: Everyone CALM DOWN! :shock: I want to jump on this bandwagon so bad...it is killing me! :shock: It is one thing to stand up for your school....and that is too cool! But when you drag all your stats, last years etc. into it...and ANYONE that can come on here and say "yall have been talking smack etc."...HELLO? Don't make me dig in the post and pull your towns smack talking up! WHAT A BUNCH OF SMACK TALKERS! Geez! Let the numbers speak for themselves! NO ONE has ANY RIGHT to talk about WEAK DISTRICTS AROUND HERE!! All I know is Dayton WON RIGHTFULLY 22-4A. Barbers Hill WON RIGHTFULLY 21-4A. Let next weeks wins/losses speak for themselves..... GO BRONCOS! GO EAGLES! GO BULLDOGS!
  2. All I was saying was don't talk smack all year, then back down when you have a chance to prove it.
  3. Do it on the field before you talk about it on the boards. :roll:
  4. Let me see if I can address all of your points: 1. BH is competative. They do damn well for the talent level and of course I have personal experience with the Hill and as being a moron, well stupid is as stupid does..... 2. Numbers are irrelevent for a 1 school town. Quality coaching will maximize the talent base in the area. I wish someone would maximize the talent in PA but that's another talk show. 3. No, I don't think BH has the UIL on speed dail. They just can't read a map. They did the same thing to Anahauc the last 2 years they were in 3A making them go east when they had a district much closer. Maybe they UIL will learn to read a map next time The drug store cotton comparison well let's see. Huffman is having a 4A hangover, FB hasn't been the same since Homes left to GBall, GP is just now becoming more consistant, of course Crosby and C. E. King are the most consistant from 21 4A. Dayton would've made the district stronger but they were but in 22 which made this district even stronger. Smiley---well haven't done anything since the 80's. NC has been anything since Adam Dunn left..... So that's where I get the cotton soft comparison I've been on these message boards for some time now and it's always implied or said outright that majority Black schools are just a rouge bunch that I guess just do their own thing night in night out. I hate that. If there were that bad, School in densely population areas such as Maine and Vermont wouldn't go to the Hood looking for the next big thing. So yes I get sideways when I see those type of comments but there's nothing I can do about that. I will say that often Urban schools tend to underachieve but I think it's because it's hard to get and keep quality coaches. For example, just in the last 5 years Central has had 3 coaches, 2 good ones and 1 well they went 1-9. Stowers' contract is up in the spring and I hope he stays but you can't blame him for leaving. If there's a 1 school town or a better opportunity out there, I can't be mad if he leaves.....
  5. Well son, you're right about that. However, I have found that there "is a lot of hateing" on everybody on most threads. For the most part, it's alot of overzealous and misrepresented pride in a program, team, or child. However, there is also a lot of "loveing" going on with props all around and I for one would much rather see that. But, talk nasty about MY school, and I'm not letting it go - not anymore. I'm not denegrating the program from which the vile comes, but when someone speaks untrue facts, I'll correct them. I will not however, correct and opinion as that's what it is and we're all entitled. Thank you for recognizing the hateing, but recognize for all, not just one program.
  6. Just from reading my share of message boards and posts from people all over the state over the past several years, there are a couple of things I've learned about HS football fans. Feel free to add to the list. It's all in fun! ** Fans of a team with a winning tradition are arrogant. They shouldn't be allowed to talk about their past accomplishments since their previous successes have no bearing on the future. Fans of a team with a losing tradition are ignorant. They shouldn't be allowed to talk about the potential for their team's success in the future, since they haven't done anything in the past. ** Every fan from every other school is a homer. ** Poor officiating, coaching, weather conditions, and so on are real problems that need to be addressed, unless a fan of another school mentions them. At that point, they are just lame excuses. ** Before each season, fans are always quick to tell you their team will have their best year ever -- they've got great talent, outstanding coaches, and tremendous heart. By the time they're 0-3, the same fans will tell you their predistrict record means nothing because they played really good competition who played their best games the night they played against their team and will be playoff contenders in their districts by the end of the regular season. Besides that, it will only help the team during district. By the time the team is 0-6, the kids are young, the coaches are stupid, and they should pass/run/blitz more. This was a rebuiding year, anyway. Watch out for them next year... ** Teams that lose a game will always win a hypothetical rematch because "they've improved." ** Your undefeated predistrict season means nothing to fans of other schools. You were supposed to beat those teams. Wait until you hit some real competition. Your 10-0 season only means you were in a weak district. The playoffs will be another story. Your 16-0 season only proves the playoff system is watered down. Your team certainly wouldn't have got past the first round or so in the other division. Besides that, who cares what your record is? It won't help you next year...
  7. i agree and wins do not earn my respect.....sportmanship, heart, humble to Gods gifts, pride....know any teams that dont talk trash on the opponents they beat....bet you have a hard time finding them....it was just funny that you all jumped on Lumberton and Vidor and even heard BH mentioned.....what gives you the right to put these teams down.....NOTHING.....
  8. ok....now that i have everyones attention let me make the point of this post very clear to each and every team in SETEX.....we talk trash about each other on here all the time and good trash talking is good for competition sake.....but all too much we poke fun at some schools who do not make the playoffs every year and lessen there hard work and heart by bashing them very unsportmanslike...calling names...for example.....as soon as this post was read people assummed it was someone from Lumberton or Vidor...why is that....do these to schools not deserve respect for putting on the pads and playing every friday night.....sometimes the scores do not tell how much heart or pride the team has.....these two teams have just as much heart and pride as WOS....Nederland etc......as soon as you were all linked together you immediately talked down to me assumming i was from one of those two schools......so i go back to the original statement.....why does making the playoffs mke you better then the previous schools......you are not and i repeat better than those less fortunate schools......Blessed YES.....better no.....one day you could easily find yourself in there shoes......respect everyone....
  9. A couple of things. The PI called on BC in the end zone was as easy a call as you will ever see. It was clearly PI. Also, Earl did push-off and it wasn't called. He made an athletic play and got away with it. Had it been a close game and a "deciding-factor", it would be something to talk about then. WO-S could have easily won by much more if they wanted to. There was no intent to rub it in on the Bridge. Also, Gostangs said it best about the school who faces more depletion then anyone around - it's WO-S. We are the best year in and year out due to coaching and continuity (others have talent but they don't sustain it every year like the 'Stangs do). I personally wish BC had beaten Kirbyville so I could have seen some more red show up for the game. I would rather the Cards go to the playoffs, also. Lastly, I wish like heck that Johnny played for WO-S. He would really help us and it would be nice to get to see him use his talents for a team like WO-S (that is not a shot at BC) this year. Kid has heart and will give it his all. Very much like a MUSTANG....... I knew Bridge City would come and compete. They are just way too down this year to make it a closer game.
  10. Dayton wins this one....we HAVE to...its TRADITION! :wink: We call it the HWY.90 Shootout! I really have lots to say....but....I better not...haha 8) Thanks for the scoop BH...hope the guys are reading this! LOVED the PIC you posted after having to hear some smack talk....lol...CUTE! Made me SICK we are playing on the SAME NIGHT! UGH! Have to take my radio with me!!!!! Will be talking more to yall this week..
  11. WO-S is no doubt the best team we faced all year and is one of the best if not the best team in this entire area. They have so many weapons that they can use, i cant see why they dont atleast get to the semi-finals and if they doubt it will be because of a serious upset. now the talk about bc being usual sore losers i have to talk about that. first of bc finished with a winning season of 6-4 where our season very well could have went 1-9 or 0-10 becuase of all the close encounters we had, but prevailed with victory. Now as for the push off from earl, i can understand the wos guys taking up for their team, i mean who would not, but the eye in the sky does not lie, and the bc defender was not "all of over him" he was clearing running with number 12, and got shoved down by his shoulder pads, i have seen the film and i know. however that play was not a deciding factor. i believe bc came out with intensity and MAYBE even shocked a couple of the wos people with two turnovers. We may have gained some respect and then WO-S decided to step it up to their amazing level of play. Now for the fake punt, who knows if Hooks did call that fake punt, maybe number 3, was just playing the game of football and decided to call his own number to get the first, because it was Senior Night for them, and they wanted to remember that game forever. Was it classy, thats your own opinion, i believe after the game each team was classy as all the bc kids wished them luck on the playoffs, and wos said they would represent our district well. Even the coaches were classy and i had one wos coach congratulate me on a well played season. WO-S i wish the best of luck to you and hope ya'll win state, and i had a great and fun season this year with the cardinals. Just one more thing, did that game seem extremely long to anyone?
  12. Don't even talk about being classy you moron. Have you read some of your posts?? You show your true colors on here when you talk about another team the way you do. Good job making the playoffs at 5-5 but you think you accomplished something?? How about making a little run in the playoffs before you start bragging. Vidor may have only won 2 district games but they were competitive in all but Dayton. The lesser teams are trying to turn their programs around and you stil talk all the trash you do. I don't mind trash talking as long as you are not an idiot and run down other schools and towns. So instead of running down someone elses team, how about you congradulate yours and move on. And don't even mention what piratefan said earlier in the year because I believe we have already discussed that earlier. Like I've said over and over, don't go down to someones level to run down a school because you look like an idiot when you do.
  13. Hey godogs/big dog why dont you two Pm eachother you are the only two idiots posting on this thread..and for PNG proud you said vidor was all talk..what Playoff game are you going to WATCH..you are an idiot two if you think yall are better then us...yall have athletes??yall had 6 first downs on us..where were your athletes that night.?. 134 total offense..to 285 ,but where all talk PNG proud.?.I wouldnt be too PROUD..why dont yall pitch in and get that piece of crap stadium fixed..I have a twisted ankle just walking up the bleachers..I wouldnt be too proud of that. NED: congrats on sneaking up on LCM and barely getting the 3rd playoff spot..something tells me you will be sitting home for thanksgiving..
  14. ***This is a thread devoted solely for the purpose of giving the LCM Bears a big pat on the back for a great season. If you want to trash them, talk bad about them, make fun of them or ANYTHING ASSOCIATED WITH THEM, start your own thread please!*** Way to go BOJO!! What a great season. Thanks for keeping it interesting and staying in the game the entire season. Special thanks to Coach Moody and all his staff for believing in the Bears when so many didn't. Hats off!!!!!
  15. Just go back from the game and I can't talk and I'm soaking wet!!!! I would do it for 10 more hours if I had too. BH down by 22 at the half and coming back like that is awesome. These Eagles have so much heart I just can'believe what I just saw!!! I hope BH can come with a better game plan than they did to this one, After many adjustments BH came to life!! GP is tough and there Coaches came in with an awesome game plan!! 10-0 baby!!!!!!!!! Central is next and will bring it to the Eagles they have a great QB and supporting staff!!!! Should be a low scoring slug fest!!! Goodluck Eagles celebrate your well earned District Championship tonight and then back to business!!
  16. Vidor is all talk...always have been...always will be. Congrats Dogs
  17. You got me, but that's the talk. Hey, does anybody have the under-varsity results from last nite?
  18. all i have to say inside card is TOLD YOU SO! let's see HF-7 KVILLE-49 BC-6 WOS-42 yeah, id say bc has a better chance than hf at winning this week. go ahead quote me all you want on my prediction. let me remind you "28+". who's foot is in their mouth now big man?? hows all that smack talk that you've been talkin taste??
  19. actually if u wanna get technical with it i did't play that game cause of my attitude in practice the day before...and we have played without #30 (BK) plenty of times and won against teams like Lumberton as a matter of fact we did it at Nationals this summer in Dallas while she was at a camp so talk what u know and not what u seen and how can u jus up and say that i'm a bench rider when u only seen one game!! well neways were in a tourney right now so i aint trippin ova u i'm koolaid'n on this trash talkin cause u know yoself yall goning back to BMT with the "L"....so i'm out...PA BABY
  20. you can't say that about either team jus by one game and im taking up for central and memorial when i say that cause lumberton could lose a game..so if i was u i wouldnt talk to soon!!
  21. 12pack, you posting 3 times in a row just to talk @#$% makes you stupid!
  22. I was talking trash about the pre-season hype you guys were spewing, not about Friday's game. Frankly, I have no idea if we will beat you guys Friday night or not. All I know is this district is sending a very mediocre 3rd place team this year no matter who it is. I don't think we can stop y'all's passing game and I do not think y'all can stop Mosley. That's not trash talk and you have to admit that Lumberton thru the years has much more Thursday night success than Friday night success. Do you care to argue that?
  23. you have got to be kidding me!!!!! why is it that every time some body gets beat they had to have the worst night of their whole season. seriously lets just stay on topic and talk about tonights game.
  24. Good Luck to all the players and coaches. You guys have given us all plenty to talk about this year. Thank You.
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