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  1. Hey Pimp Smack and Scalp 'em, just curious. What possibly could BH have done to you personally, for both to use such vitriolic language against the Hill. I think anybody on the Hill worth their salt would recognize PNG's stellar past and bright future. As for as Lumberton, well, sorry I don't know that much about that program's history other than I'm sure it's a class act. I do know the Hill's history and although they haven't had a state title since '78, they have been one of the more consistently winning teams in the area. It's one thing to talk smack, pump your team up, and so forth. How about a little class from a couple of fellas from some class organizations. It's ok to think and to say the Hill is overrated, but c'mon guys, give the Hill some credit!!
  2. Hunter: labor union may take action on techs ruleAssociated Press NEW YORK -- Now, NBA players are fed up with what's happening after the whistle. With technical foul calls nearly doubled compared to the same point last season, union director Billy Hunter wants commissioner David Stern to lighten up on the NBA's crackdown on complaining -- or he might even seek legal action against the league. Players are fined for every technical foul they receive, and there were 122 of them called through the first 51 games of the season, according to the Elias Sports Bureau. There were 66 through 50 games last season. "You say you want to deter it, curtail that kind of conduct on the court and now it's kind of dipped down so the slightest little inclination ... a guy throws his hands up, the refs are now calling a tech," Hunter said. "So I really think it's incumbent upon the commissioner to kind of tell the referees, instruct them they got to back off a little bit." And if he doesn't? "I think what may ultimately happen if it continues to occur is we will probably be compelled to bring an unfair labor practice action or something," Hunter told The Associated Press. "Try to seek some relief, at least to have the issue either heard or at least elevated so that it gets a lot more public attention than it's currently getting." It has received plenty already. It had to share the spotlight with the controversy over the new game ball during the preseason, but the issue moved to the front once the real games started and teams began realizing the impact it was having on them. Denver and Sacramento lost their leading scorers when Carmelo Anthony and Mike Bibby were ejected from their season openers. Rasheed Wallace wasted no time getting tossed, but even well-mannered players such as Dwyane Wade and Tim Duncan have been hit with technicals along the way, as has Kobe Bryant. So much for special treatment for the superstars, which is the way the league planned it. "What the referees were instructed to do was apply the rule across the board without regard to individual players," executive vice president of operations Stu Jackson said. "They're instructed to apply the rule fairly with all players and call what they see." The NBA made the post-whistle actions a point of emphasis when Stern grew tired of watching players overreact, verbally and physically, after calls went against them. It's been called a "zero-tolerance" policy, which the league objects to. But that's exactly the way it feels to many players. "It's crazy because guys are so passionate about the game," Hornets guard Chris Paul said. "I know myself, it's not that you're always trying to show the ref up, it's just your emotions. You're playing a game that you love and at times you may express it different ways." And it's more than just allowing a free point on a foul shot that bothers the players. A technical also hits them in the wallet: Players are fined $1,000 for each of their first five technicals, an amount that increases by $500 for each five after that, capped by a $2,500 penalty for each one starting with the 16th. A one-game suspension also comes at that point and for every other technical thereafter. "We talk to the ballplayers, we kind of empathize with them," Hunter said. "We understand the circumstances, understand how they feel, how they feel it negatively impacts their game." Coaches have said they are OK with the policy as long as officials show good judgment and are consistent. Players worry about getting whistled for a natural reflex in a key situation. "It's kind of hard to keep your emotions down when you play a game like basketball and keep them totally wrapped up," Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said. "Too many referees have rabbit ears and very thin skin. And until they realize that they're not perfect, they can't expect the players to be perfect. There has to be some kind of give-and-take there." Jackson said there is, as long as players don't overdo it. When Duncan began yelling about a clearly incorrect call that went against him Monday night in New York, the official didn't respond right away. It wasn't until Duncan kept up the argument on the next trip that the technical finally came. "This is not a zero-tolerance policy. If a player doesn't act inappropriately or make disrespectful statements on a call or a non-call, such as yelling or cursing or inappropriate physical reactions or gestures like flailing their arms, without that we'll allow players a heat of the moment reaction," Jackson said. "But when those reactions or those comments become continuous, then you're subject to receiving a technical foul." Another complaint from the players is that they lost the right to have dialogue with the referees. Officials have always been able to interact with the players as they please, and what may be a technical from one may not even warrant a reaction from another. "If you're in the league for a long time, you develop relationships with certain officials," Bryant said. "In fact, some officials I've known even since high school, because some of the officials are from the Philadelphia area." Jackson said the league has heard only a few complaints from players, but Hunter said he has received plenty of calls. He may be placing one of his own soon to Stern. "My staff is talking regularly back and forth with his staff," Hunter said. "If we think they're not being sensitive at all, it usually requires a session between myself and David. We haven't had it yet, but the way things are going, I'm sure I'll be calling him in the immediate future." Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press
  3. Here's a few quotes I've heard over the last couple years: "...straight as the day is arrow." Coach Howard "You will run till you stop!!!" Coach Howard "Holy Toledo! You're the smartest man out here, son!" Coach Valastro "You're fired." Coach Valastro "There's only one thing that feels better than cold water after two-a-days, and I can talk to yall about that at school." Coach Koch
  4. hey kudos to him but im tired of all this fake internet talk...im through..see ya on nov.24
  5. Soooooooooo........... Lady_Titan21 how many points did you score the 40 something seconds you played last night That's a shame you talk all of that noise and you are a 4th quarter sub that only played less than a minute. Lumberton has a good team but when Chelsea and Courtney both had 3 fouls in the 3rd quarter the coach took them out and #30 the only girl that really scored played her game but it's gone take more than her to beat us. Yall have speed but yall need to learn how to shoot lay-ups maybe they were showing off because we were there. Can't say the same for you because you didn't get no playing time. That's the worse I ever seen Lumberton play, they could've played better but they let yall stick with them (No Way Not Happening) You spend more time on the computer than you did on the court last night :evil:
  6. Define "best". Are you talking quantity, table fare, easy of catching, etc? Largemouth is the most popular if you are talking about money spent in pursuit of. Smallmouth, while it might be fun catching them, is almost non-existent in the deep south. Catfish is hardly a gamefish at all but maybe the most tasty in some people's opinion. They are more the type of fish that you catch more on a trotline than chase on rod and reel, although that can be fun also. People catfish when they are looking for food whereas bass fishing is more of a sport, almost like hunting. Catfish are good in that people normally don't have $40,000 catfish boats like they do for bass fishing. A guy with a cane pole can go down to a local canal and have a good chance at some cats. Try that with bass fishing...... Crappie Is likely second to bass in terms of popularity in both catching and eating. At the right times of the year, it can also be a more "relaxing" type of fishing more suited for a family doing something together rather than pounding a cove hour after hour looking for that elusive largemouth. Party boats are a good way to go crappie fishing, especially with a group of people. Try getting 3 or more people in a boat slinging lures in every direction every few seconds looking for largemouth. Talk about a sure recipe for disaster. Bream is usually the easiest to catch and pound for pound (or more likely, ounce for ounce) the strongest fish out there. The problem with bream is their diminutive size. When matched with the right tackle (especially flyrod), they can be excellent fun and it is easy for kids to learn to fish for them. In freshwater, nothing is better to teach a child to fish for than bream. They can usually get the immediate success needed to keep a child's attention and it normally doesn't take a lot of skill to master. Bring a 5 year old bass fishing for his first trip and you might put him off from fishing for the rest of his life. Best sportfish-Largemouth Ease of catching (and thereby most fun?)-Bream Best food quantity-Catfish Best for family outing-Crappie
  7. daddy5009 .....After reading all of your posts, I see that you are fairly consistent on 2 points....1) in the majority of them you are putting someone down, 2) you talk like you are very envious and jealous of these kids. Why else would you say the things you do?! You not only badmouth them, you attack them personally. According to your posts, you graduated from OF in 2000 and now live in Kingwood.....so why are you so intent on bashing the area athletes? I'm guessing that you've never even seen Justin play, yet you talk trash on him. And what's with the "Dewkeyville" comment? And saying that our kids end up at Club 87 as bouncers? FYI: There are alot of smart kids there and this year we have a 15 yr old who was invited and accepted to Lamar. The best thing you can do for everyone here is to find a forum where the only topic is trash talking....and put all of you posts there! And somewhere along the way.....utilize your spell check PLEASE!!!
  8. just a little info for u daddy5009 Zane Williams is not the brother of justin williams they are cousins and when deweyville played yall zane didn't play he was out with a injury so u better do some research before you start running your mouth. I'm zane williams' brother Ethan Williams #81 from deweyville and while they scrimmaged yall he was by the coaches. You better watch who u talk about on here it might come back 2 get you.
  9. We have a coach that knows his stuff but every time he goes to talk to the kids he screws it up. Ex.- a bridge under water. We started writing them down. We call them Campbellisms.
  10. Nice to called an idiot by a poster with such in depth research.I am still gonna back my boys.PS-I have been called much worse.If you didn't beat Anahuac I wouldn't get on here and talk to much.
  11. "PLAYOFFS? PLAYOFFS? WE CANT WIN A GAME AND YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT PLAYOFFS? love it everytime...if you are having a bad day, just pick ole jim mora and his face when speaking those lines. truly classic "When the day is done and my time has passed, I hope they bury me upside down so my critics can kiss my ***" Love bobby knight
  12. many people might not agree with me but i think the best team in setexas that many people dont talk about is East Chambers, they have one of the best head coaches in the state he is a provine winner at all levels, and they might have the best athletic QB in the setx, and the only bad thing about the QB is he really is a basketball player playing football
  13. i had opportunity to play against this guy during my high school career at hf, and i must say he is an all around athlete. he's one of those guys that when he picks up a ball, he's good at that sport. football, (i guess he plays/ed basketball?), baseball, track, you name it, he is good at it. he is a good guy and he is a class act. not once did I (notice i said i, i dont speak for everyone), hear any kind of trash talk come from him, he was there to play the game, and he did and he is good at it. as previously stated by others, hope his injury gets better and he is able to go somewhere and play something, because he would be a good addition to any school's sports.
  14. This is going to be a great game. Gotta go with my boys from the HILL though. Heard GP bragging about how it's goin down like donkey kong and all I got to say about that is, we'll talk after the game. Oh, and tell your coach not to be afraid and run a few plays on 44's side. He won't hurt ya too bad!!!!!!! :wink: GO EAGLES, bring it home!!!!!!!
  15. WWE Cyber Sunday (Raw) PPV Results - 11/5/06 Location: Cincinnati, Ohio Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler - The WWE promo hits. A video package then airs highlighting Cyber Sunday tonight. - A graphic opening then hits welcoming us to Cyber Sunday. We then go live to Cincinnati, OH where a display of pyro goes off in the arena. Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler then welcome the pay per view viewing audience to the show. Lawler is voting at the table. They also pass it on to the Spanish Announce Team as well. It was noted that 10 million people have voted for the PPV tonight, although that is a very bloated figure considering you could vote as many times as you wanted. - Umaga defeated Kane. Before the match, Kane, Chris Benoit & The Sandman were shown backstage. Kane won with 49% of the vote. Lots of offense from Umaga early on in the match with Kane coming back each time. The finish saw Kane go up to the top rope and Armando Alejandro Estrada jumped up on the ring apron to distract him. Kane kicked Armando away, jumped off the top rope at Umaga, but as he came down Umaga caught him with a spike to the throat. Umaga then covered Kane to get the pinfall. - Backstage, Sharmell was with ECW Champion Big Show. She proposed that Big Show work with King Booker tonight to retain their respective titles. Show told Sharmell he didn't trust them and refused. Sharmell told Show he would regret that decision. - Cryme Tyme defeated The Highlanders, Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch and Charlie Haas & Viscera in a Texas Tornado Match. The Texas Tornado stipulation won with 50% of the vote, so everyone will be in the ring at one time. The finish saw Cade & Murdoch take out Robbie of The Highlanders, but Cryme Tyme hit the ring and knocked out Cade & Murdoch to get the pinfall on Robbie for the victory. After the match, Shad sole Jerry Lawler's laptop at the announce table while JTG distracted him. - Backstage, Shawn Michaels was voting on a laptop to get the special guest referee he wanted tonight. Triple H mentioned that Eric Bischoff said DX wasn't controversial. HBK said he was the one who put Bret Hart in a Sharpshooter and that Triple H married "what's her name." Michaels got upset about Bischoff's comments and superkicked a few WWE employees. Triple H added that what he did might not be controversial, but it was funny. - Jeff Hardy defeated Carlito to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Carlito won with 62% of the vote. Both shook hands at the start of the match. Lots of back and forth between the two with plenty of reversals. Few awkward moments between the two during the match as well. The finish saw Carlito attempt a huricanranna on Hardy on the top rope, but Hardy countered pushing Carlito back onto the ring and then hitting a Swanton Bomb to get the pinfall and retain the WWE IC Title. - Edge & Randy Orton defeated D-Generation X with Eric Bischoff as the special guest referee. Bischoff won with 60% of the vote. Pretty long series of pre-match mic work by Triple H and Shawn Michaels. During the match, Edge missed a Spear attempt on Michaels and took out Bischoff instead. Orton connected with an RKO shortly afterwards on Triple H, covered, another referee hit the ring and counted the pinfall, but Triple H kicked out. Michaels then took out Orton with some Sweet Chin Music, covered, but Bischoff pulled the WWE referee out. The finish then saw Edge get a steel chair and take out Michaels with it on the outside when Michaels went after Bischoff. Edge then hit the ring, Triple H looked to hit him with the Pedigree when Orton grabbed the chair, hit Triple H with it (in front of Bischoff), hit the RKO and then Bischoff counted the pinfall. - Backstage, Edge and Randy Orton were celebrating their win over DX. Lita was spotted and Edge told her to go take care of business tonight against Mickie James. Todd Grisham then got word from Edge & Orton. Edge said the new era in wrestling is rated RKO. - Lita defeated Mickie James to become the NEW WWE Women's Champion in a Divas Lumberjack Match. Divas from Raw, Smackdown and ECW all surrounded the ring. Lots of missed spots between Lita and Mickie during the match. Even Jim Ross made note of it at one point on the mic. The finish saw Victoria trip up Mickie has she came off the ropes. This allowed Lita to grab Mickie and hit a big DDT to get the victory and to become the new WWE Women's Champion. - Backstage, Kenny yelled at The Spirit Squad. Kenny also got into a shoving match with Johnny. - Ric Flair & Roddy Piper defeated The Spirit Squad (Kenny & Mikey) to become the NEW World Tag Team Champions. Piper won with 46% of the vote, which was not expected as Rhodes was the overwhelming favorite to team with Flair. Rhodes had 35% of the vote. Flair called out Rhodes and Sgt. Slaughter since other members of The Spirit Squad were out at ringside. The finish saw Flair chop Mikey and then lock in the Figure Four. Kenny ran in, but Piper took him out and Mikey tapped out. Your new World Tag Team Champions are Ric Flair and Roddy Piper. After the match, members of The Spirit Squad hit the ring. Rhodes and Slaughter took them out, with Rhodes hitting a few elbows. Flair, Piper, Rhodes and Slaughter all danced to Dusty Rhodes' old theme song to end the segment. - Backstage, King Booker and Sharmell tell John Cena they need to talk. Booker suggests a royal alliance between the two. Cena agrees, but says he wants only one thing in return - a night with the Queen. Booker takes Sharmell out of the room and then agrees to Cena's request. Cena tells Booker he would never take his wife and that he has no problem taking the World Heavyweight Title away from him. Cena then leaves the room and tells Sharmell that everything is fine. He added that he wanted Hacksaw Jim Duggan's 2x4, a bottle of Jager, Finlay's leprechaun and that he would like to watch. Sharmell became enraged and yelled at Booker. Ron Simmons appears and gets in another "damn" line. - King Booker retained the World Heavyweight Title over WWE Champion John Cena & ECW Champion Big Show in a "Champion of Champions" Match. Booker's World Title was on the line when it received 67% of the vote. 21% voted for the ECW Title, while only 12% voted for the WWE Title. The match started off at first between John Cena and Big Show, with Booker looking on from the outside. Booker later got involved going after Big Show. One spot from Big Show saw him hit a big chokeslam on Booker followed by a tackle on Cena. Big Show tried to bring a steel chair into the mix, but when he got up on the ring apron Cena kicked it back in his face. The finish then saw Sharmell hit the ring with the World Title, but Cena grabbed Sharmell and gave her an FU. Cena then locked on the STFU on Booker. Kevin Federline then ran down and hit Cena with the title. Cena broke the STFU and Federline left the ring. Booker then grabbed the title and knocked out Cena with it while the referee still attended to Sharmell. Booker covered Cena to retain the World Heavyweight Title. After the match, Kevin Federline got back in the ring and mocked John Cena who was knocked out. They showed some replays of how the finish took place. Back live, Cena was just started to recover as the PPV goes off the air with Federline still taunting Cena... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. Just wanted to say that Deweyville is a class act and should be proud of their players and coaches. Their fans are great too! Usually when I head to the press box at other schools, fans and students talk trash to me as I head up or come down after the game. Not Deweyville! Several fans stopped me as I headed down last Friday Night and congratulated me and wished the Cougars luck! That is true class. Good Luck to the Pirates in the playoffs. I hope we both get in.
  17. Yea BHfan it's been really quite with a district championship game coming up and all. I'm just glad to live in a community where we can be hated for winning and have something to talk smack about. You have to admit though the thought of WOS vs. Liberty is VERY UGLY. :evil: I mean I hate Liberty and all but I hate to see any team give up a 100 points in a playoff game. Oh well WOS go for the record. What ever it is.
  18. i dont hear you talking about yalls scrimmage with Lumberton. since yall lost and everyhting i wouldnt talk about it either,
  19. :shock: Sorry about that bandsman....I honestly didn't get it and I know you didn't either....I had no clue we would step on toes with my question :shock: Only one poster explained...the whoop em beads....(or close to it), thank you! This is our first year on here....give us a break...we don't know the talk yet between "BOJO", "jewelry" etc.....we are "virgins" here, remember! Just trying to learn the lingo! :wink:
  20. Look at how many state trophies are in the golden triangle. I think we as an area have earned it. There's a swagger that comes along with it. I'm not always talking trash, but if you read some of the posts from BH people, it makes you not really like them. Ya'll are having a good year in 4A congrats, but I don't think you've earned it yet. Go win a 4A state title and come back and talk to me.
  21. Yeah and that is coming from a certain area of the state that does nothing but talk smack about how great they are and how strong their district is and so forth and so on. Het but you'll would know I am just glad Dayton is getting their butt handed to them in the Superior GT district :wink:
  22. I know grades come out this Friday at NHS and I remember all the talk about losing players last time grades came out. Anybody hearing anything about maybe losing more players this time???? We are so thin at every position, if we do lose some, it might make this match-up with Lumberton more even. What do you think??
  23. Thanks for sharing :roll: I think somebody completely underestimated the Cardinals. :shock: I think somebody should rein in their pre-game rhetoric if they aren't prepared for the post-game reality. Like I said, if you're going to talk that pre-game smack, then pony up when the final score hits the board. :wink: By the way, you guys have fun with Kville 8)
  24. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute... Isn't this kind of talk what got WO-S fans in hot water after the Silsbee game? Maybe Rhodes was just THAT GOOD!
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