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  1. Lumberton after all the smack talk this year and even with improvements will still finish dead last in district.
  2. Where's all the HF smack-talkers?? EDBLU - "HF 2-headed QB will throw two TD's: HF revamped offense will have big plays & will break the 20 point mark for the first time this year: Going to feel great driving back to Hamshire." TELL ME JUST HOW GOOD IT FELT TO DRIVE BACK TO HAMSHIRE WITH YOUR FOOT IN YOUR THROAT, BIG BOY? TELL ME ABOUT THOSE BIG PLAYS YOUR OFFENSE WAS SUPPOSED TO MAKE, AND ABOUT THAT TWO-HEADED QB!!!! He could have had five heads, and the end would have been the same. HF offense was completely dominated by BC defense. IF YOU'RE GOING TO TALK THE PRE-GAME SMACK, THEN PONY-UP FOR POST GAME MEDICINE, BIG BOY! HORNDAWG - "defense has allowed no team other than WOS to score more than 13 points; home cooking; superintendant ref the game; ...panties in a knot? WHOSE PANTIES ARE IN A KNOT NOW, LITTLE MAN? I DIDN'T SEE THE SUPER REFEREEING THE GAME, EITHER. JUST SAW HF GETTING IT TOOK TO THEM. LAST I CHECKED 27 IS MORE THAN 13. Where are the two of you today? Come on, give us your post game review, ladies. :cry: To all the rest of HF fans, the Horns played hard and displayed some good talent. I have heard that the team has overcome significant obstacles this year, and I wish you guys the best of luck in getting back on track. To HORNDAWG AND EDBLU: :wink: Need to get the repairman out to look at that crystal ball.
  3. This guy runs his mouth all week about how kirbyville is goin to win and then doesn't go to the game. What's up with that? Don't talk smack if you are not going to go to the game and watch. I think he knew they were gonna lose, so to spare the embarrassment, he decided not to go. Wish you could have been there balla to see how Kirbyville "shut down the veer!"
  4. kvilleballa should have learned from lumberton that talk is cheap
  5. All the talk about the D-ville Backfield lately, sounds like they should have used them a little more instead of throwing the ball.
  6. if we make the playoffs there's no way we'd play Barbers Hill anyway our first round opponent would be either New Caney or Galena Park....second you guys should take some advice from Jerry Stewart who said and I quote "we dont talk alot of Yak" i like that alot better go out on the field and get the job done and well talk afterwards
  7. Same hear I would also like to thank SETXsports for allowing us to get on hear and lye like the devil and talk trash like a bunch of little kids.
  8. :x JUST BRING IT!!!!!! I'm tired of all of the talk, let's just play football
  9. Ok for 1. i will give yall this, yall are better than what yall have been the past 2-3 years or so, so good job on that. 2. What i was trying to say was that most people from Lumberton come on here and talk a lot of smack, and now since yall have been losing some games, and since yall are out of the playoffs. Yall start bashing on other people for talking smack (L-town Stunner) 3. We will let yall live it up since yall had a better season than in the past, but don't start bashing other fans or user's on here for making a little noise!!!
  10. Astros dealing with matters of the heartBy Jerry Crasnick ESPN.com Archive Business is business, and Astros owner Drayton McLane has better ways to spend his grocery distribution money than on a 38-year-old first baseman -- especially one with an arthritic right shoulder that makes the baseball feel like a shot put every time he throws it. So when McLane and general manager Tim Purpura met with Jeff Bagwell on Tuesday to tell him the Astros were declining his $18 million option for 2007, they groped for just the right words. It isn't easy saying goodbye to a franchise mainstay, even when you're giving him a $7 million buyout as a parting gift. It was up to Bagwell, the consummate no-frills guy, to cut through the preliminaries and get to the heart of the matter. "I think it was weirder for us than for Jeff," Purpura said. "We spent a lot of last week here talking about how we would do this. Then we sat down with Jeff and he was like, 'Everybody knows it's going to happen. It's no big surprise.'" Louis DeLuca/MLB Photos via Getty Images Franchise faces: Bags and Biggio, a classy tandem that produced big numbers for a decade and a half. Since 1991, Bagwell and Craig Biggio have worked in tandem to establish a professional tone in the Houston clubhouse, grinding from spring training to the end of the season, disdaining excuses and showing teammates the meaning of the word "accountable." Their faces appeared on bobblehead dolls, media guides and pocket schedules, while their names and numbers showed up on the backs of thousands of replica jerseys. Coming or going, you knew they were around. Now the end has arrived for one and is progressively closer for the other. While most teams concentrate on the immediate future at this time of year, no club has a bigger challenge balancing sentiment and practicality than the Astros. It seems they're always balancing the future with the past. "I've kind of stolen a line I heard President Kennedy use," Purpura said. "The torch is being passed to a new generation of Astros." One of them, All-Star outfielder Lance Berkman, was driving his daughters to a church function on Halloween night when he reflected on the news of Bagwell's farewell. Sure, the Astros grew accustomed to Bagwell's popping in sporadically last season. But a sense of finality exists today that wasn't there yesterday. "You start thinking about guys who used to be there when you first came up, and a lot of them are retired or getting to the end of their careers," Berkman said. "The passing of time is slow, but it definitely happens. You look up and all of a sudden you're one of those veterans and the responsibility is on you to carry on that tradition." And for each signpost that passes, another procedural hurdle awaits. Today the star first baseman's option isn't exercised. Tomorrow, the general manager will pick up the phone, and the agent for the star second baseman will be on the line. Now that the Astros have addressed Bagwell's situation, they'll try to reach agreement on a one-year deal with Biggio, who just completed his 19th season in Houston with 2,930 hits. Ideally, they'd like to get the matter resolved before the end of the free-agent filing period on Nov. 11. The signs point toward this being Biggio's final season. While he ranked fourth among NL second basemen with 21 homers last year, his defense has slipped and his combined on base-slugging percentage of .728 was the lowest of his career. Although negotiations have been amicable, it's not the mere formality you might think. Purpura said the Astros have offered Biggio a "fairly significant" raise over last season, when he made $4 million, but a gap remains in negotiations with Biggio's agent, Barry Axelrod. "I think it will get done," Purpura said. "There's no difference of opinion over Craig's value to the franchise. He's a huge part of the franchise. But how do you put a value on what may be his last year? The longer you go on and play, there's some decline. How do you value that?" The Astros have lots of other business to tend to after that. Andy Pettitte and Roger Clemens will file for free agency, but have yet to decide whether they want to pitch in 2007. Regardless, the Astros have to explore other options. They might take a look at Woody Williams, a Houston native who would be payroll-friendly, or Randy Wolf, a lefty who's well-respected in the Astros clubhouse. There's pressure on Purpura to go after a big bat. But Pettitte and Clemens cost about $30 million combined in 2006, and if they return, there may not be enough in the budget for a Carlos Lee. Luis Gonzalez, who began his career as an Astro, could be an option. He was second in the league with 52 doubles this season. One announcement that might be slow in coming is a retirement declaration from Bagwell. He'll probably file for free agency as a procedural matter, just to keep his options open. As Axelrod, who is also Bagwell's agent, points out: It never hurts to be prepared just in case Boston wants to right an old wrong and bring Bagwell back for $20 million. And if the Red Sox decide they're fine at DH with that David Ortiz guy? "I talk to Jeff about a lot of stuff, but I never point blank said, 'If they don't pick up the option, are you going to retire?'" Axelrod said. "It's always a little uneasy. I finally asked him the other day, and he said, 'I haven't crossed that threshold just yet.' " Purpura and Axelrod expect Bagwell to maintain his ties to the Astros franchise, just like Nolan Ryan in Houston or George Brett in Kansas City. Maybe he'll try broadcasting down the road, or help out in spring training, or pass through a minor league town to help straighten out a prospect's swing. His old teammates will still see him around, for sure. But catcher Brad Ausmus, one of Bagwell's closest friends in baseball, said he'll miss the clubhouse interaction. "Our lockers were side-by-side, and he was the one person I could count on to give me a straight answer, regardless of the topic," Ausmus said. "We sat together after each game, and we talked and watched baseball. It was nice to have that sounding board. The ironic thing is, despite the fact that we agreed on nearly 100 percent of all baseball discussions, it will be the disagreements and arguments that I will remember most." Five years from now, Hall of Fame voters will debate Bagwell's contributions and determine his legacy. Maybe they'll penalize him for stopping at 449 home runs. Or perhaps they'll take note that Lou Gehrig, Jimmie Foxx, Rafael Palmeiro, Eddie Murray and Bagwell are the only full-time first basemen in the modern era to finish with more than 1,500 runs scored and 1,500 RBI. "When he was in the prime of his career, before he got hurt, his numbers were as good as any right-handed hitter in the game," Berkman said. "This is obviously on a much lesser scale. But when you think about the Yankees, you think about Babe Ruth. And when you think about the Astros, you think about Jeff Bagwell." The Astrodome eventually gave way to Minute Maid Park, and Roy Oswalt developed from a prospect into a $73 million pitcher, and Bagwell and Biggio endured lots of disappointment before appearing in their one and only World Series in 2005. Now one is done and the other is shrouded in twilight. Time passes, and there's nothing you can do about it. Jerry Crasnick covers baseball for ESPN Insider. His book "License To Deal" was published by Rodale. Click here to order a copy. Jerry can be reached via e-mail
  11. This is what makes me laugh about you guys....I heard that people get on here and talk badly about football. It's true. You forget that kids look at this and that you should be a little more respectful and knowledgeable before you post things. First of all, some of you people ask as though you are a coach yourselves and could do a better job. About Vidor, I think they have played well this year. And Guru, why don't you try and apply to coach. You want Mathews gone? You're an idiot. He is the best thing that has happened to Vidor. Do you not remember the playoff trip he took them to? You forget that? Alot of sports begin when the kids are young....you probably had something to do with that----they need better training from the people that coach them at a young age. If he went elsewhere, maybe people would see him for the awesome coach he is, instead of sitting around a computer thinking of things he does wrong. Nice try, Guru!
  12. GO AWAY MUFFIN NECK!!! THIS IS A HF-BC THREAD. WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE TO DAY ABOUT THIS GAME AND THIS GAME ONLY, THEN SAY IT. OTHERWISE, GO MISPELL YOUR WORDS ELSEWHERE. O.k. now, I will turn the volume down to talk about this game. If we play the way we did last week, it's game over. We lose. But, I think we fix the turnover epidemic this week and win.
  13. Vidor is the team that FINALLY de-throned PNG after their long run in the 70's. They were coached by Philip Brown who, ironically I visited with today. Talk about a class act!
  14. blah blah blah...that's all i hear and if u was SMART enough u could see what my jersey number is and yet u tryna say sumthing..my nicca plaease u aint gotta worry about me ima do what i gotta do and u probably a guard anyway and if that's the case ill leave getting yo ankles broke to my cousin...but talk is cheap and know this when u step in TITAN territory u BETTER be ready..don't worry about what's said on the internet just worry about scoring and winning!! na take that back to central!!!
  15. Birdman we are closer than you think. OF and BC have not talked smack about any game involving our teams. You know what that says. We do have class and a lot of it. When we played you guys there was nothing but mutual respect between the two communities. We are better than they are. Let them talk all they want. Talk is cheap!!!! I still would love to beat you guys but I won't lose any sleep over it because there is allways girls basketball. Just kidding, not really!!! Thats for you bigred75!!!!!!!!
  16. KVILLBALLA what is this you keep talking about? Kirbyville romped on Newton when was this supposed to take place anyway???? I remember we played you guys in a scrimmage but it was not a romp on, only loser's who are not used to winning count scrimmages as win's... But since you guys are so used to losing I guess we can let yall have that one..... When you can make it past the third round of the playoffs then you can talk to a Newton fan. How about that??? Oh yeah I don't wanna hear that crap about Newton is in 2A thats why they are winning.... We were kicking butt in 3A too and we were definitly whooping up on KVille everyyear..... P.S. What do you call 32 high school kids sitting at home in December listening to Newton winning another state title???????? Kirbyville Wildcats!!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!
  17. You need to worry about how yall gone make it to the playoffs this year with that bull yall call a team. Yall suck and I can't wait until November 24 so we can see who gone back they trash talk up on the court if you even be on there. Tell me your jersey number so that we can know who to shut down and like I told you in the other post you need to be worrying about your spelling words because obviously the team is not the only thing thats sorry at Memorial, the teachers must be too. And just for the record this will be the 4th year in a row Central goes to playoffs while yall still trying to get a spot. Face it Tae Tae is not there anymore and this is not '03-'04 yall can't get anywhere without her. What do you do for the team anyway........... Carry the Water........ :evil: Post back when you got something real to talk about and stop worrying about Central how about that :evil: :evil:
  18. Dont' listen to the smack talk, Nederland.....they want to get us all angry at each other... :roll: Let's have a fun Friday night........everyone be safe and have a great time! :wink:
  19. Not that this has much to do with the topic, but Mosley and Dugat will be squaring off against each other this week -- talk about a highly anticipated matchup between two RBs! Earlier this year, Garrett and Pierce Rhodes went head to head. Garrett ended up with 187 yards on 13 carries and 2 TDs, while Rhodes put up 31 yards on 12 carries. Earl Thomas finished the game with 21 yds. on 3 carries. Per the Orange Leader, Justin Williams has 1,772 yards and 26 touchdowns on 190 carries. He went head-to-head with Esway from Warren last week (one of the top RBs in the area) and picked up 213 yards on 35 carries and got 4 TDs. Esway picked up 174 yards on 33 attempts and picked up 3 touchdowns.
  20. Then again this is why we from BH dont talk smack. Cause we dont want to sound this stupid. Smiley and FB maybe but the rest I dont think so.
  21. The only team from 22-4A that would make a game with BH would be Dayton. And it would probably be who ever won the turnover battle. And with that said if the 2 teams end up playing then you will not hear from me about how we should have beat them or we are better then them or anything like that. Cause in my opinon both teams are pretty evenly match. Now Central on the other hand I think is WEEK! They have barely scrapped by in a district that has been a total failure in my opinon this year. This was suppose to be a district that was going to send Dayton back acroos the River crying wanting their momies. And I haven't seen anyone crying but the teams that Dayton has mopped the field with. So for Central they better glad Dayton put the ball on the ground 5 times or it would have been UUUUUUUUUgly to say the least. Talk about your speed and your athletes all you want, cause then you would fit in with everyone else we have played this year. Then come Saturday morning you can get on hear and tell us how hard we hit, how well we execute, how well we make you pay for turnovers. O and last but not least how in the world did a bunch of WHITE boys learn to run that fast. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  22. well in that case that makes 2 of us talking trash on the internet and talk it cheat hiney so if i was u i would watch what i say and if u so confident then congrats cause that's what it's gonna take to beat a 5A school that's predicted to be the #1 team in there district..and from what i remember we NEVER heard of Cenrtral making it to the playoffs..but's it's all good and dont worry bout what i do just worry about Nov. 24 and getting enough practice in so u can be ready!!!
  23. Well Lumberton finally got what they desreved. Getting beat by Ozen is terrible. But have you noticed yet that since Lumbeton fans know that there not what they thought they been or what they would be....there messing with the other fans about smack talk like L-town Stunner
  24. turnovers are a huge part of the game in my eyes..not an excuse to hang your hat..that being said..we lost that phase of the game. and lost the game together. coach alvarez is a classy guy from kville. and the players didnt talk trash as far as i can remember. so i think we can rest assured that kvilleballa doesnt represent them lol. and i wish i could have seen the halftime show..however i was too busy trying to get my witts back in the locker room and remember anything from the first half :cry:
  25. I, too was impressed with the bands performance and PROUD that they could get out there and do such a super job together. And the strutters........the new dance was excellent.....just excellent. The skirts were very impressive. They always do such a fantastic job, but the new routine was very good. There are allot of other kids out there busting their tails at practice every day OTHER than the ones in football uniforms. They, too, should be included in the acknowledgements. As far as the players, both sides played hard. BC couldn't seem to get anything going their way.......it wasn't our night. Kirbyville did their job. For the life of me, I will never understand the trash talk and why anyone thinks that uplifts an organization OR a community.
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