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  1. GO AWAY MUFFIN NECK!!! THIS IS A HF-BC THREAD. WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE TO DAY ABOUT THIS GAME AND THIS GAME ONLY, THEN SAY IT. OTHERWISE, GO MISPELL YOUR WORDS ELSEWHERE. O.k. now, I will turn the volume down to talk about this game. If we play the way we did last week, it's game over. We lose. But, I think we fix the turnover epidemic this week and win.
  2. Vidor is the team that FINALLY de-throned PNG after their long run in the 70's. They were coached by Philip Brown who, ironically I visited with today. Talk about a class act!
  3. blah blah blah...that's all i hear and if u was SMART enough u could see what my jersey number is and yet u tryna say sumthing..my nicca plaease u aint gotta worry about me ima do what i gotta do and u probably a guard anyway and if that's the case ill leave getting yo ankles broke to my cousin...but talk is cheap and know this when u step in TITAN territory u BETTER be ready..don't worry about what's said on the internet just worry about scoring and winning!! na take that back to central!!!
  4. Birdman we are closer than you think. OF and BC have not talked smack about any game involving our teams. You know what that says. We do have class and a lot of it. When we played you guys there was nothing but mutual respect between the two communities. We are better than they are. Let them talk all they want. Talk is cheap!!!! I still would love to beat you guys but I won't lose any sleep over it because there is allways girls basketball. Just kidding, not really!!! Thats for you bigred75!!!!!!!!
  5. You need to worry about how yall gone make it to the playoffs this year with that bull yall call a team. Yall suck and I can't wait until November 24 so we can see who gone back they trash talk up on the court if you even be on there. Tell me your jersey number so that we can know who to shut down and like I told you in the other post you need to be worrying about your spelling words because obviously the team is not the only thing thats sorry at Memorial, the teachers must be too. And just for the record this will be the 4th year in a row Central goes to playoffs while yall still trying to get a spot. Face it Tae Tae is not there anymore and this is not '03-'04 yall can't get anywhere without her. What do you do for the team anyway........... Carry the Water........ :evil: Post back when you got something real to talk about and stop worrying about Central how about that :evil: :evil:
  6. Dont' listen to the smack talk, Nederland.....they want to get us all angry at each other... :roll: Let's have a fun Friday night........everyone be safe and have a great time! :wink:
  7. Not that this has much to do with the topic, but Mosley and Dugat will be squaring off against each other this week -- talk about a highly anticipated matchup between two RBs! Earlier this year, Garrett and Pierce Rhodes went head to head. Garrett ended up with 187 yards on 13 carries and 2 TDs, while Rhodes put up 31 yards on 12 carries. Earl Thomas finished the game with 21 yds. on 3 carries. Per the Orange Leader, Justin Williams has 1,772 yards and 26 touchdowns on 190 carries. He went head-to-head with Esway from Warren last week (one of the top RBs in the area) and picked up 213 yards on 35 carries and got 4 TDs. Esway picked up 174 yards on 33 attempts and picked up 3 touchdowns.
  8. Then again this is why we from BH dont talk smack. Cause we dont want to sound this stupid. Smiley and FB maybe but the rest I dont think so.
  9. The only team from 22-4A that would make a game with BH would be Dayton. And it would probably be who ever won the turnover battle. And with that said if the 2 teams end up playing then you will not hear from me about how we should have beat them or we are better then them or anything like that. Cause in my opinon both teams are pretty evenly match. Now Central on the other hand I think is WEEK! They have barely scrapped by in a district that has been a total failure in my opinon this year. This was suppose to be a district that was going to send Dayton back acroos the River crying wanting their momies. And I haven't seen anyone crying but the teams that Dayton has mopped the field with. So for Central they better glad Dayton put the ball on the ground 5 times or it would have been UUUUUUUUUgly to say the least. Talk about your speed and your athletes all you want, cause then you would fit in with everyone else we have played this year. Then come Saturday morning you can get on hear and tell us how hard we hit, how well we execute, how well we make you pay for turnovers. O and last but not least how in the world did a bunch of WHITE boys learn to run that fast. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  10. well in that case that makes 2 of us talking trash on the internet and talk it cheat hiney so if i was u i would watch what i say and if u so confident then congrats cause that's what it's gonna take to beat a 5A school that's predicted to be the #1 team in there district..and from what i remember we NEVER heard of Cenrtral making it to the playoffs..but's it's all good and dont worry bout what i do just worry about Nov. 24 and getting enough practice in so u can be ready!!!
  11. Well Lumberton finally got what they desreved. Getting beat by Ozen is terrible. But have you noticed yet that since Lumbeton fans know that there not what they thought they been or what they would be....there messing with the other fans about smack talk like L-town Stunner
  12. turnovers are a huge part of the game in my eyes..not an excuse to hang your hat..that being said..we lost that phase of the game. and lost the game together. coach alvarez is a classy guy from kville. and the players didnt talk trash as far as i can remember. so i think we can rest assured that kvilleballa doesnt represent them lol. and i wish i could have seen the halftime show..however i was too busy trying to get my witts back in the locker room and remember anything from the first half :cry:
  13. I, too was impressed with the bands performance and PROUD that they could get out there and do such a super job together. And the strutters........the new dance was excellent.....just excellent. The skirts were very impressive. They always do such a fantastic job, but the new routine was very good. There are allot of other kids out there busting their tails at practice every day OTHER than the ones in football uniforms. They, too, should be included in the acknowledgements. As far as the players, both sides played hard. BC couldn't seem to get anything going their way.......it wasn't our night. Kirbyville did their job. For the life of me, I will never understand the trash talk and why anyone thinks that uplifts an organization OR a community.
  14. My heart goes out to the folks at EC after hearing about the tragic accident last week.Made me have a late night talk with my kids and reevaluate whats really important and what we sometimes think is.Our prayers from Warren are with the folks in Chambers county.Best of luck to all the teams in 24aa the rest of the way.
  15. Let your Bat do the Talking otherwise it's just Talk ! 8)
  16. Before I start, let me make sure my spelling correct!!! Ok while you bragging on other people what do you do besides talk noise on the internet. Central gone be the one's to put an end to all of that trash talk when we play yall and all you gone be able to say is." well im sorry we took yall for a joke," but its good cuz we gone play our game and not worry about a team who's last time to the playoffs was in 2003-04 (haha) we laugh at that. We made it a habit to go to the playoffs every year since '04. While yall struggle to get there we guaranteed to go how bout that :evil: :evil: Read this and take notes :evil:
  17. We are going to win both of the next two games and Vidor wins both of theirs and 4 teams finish 3-4. if that happens vidor would be 1-2 against these 3 teams Nederland would be 1-2 PNG would be 2-1 Lumberton 2-1. I guess we are not mathmatically elimnated yet! I know what you are thinking!! We can't even beat Ozen, how are we going to beat LCM and Nederland? WELL! That's the coaches job. I just talk smack! He has to get the boys ready to play!!! GOOD LUCK To all!!!
  18. *cough* *cough* sure did *cough* talk a lot *cough* coming into it *cough*
  19. I notice that a lot of people on forums get overly sensitive toward a community or school due to rantings of someone. Every community has people that talk smack, rant about others and generally create mayhem. I don't see how that reflects on the community unless a majority of people from there are doing it. In most cases it is just the people that come out of the woodwork and get on their soapbox since they won't have to defend it face to face. With all the smack talk toward Nederland this year from Vidor and LC-M, I don't assume that their fans are bad people from bad communities. They are not any different than Nederland fans. Anonymous forums just give people the chance to open their mouth and show how little they actually know.
  20. Hello Nederland! Longtime no talk! My son played for Dayton the year that yall blew us off the field! I am hoping that no one from Dayton talks smack about yall because I have insight on Nederland from that playoff game that I will never forget and I would like to share this info! Yall beat the crap out of us.......bad.......yall called the dogs off of us at halftime. Every single person on your team played.......especially the fourth string. We had a message board back then, NOT ONCE did any of your people talk smack to us etc. Yall have to be the most gracious team we have ever played. I have nothing but respect for your team, coaches and your fans...Nederland is a true "Class Act". I remember also my son saying they played clean during the game and none of the hitting, smack talk in the pileups either. I have missed yall and I look forward to "hearing" you on Friday night.......yall have the LOUDEST FANS of ANYONE we have ever played! I thought PNG was loud during playoffs one year but man, yall took the cake! Anyway, just wanted to make that statement and I think it will be a good game! I do not think it will be a "blowout" either way. Here's to a good clean game and everyone have a safe trip down here! Our visitor stands aren't very big, not for the fan base I remember that yall bring so come early! We get bigger stands next year! Anyway, yes, I do hope the Broncos win but no way am I going to say that I KNOW we will beat Nederland.........I have said it before and I will say it again........you flat never know.......whoever comes with their "game on"! Oh yeah, what radio channel are yall talking about that does these interviews? I would love to know the station, please post it! Go Broncos! Welcome Nederland!
  21. PN-G fans really talk the most crap on here IMO, but they will be staying home for the playoffs like a lot of the rest of us.
  22. That radio show is crap with all that stupid smack talk.
  23. Nederland is sensitive. Mr. Dugat was responding to some trash talk from a Central fan. Yeah he did run his head about Nederland bur nothing compared to the smack talked on here. Take it easy NED fans, he is a good guy. Looking forward to watching Mosley play. As far as the history between Dayton and NED, well it is just that history. Lets talk our teams now, this year.
  24. There is no way to accurately predict the score of this bitter rivalry. My only concern with WH, is which team are they going to have show up? If the team that beat Warren, Hardin, and Kountze show up; I think they will take the victory along with the District crown. On the other hand, If the team that got blown out by Groveton, or beat by Huntington shows up--Well lets not talk about that!!! Although H-D has played a somewhat weaker schedule, they also beat Kountze, and lost to an unformidable opponent in Danbury. So my point is, that both teams may have some consistency issues, and underlying factors that determine the outcome of this pivotable 1-A match-up. Some times as a true sports fan it's better to speak reality than trash. My heart bleeds BLUE & GOLD, and I will remain optimistic that either win or lose ; The mighty oilers will give 100% to make not only themselves, but this community very proud of them..
  25. The last thing a person from Dayton needs to do is get on here and talk crap to Nederland. They hold a 5-1 advantage over Dayton since 1997. With most of their wins being blowouts. Enjoy the win over Central and be proud of your team but hold off on the trash talking. You all have been very gracious so far, don't ruin by acting like Lumberton. Nederland will be ready. Playoffs are on the line for themand they have a lot of pride over there. Should be a great game.
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