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  1. how are you gonna come on here and tell people to shut up?? oh but i forgot people form Ned .dont talk noise do they??..Its just all the other towns that dont have class..i forgot...
  2. Bitter! Bitter! Bitter! Will it make you feel better about bojo if Dayton beats Nederland? Wait! Let me guess. Are you going to start comparing scores again? By the way, Nederland likes to take it one game at a time unlike some fans. So, Nederland will talk about the playoffs when the regular season ends.
  3. Lumberton is DONE! Maybe next year they will walk the walk before talking the talk. Hard lesson learned.
  4. :wink: Sorry, I do not mean to sound that way...I try to be humble in this and talk the truth........this is HIGH SCHOOL boys that are courageous enough to walk the walk for us to have an entertaining Friday night...........while other high school boys were doing what they need not do! Your entitled to your opinion and I apologize! :oops:
  5. Dayton's coach was a little cocky on channel 6 tonight.. he said they dont talk "yak". he said "all that they have heard was Central wanted Dayton"...he said "they had there chance tonight". he then said something about a pass interference call..it would have been sad to lose on a call like that..
  6. Hey that's uncalled for, me and Johnny T60 can pick at each other, but there's no room for that talk!! :evil:
  7. I don't talk down to all posters, just the ones who keep talking to us. I know you don't want to hear about our record, but like someone said we earned it.
  8. Eagletown' date=' Jody's "secret" identity was so easy to unmask. Take a look at all the recent evidence..."donating member" on his signature...the frequent appearances of the three headed smiley faces ( ), and now he resorts to name calling. I'd say that's easy pickings for spotting Jody. So now you want to defend him by saying someone stole his password? This guy has a message board rap sheet a mile long with offenses, and you want to blame it on someone stealing his password? That is freaking hilarious. Your absurdity is at an all time high. Sure...we believe ya...Jody never said anything provoking, offensive, or vulgar. :roll: FYI…there are no “other WO-S sites†– only one. He was kicked off the Huffman site a while back, too. What’s your conspiracy theory for that one? You really think so??? If you believe this' date=' then stop defending him. His actions speak for themselves. Apparently you did not read this close enough. BHFAN brought up…again...this silly notion of “this district to the eastâ€, which is translated in BHFAN and Jody talk as “east of the Trinity Riverâ€. I was responding to BHFAN’s nonsense. Your nonsense is even worse. Name calling again. Now you’re sounding more like Jody. Jody…is that you? Is Eagletown another alias? OK…so…what is your point? I visit both sites regularly. You would have a lot more credibility if you knocked off the name calling and stopped defending someone with lowlife behavior.
  9. I usually don't talk "down" to anyone, but if you don't respect the fact that we have been to the playoffs 10 years in a row, then why should you keep harping on the game you won over Nederland by a 1/2 yard? We take a lot of pride in our record and our kids work just as hard as anyone. The wins don't just come to us, we earn them. If we can't boast about our record, then you should go across the field of the next team you play with a losing record and tell them to take down those school banners and signs the cheerleaders and co. made that say they are "#1". Good luck to LCM tonight. The wet fields favor a ground game.
  10. To all you young people out there. You need to look back a couple of years. I know everybody on this list .I heard every thing about this kid this year and he sounds great and all everthing.I was to young to know about Mark Burke but Levi Moore was the greatest running back from Deweyville.This is Chad Shepherd and I know Levi is my best friend but he was the man. Everybody knew he was getting the ball and couldnt stop him all Dville had was Levi right, Levi Left and Levi up the middle.The coaches here were retarded then except his senior year.He had more heart and desire than anyone i know and may not have been the best out of them but pushed his self and became the best.You can talk to anybody that played against him and that man punished you when he ran the ball.Logan was great too but undersized on a very good to with a huge line that paved the way for him and for all u non-believers Levi played defense too.Levi may not had the best number but he was the greatest and his senior year he moved to fullback to make the team better .So all you young folks go back and look at some tape its out there i've seen it .Then you'll know who the greatest running back was go read that message from the guy who played against him he knows first hand how good he was.We all know its not what the moms or dads think it s what the people across the line thinks and all our friends from other schools all say even today when we talk to us i hated seeing levi coming cause he wasnt running around us he was going to run over us .I didnt play football cause we sucked then and i didnt like losing so say what you want but i know what the people against Levi thought when they had to face him .Good luck Dville
  11. Act like something is wrong?? Well yea.. something is wrong... PNG has a very young squad... and Nederland is having a down year due to the lack of skill in certain positions... If someone wants to trash talk, thats fine, whatever, but its when Vidorians get on here and start acting like they are at the top of this district because they beat Nederland... you are still (1-3)!!! for crying out loud.... You people just want to be a part of something like Ned and PNG have, and you arent... at least not right now... that could change at any point.. but its something you have to prove over years... just like Nederland and PNG have....
  12. All Mid-County trash talkers need to shut up. You act like because you are Mid-County teams that you should make the playoffs and win every year, it doesn't work like that. You actually have to play the games. And don't act like you people do not trash talk, do some research before you choose to be hypocrites. Every one of you talk bad about Vidor and all other teams so don't act like you don't. And you can say that Vidor people trash talk because SOME of them do, but don't act like your fans do not trash talk. Get a clue before you run your mouths. Vidor 31 PNG 21
  13. Forget the conditions let's talk winnign.... Go Jags!!! Tonight is the night the critics will be silenced. When we win I will start a blog for all the Dayton fans to give up props to Central..... No team can go three deep is ridiculous... Playoffs are one and done competitions and I am a believer in "Any Given Friday" Ohh.... I forgot IIIIIFFFFF Dayton pulls it out I will start a blog being the first to give you all props!!!!! Good Luck Dayton you will need it!
  14. I wonder if that would happen about 2nd or 3rd round? Something tells me Diboll would play WO-S but K-Ville would lose b4 that rematch with WO-S.....Oh well a bit too early for that now, i just hope K-Ville makes it, all this talk has gotten BC fired up probably. :oops:
  15. You talk about a mess on the fields tonight!!! :shock:
  16. At the rate they are going, they won't get to play on the new field this year. How sad is that......they broke ground on the new high school 3 1/2 yrs ago and we still have no football or baseball field ready. I hate it for the kids who are Seniors....they have been waiting to play on a new field and probably won't get too. Same with the football field.....the kids have been told more than once this year that the "next home game" will be at our new field.....and where are they? At the old field. Maybe it will be finished by the time our middle schoolers get there! As for all the talk about the AD.....I have a few comments there also. I agree with the others who say he is only concerned with football because he is......and not all football, VARSITY football. Our JV team has done well, yet they never get recognition. Last year, they were undefeated going into their last game (against Newton) and he didn't even know! Why you ask? Because he never went to the games. These kids work just as hard as the Varsity team and deserve to be recognized. The same with the other sports programs, all of these kids work hard and the AD should support all sports, whether it's volleyball, basketball, track or powerlifting. And until he does support the other sports, our athletic program will continue to decline.
  17. Sep 1 2006 5:00pm Away Non-dist La Marque Lost 20 - 28 Boxscore Sep 8 2006 7:30pm Home Non-dist Forest Brook Won 44 - 6 Boxscore Sep 15 2006 7:30pm Away Non-dist Waller Lost 38 - 41 Boxscore Sep 29 2006 7:30pm Away District Vidor Lost 24 - 28 Boxscore Oct 6 2006 7:30pm Home District Beaumont Central Lost 24 - 63 Boxscore Oct 13 2006 7:30pm Away District Port Neches-Groves Won 31 - 24 Boxscore Oct 20 2006 7:30pm Home District Beaumont Ozen Won 35 - 16 Boxscore Wow those are some facinating scores!!!!!!But if you think about it you cant compare the central-nederland game to any of LCM's games because if you look back on the Bears Scores it was alot closer than Nederlands 63-24 loss.... Since the bears only lost 27-14 and shut them out in the second half from what i hear.... Seriously the trash talk is a little childish if you ask me so dont compare points because paper work dosen't matter when it come down to Friday Nights....
  18. There are fans from every school that talk trash even PNG. If you have read this board you would know that. I myself do not talk trash. We all support our teams, win or lose I will always back the Pirates. I expect a hard fought enternaining game tomorrow, you should do the same.
  19. It is not any fun unless you can talk a pound of smack!!!! Good luck Dayton I will really enjoy this game... I love Friday Nights and truely just want to see a great game... But any real fan will make a great excuse for his team.... Hell Vidor and Nederland fans still making excuses and that was 4 weeks ago!!!! Lets have fun... you guys waaaaayyyyy too sensative.
  20. If the rain doesn't stop.........will Central be coming to Dayton? Is Central's field turf? Good Luck to both teams.......of course I stand behind my Broncos but I am not going to smack talk......may the best team win!
  21. Dravanti is going to show this Salter kid what Football really is... And good point... I think what Johnson just said was perfect... he didnt trash talk, he said just wait til friday...
  22. What somebody says on here and what they do on Friday night is two different things. You can say anything, you fellas don't get careless and say stuff that will call your character into question. Especially when you are putting your name and number as your login. Lets just have some class and do it on the field not the forum. :wink: Leave the trash talk to a bunch old chunky dudes sitting behind computers.
  23. Nope, there is plenty of trash talk from PNG !
  24. I think it'll be a close game, could go either way. But most folks from PNG don't come on here and talk trash. We leave that on the field were it should be.
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