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  1. check out the boards dude, its more than one person... And I would love to know how you figured that Nederland fans trash talk more than Vidor fans... There is a difference in having an opinion and trash talking... Opinions are ok, everyone has them. Trash talking, however, makes you look immature and ignorant. I am not singleing out Vidor, you guys do that to yourself by your remarks...I am just sick of Vidor fans being immature and acting like theyve never won a game before, I mean I know it doesnt happen often, but at least act like it does...And by the way, if Nederland sucks so bad this year, then why is it such a big deal for Vidor to beat us????
  2. I hate to tell you this but Nederland isn't much better, next time you lose act like you've lost before, don't make excuses. Not everyone from Vidor is like the people on this board. I have never said anything negative about another team on here unless someone says something about our team first. Your statements prove that you think just because your a MC team everything should go your way, well it doesn't work like that. Fans from Nederland are just as bad, or even worse, than Vidor fans. Every town has good fans and bad fans who like to trash talk so stop singling Vidor out. Learn how to support your team and not run down others or make excuses because one fan from Vidor trash talks. Good luck to all teams tonight. GoDogs you are the worst about being hypocritical. Grow up just a little bit and remember that two wrongs don't make a right but it sure does make both of you look like two incompetant clowns. I have no problem with any fans on here, you take things too personal. Get over it.
  3. I love the fact that the PNGPURPLE and NEDBULLDOG still want to talk about the past!! The past is great and your two teams have been Good teams in the past. But talk about that at your coffe shops or reunions. THIS YEAR TALK ABOUT THIS YEAR!!! Lets face facts both of yall have a loss already and you still have to play three of the better teams in this district. Both of yall could easly end the season with 4 loses!! my advice to all the png fans and the young men coming to LUMBERTON Friday night is BRING IT, BRING IT FAST, BRING IT HARD AND BRING IT FOR FOUR QUARTERS. Because if you dont you will go home and talk about the one that got away. I can promise the Young Men under the Raider Helments will BRING IT ALL NIGHT LONG!!!! Just ask the JV they just lost after being up by two scores in the fourth. Your team will walk off the field win or lose and say that isn't the same old RAIDERS that used to lay down in the past. We may not be the best team in this district but we have played them already and everyone else just gets smaller and slower. We have better Kids and better Coaches than ever before so come watch the show but what ever you do dont leave IT at home BRING IT!!!!!!!!
  4. BH, didnt lumberton beat ya'll in a scrimmage...?and you wanna talk about teams that are always horrible...thats the only 4a school in state that has never made the playoffs...IN SCHOOL HISTORY...never thought i would say it but im with kvilleballa..yalls schedule is weak, lumberton prolly wont make it out of their district which is down this year...and they stomped yall... ya might want to think things through before you go off talkin cash sh**...enjoy your winning...you'll get stomped first round...
  5. yall over there on the reservation bickering wanting a new chief.. Sounds like to me too many indians and not enough chiefs.. go win a game and then come back and talk..Run,run,pass,punt.. run,run pass,punt.. run,run,pass ,punt.. 42-0 whippin by LCM...wait till yall play Dayton or Central
  6. Just forget about it guys. "SilsbeeD" I did not say anyone was talking smack,i said i wish they would talk smack instead of everyone trying so hard not to hurt feelings.. Bottom line they should have picked someone else for such a festive night!!!! I figure if we can handle these offensive and defensive lines with such a size difference......then that will be the last time we hear about someone lining up and running over us. Good luck Silsbee.....it will be entertaining to say the least!!
  7. Is it LOGICAL to go through your schedule and pick the BEST(by far) team on your schedule for your homecoming game? I was trying to find out if it was done on purpose as motivation or something,or if they just drew it out of a hat or whatever. Is it logical for a Silsbee fan to talk noise after seeing what WO-S has done to their other opponents? NO! But yet and still they do it on a daily basis. Regardless of what anyone says most teams do not pick their toughest opponent for hc. Oh and BH89 i liked that response. Talk a little noise....im tired of the logical babble.
  8. Never heard of a Donkey stomp.....but i would sure like to see it!! In past years WO-S has played down to the level of some opponents,and made some games closer than they should be. This year WO-S is doing what a great team does to inferior opponents. I mean no one wants to compare common opponents, but 6 yards of offense speaks for itself. I have no ill will toward Silsbee,and i wish them the best..........just not this week. Lets pray for no injuries,no fan altercations and a good clean...win! P.S. Silsbee in the words of the great T.O."Bring ya popcorn" and get ready for the greatest show on earth!! (i had to talk a little smack)
  9. lol......im thinkin nederland just beter get past ozen....and face dayton before they talk some trash......but i think we match up with central pretty well....they have more speed...we have more size.....and our offense should do good against this deffence...they have a hard time stoppin the run attack up the middle...so it should be a good game
  10. He's scared of Silsbee. He tries to bring everybody down just to make him fill better, because Kville has not beaten Silsbee yet and they have had better teams in the past than they do this year. He's scared of everybody. Do you think he ever played ball before. He gets on here and tyies to talk football, trying to make up for not playing.
  11. I don't think so,either.... Come on, let's all be nice here. We can talk and even disagree with each other, but lets be nice.
  12. I don't remember Kirbyville blowing Newton out at all!!!!! That was a scrimmage anyway and you only beat us by one touchdown!!!!! We would whoop Kirbyville all ove the field in a real game and you know it Kvillballa..... When yall can win a district title or get past the third round of the playoffs then you can talk to me or anyway else on this topic!!! Kirbyville sucks!!!!!!
  13. There has been alot of talk on this board and others (cough coughNEDboardcough) about how Vidor has no chance and this will be a blowout. I'm glad everyone is counting us out of this game. I hope Central is overlooking us the way many of you are. I'm sure there is some leftover crow from a few weeks back. :oops: :oops:
  14. I am guessing that I am the "fan" your were refering too earlier from OF. Here is the deal. Some people on here think you are anoying, well alot of people do. I don't because I do not take you seriously. I meant what I said earlier about being pround of you for not talking smack after the OF game. See, smack is well, just talk. That means nothing to me. Its what you do in the arena. Yes ya'll did beat us this time. Kirbyville deserve to win. They out played us, but there will be another day and another and so on. So I have learned as a young man till now that talk is cheap. Sometimes you are right but there will be time when you are wrong. I perfer to not talk smack that way I don't owe anybody anything. It is kind of like borrowing money from someone.
  15. Horrible teams?? Look its a proven fact Kirbyville ended BH season two years straight. Don't talk big crap because BH is in a cupcake district. I'll bet you and rest that Kirbyville will still whoop BH easily.
  16. Well lets see now, we got this thread back on topic and then another Nederland fan comes in and begins trash talking again. Is it still our fault this time Ned. fans?? One last time, if you want to trash talk about Ned. and Vidor start a different thread and stay OUT of this one. This is a Central vs. Vidor thread. Worry about your game this week and stay out of ours if you are going to trash talk.
  17. Does anyone else want to talk about what this thread is suppose to be about..? Central/Vidor. we already had a Ned/Vidor thread Vidor 28 Nerd 24 (oops! Ned.) Lets get off the old subject and start on the topic this thread is suppose to be about. Is Central looking ahead? How bad does Vidor want it??
  18. Well said piratefan. If you want to talk about Ned. and Vidor start a thread with that name. Stay off of the Vidor/Central thread if you want to talk about that. We have Central this week and are looking to pull off another upset. Good luck to all.
  19. Prediction on this weeks game Central 45 Vidor 10 Now onto other topics at the discussion plate here... Congratulations to Vidor on the fluke win in week 1 of district... We are now in week 4... I know you guys like to ride on this magic carpet when you beat Nederland, and if you want to do so then fine, but to me it just doesnt make sense...If you ask me, we beat ourselves that game, but at any rate, you guys did win. But like I said before the Ned/Vidor game... IF YOU SAY EVERY YEAR THAT YOU ARE GOING TO UPSET NEDERLAND, THEN ITS GOING TO HAPPEN... its just the way football is... i can walk up and down the street everyday and say its about to rain, and one day itll happen.... For what ever reason, we seem to be the bad guys here?? We lost to you, ok big deal, it means the same thing as the loss to Central, we dont have a rivalry with you. I'll be the first to say that I hate PN-G with a passion, its just how I was raised, but from the way you Vidor people talk on here, I would give anything to have a MC team go to the playoffs whether it be us or PNG over you guys. And I still think that will happen..
  20. thanks coach.... your opinion means the world to me!!! i dont know what i would do if i didnt have your approval, i think i might cry :cry: . i just want to say that is an absolute ignorant post being you dont know me outside of this site let alone ever spoke a word to or around me. very ignorant statement coach, very ignorant.... im gonna have to talk to the powers that be and find out when you were voted in as thread police or the website "class" evaluator. i thought that was the point of the site was to voice your OPINION, but i guess only when its the popular opinion, and heaven forbid coach doesnt agree with it... can i pre-order the new hit list shirt???? :wink:
  21. someone please tell Big dog that there is a history section on this forum about all there victories..Not this section though..Go over there Big dog and talk all you want..NO ONE CARES what yalls record was 40 years ago..
  22. Hey piratefan, make it to the playoffs once and a while and then talk. Like I said, that was your superbowl.
  23. I originally thought Giddings might be the team to beat in Div-2, however last week Giddings barely beat LaGrange. Just FYI, if you want the rel scoop on Giddings talk to EAGLETOWN as his nephew is the star QB.
  24. since theres been some talk about silsbee's veer offense...we've got a former silsbee qb on the preview show this week..check it out!
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