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  1. Pimp you will find out that you will lose alot of suport and all your back up if you talk about THE COACH stop and realize what he has done at this school. Remember our boys are smaller and slower than everyone else HA HA! Just so you know he ran on third most of the time because they were going for it on fourth!!!! Back off if we play like we can we will have our shot at one of the playoff spots! Wich is way more than anyone really expected out of this group. Remember we are a young group, from freshman to seniors we need all of them to turn this thing around!!! Good Luck Young Men!!! Keep up the Great Work COACH!!!!!!!!
  2. I ask all the Lumberton fans to control themselves and not talk smack till Friday Night!! I don't see this one being close. Lumberton by at least two Td's. By the fourth Lumberton should have 7,5,24 and 33 drinking water on the sideline and letting the freshman get his chance to carry the ball.
  3. Kvilleballa I am proud of you, I thought you would get on here and talk smack about the game, but you did not. Don't disappointment me! Kirbyville out played us and that is the bottom line. I have to give them credit. We nevver stopped their offense all night long. But our kids never gave up and showed the heart of a champion. Forget about this game guys. We still and always will believe in you.
  4. WOS by atleast 28 points. No trash talk intended, just opinion. :wink: Silsbee is a very respectable team, just cant handle us.
  5. ok its time for a student to step in and tell both of you to shut up!!!!!!! It's bad enough that a vidor fan talk smack, but for a lumberton parent to talk smack and make us look bad. no i dont think soo!!! so from me and every other student in lumberton high school. please shut up. you are the kind of person that gives us the bad name that we have. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!:
  6. well Maverick apparently you are having trouble moving on.. Go back and read about the chain gang..Did I blame the refs??? Nope..I never Blamed the refs ..what about other people's post about Vidor ?? You dont think we get negative posts about us?? Why are you just singling me out?? Why was I the only name you put in your post??why didnt you call anyone out from Lumberton?? or WOS?? Apparently youdidnt read the posts form way back or you would have agreed people from YOUR town talk alot
  7. First of all I dont hate Lumberton..And please go back and find where I said they were outcoached..NEVER said that..I see you only have 10 posts..so you wasnt on here back before the season started..they talked so much trash it was unbelievanle..BUT they have for the most part backed it up..yea they had a weak pre season but so does alot of people.(we are guilty of it too).I never said I hate lumberton.i have said probably they are outmatched in the speed category just like most teams when they play Central.. But instead of point the finger at me and people form WOS and Vidor..Why dont you take the time and go read some old threads and see how much the people from Lumberton talked this year.. A typical new poster gets on here and reads a few threads and decides to point fingers and take no responsibility about Lumberton..So instead of get on here and single me out go back and read some posts..maybe dig up some old threads..If you would like I can give you names if you have a hard time of digging them up i will give some names, I would do it for you but I am tired of reading them. And alot of my stuff I say onhere is just talk Myself and a few people from Lumberton have talked privately..Hell ,me and Pimp smack private messaged eachother yesterday.. So do some homework before you come on here and single me and the people form Vidor, and WOS out..and get more then 10 posts under your belt before you call some one..and it is not one sided like you claim
  8. One thing about the game first Lumberton has nothing to lose they are slow undersized and not as well coached acording to the people from Vidor and WOS. Why not drop it guys, Vidor you got beat by Lumberton move on you have been served. WOS you guys have a great team so why stoop to the level of piratefan you dont play Lumberton and as far as I know no one with any smarts will say that lumberton can beat WOS so give your opinion and move on please. Now Piratefan why do you hate Lumberton so bad? Is it because the two of you have fought it out for the last place in district and this year they beat yall? Please explain! as for speed talk all you want about it Lumberton has some fast DB's (this comes from their track results from last year) that doesnt mean they can tackle. Wich ever team shows up and Hits hard doesn't turn the ball over and doesnt make mistakes will WIN that simple! Lumberton is picked to lose so if they do they move on to next week, Central is picked by some to win District so all the PRESSURE is on them. Both coaches are good at what they do but will not run the ball once or miss one tackle so their work is done after the game plan is made. Good Luck to both teams! BUT PLEASE STOP ALL THE VIDOR HATES LUMBERTON AND VISE VERSE!!!!!!
  9. Man the game ended last week. Are ya'll talking to yourselves? Move on and talk about your massacre with Dayton.
  10. Great job sticky! I couldn't agree more. You know it's been 30 years sinse BH has had a group of coaches that have done as much with our kids as these coaches we have now have done. Who do ya'll want to go back to, Magalion? Skidmore? Hope? Edwards? None of these coaches did anything with this program compared with what has been done the last 7 years. We are not just winning at football, we are winning at everything. How many other schools whould love to have what we have? It seems that other coaches know we have a great staff. One example: I was in Dallas and met a coach from Southlake Carroll, I started talking to him about how good they were and all that small talk. I told him I was from Barbers Hill and his words were" ya'll have a great group of coaches down there, and a great tradition" Oh I guess he doesn't know anything, they only have one of the best teams in the nation. You know these guy's aren't perfect and never will be, and if you think anyone else would be you are decieving your self. I'll take what we have now, compared to what we had the last 30 years, thank you very much.
  11. That was really good Sticky. You need a job, and if you have one you need to spend more time working and less time typing. Maybe I should take that advise myself. I am just glad I can give you all a little entertainment. I really like BH's team and the staff. But what is awesome is how upset you all get when I talk about them in the least. I know our kids read this Blah, Blah, Blah!! If they do then they will read this one. I really think our coaches do as good as they can with what they have. I also believe Coach Byrd should run for President. I still think they should be linched since they have not lead us to a state title yet though. What is even better is the way I, we are precieved by WOS posters who think they are never wrong and WOS is the greatest, just like we do BH. Here is a hint for all the new guys that have not been reading my posts long. It is why they call it double spacing madness! You cornfused yet.
  12. Im gunna go with Buna by at least 2 or 3 tds. Sure theres talk about Anahuac beat Buna But Kountze beat Anahuac but you cant score when your team has 7 fumbles with 2 ints. If I remember Kountze was drilled by Hull-Daisetta but Buna shut them out. Again I say Buna Takes it to the Lions for Homecoming.
  13. Piratefan you are funny, I now read your post daily just for a laugh. Lets put in order. You started the season talking District champs. Vidor beat a team in Nederland that turned the ball over and had injuries. YOU TALKED SMACK Then you talked about how the pirates would run over Lumberton well One Loss Later we had to hear how the Refs. were bad and the Pirates turned the ball over. BUT YOU STILL TALKED SMACK Dayton is coming to town, you start talking smack then wake up and realize the Pirates will probably lose big so now you are becoming friends with the Dayton fans. Where is that Upset talk. Come on don't give up now. Good Luck to all the Players that are actually getting on the field Friday Night!!!!
  14. Their being watched. I had a Silsbee coach e-mail me asking not to talk about the WOS game just yet. Next week will be fine. Thanks
  15. look here whether you like it or not thats the fact and you have still not answered who exactly who are or i dont really care becasue you no sense of our team, but are you on the team. if you are you are lost. and iam not saying everyone has that attitude, the team in general does. and my key to success you saying stick with baseball is just flat out retarded. that key applys to all sports. make sure you come with true facts before you talk to me. iam personally affilated with this team 24/7 so that should give away my identity. iam the one with the inside info not you.
  16. LCM play a heck of a game and I'll give them there due. PNG took them lightly and they stuffed it down our throat. Alot of folks hate PNG for there success over the years. But read these boards, the PNG folks are not the ones that talk all the smack. Whenever teams beat us they think they won the superbowl. Teams bring there A-game when they play us and they brings out the best in us.
  17. Dayton is doing better than everyone predicted in this new district. All of the talk is about their success so far. It is only hype if they are not living up to expectations. We doing better than expected so people are talking. Its all in how you see things, after we play ya'll then you can talk. Just because its got you worried don't mean its hype.
  18. Is this what SE TX Football has come to? Are you telling me that this great football area is worried about the announcers? Come on guys, there has to be something better to talk about than what the announcer is doing.
  19. Not a whole lot of smack talk going on about this game... Even around the community. Could be because we both got our butts whipped last friday, but still.....
  20. DAYTON by 40 and only if the Broncos shut it down in the second half. I have seen both teams and dayton will outsize, out quick and out man the pirates. I will not talk bad about the Pirates but dayton is just that big, fast and good this year. If they have injuries going in it will only get worse by 9 pm Friday night. Good luck to Vidor but luck will not be enough.
  21. I am a diehard Kirbyville fan. However, after reading these post I think I will be sitting on Orangefield's side rooting for OF. Getting tired of the BS some people like to talk. :evil:
  22. tell us about your teams JV how good are thay
  23. I love to talk about this defensive unit. May be the most balanced unit I've ever seen. Cox and Swart, in my opinion, are the dominating factors. Noone can handle Swart inside this year. He at this point, as I've said before, is the def. MVP to this point. He may not get the notoriety of some others, but just watch him. He's in the top 3 in tackles and draws double teams alot. Opponents have to pay alot of attention to him and Cox. And speed! this D unit has speed that noone believes until they see it. Patton, Fisher, Little, and a coupe of others have 4.5 speed. I find that alot of other posters dont believe that...... just come watch. As for the HC promoting certain players.... I dont like going there, BUT, i guess I will. There is (as in many programs) politics and favoritism in the BH program. And we all know its not a huge headline secret that I say that so dont dive on me in future posts. haha. Well, I leave it at that. All I know is they are gettin' it done and look very good doing it. GO EAGLES!!! BH 31 - NC 7
  24. yall are so wrapped up in ONE district win that yall think yall have done something..lets talk at the end of the year and see what happens then..see how well yall do this week..
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