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  1. That was really good Sticky. You need a job, and if you have one you need to spend more time working and less time typing. Maybe I should take that advise myself. I am just glad I can give you all a little entertainment. I really like BH's team and the staff. But what is awesome is how upset you all get when I talk about them in the least. I know our kids read this Blah, Blah, Blah!! If they do then they will read this one. I really think our coaches do as good as they can with what they have. I also believe Coach Byrd should run for President. I still think they should be linched since they have not lead us to a state title yet though. What is even better is the way I, we are precieved by WOS posters who think they are never wrong and WOS is the greatest, just like we do BH. Here is a hint for all the new guys that have not been reading my posts long. It is why they call it double spacing madness! You cornfused yet.
  2. Im gunna go with Buna by at least 2 or 3 tds. Sure theres talk about Anahuac beat Buna But Kountze beat Anahuac but you cant score when your team has 7 fumbles with 2 ints. If I remember Kountze was drilled by Hull-Daisetta but Buna shut them out. Again I say Buna Takes it to the Lions for Homecoming.
  3. Piratefan you are funny, I now read your post daily just for a laugh. Lets put in order. You started the season talking District champs. Vidor beat a team in Nederland that turned the ball over and had injuries. YOU TALKED SMACK Then you talked about how the pirates would run over Lumberton well One Loss Later we had to hear how the Refs. were bad and the Pirates turned the ball over. BUT YOU STILL TALKED SMACK Dayton is coming to town, you start talking smack then wake up and realize the Pirates will probably lose big so now you are becoming friends with the Dayton fans. Where is that Upset talk. Come on don't give up now. Good Luck to all the Players that are actually getting on the field Friday Night!!!!
  4. Their being watched. I had a Silsbee coach e-mail me asking not to talk about the WOS game just yet. Next week will be fine. Thanks
  5. look here whether you like it or not thats the fact and you have still not answered who exactly who are or i dont really care becasue you no sense of our team, but are you on the team. if you are you are lost. and iam not saying everyone has that attitude, the team in general does. and my key to success you saying stick with baseball is just flat out retarded. that key applys to all sports. make sure you come with true facts before you talk to me. iam personally affilated with this team 24/7 so that should give away my identity. iam the one with the inside info not you.
  6. LCM play a heck of a game and I'll give them there due. PNG took them lightly and they stuffed it down our throat. Alot of folks hate PNG for there success over the years. But read these boards, the PNG folks are not the ones that talk all the smack. Whenever teams beat us they think they won the superbowl. Teams bring there A-game when they play us and they brings out the best in us.
  7. Dayton is doing better than everyone predicted in this new district. All of the talk is about their success so far. It is only hype if they are not living up to expectations. We doing better than expected so people are talking. Its all in how you see things, after we play ya'll then you can talk. Just because its got you worried don't mean its hype.
  8. Is this what SE TX Football has come to? Are you telling me that this great football area is worried about the announcers? Come on guys, there has to be something better to talk about than what the announcer is doing.
  9. Not a whole lot of smack talk going on about this game... Even around the community. Could be because we both got our butts whipped last friday, but still.....
  10. DAYTON by 40 and only if the Broncos shut it down in the second half. I have seen both teams and dayton will outsize, out quick and out man the pirates. I will not talk bad about the Pirates but dayton is just that big, fast and good this year. If they have injuries going in it will only get worse by 9 pm Friday night. Good luck to Vidor but luck will not be enough.
  11. I am a diehard Kirbyville fan. However, after reading these post I think I will be sitting on Orangefield's side rooting for OF. Getting tired of the BS some people like to talk. :evil:
  12. I love to talk about this defensive unit. May be the most balanced unit I've ever seen. Cox and Swart, in my opinion, are the dominating factors. Noone can handle Swart inside this year. He at this point, as I've said before, is the def. MVP to this point. He may not get the notoriety of some others, but just watch him. He's in the top 3 in tackles and draws double teams alot. Opponents have to pay alot of attention to him and Cox. And speed! this D unit has speed that noone believes until they see it. Patton, Fisher, Little, and a coupe of others have 4.5 speed. I find that alot of other posters dont believe that...... just come watch. As for the HC promoting certain players.... I dont like going there, BUT, i guess I will. There is (as in many programs) politics and favoritism in the BH program. And we all know its not a huge headline secret that I say that so dont dive on me in future posts. haha. Well, I leave it at that. All I know is they are gettin' it done and look very good doing it. GO EAGLES!!! BH 31 - NC 7
  13. yall are so wrapped up in ONE district win that yall think yall have done something..lets talk at the end of the year and see what happens then..see how well yall do this week..
  14. I don't think the defense has been that far ahead of the offense. Except for this year. If you look at the year we went the farthest the last couple of years we had a dominant d. Have you heard the saying Offense puts people in the stand but d wins championships? So what does that mean we haven't won championships so. I am going to start a new line on here I blame the defensive coaches. lol.....Could we just possibly talk about the kid and be positive. Bhfan everone knows where you stand and your opinions. I for one don't agree but we have heard it every time we have had a bad game. I am just asking. I dont want to offend you.
  15. Contradicting yourself??? You say WOS will lose to Silsbee. Then you turn around and say Silsbee will lose on their homecoming. Silsbee plays WOS on their homecoming. Hmmmmm???? You dont see Silsbee posters on here talking trash, because they are used to winning. Just like WOS. The people that talk the most are not championship caliber teams. Think about that.
  16. 1993 Bi-district playoff game: Cameron Yoemen vs Mexia Blackcats in Gatesville. These two teams had a little history that year. (Played in Mexia, the first game of the year. Cameron comes away with a 20-14 win, thanks to a Mexia fumble on the goal line.) There was a lot of talk, from both sides, through the media about the outcome of this playoff game. Mexia made comments about, "they (Cameron) got lucky in the first game." "We are going for the throats this time." Cameron was being Cameron. "We will play hard and see what happens." Here's how the game ended. The Yoemen kicked a field goal, in the 4th quarter, to tie the game at 12. Mexia has the ball on the the positive 21 yard line. 4th and 1, 12 seconds left. No time outs for either team. The Blackcats need one yard to get the penetration that would tie it up and give them a victory by first downs. (the second tie breaker) They run off left tackle and the ball carrier it tackled by the defensive end. Players are gathering around as the referee's spot the ball. Too close to call, out come the chains. The chains are stretched, short by 2 inches. The Yoemen go crazy. Game ends 12-12 and the Yoemen advance on penetrations. That's one game I will never forget. Mexia was huge and ran the wishbone. Very physical game that night.
  17. KVBalla You are one to be calling someone "crap talking." That's all you've done on here well...........that and make excuses for losing. I just made a comment on your QB. I wasn't bad mouthing him just made a point that he definitely was not the reason for your loss to WOS. I think everyone would agree. And we are looking forward to playing Kville. That aint crap talk either. There is a battle for the playoffs & we are in the running.
  18. Check out the Baytown sun forum it is under the baytown talk they have a good one going on under the sports section.
  19. How much impact has your new Offensive Coordinator had, and does he get any credit for this success? I know I've watched #7 for 3 years, and never really heard anybody talk about what a gamer he was - A good player and QB, YES! But he's really getting some good PR this year. Is it because of a change in Offensive schemes? The OC is a GREAT GUY! I'm sorry he didn't get more of a chance at BC! I know I miss his interaction with MY kids! They would have done anything he asked them to do! I wish him nothing but success! and I wasn't picking on #7 - He's a great player and a good kid ...
  20. I agree that respect has to be earned. It is something that has to be done each week. I will not talk smack "unless provoked" against an opponent we are playing that week, nor will I predict a score. Somebody said we will beat BC well I hope so. Right now BC has our number and until that changes (I hope it is this year) they still have our number. Kvilleballa has been talking (if thats what you want to call it) alot of smack on BC and really every team in the district "fuel for the fire baby". I know it all in fun but thats not very smart beause anything can happen on any given night. BC has had kirbyville number the last few years and it has not even been close. Until that changes talk is cheap! No matter what happens this year I will always be proud of our kids because they never give up and fight till the end, even when the deck is stacked against them. We believe in the bobcats!!!!
  21. Well, Im sorry, but Silsbee will need much, much more than intensity to beat WOS this year. I respect Silsbee, and will not talk trash on them. I just hope they dont pull a K'Ville and start talking trash. Its pretty embarrasing for K'Ville fans right now. All I can say to Silsbee is WHY OH WHY would you schedule WOS on your Home Coming????? This WOS team is one of the most impressive in years, maybe a Decade!!!
  22. Well, Im sorry, but Silsbee will need much, much more than intensity to beat WOS this year. I respect Silsbee, and will not talk trash on them. I just hope they dont pull a K'Ville and start talking trash. Its pretty embarrasing for K'Ville fans right now. All I can say to Silsbee is WHY OH WHY would you schedule WOS on your Home Coming????? This WOS team is one of the most impressive in years, maybe a Decade!!!
  23. Yep, this team is VERY fast! Emonarch -- Great to meet you at practice the other day. Now let's just talk Coop into coming.
  24. I can't believe how someone who has attended more than a few BH football games could even think to criticize our coaching staff. That just baffles me. The comments that we have these great players and don't do anything with them are just dumb. We do not just have great outstanding athletes here! That should not be difficult to understand. Our players get to be good football players through hard work, great offseasons (that those stupid coaches you talk about put in), and we do things right (also due primarily to those coaches). There's a reason we very rarely have kids going on scholarship to the next level, and its not our coaches fault. They put in hours upon hours of breaking down film so they can make the quick decisions they do on Friday nights. When you get a clue about what is actually going on with the X's and O's, then bash these coaches that have won something like 62 games since '99.
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