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  1. Dayton players play clean and they dont talk any more trash than anyone else. Now Dayton will not back down to anyone. Good luck next week.
  2. I wish our rivals luck to knock Daytons record down a bit. I fear for them though because we played very similarly last night and I am afraid they will do the same to you that they did to th Raiders. If you want a chance, dont be afraid of them at all. Dont make any mistakes because they will capitalize. and dont listen to their trash talk. The fans are great but the players talk very dirty.
  3. Tiger12 you should learn from Tiger20. She does not talk trash, you do. Players play the game not coaches. I agree a coach makes a diffence. But trash talk means nothing. We like people who trash talk because they usally never deliver. Like I said before talk is cheap. There is alot of good teams in this district, get ready, they are! This is not volleyball, the playing field is more even in basketball. Good luck to who ever you play except us. By the way Tiger20 is a better player and person.
  4. let lumberton talk, dang, let them get excited for the turn around, whats a message board without smack talk,,, BORING
  5. Figure out WO-S...Hmmm... Like a 2000 player Micheal Ledet said, "Coach T says let the silver helmet do the talking." Like Garrett said on TV last night, "The game isn't won by talk but by what happens for 48 minutes on the field!" So, to sum up part of it... DON'T TALK SMACK!!! and yes, it was some of the players talking. They stopped our QB at the game Thursday and told him they were going to f$%& him. He just smiled and walked off...and we got a laugh last night about 10 pm.
  6. this week is going to be a much more important game than I once thought it would be... this may decide third place for district....time to talk the smack... (NOT THAT EITHER TEAMS HAVE ANY SMACK TO TALK... WE BOTH GOT CLOBBERED TONIGHT) but proceed none the less..... Nederland changes up personnel bigtime on defense and Mosley is back... Coaches actually call some passing plays to open the field allowing Mosley to run too... Dogs prevail Ned 42 PNG 38
  7. Poor PNG Proud...hey, you back your team and that is all that counts! :wink: Then you have the guts to come back on here and admit, ugh, that is hard! Everyone has been there and done that, now, if they will admit it, that may be a different story but honestly, I think they will....that is why I like this forum so much is because we can actually talk and admit but yet we love our teams and back them! That is why we all love this game! Hang in there...your day is coming again, God Bless Football and Friday Nights!
  8. BH U GUYS TALK TO MUCH!!U should be glad u weren't put in 22-4A. As far as the HOUSTON RANKINGS GO: NEDERLAND PLAYED WITH LAM. & WALLER, BUT THEY STILL CAN"T WIN A GAME IN 22-4A!!!! From all that talk , I thought u guys would have done a little more against Crosby!
  9. WOS must read the board. I noticed Hooks and an interviewed player making comments about smack talk and getting it done on the field.
  10. Guest


    Where were the INDIANS? Did there bus get lost? Sure did talk alot of crap this week.Couldn't score a point!!! LETS HERE IT FROM U PN-G FANS,WHERE R U AT? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  11. Oh Lordy, we had a GREAT halftime, locker room talk! We just intercepted and got a touchdown again! Extra point, no good...27-6, Broncos
  12. I don't know if anyone realizes this but LC-M is not slow by any means. Just take a look at some of our 40 times and then come talk to me about speed. I'm not saying LC-M is faster overall than PN-G but we definitely are not slow. Have a good wake-up call tonight when we play you guys.
  13. They talk about Johnny Dishon. Lets see if yall can handle that 4.3 speed back at qb by the name of Pierce Rhodes!! Better have an rocket up yo a** to catch him!!!
  15. I am going to hook an electric taser to all Lumberton fans...that way when someone says something overzelous oranything but standard trashtalk...zap! That does not include bythe way, me saying that Lumberton WILL beat Vidor tomorrow...that is a bit of normal trash talk and supporting my team.
  16. For the people out there who get a good laugh about the BOJO thing, I'd like to say that I go to LC-M and yea, a lot of us students laugh about it and think it's pretty corny, but it's just something to try to raise a little spirit. I mean PN-G's volleyball team has a "rock a noo" thing that nobody really gets, but whatever, it's just team spirit! So please, find something besides BOJO to talk about. Ya'll have your traditions and things at PN-G and now LC-M has theirs.
  17. Lumberton fans have to be the most Delusional group of individuals I have ever spoken to. (By the way L-town fans delusional means out of touch with reality). Surely people do not really believe Lumberton is going to win Friday. I would go out on a limb and say they will not win a game for the rest of the year. Beating cleveland and b.c gives no one the right to think they are good. Then after the thrashing dayton handed out, you people still believe you are good, one crackhead even said they would beat dayton if they played again. Vidor fans say they are going to win, and most don't really believe it (they are just supporting their team) you guys really think you are good and that is so funny to me. When you guys win a meaningful game then talk.
  18. You know what, I can honestly say several people, mostly other lumberton fans, need to take a class in trash talk. Its gonna be a good game. Lumberton is gonna beat vidor like they stole sumthin. It is an opinion for at least another 25 hours before it becomes fact. That is a valid trash talk comment. But man all this talk about us beating dayton again if we played them...come on guys, we lost fair and square. Take it like men. and most importantly, At the end of the week I would shake the hand of every man in this room. If you can't do the same, then sommeone has gone too far.
  19. well if yall are all that like yall say then we will find out if The Pirates are for real tomorrow night..why would we have to wait until next week..yall talked all this talk, it is time to pay up!!!!
  20. There has been some talk of this possibly happening, stay tuned.
  21. Go and watch a game Lucky you cant talk if youve never seen. True PN-G has never been known for speed but this is a different season with some new coaches and some thing have changed and for the better BTW when you can tackle Ozens runners from behind you cant be too slow
  22. lol...im sure this will be printed out and posted in the Vidor locker room....talk about Bulletin Board Material :shock:
  23. We didn't steal anything. Just come on out to the bear cave Friday night and then on here after your game and we'll talk. BOJO
  24. Im assuming Kvilleballa don't play ball but he definitely talks alot of noise. Hey man your only making it worse on the boys that will be on the field & on your little town. Hope everyone from Kville don't act like you. Yall might have a better team this year than yall have had in the past but that was needed so chill & save some of that big talk for Friday night. Let's see if you can still talk the talk during and then for sure after the game. If yall beat WOS hats off to the Cats but I along with 99.9% of SET don't see it happening. You keep saying how prepared yall are well don't you see Hooks has had WOS prepared for year after year after year.........and for real teams. I seriously doubt Kville is the least of their worries. Nothing more from me I will chat with ya on Sat. mornin. later
  25. don't know bout everyone else but I would love to be at this game.Kville vs. WOS. dang Kville can talk some noise let's just see if they can still talk it after Friday night. By the way you can't even put Kville coach in the same catagory as Hooks. Hooks is the man. Kville can't even compare. My point will be proved Friday night. Now if Hooks had Kville team it would be a whole different game. That would be a real game.
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