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  1. Big Red there is no need to talk so negative about Deweyville Pirates. Can't u just say you're for EC without talking negative about the Pirates? The players didn't make the schedule. Let old dogs lie. I think this will be a close game. It can go either way, depending on penalties and injuries. Even though we are the smallest school in our district, we have young men that play with alot of heart and determination, as do alot of the teams do on Friday night. That's what it's all about. Go out and play your heart out and leave everything you got on the field and hopefully it will be enough to end up with a win. But true fans support their team no matter what. Because no one walks on the field planning to lose. Good Luck Pirates!!! BE RELENTLESS!!!!!!!
  2. I am Lumberton fan but I can say this. the refs called a good game for both sides and Dayton was the better team by far. If you take away the 2 early turnovers maybe its a closer game but thats a maybe. bottem line is Dayton was the better team. I wish the Lumberton people who talk all the time on here would chill out because it makes everyone else look bad. This really is a great group of kids and the coach is a class act and things are getting better in Lumberton under his control but the fans are gonna have to give him alittle time. This team is extremely young with only 5 seniors that play. But I dont blame other people for not believing that because there is no proof of that yet. Lumberton must talk with their helmets and not there mouths.
  3. I went to that raider myspace and saw what they did to the 2 dayton players pictures and if i was a player for Dayton i would be mad and be more intense and talk alot more smack
  4. I kept telling some of my fellow Lumbertonians to tap on the breaks a little with their smack talk. Hopefully the kids can learn from this and use it as inspiration for the future. Also, maybe we won't have 100 threads a week started by a few overly zealous raider fans now.
  5. I also thought Thomas was our first string QB! Cody Green is 2nd string or so he says/thinks he is....anyway.....I do not remember him being the QB from the start!? Don't think so.....not going to argue with anyone, that is not why I am on this board, I leave that stuff to other boards..and yes, everyone got to play at least in ONE play..please do not make me name anyones name...BUT, I do NOT think I am misleading anyone...I just may not do the talk of "smack" very well, ...sorry...we ARE talking about kids here that play with HEART and I appreciate everyone of them....I know, I am no fun...just truthful as I see it...
  6. Whoever thinks Nederland wins inspite of the coaching... doesn't know a dang thing about football. Vidor just simply outplayed Nederland, it was their night, they made things happen. Vidor is much better than most thought... Nederland's defense may not be as good as we first thought... but the season is still young... come talk to me after week 10.
  7. hey, we are playing you guys tonight...you have every right to talk smack...its everybody else that should shut it.
  8. haha about the band.... Pirate fan, thanks for noting that we don't all act like that. If we were watching the NFL and you were my rival, I would trsh talk every player till hopefully they never touched a football again, but in highschool football, there is a way and ettiquite (sp) to trash talking. Rule #1. Don't make it personal to the kids.
  9. I'm tired of hearing not everyone but quite a few people from Lumberton running there mouths! We should just go out there on the field and show it! This is a very tough district and I hope the raiders can do big things I believe in them. This is a very tough district so just take each game week by week! I'm also tired of people from other towns/schools poking fun! Before the season everyone took us lightly saying we would go 1-9 on the season and yet we are ALREADY 3-0 and they continue to talk trash. I hope we can win tonight and shut everyone up but it will be tough best of luck to everyone!
  10. I know that pigskin diva... Like I said before I have been a Pirate fan all my life.Yes it is not a secret we do lose ALOT!! But that dont stop me for rooting for my team Friday night.I know Ned will probably win..But I am still going to the game and stilll going to get excited about another Friday night..It is harder to be a fan of a team that loses all the time, instead of a team winning all the time. Am I gonna get on here and talk a little trash?? Yes I am..That is what makes it fun....What if I was to say yall will probably win and it will be a massacre?? That would be boring.. But I guarantee you right before kickoff you go tell those kids in that locker room they dont have a chance, and you see what kind of reaction you get.
  11. :shock: Been sitting back as a bystander...got to admit...I have been proud of the Dayton folks for not really talking smack on here...then to get accused of it on here about "myspace"..ugh...don't pay attention to that site..so I don't know... Not going to talk smack to anyone but I would like to thank all the people that are from there that are worried about us......honestly...we are worried about you too! You never know, this is real life and on any given day at any given time, you just do not know who will show up with their "game on"...so..with all of that said...and having a child who graduated a couple of years ago........... Never count anyone out....takes alot to even be on the team...wherever you are or are from....it takes a lot of work to be in the athletic program...discipline, agility, grades, respect etc...my hat is off to all of you that endure the game and sacrifice of your weekends and afternoons...Thanks for coming out and showing us a good time even if it is at your expense and work! Yes, I am from Dayton but I will give respect where respect is deserved and it is for the Dayton and Lumberton football players who really do not have time to get on this website with us as they are working their rear ends off to show us a good time tomorrow night! Good Luck to both teams and you both are winners to me irregardless of the score tomorrow night...you gave me a Friday night to look forward to either way!
  12. not angry... just talking smack... its just fun... Like I said in a previous post I support the kids from vidor, its just I have never heard so much smack talk from vidor fans.
  13. i dont want to see another thread saying that we will win... lets just go out there and show everyone every week that we can win instead of running are mouths on this board...when you make a thread like this it just gives everyone else the chance to run their mouths about us.. all im asking is for it to stop Lets do are talkin with the scoreboard so then no body can talk trash goodluck to everyone
  14. We'll take care of the Indians as well, let them talk.
  15. Actually we went 0-10 that year and were not expected to go to the playoffs. Like I said before you talk big now that you are in 3A. You pretty much sucked in 4a. You are really not doing that good in 3A except maybe in district. That means nothing when it come to the playoff's.
  16. Talk big now, you were not doing that in 4A. We have nothing to lose, you do, remember that.
  17. I know one thing,there will be more Black and Gold at that game then any you will see this year.. Good luck to yall as well.. my niece goes to Nederland and a few friends ,I told them I couldn't talk to them this week..wait till monday..
  18. And there is nothing wrong with that..You should be proud,but if you go back and read soem of the posts on here ,there are alot making predictions and doggin other schools..(not everyone from lumberton)but there are a few.. I listened to a sports talk show the other night and there was a guy on there saying Lumberton was winning state..those kinda things are what everyone is talking about
  19. 110 year old man recounts his days as a negro baseball player....cool story ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Sept. 20 — Silas Simmons was handed a photograph and asked if he recognized anyone in it. He fixed his eyes on the sepia stares and moved his curled fingers over the glass and frame, soaking in the faces for more than 20 silent seconds. It was a picture of the 1913 Homestead Grays, a primordial Pittsburgh-area baseball team that played before the Negro leagues were even born. His mind, Simmons said, needed time to connect the faces to positions to names. He was entitled to the delay; next month, he will turn 111 years old.Simmons, known as Si, was born on Oct. 14, 1895 — the same year as Babe Ruth and Rudolph Valentino, and before F. Scott Fitzgerald and Amelia Earhart. He played at the highest level of black baseball while a boy named Satchel Paige was still in grade school. That Simmons is still living was unknown to baseball researchers until this summer, when a genealogist near the nursing home where he lives in St. Petersburg alerted a Negro leagues expert. A member of the Center for Negro League Baseball Research confirmed a baseball historian’s dream: that Simmons was indeed a man who had pitched and played the outfield in the equivalent of the black major leagues on and off from about 1912 through at least 1929, and that he had played against such stars as Pop Lloyd, Judy Johnson and Biz Mackey. Lloyd was like “the second Honus Wagner,†Simmons said. “Judy Johnson, they called him Pie Traynor.†Simmons added: “It was a thrill to watch players like that. After a while they were in the big leagues, playing ball, which you thought would never come. But eventually it did come. And that was the greatest thing of my life when I saw these fellows come up and play big-league baseball.†Simmons is not the oldest-known living American — that title belongs to Lizzie Bolden of Memphis, who turned 116 in August. The oldest living person who played Major League Baseball is Rollie Stiles, 99, who pitched for the St. Louis Browns in the early 1930’s. Confined to a wheelchair but reasonably communicative, Simmons has no major health issues beyond his extraordinary age. He is an avid sports fan who watches many Tampa Bay Devil Rays games on the television in his room — “I like young players,†he said — and even attended a Devils Rays game at Tropicana Field this summer with his church group. Friends of his at the Westminster Suncoast retirement community said Simmons rarely talked about his Negro leagues career. Dorothy Russell, 90, said: “When we played volleyball — with balloons — he said, ‘You know, I used to play baseball.’ But he didn’t make it sound so spectacular. And I didn’t know enough to ask him about it.†Negro league researchers did. Wayne Stivers, who spearheaded the fact-finding committee that led to 17 people associated with the Negro leagues being inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame this summer, said: “We were aware there was a Si Simmons and that he played. But we didn’t know he was still alive. We figured, 110, no — this man is not alive. My reaction was, ‘We need to talk with him immediately.’ †Simmons’s first games were not in the Negro leagues as they are now remembered. The first established circuit, the Negro National League, started in 1920. Before that, local all-black teams would play against one another, against all-white teams or occasionally against groups of big leaguers barnstorming in the off-season. Having grown up in a central Philadelphia row house on 17th and Bainbridge Streets, Simmons was a left-handed pitcher who was signed by the nearby Germantown Blue Ribbons, a well-regarded team. He said he started pitching for the Blue Ribbons at age 16 or 17, meaning 1912 or 1913. Box scores and articles from The Philadelphia Inquirer describe the 5-foot-10 Simmons as routinely striking out 10 or more batters while getting a hit or two a game. Simmons had difficulty remembering all the teams he played on. While unable to explain in detail, he indicated that players, particularly pitchers, were often picked up by other teams for brief stretches, so he might have played select games for other teams as well. (Experts confirmed that this practice was commonplace.) Researchers have uncovered box scores and game recaps with his name from many years throughout the 1910’s and beyond. Two box scores from 1926 show Simmons pitching in relief for the New York Lincoln Giants of the Eastern Colored League. He also played at least one game for the Negro National League’s Cuban Stars in 1929. “I had a good curveball and a good fastball,†said Simmons, who added that he was paid about $10 a game. He said that in his prime he might have been good enough to play in the major leagues, but did not consider asking for a tryout. “It was useless to try,†he said. “A lot of good black players, but they couldn’t play in the league,†he continued. “So that was it. After Jackie Robinson came up, they found out how good they were and started recruiting. You have to give them a chance to play. “Negroes had a lot of pride. They felt like baseball, that was the greatest thing in the world for them. You had some great players in those days. Biz Mackey. Pop Lloyd. Judy Johnson. Scrappy Brown, the shortstop. We played against all those players.†Simmons ended his baseball career soon after 1929. He had five children and settled into life as a porter and eventually as an assistant manager at Rosenbaum’s Department Store in Plainfield, N.J. He retired to St. Petersburg in 1971 and lived with his second wife, Rebecca, until she died seven years ago. Having outlived his children, he moved into Westminster soon afterward. His discovery has caused a buzz in baseball’s large community of historians. Dr. Layton Revel, the founder of the Center for Negro League Baseball Research near Dallas, took particular interest and flew to St. Petersburg this summer to interview Simmons and confirm his birth date, career and stories. Revel was so excited that he plans to throw a party for Simmons on Oct. 14, with 30 to 40 former Negro leaguers — including the Hall of Famer Monte Irvin — gathering to celebrate his 111th birthday and hear about the even older days. Most of those men played in the Negro leagues decades after Simmons, primarily in the 1940’s and 1950’s as the circuits were decimated by players jumping to major league clubs. Chances are that no face will look even vaguely familiar to Simmons. But as Simmons held that old sepia photo of the 1913 Homestead Grays for those long 20 seconds, he gradually decided that one face did ring a bell. He fixed on it and pointed his weathered hand at the player sitting in the middle row, second from the right. He said nothing as he pointed. Who is that? he was asked. “That’s Si Simmons,†he said. Really? Was he sure? “That’s me,†he declared. “Oh, we had good times.â€
  20. Newton will have a good shot to win. Kirbyville turned the ball over about 8 times! Carthage does have some good athletes but they are very undisciplined. They had a ton of penalties in the kirbyville game. Beware of cheap shots Eagles, they play dirty! In fact they play so dirty that they got into a bench clearing brawl during their 1st game and also had a scrimmage end early because they got into a huge fight! If we want to talk about classless teams Carthage has got to be at the top of the list!
  21. This is why we play the games! Because we don`t know! However, when your team gets blown out and you have talked smack all week online, don't hide be a man and fess up. Eat your crow, don't just try to talk everyone into agreeing with you and stay off the post when your team got beat like a rented mule. Buna and Anahuac will be resloved a 7:30 friday night, I'll be talking smack to the Anahuac, if any will log on. Buna by 28
  22. There's usually no trash talk on this site but you guys seem to always pick on Vidor. :twisted:
  23. Well Ive been on the Nederland message board for years, but sometimes I feel like boards like these are for trash talking, and I am not real big on trash talking... And arent yall like black and mustard yellow??? And if you think a black and mustard yellow curtain is going to send me home sad... then you are entitled to your opinion... but as a great coach from our area once said.... "If you are going to talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk" - Jimmy Johnson
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