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  1. I agree with Tiger90 kountze fans are loud in the wrong way, they talk smack and get way out of hand i hated playing in koutze
  2. I believe that the new coach in lumberton will allow Lumberton the chance to produce a winning season! Unlike recent Coach Brian Buffamonte aka: The coach who could talk the talk but when it came down to it should have jumped off a cliff!
  3. Sounds retarded to me, talk about the ultimate dust collector, in 20 years you will be like al bundy, still talking about high school football , walking around with your beer gut and your football helmet on LET IT GO
  4. I don't believe they are mouth running..They are just saying what there records are.No one is mouth running.. Quit trying to get this thread turned around like you do the ohter ones L-town stunner.. Lets just talk about football without all of that..
  5. All this talk makes me even more anxious for that first day of practice, and my first game as a senior.....
  6. West Orange-Stark defense in the 80's. they were incredible and always came through in clutch situations. next would be Jasper in the 80's those guys were rough and tough and put fear into you. talk about a couple of powerhouses. 8)
  7. You both make good points. I like this football talk about Lamar University. Just one point, there hasn't always been a DI-AA division. Yes, Lamar competed at the DI level and one year played in a "Bowl" game. I'm sure Coop can get his hands on information about the opponent and the year Lamar played in a bowl game. I do think Lamar lost the game. Record 0-1 in bowl games. One other point, I wouldn't be so quick to write off the possiblity of Todd Dodge as a HC here. There are a lot of wealthy folk here in SE Texas and since the mis-givens created by Lamar dropping football and promises being broken haven't given a dime to Lamar Athletics. You bring back football and hire a guy like Todd Dodge Lamar could raise the funds to pay a HC in the area of $250,000 a year plus incentives. There are a lot more millionairs in SE Texas than most people realize and quiet a few of those are Lamar University alumni.
  8. If you would read the last sentence, it is directed to all people, including people from Lumberton. That was my first response to all the negative talk that is being spread around. The boys from Lumberton need to focus on the job at hand, which is to beat Bridge City. I can promise you it is not the players talking trash, it is fans and or parents. So this is my last response to the negative talk, and would like to say GOOD LUCK to all the teams playing Friday Night.
  9. With so much talk about the new local 3A district having teams like Silsbee, Jasper, WO-S, and BC, I think the way Hamshire Fannett has played so far has turned some heads.
  10. Lets talk about teams. We already have talked about Nederland, LCM and Nederaland lets look at the other teams. Ozen- They always have talent plus their coach is the brainchild of basketball in southeast Texas. You know they will be good. They don't ever rebuild, they reload. Central always get the extra immunition after Ozen reloads. They will be really good. They have more depth then they have had in a while. Demond Chambers will lead the charge along with Brandon Williams, Charles Thomas, Jamar Gulley and a host of others coming from the football field. Dayton, new to the district, will be a suprise. They have three quality kids returning. A Guard that was really good last year and Two big guys six six and up. Lumberton could have been good this year but they are starting over with a new coach and he is really a football coach. Everyone thinks that Vidor is going to be down. Not!! They always keep some shooters in their pockets and they know how to find a way to win. Their weakness will be depth and the fact that they are under new leadership. That pretty much rounds out the district. Oh yeah, PNG my fault. The Coach does a great job with what he has. PNG is a football school and that is were most of the athletes are. They will have a veteran squad though
  11. Good luck to everyone!! Glad to see Lumberton doing well. Let's all talk about Sports and the games this week. Thanks.
  12. OK LOOK!!!!!! All this got started two weeks ago with the Silsbee clan talking crap about how it was a SCRIMMAGE and that it didn't really matter. That talk just kinda pissed me off a little since I'm a PARENT that wants the best for his child playing on this team. I don't remember reading one thing about we're going undefeated and gonna win state. I did read though that moral was up BIG TIME for not just the team, but the whole community. Why the smack talk keeps going is because people like piratefan keep egging it on and talking crap about us. Why try raining on our parade? Let us enjoy a little success while it last. To the players and fans of Lumberton, I apoligize if I offended anyone with my response to defending the RAIDER NATION!!!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL SCHOOLS THIS YEAR!!!!!!
  13. I agree with pirate im from lumberton and i am one of the seniors that hasn't won a game in high school untill last friday and i am even tired of hearing people get on here and run their mouths we have won all the scrimmages and one game that is no reason to sit here and talk trash if you really want to open peoples eyes quit talkin trash and just play to win and prove everyone wrong when and if lumberton makes playoffs then all the trash talkin can start but untill then your just pissing people off and makin it to where they really dont want us to win so all im askin is for it to stop
  14. Well 83/60 you need to tell your buddies to sit back and shut there mouth. They are the ones that get on here and talk down to other people.go back and read L-town stunners post and see what he writes..Then ask yourself is it US ,or is it some of the people from Lumberton.. Not all of the people from Lumberton are doing this..But you and the other people have already opened your mouths up.So dont already make guarantees for next year.This year is the year of the Raiders. There is a young man on here from lumberton's football team and he was about the only one who made sense.he said it isnt them that are talking all this trash,it is only a few people...I have respect for that guy and his teammates.
  15. Eagletown, I've seen you before and you ain't much to look at so I will just watch the game. HA HA HA. Sorry my brother but that was too easy. You know I love ya. Hope the EAGLES smash bellville. Then we get two weeks to talk mess. Shame you never won a state championship because you would be a super God.....
  16. Yes raiderpride is VERY right..most of these "kids" on here do not play on the lumberton team but i for one do and i and REALLY getting tired of L-town stunners crap bc i know no one on the football team would be talkin like this bc we all know that we have along way to go and its only going to get harder , ya sure we might get excited about a few wins and stuff but for me i cant really help it, being one of the soph that got moved up to varsity last year i forgot how good it feels to win but L-town stunner is taking it over the edge i mean i dont mind people stickin up for us im all for that but he is kinda ruining our name...and i hope i do find out who it is bc i would like to have a talk with him myself! i hope u all dont think that the lumberton team is talking trash and all that stuff and know that we DO play with class.
  17. Newton and WOS don't talk as much as these guys from Lumberton and we've won State!
  18. the way yall talk..I might skip this weeks Vidor game and go to the Bc /Lumberton game and sit on BC side. why dont yall shut up and act like yall have won before instead of a bunch of silly immature kids.Win with class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. It's Monday morning and there are already 3 pages of smack talk for the BC/Lumberton game. This should be an interesting week on the ol' message board here. Lumberton fans and players seem to be pretty high after winning for the first time in the Bush administration. Congrats, boys.
  20. This one is not going to be as close as you think. Lumberton has gotten better, but not good enough. Dishon has another steller performance or two left in him, and I don't think Lumberton can stop him, also what is all this talk about Dishon being all B.C. has. Well I say, "DON"T BELIEVE THE HYPE" to that!! I've seen this group play several times in the past. They have good talent and this will start to show as the season progresses. Sorry Lumberton fans, but the scrimmages are over and its a long way to the end of the season. :cry: B.C. 30 or more Lumberton 13
  21. Talk about late to see this!! I'll pick the two that aren't decided yet. Ohio State @ Texas Texas Tech @ UTEP
  22. Why not? you sure seem to talk alot of crap on us. and you should care because you are going to eat every word you say. wait til we win the 2nd,3rd,4th,5th......... games then youll learn to shut your mouth when you dont know anything about lumberton or the team.
  23. Just wanted to say the Eagles will give anybody a run for their money. Friday was the first game for the Newton Eagles and there were some glitches but the Eagles are a "lunch Pail" working team. By lunch pail , Its a hard working no frills type of team. Newton is going to run at you , nothing to fancey, but the stop us if you can mentality. I will say Crockett has a good looking team. There were some pretty stout younge men across the line from Newton. Crocketts QB #2 Dustin Wyble will give teams a fit. He is a very agile and quick QB with a decent throwing arm. Their HB #4 willie Carter and WR # 7 were both with speed. IMOP I beleive the tell of the tape was at half time when the coaches made the ajustments to Crocketts running game. With all the experiance of the Coaches they picked the right formula to stop Crocketts running offence. Newton looked great with the quick pitches to #2 Justin McLemore and #3 Trevion Ethridge and with the double threat of Darrell Jenkins #7 QB Newtons offence started really clicking . Hats off to the offence line for the holes produced during the game. A special hats of to the WR's who held their blocks on the CB to make a short run into a long gain. Defence was the name of the game the second half.....there were some RIDDEL prints from Newton on some Crocketts chests. The Defence came out with some extra pep in their step. All you saw the second half was swarming purple knocking anything in white on the ground. special teams with kicker #21 James Burch played great, with one block extra point try it was clearly made up with great kick offs and punts. Overall Newton will go far in the playoffs, with some tough teams yet to play in the non-district : Jasper, Silsbee, Carthage you can bet the Eagles will be on top of the heap at playoff time and remember ALERT SHAMELESS ADVERTISMENT FOLLOWS: if you cant go to the game listen right here on SETXsports.com for all your Newton Eagle Football every friday pre-game show starting at 7:00
  24. Here is a given, The Mustang die hards, GoStangs,Kicker,HEB,Grad and many more will always trash LCM regardless of what the school, Coaches or Players try to do to become more successfull in football. The whole BS about BOJO is getting rather ridiculous and listening to the grown men trash it is even worse. The Coach is trying to get the kids and community to believe they can and will be better and to work harder. Who cares what slogan they use, go back and look who started trashing it and it is traced right back to a WOS adult. I have read thousands of post on many boards over the last 3 or 4 years and one think remains the same, WOS adults continue to trash everything and anything LCM does, and the funny part is I have never seen a "REAL" LCM poster trash WOS. You guys are better in football.... great....LCM is trying and will become better. They talk about all the coaches leaving and one of the reasons is Coach Moody works long hours and will never be accused of not putting forth 100% effort. I have over the years defended the Bears and even though we have moved on I will still feel the need to attempt to stop the continous bashing. Please get over it and move on these are kids. I know some of you and you know me, even if I disliked someone or something as bad as you guys do LCM I would in time get over it............. I predict WOS will beat LCM tonight but I hope for the community it is a good game and that someone actually gives props to both teams. Good Luck to both teams and let's hope they both avoid injuries.
  25. Coop, Why would you let one of your moderators talk such nonsense on this board. Talking trash on an entire community. Gostangs, Please start signing your name. Maybe you should seek some therapy to deal with all of your anger toward the LCM community. I mean did they do some bad things to you when you were a child or something. If so there are better ways to vent than on a message board.
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