bh89-2 Posted March 21, 2013 Report Posted March 21, 2013 Having just moved up here to Alaska, I started noticing more and more talk about gun rights. Alaska legislature just passed legislation that says, any gun manufactured in and sld in Alaska is not covered under the federal fire arms act. They even went as far as saying if a federal officer tried to enforce the federal laws, he would be subject to arrest and charged with a felony. Of course that part got taken out, but you understand the general mind set. Now the legislature is actively inviting gun manufactures up to Alaska with open arms. Good to see a State take a stance.
PN-G bamatex Posted March 22, 2013 Report Posted March 22, 2013 If I had to guess, the general idea is probably that if it's made and sold in Alaska, it's not considered interstate commerce and thus can't be regulated by the federal government.Hate to tell y'all this, but I don't think that would stand in court and even if it did, I doubt many manufacturers are going to move to Alaska.
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