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Crosby this year is the Summer Creek of last year , actions that fell way short of all of the yapping.

We had been on a collision course with Elgin since before the season started. I don't know one Crosby fan that was predicting anything besides a close game with Elgin. I really wouldn't consider that yapping. Yapping is talking crap before the season starts, then getting the dogs@#* stomped out of you. Ned fans were real confident until the whistle blew to start the game. No gimmicks, no trick plays, just lined up and mashed it down your supposedly good defense's throat. So yeah, we were the SC of last year because they would have kicked y'alls arse too.
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We had been on a collision course with Elgin since before the season started. I don't know one Crosby fan that was predicting anything besides a close game with Elgin. I really wouldn't consider that yapping. Yapping is talking crap before the season starts, then getting the dogs@#* stomped out of you. Ned fans were real confident until the whistle blew to start the game. No gimmicks, no trick plays, just lined up and mashed it down your supposedly good defense's throat. So yeah, we were the SC of last year because they would have kicked y'alls arse too.

Like Elgin did yall?

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I have heard enough about last years teams I would like to hear more about what your teams will be bringing to the table this year. The title says Football 2014 what do the area teams have left after Graduation?

Exactly -- glad to hear someone else tired of hearing all the "should of, would of, could of" coming from Crosby.
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Exactly -- glad to hear someone else tired of hearing all the "should of, would of, could of" coming from Crosby.

If I'm not mistaken YOU'RE the one who brought up something about last year. I said Morse would not have looked as good if he started, that's it. YOU brought up Elgin. Don't worry though, 2014 Crosby will put in work on whoever you cheer for too.
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Correction: 5A sir. ;) Stop being bitter about yall overrated team that got a beatdown at the hands of a better team which was Elgin.


;)  Yeah, the the Nederland game was thier Superbowl.  At least you would have thought that because cougar14 brought it up all year.  How did that work out for ya? (Same thing I told BH fans a couple of years ago)

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lets  move on to this years teams and hear what we got forward to looking at. Im going out on a limb and predict that Crosby will lose to both Purple and white teams this year! ;-p


I agree with that prediction.  PNG and Dayton will both be good this year and should easily take care of Crosby.

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;)  Yeah, the the Nederland game was thier Superbowl.  At least you would have thought that because cougar14 brought it up all year.  How did that work out for ya? (Same thing I told BH fans a couple of years ago)

Crosby beating Ned is expected EVERY time we play, Ned just got lucky once. Ned fans kept talking about how bad our defense was and I would simply reply, ". . . Well is was good enough to whip y'all arse", and that was me bringing it up? We play a "Superbowl" with Dayton every year, we knock y'all out in the first round.
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No disrespect to Crosby, but loosing the twins will and is a hard blow to swallow. They were a terrible matchup for PNG both times we faced them. They tore us up as sophomores and as seniors. Just too much speed for us lol. Before the playoff game i hurt this poor PNG fans feelings. Sitting there talking about the game, the numbers those two put up thruout the year was mindboggling. this dude got upset because i made the statement that it was gonna be ugly tonight. i didnt like the matchup and felt like we would get thumped. he told me that i was crazy and it would be a close game and preceeded to threaten to throw me down the stands lol. i figure he was cootered up because he obviously didnt have no clue how talented these to twins actually were. He didnt have much to say by the time the game was over, he was very happy we scored 4 times though. smh

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I agree with that prediction.  PNG and Dayton will both be good this year and should easily take care of Crosby.

Maybe Dayton beats Crosby, I don't think PNG has a snowball's chance though. They have 0 running game unless they find a new back, the one good player they did have besides maybe Morse graduated, and their defense was worse than ours which started 6 underclassmen. Crosby will have a better qb, rb, receiving core, o-line and defense than PNG so I love our chances if we had to play and were healthy. I know we'll maul Dayton in the trenches and run the ball at will the way we always do, I'm just not sure we can stop the bubble screen and that slant/drag to McBride over the middle.
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No disrespect to Crosby, but loosing the twins will and is a hard blow to swallow. They were a terrible matchup for PNG both times we faced them. They tore us up as sophomores and as seniors. Just too much speed for us lol. Before the playoff game i hurt this poor PNG fans feelings. Sitting there talking about the game, the numbers those two put up thruout the year was mindboggling. this dude got upset because i made the statement that it was gonna be ugly tonight. i didnt like the matchup and felt like we would get thumped. he told me that i was crazy and it would be a close game and preceeded to threaten to throw me down the stands lol. i figure he was cootered up because he obviously didnt have no clue how talented these to twins actually were. He didnt have much to say by the time the game was over, he was very happy we scored 4 times though. smh

I don't think we'll have a kid rush for 2700 next year but I do expect Taylor Perry to be right around the 1485 Austin put up his sophomore year. I think we have a real qb now and not just a great athlete like Aston or Merka that were basically forced to play out of position. Crosby will reload nicely, I've counted 5 kids that will be sophomores or juniors that should sign d1 with another 9 that will at least get college offers.
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That's what I call red colored glasses...........drinking the red coolaid..........bad news for you teams don't lose guys like the twins and keep trucking while never missing a beat......Different outcome next year for you. QB will not be better than PNG and our WR core wll be outstanding only 1 left and adding a super prospect in McZeal.... You now so very little of PNG and it shows every post you have made recently makes the eyes roll. Last year I admit I admired your team and look forward to watching the twins at Rice from time to time. The thing about that though means they are gone from Crosbt and that hurts.

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That's what I call red colored glasses...........drinking the red coolaid..........bad news for you teams don't lose guys like the twins and keep trucking while never missing a beat......Different outcome next year for you. QB will not be better than PNG and our WR core wll be outstanding only 1 left and adding a super prospect in McZeal.... You now so very little of PNG and it shows every post you have made recently makes the eyes roll. Last year I admit I admired your team and look forward to watching the twins at Rice from time to time. The thing about that though means they are gone from Crosbt and that hurts.


I agree that Sparks and McZeal will be a tough combination.

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Maybe Dayton beats Crosby, I don't think PNG has a snowball's chance though. They have 0 running game unless they find a new back, the one good player they did have besides maybe Morse graduated, and their defense was worse than ours which started 6 underclassmen. Crosby will have a better qb, rb, receiving core, o-line and defense than PNG so I love our chances if we had to play and were healthy. I know we'll maul Dayton in the trenches and run the ball at will the way we always do, I'm just not sure we can stop the bubble screen and that slant/drag to McBride over the middle.

i dunno, it s snowed here twice in one week. I look forward to the stars lining up and delivering a payback whoopin. There have been several games between us, yall have won the last two, the first was by a point, the second was a straight up floggin. i will say this the only team that we havent beat is Dayton. Cant talk smack against them till we beat em. But Crosby we have beat and hopefully have a chance to redeem ourselves this year.

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